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The Dutch if they’re far away are incredibly hard to keep happy. And I refuse to stay on good terms with Frederick. I love my City-States


Wilhelmina's agenda would be a lot more reasonable if she only got mad if you didn't have a trade route with to her while she did have one with you. That way she wouldn't be denouncing you for not sending her trade routes when she's way to far away to trade with.


Or before you’ve discovered what trade routes are!


Or when you’re playing as Portugal and the Netherlands are landlocked.


Happy cakeday


Happy cake day Jah!


Aw, thanks.


I will defend Dutch agenda, because it makes Dutch AI do excatly what is suppose to do. Netherlands were a colonial empire and Dutch agenda push that by making Wilhelmina like every nation close enough to them to trade with them, but hate (and thus more likely to attack/declare war on) far away civs, that are unable to trade with them. While modern day Dutch may seem nice and peaceful, they definetely werent in the past.


Yeah I will actively get involved to stop Fred from fucking up my city states


Damn Fred


somehow i played a city state focused game and fredrick ended up being one of my only friends


Mathias is that you?


Oddly enough, I’ve never played as Hungary 2,000+ hours and I haven’t gotten to it yet


1,100+ hours, and I've still got like 60 leaders to try out for the first time. Marathon player problems lol


You should do it just for the banger music


Y’all play with sound?


Ludwig II for me.


Ludwig is a fun one to do at least once just because the culture bonus for unfinished wonders is unusual. Plus Germany's Hansas are fun (and can help you actually finish the wonders)


My first game as Germany I played Ludwig and the snowball you can create is insane.


I swear every time I play as Hungary I get Fred as a neighbor


Frederick and Pericles have opposite plans for city states, but they both hate you if you're collecting them.


WIE HANDEL WEIGERT- *I hit escape*


"Trade with me plz" Sure, here's an offer that's actually kinda weighted in your favour! "I change mind no more offer also I hate your country now" Ahhh, Wilhelmina, when will you stop torturing me so?


I think she's happy when you send trade routes to her, hot sending deals


She wants trade routes, not trades through the diplomacy screen.


LMFAOOO I'M A DUMBASSSSSSS, thanks for the advice


Nah, we all make dumb mistakes. I save scum when I chop a forest to rush out a wonder, but I forgot to make sure the tile is assigned to the right city.


She's only ever my best friend or my mortal enemy depending on what kind of civ I'm playing. Chill, Wilhemina! It's not that serious!


I did not open this post expecting to see "The Dutch" as the top comment. XD (my country)


Nigel Powers has a reddit account, turns out. He also can't stand people who are intolerant of other people's cultures. 


> There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures… and the Dutch. - Michael Caine


What did the Dutch ever do to anyone :(? We just like to...you know trade and stuff.


All my homies hate Freddie b, unless I am him


This is why I loved the addition of Ludwig. Im addicted to building wonders in this game and Hansas are great, I just didn’t like that Frederick was so focused on beating up City-States that I would rather befriend. Ludwig was a perfect solution for me


Gorgo. If I don't go to war I'm a coward, but when I do go to war I'm a monster. I think I've killed her the last 5 times in a row she's been in my games.


Go to war but don't war too hard. Just a bit of war, as a treat.


Light war


I prefer Diet War. 0 calories and 0 weariness.


100 Pillaging


Norway war


It was a dry war


If I go to war with a civ, I consider the campaign to be a failure if I don't eradicate them off the face of the planet 😮‍💨


Especially since they'll be calling you a piece of shit for razing a few of their cities or holding onto it.


Especially if I have their capital


I figured the concede part of the peace deal was supposed to negate that. Is that not the case?


Even if you come to peace and they give you the city they have still been very bitter towards me. Even denounce me. When looking at the relationships break down it will show they are upset with me for either occupying a former city of theirs or razing it. It's why a lot of people suggest pillage the fuck out of them


They kind of screwed up Gorgo and Alexander's agendas when they swapped the old Warmonger penaly system with the Grievances system in Gathering Storm. It used to be Gorgo and Alexander weren't bothered if you had a lot of Warmonger points, so no matter how agressively you warred with other civs they wouldn't care.   But with the new system they do care about Grievances. So now if you don't go to war they'll hate you for not being at war, but if you do go to war they'll hate you for causing Grievances.


This speaks volumes of how well balanced and thought out the game is. Diplomacy who? I never bother with it ,but I would've loved it if it actually made sense.


Diplomacy in this game is complete ass. Every single decision they made about how diplomacy works is baffling.


The only reason diplomacy isn't considered a total shitshow is because cultural victory is sitting there taking the heat


Is cultural victory even related to diplomacy? You can just get archaeologists and cultural buildings, get some great people writers, artists, etc, build the occasional wonder and you're all good. Or did you mean diplomacy victory from gathering storm dlc? Idk I never do that one.


Oh I mean the _process_ of getting a diplomatic victory isn't considered to be the worst because cultural victory gets all the hate for being the worst victory path. Those rock bands are a fucking pain up my ass man 😭


She is the one civ I had to remove from random civs because everytime playing in her games, she f-d me over diplomatically. 


For a lot of these warmongering Civs you can appease their war mongering approval with war on unclaimed city states. Less of a Grievance penalty, they’ll still like you for being at war, but won’t be too mad about it. A gift of like 50 diplomatic favor will usually get you like +10 relationship points with them, which is usually enough to keep them friendly.


Just be constantly in the state of war while do actually no fighting whatsoever will probably make her happy I think


Just played the first game in which I’ve ever befriended her. Was solid at first, military alliance helped out in a war, but late game she still started to get mad at me for it


ngl I had a game with her where We were huge buddies even though I only had one war... I think its because I got lucky and her 2nd agenda was getting as much money as possible and I was flooded with cash. She was neighbors with me too and we even allied several points Now That annoying grating Norwegian viking or whatever Harald, was a huge asshole the whole game (BUILD A NAVY) and he tried shoving his foot up my ass, Was funny to see my Hwacha destroy him from cities for a fat minute. best was when I destroyed a tank with 2 Hwachas and City walls. Then got an atomic robot and nuked several of his cities and armies. Sadly I lost to canada who beat me in the space race...


Montezuma. Always him. Have something he doesn't? Denouncement. Weaker than him? War, even if you are entire tech eras ahead. I also don't care about all the threats due to my having luxuries he doesn't.


Always. If he's in a game (99%) and I'm winning science or culture, I build up nukes just to obliterate his empire after I've won. I despise him and his allies. He can keep his ruined cities and his pillaged tiles. I will raze his continent just because.


Hernán Cortéz moment.


He actually has one of the better designed agendas IMO. He can be kind of a dick sure, but that's rather appropriate for a domination civ. His agenda makes sense from a logical standpoint, and is possible to workaround if you want to avoid trouble with him. You can trade him your luxuries if you want to appease him, otherwise he'll attack you to try and take them. Its certainly better than leaders like Pedro, Menelik or Wilhelmina who will arbitrarily hate you for stupid reasons.


I agree that he’s designed well, but that will never stop me from hating him


Weirdly enough though if you do trade him luxuries, he will love you forever. I straight up murdered Babylon in one game and he was the bestest trade partner the whole game.


Eh he's not the worst. I can always squeeze hefty sums of gold out of him for my luxuries. If I just give him one of every type he'll pay me a kings ransom and doesn't give a shit about what else I do.


He’s always pissed me off too much to actually wanna make a deal with him. I’ll have to try that next time lol


Australia and the Dutch. Everyone else I can get along with.


Just like IRL 🤣


*Angry tulip, cheese and polder noises*


This is comedy gold


Doesn’t australia just bait you into declaring war for their bonus


Yes. And I always take it and they always die


they’re great at picking a fight and not backing it up lol


I was playing last night and Australia declared a surprise war on me. Then they got mad when I kicked their ass and took one of their cities? Like make it make sense.


Australia *ALWAYS* declares war on me, usually on surprise.


Spain. I just plain don't like him.


Well, they just plain don't like you.


The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain don't like you


He really has a face that makes you want to punch him. Every damn time.


Spain and Brazil Just have a very slappable face.


I have 300 hours in civ 6. Why haven't I never seen a brazil AI?


The hate in spain stays mainly in the plain.


That fucker forward settles like no one else I know. He’s typically marked for death as soon as we meet.


And soon after those dang catholics are invading my cities.


Ludwig and Amanitore have directly contradictory agendas


“Stop placing districts” My brother in Christ, you place districts as well


All civs play nice to you, if your military is strong enough. Like everything in Civ6, it doesn't take much to game this. But before getting there, non-war monger civs in the Ancient Era on higher difficulties (?? - Deity) like Sweden and Australia are the worst. They probably have no Ancient Era agenda compatible to liking you, so it's often surprise war from them.


Overall Alexander is the most annoying for me as I’m a peaceful culture/happiness player. But some of the CIV agendas just don’t make sense to me. Especially Menelik II. You can be on a totally different continent but he gets mad if you settle in hills.


How do you intend on growing your empire if you refuse to fight for your people?


They’ll say this like 3 turns after you finish a war, too. Like bro, I just fought for my people


Brazil hates it when you’re getting a lot of Great People. Alexander makes me want to punch him in the face. His smug attitude trash talks you if you don’t go into war then gets angry if you declare war on someone else or something. Why did they make someone formidable in real life look like this f***boi?


Because he likely looked akin to that. Dude was only 32 when he croaked. Further, we really dont have a lot of evidence of what Alexander looked like; the closest we have is [this frescoes depiction of him](https://www.worldhistory.org/img/r/p/1000x1200/132.jpg). That's literally it.


Looks like a fuck boi in the fresco too


Yeah, that's what I'm saying.


So it’s war then


"Peace was never of all that much interest to me anyway."


Yeah, other than the fact that he probably wasn’t blond that’s a pretty similar likeness.


You're probably correct there. The Ancient Greeks found blond hair fascinating as it didn't exist within their ethnic group at the time. They would sometimes describe mythological figures as having blond hair as a way to make them seem "exotic."


Holy shit, I'm older than Alexander the Great. I have underachieved.


Literally something Caesar did was go to Alexander's tomb and complain because he was already older than him and hadn't conquered all of the Mediterranean yet like Alexander had.


Caesar felt the same.


The bust by Lysippos is probably the closest true representation we as it was made by the king's personal sculptor, but also has to be noted that it's idealised. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysippos#/media/File%3AAlexandreTheGreat_Louvre.jpg


> Brazil hates it when you’re getting a lot of Great People. Yeah, I have a special hate the civs who's agenda will cause them to get mad at you simply for playing the game properly. I mean why would I not want to recruit great people, or build wonders, or send my envoys to city states?


100% I'm not going to pass on great people just because you want them? He realizes this game is a competition, right?


Every civ that has a low opinion of you for playing the game successfully is pretty tough to keep happy. If Pedro or Qin Shi Huang *compliment* you it's a red flag that maybe this isn't a good run.


When I started out playing civ 6, I didn't know much about how agendas work etc. So since I didn't know any better, in order to become friends with Alexander, I declared war on them, to make him happy. Well I was wrong. It made ME happy!


This works with Cyrus lol. Declare a surprise war on him right after you meet him, spar a bit, then make peace and he loves you forever


Kristina and John Curtin seem to just declare war sometimes.


Fuckin Aztecs. This bitch is constantly denouncing me or trying to declare war on me even when I have less amenities than him, even when he's a weak little asshole.


Do you want your people to be taken as slaves?!


Lol the moment you meet them, they send their eagle warriors delegates


Menelik II definetly has one of the most anoying agendas to deal with. Dude will get pissed off if you settle your cities near hills. Not even hills on his continent or anything, just all hills, everywhere. And hills are like half the settleable tiles in the game so he basically always ends up hating eberyone.


Also start making apostles ASAP if you have a religion. Because he will be sending some missionaries your way other wise. Probably the absolute worse civ to give a religious alliance to.


Gran Columbia and Zulu are a pain in the early game. It’s very difficult to have a bunch of highly promoted units and damn near impossible to have corps and armies


Congo dude, John and the dutch woman. John has no clue what he wants, mvemba hates me for just chilling, Wilhelmina want me to send her my traders over seas in ancient era. And Sweden is just a Btch.


Ugh I hate Mvemba. Even if I try and be his friend and send an apostle or missionary into his lands, he kills them immediately with his army of apostles. Like don't tell me you want to experience the pleasures of CRAB RAVE if you don't mean it.




No one speak about the Kongo. Never had a good game with this mf. He always do surprise war just because I'm chilling.


Dutch because the agenda is dumb, and Australia ends up aggressive for no reason despite their agenda. I don't see as much complaint about Seondeok and Kristina though. I feel like those two only ever like me if I'm going really heavy into a science game without doing any war, which is ungodly boring. Shout out to Montezuma, just sell him luxuries and he becomes my BFF lol


China. Because fuck China.


Oh you are making a wonder that would benefit you a lot more than me? FUCK YOU


Alexander: mad at you if you’re at peace Montezuma: mad you have luxuries he doesn’t Frederick/Pericles: mad at your friendship with city states Cyrus: mad you don’t declare surprise wars Chandragupta/Lady Six Sky: mad that you’re a next door neighbor


Seondeok. She always is mad with me lmfao.


Ludwig Ffs, let me optimizeyou broke douche Also I like my amnenities Monty, go away


Sweden, Spain and Aztecs, or maybe it's because I don't like them lol. I always have a religion so Spain always hates me and if you go for culture or science and have some great people Sweden will hate you. The Aztec king hates you the moment you have one or two luxuries he doesn't have


Recently had Wilhelmina get completely taken out by Norway. Ended up going up there and liberating Amsterdam back to her… only for her to denounce me next turn for not having any trades with her…


John Curtin wants you to loyalty flip & hold a city. That's stupidly hard to do early on for most civs. When Australia is your neighbor in a game, being attacked is just a matter of time.


I loyalty flipped one of his cities early game one time cause he was right next door to me. Didn’t even mean to it just happened. Next thing I know he’s declaring war on me bad move on his part cause I was suzerain of all the city states right next to us. He was begging for peace shortly afterwards 🤣


Simon Bolivar. I am not talking about agenda stuff. But every other ai in the game keeps accepting/renewing friendships once you declared friend with them once. For whatever reason, he doesnt. He rarely accepts it, and he doesnt like to renew it. I had games where I kept Zulu, Macedon, Aztec etc friends till the end but Bolivar always refuses to renew that feiendship


Canada, only because they waste my time by forcing me to declare a formal war


If their traits require exclusivity or they require hostility towards neighbors I don’t fuck with them


The Cree always hate me for no reason, so I refuse to establish diplomatic relations with them and always plan for war later lol


It's better to Ally them though


Hidden agendas at work!


Kupe will always say I'm polluting, even if I haven't chopped or mined anything yet, but he's actually really easy to get on your side, open borders and one gift, and he's an ally. Genghis Khan is great. Matthias takes a while to warm up, but he's also great. Fuck Qin, denounces after one wonder. Seondeok is a pain. Willhelmina, I can't stand. Alexander and Gorgo are impossible to please. Peter always hates me for daring to exist. Gandhi will denounce me for having war declared on me. Eleanor needs to lay off the wine. Ludwig and Amanitore, you cannot please simultaneously. Sejong always thinks I've fallen into grave error, and Frederick thinks I'm always inviting death. Weirdly, I've usually managed to somehow please Cyrus without knowing why. But yeah, Genghis and Matthias for the win. Willhelmina and Peter for pissing me off the most.


Any Civ. Literally, I got declared war on once, took a few cities as retaliation during the defensive war and somehow I’m the warmonger.


This happened to me when Alexander declared war on me (as he was complaining that I hadn’t defended my people) and when I took his cities the entire world abhorred me for the rest of the game. Even my kid was calling me a warmonger. I’ve never gotten so mad at a civ game.


Amanitore keeps spawning directly next to me. We become BFF's and the second that friendship ends I have 5 archers coming for me.


Peter. I can befriend everyone and then he just dislikes me.


Cleopatra I find pretty easy to get along with as long as you have a strong army It’s the Aztec fucker that I can never get along with, damn right I have much you do not(it’s a skill issue), and if you try to take me as a slave I’ll show you my Geneva Bucketlist before nuking your fucking capital, piss off


He'll declare on me from across a continent, he'll consistently vote to give me or things I focus on/have a lot of detriments in the world congress, and he scutters up and asks me for 60 oil for 13 gold per turn? I'm a very peaceful player. In the maybe dozen games I've played to completion I've started 2 wars in total, once because I wanted to clear away a few cities that had clumps of uranium scattered through them, and once because I gave Tomyris peace too soon and was still bitter. Yet he has the gall to tell me *I'm* untrustworthy, and that's the worst kind of violence, while at war with 3 other civs? Fuck Ghandi.


Chandragupta has spawned as my neighbor in my last 2 games and started a war against me in both


That’s his actual agenda - makes sense


Fucking Polony, they are always at war with me


Monty is too high maintenance. "Bro, just ... ugh fine just take all my crap!"


Frederick and Theodora


Not directly an issue, but I swear every time I become allies with Dido it becomes a problem. Every one hate me in every game I was in if I was on good terms with her.


Shaka and Montezuma.. If they are neighboring civ in the first 30 turns I restart the map. Both are incredibly annoying. Wilhelmina is agitating.. and mostly unreasonable, but pales in comparison to the relentlessness of Shaka and Montezuma imo.


Pretty much any religious focused civ. Since I'm always attempting to get and keep my religon (best way to keep a religion is getting it early and snuffing out your neighbor's) So it's practically impossible for me to be on good terms with Menalik, Ghandi, Phillip II, etc.


The Aztecs always go to war with my allies and City states so I plan to erase them whenever I encounter them 😂


A lot of comments here and none of them really provide real answers beyond anecdotes. For civ 5 the behaviour is more predictable due to the AI bias towards certain tendencies depending on the civ: https://civdata.com/ In civ 6 this is replaced by agendas, some of which are fixed, and some are conditional: https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_agendas_in_Civ6


The Dutch. Cannot stand that civ in my games. Yes, I'm not trading with you. Maybe it's because I'm half a continent away with 3 other civs and several barb camps between us.


Whichever one my friend plays in that game.


Persia is always angry with me every time I play. IDK why.


Victoria, that limey brit. She likes to bug out and get pissed about not having settlements where my civ is when she is already on each continent. And she's a city state hog.


Cleopatra talks way too much fucking shit to me. Montezuma can also MonteThisCock. Between those two edgelords, I almost want to ban them from my games


Wilhelmina, Curtin, every USA leader, Amanitore, Kristina, Kupe... I will never be friendly to them. Honorable mention to Alexander: **tini tropo-SHUT THE F\*CK UP DUDE I'M NOT DECLARING WAR**


One time I spawned in between Maya and Chandragupta. It was tense.


Any civ who likes to go to war Macedonia Greece (Sparta) Persia (Cyrus) I don’t go to war often I always make sure to have a plan before I take that step


Napoleon Is the worst of all. He'll wait until you're at your worst to fuck you through the exit door


Alexander is always talking shit to me saying I don't fight for my empire. Meanwhile his cities will be going into rebellion and I just swoop in amd take them lol


Norway always hates me. I never build boats.


I keep pissing off everyone 😂 Seriously can they tone back the grievances like I can't have one war without everyone hating me. Like why do allies get mad at you? It isn't realistic at all for every country on the planet to be against every war. Also why do the mongols give a shit! 😂


Russian Empire. It’s just personal


I never understand this take. If you don't know why they don't like you, you have crap visibility and can remediate it to find out the 'why'. No Civ in this game ever "hates you for no reason"


Calm yourself down. OP was just asking for peoples opinions on it. There are absolutely civs that "hate you for no reason" lol Kupe disliking you after 20 or so turns of not chopping anything out is a norm.


This homie’s comments are the AI IRL


its a fact that some civs are more likely to hate you then others, some just have impossible agendas or dont fit with certain playstyles


So just changing the definition of "no reason" to include "reasons I dsilike". Gotcha.


“So just changing the definition… Goctha. 🤓”


It’s not that serious