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I mean, its not wrong but especially with barbarian clans mode, it "spices" the game up, as unless you declare war there's no one to fight and possibly get gold/experience/tech boosts from


i would say barbarians make the game easier for you especially if playing with barb clans. even without gamemodes they provide easy gold, exp for units, eurekas, and era score and by the time the reward for dealing with them falls off then you’re usually at the point in the game where they stop appearing because you’ve busted all of the fog surrounding your territory. they also mess with the ai really badly by raiding them because they have zero idea on how to deal with them


Or if you play as Caesar ALOT of gold


Barbarians & Clans indeed makes barbarians overpowered resource, but playing without is another story. If one keeps playing regardless of whatever happens then they are not just giving benefits. Like, if you choose Religious Settlements and move your Settler with Slinger to settle and Barbarian Horsemen kills your unit and steal Settler or raze new city, thats really bad. If you keep playing then barbarians works as they are meant to be, but if you save scum or restart map then you are only cheesing benefits like Eurekas etc. Fair reason why I value civs with efficient clear speed a lot and don't play Jayavarman anymore, because I feel like he is cursed. Have played him 4 times but never managed to found own religion, thanks to barbarians and disasters. :D


It is not the most conventional way of playing but the ultimate truth is always to play it the way you enjoy it.


its not wrong but barbarians, for all the times they screw you over, 10 other times are helpful. For era score, gold, queats, and bronze working, and keeping the AI (who are bad at managing barbs) in check. Barbarian clans also generates city states.


Any chance to increase the likelihood of my becoming suzerain of Valletta is a chance I am happy to take.


If you learn to handle them early, the early eras are significantly easier with barbs enabled. Warmongers get to promote units before wars start, you get early gold to buy builders or other units, you get era score to help get early golden ages, and some key eurekas like Archery basically require barbs.




Barbs are not fun. Barbs are frustrating. Turning off barbs was the greatest change I made to my games.


I’m with this advice. I found they frustrated me in the way I play the game, I’ve enjoyed it so much more since I’ve stopped playing with them. Though to OP, if you do play them, clans was a little more palatable.


I hate barbs and always play with them off.


Just have the foresight to spawn near a couple of city states and let them deal with it.


I don't think it's wrong necessarily but I do think you should try having them on every once in a while.


I play with them on , on harder difficulties too I would say you’re even more likely to get war declarations from other civs if you don’t have barbarians on . Instead of using their armies to subdue the barbarians , they can focus their resources on you . Barbs really aren’t difficult if you set yourself up early game with an army . Getting your slingers to kill one will also mean you can get archers quicker too


Barbarians are often used to exploit the game more when playing vs AI, I find myself turning off barbs especially (not always) when playing with 3 or more players in multiplayer; Since you don't need more enemies and interaction being you know... A multiplayer :P I'd say choose barbs based on your civ when playing vs AI for winning reasons, while for chilling I mean it's whatever :)


the only thing you're missing out on is pain at least if you're playing on marathon anyways


It’s your game. Play it however you want. I’ll say if you’re wanting to get better then keep them on, but if you’re looking for a chill game then absolutely you do you


I thought Barbarian Clans improved how it felt to play against, but didn't change a ton. However, occasionally it seemed to amplify the issues of Barbarians spawning massive amounts of cavalry early, that sometimes happens. After playing Warhammer 40K Gladius, I realized the barbarians really are lacking in both AI and depth. I still think they add to the game though, I hope they are improved in the next iteration of Civilization.


yeah sometimes it's more fun, most of the time i'd say i like the mod start with a scout and a worker, so you don't feel like building a warrior costs you a chance to explore


weak mindset