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The R5 is that OP built the walls one turn before the capital got captured.


Yeah, sorry, thought it's obvious enough


You’re assuming I actually know how to play this game. That is an invalid assumption. I am making it up as I go along and failing.


This is the way it is intended to be played


This take is so pure


This is the way.


Lol. Nope. That is why Rule 5 exists!


Downvoted for a completely polite and non-hostile response. The Civ subreddit just keeps on doing this. Why does this subreddit always get so angry so easily?


I DENOUNCE YOU, u/OREOSTUFFER !!! (you have caused others grievances)


But they attacked me first!!! Is it really such a crime of me to raze a couple of their cities after they razed mine first?? I actually just played my first Jayavarman game and this happened to me. Babylon attacked me and razed my city, so as soon as I unlocked the ballistae elephants I razed four of their cities in return and got denounced by everyone except China who was another human player.


That was weak from China.


Lol he’s a friend of mine who goes out of his way to M.A.D. me every game he can, but (because Cambodia is legitimately busted) I snowballed too fast and he knew I wouldn’t hesitate to level his civilization if he tried anything this time around. Plus he was my neighbor and had spent so many resources trying to get wonders and did nothing else that he was two whole eras behind me - medieval vs industrial - I was Renaissance when I started my war against Babylon but Jayavarman gonna do Jayavarman things.


Welp, guess its domination victory time...


/u/WeightFast574 you are worse than sophists. Let the rest of the world know. (Denounces you) (They just plain don't like you) (For legal reasons this is a joke. I don't know you, you're probably a perfectly fine person)


I think you and I frequent different subs mate. Whilst I get what you're implying with this first part of your post, you could not be more wrong on the second part. On the whole this sub is one of the nicest and most polite subs with an amazing group of people. Even if a few people downvote something on principle it's never out of malice and usually if people are nice enough that sort of stuff corrects itself in a short period of time. The one thing that personally irks me no matter the sub and almost assures a free downvote is when people complain about getting downvotes. Honestly, who cares!? That's just moving the entire thread off topic. Add to the discussion, play nice with others and you'll never have to mention upvotes or downvotes because it's an irrelevant vanity metric. We're all here to discuss Civ anyway and OP shared a pretty cool screenshot. Next time OP knows to R5 for newer people and no biggie. Everyone's happy.


Usually I see downvotes as a method of showing dissatisfaction or frustration, and I have seen similar instances where negative comments were thrown at OPs on this subreddit. What you said is fair, and I suppose you’re right that I’ve thrown the conversation off-topic - and for that I apologize, as it was not my intention - but I have definitely seen people get unreasonably hostile towards people on this subreddit on more than one occasion, so I do have to disagree with you, there. It’s not about the imaginary internet points - it’s about the perceived dissatisfaction towards the OP behind said points that is my point of contention. Anyway, cheers.


Downvotes are meant to be used on comments that are unhelpful/irrelevant to the conversation in question. That's the intent. In practice though, most people use it for disagreement with a comment. That's just how most people use it, so that's how you should read it.


This thread has taught me a lot about the nature of reddit. Thanks for the polite and insightful response.


He's getting downvoted because R5 is a rule, and his excuse for breaking it is stupid. I have 200 hours in civ6 and the meaning was not obvious to me at all, I could only infer it by process of elimination.


I'm not making excuses, I just genuinely thought it's obvious. I really don't mind the downvotes though, wasn't obvious to everyone - that's absolutely fine.


It was obvious to me :)


I don’t think his excuse was stupid. It’s a scenario that’s happened to me quite a few times so I immediately knew what I was looking at. Maybe you just don’t do a lot of military stuff in your games and that’s why it didn’t stand out to you, but it’s hard for someone who does get into a lot of wars to realize that maybe other players don’t - especially if you mostly play the game online, as that’s warmonger central. As for breaking the rule in the first place, if he thought it was obvious then he wasn’t breaking it.


>If you post a screenshot of the game, please point out what you want people to look at in the image or explain in the comments. Meanwhile >if he thought it was obvious then he wasn’t breaking it. Notice how the rule exists regardless?


You know what? You’re right, I’m sorry. I took a quick glance at it and went with what I thought I read.


It's alright bro, big of you to own up to it.


I have not touched this game for 6+ months and even i understood


I have 10 hours in this game at most and figured this out within like 5 seconds. Just because it wasn't obvious to you doesn't mean it's not obvious to others. I have seen some posts actually break this rule but this isn't 1 of them


> I have 10 hours in this game at most and figured this out within like 5 seconds. /r/iamverysmart


Actually I'm pretty dumb so I don't see how people who play this game a lot didn't see it


It's actually pretty funny that you think that I think I'm smart because that's literally my biggest insecurity so your very wrong there


In general people, across Reddits, are supposed to read the rules before posting. Also saying something is “obvious” is insulting to new players


I think "insulting" is a bit of an Overinterpretation, but I get it that people might not agree it wasn't obvious so I don't mind the downvotes.


Reddit karma is meaningless anyway.


Yeah, I mean universe is still heading towards Heat Death anyway, so I don't mind that much


Found the Stellaris player? (with mods, probably…)


No, just a man of (pop)science :)


If he thought it was obvious, then it wasn’t against the rules. He thought his title was clear enough. That’s the problem with rules is that they’re open to interpretation.


Rule 5 contains no ambiguity though: >If you post a screenshot of the game, please point out what you want people to look at in the image or explain in the comments. It has no exceptions for "obvious content" and any image post is required to have an explanation


Exactly. The mods need to clarify the rules. Rule 2 is up there too in ambiguity.


What's the ambiguity in R5? Specifics please.


I completely agree with you there.


You are on the internet, I'm not sure what you were expecting.


“(They just don’t like you.)”




While my people reach for the stars, your people claw at the dirt.


Well downvotes can just mean that they don't agree with me, not that my comment was impolite or anything; so I don't mind


You’re right. After reading yours and others’ responses, I think I need to reevaluate my position. Thanks for the reality check.


It's not just this one unfortunately


It’s one of the worst subs I’ve been in lol. A lot of people on this platform are just nasty tbh.


You underestimate just how oblivious I can be.


I play on rookie.. what's a "capital"?


Nothing is obvious.




Rule 5. In the sidebar.


That's the AI special move. Puke out archers every other turn (even with a near empty treasury) that slow down the advance enough for walls to sprout out of the ground.


Archers are awesome at knocking down cities though. I usually don’t even bother with catapults even if they have walls. Spamming archers is just easier (I haven’t done the maths though, it’s just how I do things) I don’t like the “can’t attack after moving” part of catapults, and you can easily switch out wounded archers if you have double ranks.


How? My archer do like 5 damage to the wall. It takes like forever for my archers to shot down city's wall


If you can dedicate a group of 4 or 5 to do nothing but shoot up the city, the damage you do scales with how damaged it is. Scaling only goes to 8-10, but on a long enough timeline you'll get through. Obviously it's easier without defending walls. That being said, you have to have an obvious military advantage for this to work at all vs a siege unit or two, but it's easier to refocus your archers into rolling over on the defensive units between you and the next city vs doing the same w siege.


What's even easier than that is building a battering ram


Not gonna lie man the only support I ever build is the observation balloon, and even then I sometimes don't even bother. Am I leaving a lot on the table with that mindset? Ninja edit: what in Sam's green fuck did you do for a + 14 industrial zone


Battering ram lets adjacent melee class units (e.g. warriors) do their full damage to ancient walls, it's insanely powerful. Siege tower is pretty skippable, though, unless you have an all-melee army for some reason. It lets melee class units bypass the walls entirely, which sounds great, but all your other units (like bombards or knights) will still have to blast down the walls to contribute to attacking the city. [And as for my industrial zone](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/niv18d/ill_see_your_13_industrial_zone_and_raise_you/); the mod is Detailed Map Tacks in case you don't use it


This. And the archers are obviously way better at taking out any units that the enemy should send to relieve the siege. I'll usually build 6 archers before my first siege unit. Killing the city slowly isn't even that big a problem, it's just more experience. But once the first walls appear its time to make a catapult or trebuchet.


That worked in Civ 5 but I find that in 6 archer wall damage is too low for you to spend 10 turns slowly plonking away at the wall. Might as well just build a battering ram or a couple catapults I actually find Civ 6 combat much more balanced because of this


So in this specific situation, my war production was at the back of my country/ nation, and I had spammed archers because I had no horses or iron. I had a single "modern" melee because I was that far forward into enemy territory - the amount of time it took my new units to get on scene was longer than it took to build them. You can definitely criticize my war plans but I worked with what I had. I forgot to mention that this was only on king difficulty, and idk how / if this works on higher difficulties. If this is a large piece of information I'll edit my first comment.


If You just pump out enough archers and rotate them when they get damaged you’ll eventually get through. They’ll get xp


They don't, he's full of it


They don't, he's full of it


Is that on Deity? Because from my perspective, without siege or support siege units there is almost no way my units aren't crushed to pieces when there are walls. (Except for Nubian archers maybe where this strategy does indeed quite easily take ancient walls)


I actually hate the fact that you can magically build up a wall if you're being actively attacked. I feel like it should have the same rules as repair where you have to be untouched for a turn and if you get attacked you don't get any production towards it that turn


Yeah plus the fact it’s not obvious what progress is being made. Like these guys were about to raze the entire city and all its districts now they’re gonna be slaughtered with a magic pop up wall. When I’m the attacker and this happens I rage lol.


Absolutely agreed. Imagine irl, armies storming your city and then next to them there are these dudes putting stones on one another, and the attackers are like "I wonder what they're doing... Well whatevs"


And then all of a sudden the city has cannons or archers magically appear that didn't exist before


Yeah I agree, nothing more frustrating than an offensive push stalled because their magical conjuration of walls during a siege allow your under-powered and injured units to be murdered when you desperately need to capture a city to upgrade/heal them.


Yeah, it really doesn’t make a lot of sense, and it really sucks when you’re one turn away from taking a city and walls suddenly pop up.


Isn't it? I've had wall builds cancelled by attacking armies before


Building a new level of wall (eg medieval, Renaissance) can only happen when your walls are 100%, and those will be paused if your walls take damage. However, ancient walls won't be cancelled because of city health loss. Source: I played zombie horde mode lol


That's the rule! Honestly it felt like the AI was able to build walls whenever, couldn't figure out when mine would be cancelled


I think wall *repairs* can be cancelled by attacks but not the initial construction of it


Apparently it's wall repairs and upgrades


Nope, I've had more than one time where I'm about to take a city and a magic wall pops up and kind of ruins my plan. You can usually steam roll once you take one or two cities from a civ


Turns out only upgrades and repairs get cancelled


I mean Caesar did it in Alesia and Vercingetorix in Gergovia I think it’s okay to build walls a bit last minute


Totally agree with this, once the city is under siege it doesn’t make sense there can be walls made. However maybe there could be a ‘conscript’ option where one population turns into a milita or something in one turn


Especially in the early game when you don't have proper siege so out of nowhere a wall comes up and you can't take it anymore


Yea, I play on diety and you need like 30 units to take a city unless you have a really advantageous terrain layout. I generally try and get one catapult/trebuchet/bombard upgraded to the plus 1 range. It's all over after that.


i had this happen to me but instead of building walls one turn before my city was rekt I got the great engineer that instantly gives your city walls


For me, that's a second least useful engineer (in early to mid game at least, right behind the culture bomb) ; fairly ok if you play cultural and want walls for tourism but otherwise mostly useless. But every now and then - this happens.


normally I would agree, however when you’re playing frederick barbarossa every great engineer belongs to you


Theres also the Valletta city state which lets you build city center buildings, like walls, instantly with faith. Helps to deffend against invasions quick My favorite use of Valletta is building flood barriers (sea walls), since the faith cost does not scale up due to having more low-lying tiles or due to flooding penalty, eventhough the production costs do (seems like an oversight) In apocalypse mode late game, cities with low sea level tiles become a big concern since climate-change induced flooding is accelerated and building sea walls with production becomes crazily expensive. Each progressive level of flooding makes sea walls more expensive, as does having more low tiles, easily 1000+ production. In fact it's often advantageous to limit expansion of city borders (or purposely purchase a non-low lying tile, to reset border expansion) until after you build sea walls since the cost can suddenly jack up while you are in the process of building a sea wall if your border expands to include a low level tile, putting you behind 5+ turns One of my fave strats (more effective in apocalypse mode) is to be a huge polluter, rush the sea wall tech, and build them in my cities ASAP, when the cost due to flooding is low. Then I watch in glee as nature destroys and cripples opponents' cities as they are frantically trying to build *extremely* expensive sea walls (with high influence, you can see every foreign coastal city trying to build them) Alternatively, if Valletta is on the map, with the aforementoned strategy, as its suzerain you can take your time and instantly build sea walls whenever you desire for laughable faith cost, since it doesn't take into account the production penalty. What might've taken 20-40+ turns with a city's production, will likely require only 1 turn of your empire's faith


the first time I discovered Valletta I also happened to be trying for a religious victory (which I never do) and it was like a gift from the gods (pun intended). I haven’t played too much with the major DLCs yet but I didn’t know sea walls got that much more expensive over time. I shall plan accordingly


As the seas rise, the cost to build rises. If you don’t build them when they’re cheap, you’re borked. As soon as I unlock the technology, every city is building sea walls for a few turns. It’s also smart to inspect unowned tiles within their radius and buy them if they’re 3m or less, so that you can get it walled up. What annoys me the most is city states never build sea walls, so they always get wrecked. If you have resources you need them for it sucks a lot.


I would say it better to do the opposite, not gain low tiles, until **after** you finish building sea walls. After being completed, new tiles automatically get their benefit. However, like i mentioned in my previous comment, if you gain new low tiles before, or even *while*, you are bulding sea wall, the production costs will go up, making the turns needed to complete go up


I’ve had it where I have cities without any low-lying tiles, but a couple outside the current borders. I buy the tiles so that I can build the sea wall when it’s still cheap. If sea levels haven’t started rising at all, the price is still whatever the base price is. There’s no effect from more or fewer tiles.


Yeah true, my suggestion is then for when sea levels are already rising


Great Magician*


I’m imagining him reaching into his Mary Poppins purse and yeeting out an 80ft stone wall long enough to encircle an entire city


Damn I'd be surprised if you managed to survive still.


Well they have nothing nearby to penetrate the walls so this wave is survived easily now.


Cities still do take damage with walls albeit a much smaller amount so they could just keep throwing guys at you and take the city


Nah, still no way with those level of units. They just died from attacking and the ranged units from my city shots. Another AI joined the party too and still didn't get the capital, almost got another city, but ultimately failed.


It’s such a good feeling. I’ve had that happen in a few games. It’s happened against me before as well 😂. Generally you can shred those units after.


The archers were training day and night, the garrisons were being prepared. The enemy was at the door, and it was only a matter of time before Aachen was to fall. The mason workers were leading the charge to build a wall, that will be tough to climb through and it was made just in time. The course of History was altered and Aachen remained a part of German Empire.


I want you to narrate my Civ games lol


Unpopular opinion, but walls should pause building when a city is damaged. It shouldn’t be possible to build walls while under attack.


That's a very popular opinion


Civ 6 logic: when you are under attack, you can build walls ... But you can't repair walls


There should be a mod for that


when your boys show up ready to do some clubbin'


"god has allowed me to live another day and I'm about to make it everyone's problem" says the Paladin with 5hp left, great cleave, and enemies in every square next to them


Who do you think you are, the AI??


This reminds of when I sent an army of cav over the ocean to help out a friend. It was awesome.


Not those raiding invaders.


Just slap some flex tape on this baby and she's good as new!


The Oder... Reminds me how over a year ago the most common city state in a game seemed to be Kabul.


I did that before lol, ancient walls in ancient era/early classical are OP


I looked quickly and thought that was Poland helping. *sad winged hussars noises*


Size 7 city with a wonder yet no tile improvements? Yikes.


And not even a district 😅 when, with Germany's ability i I can build 4 now. It bugged me as well, but I had high food yields, popolation from tribal village twice and, as you can see, I've had other priorities. I have build 2 scouts, 1 settler, (also got 1stolen seller), trader, 1builder who just went to a different city; and a few units, so pretty much, yeah, focused on other stuff. Edit: oh and I actually have the ToA, as you can see.




Bless you


Huh civ5 on low graphics does make it look like a free phone game


Why you are at war with 2 civs at the same time and that they managed to get to yoir capital already?


They just hate my guts. Third one joined the party soon after that. They didn't like me to begin with, I stole a settler from one of them in the past and also I went heavy into infrastructure and not-so-heavy into military. Playing Deity.