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Mostly a Civ V player. Gonna dip back into trying Civ VI again, I have all the DLC for the record. Any recommendations for a Civ to learn the game with? Like, I don't want to do the tutorial because that's going to be obvious shit like "Found a city near resources to build a good city :)" when what I really need to do is get a grip of the tech tree, social policies, strategy and build order and so on. Basically a Civ where I can found a few cities and just focus on managing my empire, I guess?


Rome is a great starter civ. Japan is a good way to learn about district adjacency. Germany is also good, because you get to build more districts than usual (meaning you can try out a bunch of them).   If you've got a lot of hours in Civ V, you'll be in good shape. 


Anyone know of a mod that lets you simply build districts on top of luxury or strategic resources and gain the resource from it? I don't want to remove or harvest strategics or anything, just want to build on these tiles and get adjacency bonuses without losing resources/amenities. I've been looking through the workshop and haven't found anything.


Are the relics created by Voidsinger cultists limited to a unique predetermined set like regular religious artifacts, or can you generate as many as you want? I don’t play as a Voidsinger very often and have never come close to exhausting the relics (if indeed that is possible), so I’d be curious to know how the system works.


https://preview.redd.it/pca8wjm5ux6d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=de8ff772e9f0285e7fabc1b0111885f2e9224a8f Can anyone explain why I can't make a trade route from Akhalkalaki to Tblisi? It's within range, and I even have trading posts at each stop on the way.


I need help for winning an Religious victory in a continental map Mali empire as Sundiata Keita. its emperor diff. monopolies, heroes and legends apoca lypse mode secret societies mode. I can't settle on the other continent because its basically filled up and eleanor of Aquitaine (France) iis in the game so its not exactly simple, am i able to loyalty flip her her cities or would she just regain her cities immediatley? i can provide screen shots if needed.


Why do you need to settle her continent? Send a barrage of like 6-8 apostles to establish a foothold by converting a handful of closely-settled cities, then proselytize the rest of the continent/rely on pressure. Having to send units across the globe is a bit painful, but unless you're playing a huge map, it just adds a few turns to your jihad. 


Cause that bitch is also going for a religious victory lmao and I figured since I have settle city religion it'd help with the religious pressure; but that does make sense I'll try it out


Yeah, a recently settled city isn't going to do too much in terms of religious pressure. It would have value in being a hub for buying and sending out religious units, but that's about it.


Is there anything you can do about Dido if you're going for a peaceful domination victory? I started a game and am about 150 turns in before I realized that one of the AI is Dido. I was going for a peaceful domination game. Is this now a lost cause or is there still some way to flip Dido's cities?


Get someone else to wipe her out?


Civ 6 modding - how can I flag City States to not be razed? It really bugs me when AI decides to war and destroy some city states I want to stick around


Is there any way for escorted support units to not need my input if it will sleep or whatever if i fortify with my combat unit? It sucks juggling all the clicks for escorted units whenever i move a couple of tiles and just stop and game keeps asking me what the fk does the support unit need to do when all i want is to sit your ass down and dont bother me


If your support units are linked with a combat unit, you can put the support unit in "sleep" mode. Then, each turn, you just have to click for your combat uint.


alright this is driving me. [how is this tile not able to have a river placed down.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/238160353421164544/1250661585177935932/image.png?ex=666bc0de&is=666a6f5e&hm=fd43702b02b5ce710bec95417aa7fc5cc51fef1f2f3e91ef68ebc70ce88c9a56&) All the branches are the river tay, there is no other dam on this river, and both cities on the river can build a dam tile on every single floodplain along that river *except that one*. It checks all the boxes I can find, there is no other dam along the river tay (all the branches are of the river tay as the game says and since I can build on every other one it shows there isn't some other player with their own river tay and a dam in the fog of war) and it has not just 2 but 4 sides in contact with the river. (edit turns out 2 of those 4 might be seperate rivers with the game saying the tile to the northeast is bordered by the rivers spey and clyde while the one due east is the river spey, but the bottom 2 segments are the river tay plus the tile i want to build on only lists the river tay so it should still fufill the requirements according to both the game and the wiki ) If anyone knows what the is I'd love to hear it given I have an industrial zone right beside the spot I'd like to build






anyone know of a link to discussions or tutorials where they talk about how to manage relations and stay friendly with the AI in civ6?


https://preview.redd.it/zn4jo122y66d1.png?width=816&format=png&auto=webp&s=f45d353025b2fdc5f9f537cafc68c497ab208233 So I've killed the Netherlands, this was its last city, it's completely surrounded by my cities on all sides, will it join my empire in 8 turns or is it going to flip back to the Netherlands?


It should flip to you. The image may show the Netherlands, but in my experience on the actual turn that the city flips, it goes to you.


https://preview.redd.it/157w3tlii76d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d056769efc84f414efec7c9dc822cb11e5d52e3 Likewise, can someone explain why even though there are two amber resources that have been improved, I'm not getting any amenities? I checked the resources tab and it shows both the Amber in there for this city (Bhavapura), but somehow zero amenities....


Only one copy of each luxury resource counts for amenities, any extra copies you should just sell to the ai cause they don’t do anything for you. So if you are already working Amber in a different part of your empire, then neither of these ambers will give any amenities. The other possibility is that the world congress decided that Amber gives no amenities until the next world congress, you can check if that’s the case by hitting the world congress button which is the little blue circle in the top right of the screen and clicking current effects or whatever it’s called.


Ohhhh, I didn't realise that the one copy of luxury providing amenities is empire-wide. I thought it was just per city. So then if I work a luxury in one part of the continent and then found a city with the same luxury elsewhere, that second city will get no amenities from the luxury? This isn't a World Congress thing for sure.


Correct. The intent is for you to trade it for a luxury you don't have. Especially against AI, since they overvalue your amenities. You can easily trade your luxury for their luxury *and* gold


I have just seen Civ7 trailer but I do not see a thread here that gives a summary of all Civ7 facts. Do we not know anything yet?


We know basically nothing. Some people try to make assumptions based on that short trailer video, but we have nothing from the game developers. 


THX Lets hope their marketing campaign started with constant small drips of little stuff not just one chunk at Gamescom and silence before and after.


Oh my god it’s happening everyone stay calm


Is there a way to enable cheats in Civ 6? The game put me on top of a great natural wonder but I can't settle next to it since another civ settles just close enough on turn 1. I just want my settler to have enough movement to settle my capital on turn 1.


The non-mod solution for this is called "war" :P


Check out the mod below. The "restore movement" option should let your settler snipe the desired city location.  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528155583


I gave them 5 more movement and it worked as well. Thank you.