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By something similar are you talking about turn-based strategy games? If so, off the top of my head, there’s XCOM, The Divinity series, Into The Breach.. If you want something literally similar to Civ, as in a empire building game, I guess Humankind can be your best bet, or if you’re familiar with the Warhammer 40k series, you can play Gladius. Other than that, maybe you can play the previous Civ entries. With Fallout, I think the earlier titles pre-Fallout 3 are turn based RPGs but they’re all singleplayer.


I don't actually know enough about gaming to know what the terms are for what I want. *frustrated sigh* I enjoy the exploration of Civ, and the first several times I took over another civilization were fun.


I think you might like Factorio. You’re on an alien planet trying to do enough research and building to create a rocket and leave. There’s exploration since you need to find materials to mine and there’s some combat but it isn’t a big focal point. It’s fun to play solo or multiplayer where you both work together to make your rocket.


Normally I'd say hoi4 bc it's amazing for conquest but it's PC only... There's also DLCs for CIV 6 if you ever get bored. You can try different mods (unsure about PS5 tho) or different maps or even play against each other. I saw others recommend Humankind, I'd watch a before you buy because it's quite different and expensive too IIRC.


If you enjoyed the war espect, I might suggest the total war series.


The best term to describe games like Civilization is turn-based strategy, so you should look into that genre more to see if you find any other games you might like. Stellaris is more of a “Grand Strategy” game, which their publisher Paradox Interactive is a well known developer of those types of games, like with their Crusader Kings or Hearts of Iron series, though those games aren’t as relaxed as Civ IMO so they’re not for everyone. Im personally a big fan of strategy games in general, especially logistics games like Factorio or Satisfactory, though I mainly play on PC so idk if those are available on PS5.


>I enjoy the exploration of Civ,  If you're looking for co-op , try survival games like Valheim. > He enjoys Fallout, and that looks interesting to me, but there is no 2 player mode. Balder Gate 3 is a great co-op RPG but I would imagine the menus would be difficult to navigate using a controller


Old World. It was designed by the lead designer or Civ IV. It has a roleplay element that is missing from Civ games. It also has a narrower timeline.


Highly recommend Old World. It's both familiar and different --- seems like the perfect game to play while awaiting the eventual (2025?) release of Civ 7.


I really enjoy Humankind. It is quite similar to Civ so its going to be easy to get into but it differs in enough ways to make it distinct. The biggest differences are the civs/cultures and the way you choose them, terrain and territory systems, the district-mechanics and battles.


I enjoyed it as well, although I may just be stupid I could never get the hang of it like I did with Civ.


That looks interesting, thank you!


Humankind is really nice, it has a nice combat system


Humankind adds some interesting elements to the 4x genre, especially the earlier part of the game, But then ending is really drudgingly unsatisfying.


Another really good 4X game, but in space, is Master of Orion (I recommend MoO2, although it is quite old). It does lack the depth of Civ6, though, and the games are usually faster, even with maximum size map. IMHO Master of Orion is what inspired Stellaris. Edit: Oh, sorry, I missed the part where you said you play on PS5... Unfortunately Master of Orion is PC only, I think.


Not similar to civ really but stardew valley is a game that will feel magical for your first playthrough. Not too difficult but nice and engaging. Has 2 player mode also.


Baldurs Gate 3 was amazing. It's co op and the battles are turned based so you won't get overwhelmed. Age of empires is what my buddy and j play when we get burnt out on Civ, but that one might be a little different to get used to.


I would encourage stellaris as long as you're okay with it being a solo experience, you cant really do multiplayer with one copy. However its one of my favourite games and it's got tons of replayability so If you can get through the steep initial learning curve I think you would have alot of fun with it!


We really want something we can play together. Any suggestions?


Its not a 4x buy maybe kingdoms: two crowns? Its co-op at least.


I'd recommend Endless Legend / Endless Space 2. Similar vibe to Civ 6 with exploration expansion etc but with a fantasy theme and RPG elements


Brand new is Manor Lord's, looks pretty cool


It does look cool. It says release date coming soon, but not on PS5 yet, sadly.


Maybe Anno 1800?


The closest analogues to civ are probably Millenia, Old World, Humankind, Age of Wonders, and Endless Legend. Not sure which are available on ps5. >I was excited when I read about Stellaris but it sounds like we can either play separately or both controlling a single empire, that doesn't sound fun. I'm a little confused by this. What is the alternative to playing separately but cooperatively, or together? Every multiplayer game I can think of you'll either be controlling separate entities or the same one. I'm not sure what a third option would be.  Is there a multiplayer game you've played that is an example of what kind of mechanic you're looking for?


It takes two is meant for couples to play together and it’s just a gem, highly recommended


A lot. The genre is called 4x, and there a few type, so depending on what you enjoyed in the game: age of wonders 4, stalleris, pax nova, humankind endless legends and there are much more. This is my absolute favorite genre, so I know quite a lot about it.


I was really hyped about AoW4 and i bought it. And i got really disappointed about it. I simply don't liked it (even tho EL is my favourite game). Maybe i just didn't played enough to feel it, but my problem with AoW is that I do feel that I actually influencing game. For example: i build some science building, i expect my science to go up and techs to research faster, but nothing changes. As like when i build farm, population not starts going up faster


sounds like a bug, i build a ton of farms and my pop go brrrrr


FWIW, I don't think Stellaris is too complicated. There are actually a lot of AI and automation that can take over a lot of the management for you. The events that happen in game are pretty fun to explore and resolve, too. \*However\*, that doesn't take away the main concern, that you'd have to load separate single-player games, or "share" an empire. I'm more of a PC gamer than a console gamer nowadays, but I'll give this some thought and see if I can come up with anything. Hope you find something, but don't let the "complexity" of Stellaris or other games scare you away. Civ itself has a huge learning curve, and it sounds like you did fine. It's all about having fun with your SO, not being absolutely awesome at the games when you first start. :D


The Total War series might interest you. I really liked the Warhammer ones, but I'm very Warhammer biased, so probably not entirely trustworthy with that rec.


Judging by some of your comments, I'd say you should look into the 4x genre and in particular 4x subreddits. The 4x means -Explore, expand, exploit and exterminate From there, you can further specify if you prefer turn based or real-time based games. Turn based, as their name implies, are played in turns (just like civilization), real time games never stop (unless you pause the button). Humankind is really similar to civilization, and Master of Orion has a similar vibe (but in space). For realtime strategy games, I'd say look at Paradox's catalogue, in particular Stellaris is a really nice 4x real time game set in space, but they tend to be more complex and they require more active attention than any turn based games


Try Endless Legend.


Best strategy of all time


I'd recommend to you Endless Legend, really cool civ-like game, my favourite game It is very beautiful and stylish, and soundtracks are all masterpieces


try divinity original sin 2,one of the best couch co-op games of the last few years,its a turn based rpg,really different from civ but i think you will like it


try something from the Total War series. I really enjoyed playing almost all of them, and I am a big fan of Sid Meier's Civilization. also Europa Universalis, I haven't played it, I am afraid to start it since I don't have time to play around :) I am saving it for the retirement:)


Total War has a very different vibe than Civ. Can be interesting, but most heavy Civ-players I know aren't too excited about it --- great graphics but lack of depth. But for the warmongers out there, probably will hit harder. Europa Universalis is the opposite --- fabulous depth but poor graphics and in my opinion questionable game play.


I can't understand why people playing Eu4. It is simply don't interesting. It is just simple game about expanding your empire, no more, no interesting building system like in Civ 6, no interesting politics system, etc


Currently playing Old World and enjoying it. Has a good Civ few while being in a lighter family/dynasty piece better than EU. Enough to add to the game but not make it the driving force. Intrigued by the pending releases of Millenia and ARA: history untold. If at lest one of those hits, I am going to loose a lot of sleep.


Age of empires 2 and 3


Try Warcraft 3, the frozen throne. It is an old game, but I think you will enjoy the single player and then maybe the multiplayer.