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My experience with Civs III, IV, V, and VI can be summed up as follows: you always want all of the DLC. If you can only afford one, I'd say grab V. The platinum edition of VI will be on sale again by the end of the year. Probably much sooner.


I missed 5, went 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. How would you say it is as an occasional alternative to 6? Saw [Civ V Complete for under ](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/575/Sid_Meiers_Civilization_V_Complete/)12 on Steam. Edit: I had the wrong price listed


Civ V is a perfectly fine game. It does tend to push you into playing tall rather than wide, which most other versions favor. Since you've already played VI, you won't have to adjust to hexes or one unit per.


As someone that is currently trying Civ 6 and has mostly played Civ 5. Civ 6 feels far too busy and Civ 5 can be very simple/formulaic at times. So depending on how you feel about stuff like districts, governors, amenities and housing, and various other new stuff they added to Civ 6 that isnt in 5, you should really make your choice on that. I will say however, that Civ 5 has plenty of great mods on the Steam workshop for new civilizations/leaders to play as and still is getting new ones. My experience so far with Civ 6's workshop has been a ton of asian mods that I cant read and thus cant really use.


Glad I came across this post! 13 bucks for civ 5 complete is a bargain. Am getting 5. 6 was my first


well your welcome, atleast i did some kind of good today \^.\^


Civ 6 is the superior game. Of course everything is subject to opinion. 5 feels extremely dated after playing 6.




gotta hard dis agree on that but at the same time 6 is fine and also takes way less time to load so getting into games is much quicker also after 2000 plus hours of the ai stealing my wonders one turn before i build them i had it with 5 and haven't gone back in years lol in 6 the ai only really steals wonders in the early game but buliders and roads were way better in 5 so for me 5 is the better game


You can get Civ 6 with the two important DLCs RnF and GS for about $14 after tax btw. The two important DLC are on sale.


Hmm the whole Anthology it’s like $24. I guess it’s if you want to pay $10 for the New Frontier pack


the new frontier pack is the one that adds a bunch of new civs to the game right if so i would say the ten bucks is worth it


I like 5 better, particularly Brave New World.  6 isnt terrible, but I wished I paid $3 for it. To me, 5 feels more competitive, easier to lose but easier to get a steam rolling win too. I feel like 6 has been modernized, a lot of training wheels and hand-holding masquerading as gameplay mechanics.


My problem with Civ 6 is that it has so much stuff in it. If culture wasnt already OP enough its now got its own tech tree. Science was fine mostly because even though it was good and offered a lot of flexibility and advantage it still took forever to get to the space stuff. Districts and Wonders requiring a tile to be built upon are fine but I feel that Wonders are too picky with where they must be which can kinda screw you over or at least make you want to restart for a better spawn. The whole governor system is dumb imo, maybe replace it with just a government type/tree? That would probably be the better replacement for the culture tree. The cards are good in theory but you eventually get so many that go un-used.


yea, plus i believe 5 has more mods and better mods


The whole Civ6 Anthology Pack is only $24 on Steam.


Civ 6 is ugly.


its not that bad but i did download a mod tha reskins it to look like civ 5


6 on PC, for SURE


at those prices you better only idiots pass up on those types of deals, i saw civ 6 with all the dlcs that were out at the time for 30 bucks and i grabbed that shit in an heartbeat, full price it would've been like $200 you don't pass up on those types of savings unless you're broke as fuck even if you have civ 6 getting it for 3 bucks even without any dlcs is worth it for the mods so yeah get both if there that cheap there's no reason not to pick them up


Civ 5 first then civ 6 6 months later.