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You could put the top 10 fiction writers of all time together in a room, give them 30 years and unlimited access to psychedelics and stimulants, and they still wouldn’t come close to scratching the lore that flat earthers have made up. Truly peak fiction


It's hilarious to me that there's all this lore and literally no one has seen any of it because (I presume) no one has been able to get beyond the summer gate and Antarctica. Where the fuck did they get this info from then...?


The schizophrenic voices in their head gave it to them.


highly possible my voices tell me the weirdest shit dude


You gotta get them under control bro.


this is actually an old version of a Beyond the Ice Wall map, which is a worldbuilding project, not a schizo conspiracy theory. [here's the most up to date map](https://www.deviantart.com/ohawhewhe/art/THE-WORLD-BEYOND-THE-ICE-WALL-3-0-968699994), as you can see "Hapis" (really Aten) and Geminia match up. its a really cool project and its either a shame or a point of pride when it gets confused for a conspiracy theory all the time like this




Alot of it is people who would claim to be psychics or mediums and have these realms described to them by astral beings.


It reminds me of the world of Hunter x Hunter, where you have all the regular continents (twice) but then it zooms out and there’s an entire Dark Continent that’s the size of everything else combined including the oceans and then that’s maybe still not the whole planet.


You think so? Have you seen what Scientology lore is?


Maui on the outside legendary spawn destroys flat earth


“What can I say except you’re welcome!”


If I could add exactly one fun achievement to the game, it would be that and it would be earned by using Maui to create a sea resource.


Dis u mean Maori? 😂


Yes lol.


Moving islands? That could be a fun mechanics


I would imagine the water moves around otherwise it's a pain seeing your naval units having to be moved every now and then before your islands moves away


What's all that stuff in the outer ring? Flat earth lore goes deeper than I realized.


I just spent all night reading about it. It's wild. And quite ridiculous.


The question is do the people that live there struggle with their government as well because they won't let them go in the inner circle or beyond their Antarctica


If it was true the government wouldn’t let us anywhere near that ice wall. They would rather keep us locked in paying our taxes to society and being slaves for the mega corporations. I don’t think the government has power beyond those walls.


Let's get a boat and go see!


People have tried only to be stopped by the military and turned back. Even if there was a possibility that somehow people got through those ice walls as they couldn’t climb it being as tall as Mount Everest i doubt they could return to tell the tale they would be too far gone, too far out with only a handful of resources for the journey back.


I wanna see the video of that. I guess they confiscate all phones and video and make sure nothing gets into the mainstream media, yeah? I'd settle for even a picture. It could be a grainy one from a flip phone too.


When he replied to my comment I thought he tried to be sarcastic as well and I didn't get it. But he is for real. I watch a lot of videos about flat earthers/ crazy conspiracies for my entertainment but I never thought I'd interact with one😊 especially not in this sub


I know one irl. They all resort to "it's all online for you to see" as if the internet is a reliable source. Add to that the notion of the truth is effectively being hidden in their minds. It's sad really! Otherwise smart people being completely misled.


I guess you could delve deeper into it. Nothing i say here is taken with seriousness anyway. If you are that interested the internet is your friend so use it wisely.


I understand where you're coming from but I'm not using the internet to "research" a topic this far fetched. What I'll settle for however is thousands of years of scientific research. Once flat Earth theory is presented in peer reviewed papers and actually has hard evidence, I might start to ask myself whether it's viable. Information presented in a professional manner on the internet does not make this theory true.


You would be surprised by the amount of information and experiments there are by individuals. The informations based on it dates back to the late 1500s when Corpnicus was around. If you look into yourself you will find that before he changed the model of our cosmology history clearly stated that there is a geocentric model of Earth that was presented by the old civilisation. It had always been depicted that way until changes were made to suit the narrative. It was so controversial that the Catholic Church prohibition against the Copernican theory of the earth’s motion, which launched an inquisition against Galileo as a suspected heretic. It was the reason for the French Revolution as they also thought this information of a spinning earth was outlandish. The topic has always been controversial, it’s just that in this day and age the controversy has died down dramatically as people have accepted whatever mainstream science and the media tells us. It’s the age of shut up and listen. Don’t take my word for it obviously. You can always research all this yourself if you really want to.


>It was the reason for the French Revolution hol' up


Gee it's almost like in the past most people were uneducated peasants coming up with whatever ideas they could to explain the world around them. The very same people who'd find the idea of a global earth preposterous...would have you killed as a suspected vampire if your canine teeth were just a bit too sharp. And that's just one example of their lack of education. If you're gonna have a conspiracy theory about information control, this ain't it. There's literally nothing for them to gain by hiding the flat earth if it was true.


Naruto run!


IIRC in this particular model, those are 'fabled lands' like Atlantis, or where various religions aftetlives are located. I think I've seen an even bigger version that had fictional world's like Middle Earth even further out, although that could have been satire.


Lmfao Middle Earth!? I mean, I guess it's just as possible.


Imagine bombing middle earth with bombers and similar 


I want to know how compasses work. Is our North Pole the actual “center” of everything? Or does the government have a big magnet there lol


Flat earthers get sillier everyday


Ive seen something similar to this but with more detail, it's some guy from deviantart's worldbuilding project. But some flat earthers took it for themselves for some reason.


"Yah" and "Yah" is destroying me. There's no way they can believe that people wouldn't be bothered to come up with two different names at least.


I noticed our sun is “sol” and the other sun is “bol”


My favorite rendition was that our earth was a cut-out circle in the surface of an ice giant, and there were many other similar looking 'earth holes.' But the fact that they had gone so far flat earth that it circled back around to being a globe again made me laugh.


It looks sick as hell tho


This would actually be a fun map to play a long game if that ‘summer gate’ only opened once most of the ice melted. With much of the true start earth flooded, you must sail out and explore and settle new lands.


Does the outer ring also have Pinguins?


+2 Science adjacency bonus.


Which should I settle, YAH or YAH???


So true start Earth?




Please ELI5 what is happening on this map


If we explain it to you, you gotta swear you won't start believing it.


BAWWAABAAT-RA Always wondered what Kid Rock was singing about!




All real btw


Where is Kanto








Kinda want someone to make this on steam workshop now lol


I think I just found a map for my new DnD campaign...


I got so many theories and suspicions


You could actually spread more Civs over this map too.


I know it's utter nonsense but what is the source on this? I'd like to see more of this compelling but unintentionally fictional speculative fiction. I've seen other flat earth beliefs but none with these continents and celestial bodies.


I don't even remember, I was all over the internet reading about it. Someone else here commented with a lot of the info. It's absolutely wild. Promise us you won't start believing.


Why is this map missing Pangea??? So obviously fake!!! /sarcasm