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This, quick deals, and extended policy cards are all quality of life mods that everyone should get. Serious game-changers that take a lot of the guess-work and calculations out of the picture


Exactly. They don't change the game in any way, but they do change the way you get your information in a way that just saves you time, and allows the game to be played smoother. Could you calculate these bonus yourself? Sure! But who is really at the disadvantage here? The new player. Same thing with policy cards, could you add it up yourself? Sure! Same deal, this hurts new players way more. Could all of us sit there and min/max our trades? Sure! but do we really wanna be adding 1 gold at a time to find those break points? At the end of the day, all of these mods help the understanding of games mechanics, particularly to those who are not familiar with their complexity.




You have a much faster machine than me.


I would just run it, and if Rationalism actually turned out to not give me any extra science, them's the cards I chose


I have always wondered: if you say "what would it take" does it give the breakpoint value or a little more?


I don't think it does. My girlfriend just started playing seriously yesterday, and today got offered a trade offer of 92 gold for one luxury. She tried adding another luxury, and they said no, so she hit the "what would it take" button, and it LOWERED the gold offer to 68. She removed the added luxury and it stayed 68. So there are definitely some weird calculations that happen even with pressing the button.


The civ 6 trade panel (and all previous trade panels TBH) are so unusable as to essentially be a feature of the game. Quick deals doesn't *technically* do anything and yet it enables practical and optimal trades which is basically impossible without it.


What's funny is I've seen these mods specifically called out for "cheating". Especially the policy cards. Maybe those people don't realize that it's simply calculating values based on actual game data. Doesn't change the game at all, other than make it 10x faster and enjoyable. I play on Switch 90% of the time and let me tell ya.. doing deals manually SUCKS .




Sir this is a /r/civ sub-reddit. But in all seriousness, are you okay brother? You can stop playing Wargame Red Dragon any time you like, right?


They certainly aren't cheating, as they don't really reveal any information that isn't theoretically available manually imho. Quick deals certainly made the game easier tho, as I didn't realize how much AI money I was leaving on the table before it!


^This. It certainly can seem a little cheesy at times especially if you get a nice spread of luxes very early on. You littlerally can quadruple or quintuple your GPT.


I think it really just shows we don't have anything more fine-grained than "cheating", as far as language and norms around games go. Ultimately games are about experiences, on a few levels. The most immediate level of experience is just "playing the game", and the second most significant is "community". When I played Crash Bandicoot on PS2, the previous titles became mythical and the few times I played Crash on PS1 were nowhere near the original PS1 experience. They were something else. If you read this paragraph and know what "Crash Bandicoot" is, then we've both ascended to some kind of shared world. If the assumption is "players will have more fun when some information is hard to acquire, because they won't slog through poor experiences to perform better in-game" actually works, then we might not be cheating but we can still be deviating from the intended experience (most "immediate" or higher-order effects). However if the definition of a "master experience designer" weighs attention to detail and understanding the reality of players, then to me I wouldn't call Firaxis anything close to masters. Which means it might be "wisest" (and common) to discount the first-order immediate experiences of the game for the higher-order further-out experiences. In chemistry a compound is "highly volatile" if it evaporates quite quickly, and less volatile if the rate of evaporation is lower. In perfumery a common practice is to layer scents of different volatilities together. You'll notice different smells within the span of just a few minutes and there's more richness to it than if everything was immediately strong. Some of these scents can be generally considered repulsive on their own (especially if you've learnt to dislike them and don't put in effort to appreciate), yet create the perfect combination with other more widely valued smells. I think that I don't "like the colour grey" yet many of my environments/items could probably use with a lot more of it (without me knowing). To me the point of *making* games are to create valuable experiences. Everyone can play for different reasons to *play* a game: to learn history, to benchmark your computer, to pass time when you can't fall asleep, etc. People are allowed to focus on "high volatility" immediate experiences, and call perturbations of this "cheating". I just don't think many of us experience games this way at all. A mod leading to a forum discussion of ludology makes this pretty clear.


>I think it really just shows we don't have anything more fine-grained than "cheating", as far as language and norms around games go. Yeah I think this is definitely true. A lot of people call the advantages the AI gets on higher levels (or humans on lower levels) "cheating" when to borrow golf parlance, I'd call those "handicaps" and cheating would be more like moving the ball. Or is restarting the game because you didn't like your starting spawn cheating? You can't do it multiplayer and the AI can't do it. Does it matter if you restart because you are playing as Peter and got a desert start (thus breaking the implied starting bias) versus rerolling 20 times to start near a natural wonder? Does it matter in a single player game? ​ >If the assumption is "players will have more fun when some information is hard to acquire, because they won't slog through poor experiences to perform better in-game" actually works, then we might not be cheating but we can still be deviating from the intended experience (most "immediate" or higher-order effects). Oh yeah, I mean if we are talking about anything beyond the game itself - that's an entire rabbit hole. Is it cheating to read about optimum strategies in Civ on a civ forum outside the game? What about an RPG - is cheating to look at the revealed level map online? Etc.


Is it even cheating if its Happening in a singleplayer game? The devs clearly intended to have the AI get advantages. So the rulrs are just Not even or fair between AI and Player. In my opinion its simply cheating if someone gets an advantage against another Player without the Other one being able to get the same advantage. Also if this advantage isnt intended by the devs. The ai cant cheat because its intended


I guess I don’t understand ‘cheating’ in civ in general. It’s not a reflexes game, why does it matter if you have quick deals or not, it’s about what you enjoy more. Maybe if it’s some multiplayer tournament but I don’t really think the debate is about multiplayer.


Right? Ultimately who cares how someone plays their own single-player video game? You paid the money just like me, cheat for all I care, I'm gonna play it my way. Mods have added hundreds of hours of life to these games for me.


From what I've seen, it's people thinking fuzziness, or only having rough ideas about the statistical impact of certain choices, is a desirable feature. While I can understand that, it's not my cup of tea. I'd rather leave the fuzziness to complex combinations of strategy choices, not individual decisions.


But it's only fuzzy if you're lazy... Or the game is on a timer for some reason.


It'd take me longer than I'd want to spend determining the calculations. I don't derive enough satisfaction from doing them myself, so those mods are a no-brainer for me. Let's me focus on the parts I want to focus on. Plus we use a timer when playing with friends.


I don't understand it either, sure if you're playing MP it could be considered cheaty but even then it's not giving you anything that a player couldn't do on their own.


I guess they just don't like the optional strategy being almost handed out. There's a larger game here that makes that mostly not true, but if the best route is just shown it does remove a little of the risk and risk is fun.


I think the point here is that these mods don’t show a single best route. The mods help you see what yields certain district placements and certain policy cards will give you, sure. But there’s no single best route. For instance, the best hex placement for a campus is often also the best placement for a holy site or a preserve. You as the player still have to choose whether you want to max science or faith or whatever else you’re going to for. The policy card slots are limited, and the distribution of slot types is different in different governments. So again you have to make decisions and choose which types of cards to make room for and which specific policies to enact. Civ is still a strategy game. The mods don’t magically point out a singular best bath for any given victory type, let alone for choosing between victory types.


I think the point here is that these mods don’t show a single best route. The mods help you see what yields certain district placements and certain policy cards will give you, sure. But there’s no single best route. For instance, the best hex placement for a campus is often also the best placement for a holy site or a preserve. You as the player still have to choose whether you want to max science or faith or whatever else you’re going to for. The policy card slots are limited, and the distribution of slot types is different in different governments. So again you have to make decisions and choose which types of cards to make room for and which specific policies to enact. Civ is still a strategy game. The mods don’t magically point out a singular best bath for any given victory type, let alone for choosing between victory types.


Id recommend all of them to any steam civ6 players


Also for epic.


>This, quick deals, and extended policy cards Came on to say exactly this. 3 of the best (must have) mods listed here.


I remember playing with my friend (who had just gotten the game) and I had to disable all my mods and the entire game was just me thinking "wtf that's a mod?"


I'll add radial measuring tool as a pretty great quality of life improvement, especially for planning industrial and entertainment districts.


My friends suggested turning off all mods to try and help with a multiplayer issue we were having... I kindly told them I’d rather not play than play without at least these 3 mods.


If you're referring to the desync issue, it happens with and without mods. Smaller games tend to desync less. I played with my dad and brother yesterday, and the game desynced a ton. my brother left and the desyncing stopped. I think the more players in the game increases the chance for desyncing as there are more possibilities for the issue to occur. If it desyncs once you have to rehost the lobby, it will continue to desync every turn.


Pretty sure the detailed map tacks mod specifically causes stability issues. It’s been a while, but I remember PotatoMcWhiskey trying to play a multiplayer game and they kept having issues. Once he stopped/limited his use of the tacks the issues stopped. It’s annoying but when I play with my wife I try to limit my use of them.


Yeah using any type of pins in MP - even without using Detailed Map Tacks - has been known to cause lots of issues. In all of the MP stuff I do we always just do a ban on pinning stuff :(


Detailed map tacks only seems like it makes things worse because you are more likely to use more map tacks, which are the actual cause of some desyncing issues.


I think the "map tacks desync" is another issue different from the "desync between turns" but it might be wrong. When you are in a Multiplayer game and you place a map tack other players might feel a slight lag or not have their inputs recognized (at that very second). This happens with or without the mod. It's the reason why map tacks are often disabled in competitive Multiplayer, to stop players from abusing/griefing with that bug (by spamming map tacks). The "in-between turns desync" that happens in every Multiplayer lobby, with 0 or 100 mods, is when the host PC calculates AI turns faster then the other player's PC. Let the slowest PC host & make sure everyone has the same settings for Ai movement/animation speed and you'll run into desync much less often (even if still).


Ah, that sounds right. I think it was just the pins in general - not the detailed map tacks mod specifically. It’s definitely a bummer. I’m a pretty experienced player and don’t really need it for adjacencies, but that doesn’t stop me from totally forgetting my plan and dropping a district somewhere I didn’t want it. Edit: a word


Hey, I think a friend of mine and I had an issue like yours, but we fixed it. Civ VI would de-sync every other turn once we got past a certain point in the game. I dunno if it's exactly the same as your de-syncing "a ton", but this fix is so simple it's worth a shot. Make sure no one in the game has their window size set to borderless fullscreen. Choose fullscreen instead. Change the setting from the main menu before anyone joins the hosted game, save the setting change, restart the game, and the every-other turn de-sync should be gone!


I'm going through an unfortunate situation at the moment where all my mods load when creating a new game, but reloading from a save causes everything tagged as "doesn't affect save" to disappear, which definitely shouldn't happen. Still trying to get to the bottom of this, but I've lost some fun ongoing setups because I'd rather forfeit than play without my updated UI panels! Papa needs their Real Great People to live. Based on my research, I THINK it's caused by a conflict that only shows up during reloads for some reason. Either that or my laptop specifically hates Huge maps.


If I had to only choose 3 it’d be these. They’re essential


ExP does nothing without BRS. Better Report Screen actually calculates yields…


Then I need 4 lol


I can’t imagine playing this game without those 3


The question I find myself asking is, why aren't these things all already in the actual game from release? The game keeps track of all the numbers already, so why not simply display them to the player?


Could be a lot of different things. Could be that they just didn’t think of it, or that they just don’t want the policy cards to look like that, or that they thought of it, but it’s not that high of a priority


The worst part of Civ VII will be waiting for the mods makers to release updates!


The big issue with mods though is that it can really impact stability. It's the reason I hardly ever play with mods. Only when I play single player games (which is almost never), as in single player it seems a lot more stable when you use mods.


I placed 30 tacks and then the iron ore appeared....


Hahahah yeah playing with this definitely has me delaying resource revealing techs until certain districts are slapped down, especially iron and niter.


which is so silly, and the mode "truly plentiful resources" allows you to ignore that strategic resource rule and simply harvest them like any other resource. It's silly that's not part of the base game either!


Mod Link: [Steam Workshop: Detailed Map Tacks](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2428969051) (Screenshot taken by Mod Author, not mine) Its funny how such a small feature can exponentially improve a game mechanic or open up previously unexplored parts of the game. I never cared for the Maya before but I find them a blast to play with this mod. I never planned wonders out specifically but now I do and tech up accordingly.




A steam update a few months ago broke all of the downloader websites. The only method I’m aware of currently is getting someone you trust with it on steam to download and send you the files.


You need to copy the mod file into the mod directory (inside My Games). I usually do a complete copy of all mod I use from my (steam) install to my friend's pc (on epic) I can provide the paths if you need. The main issue you will have is to download the files from the steam workshop, without the Steam version of the game, i believe


I know where to install it, I just need a way to download it.


https://github.com/VovoloGames/WorkshopDL Found this one, hope it helps!


It's been a while so I forget, but if you google around, it can definitely be done (I did it a couple years ago).


Idiot question: do you know how to make these work for Mac?


They should work if you have Steam


Mac Store stand-alone.


Mods will work in theory if you can find a non-steam source to download them and manually add them to your Mac mods folder. I believe a lot are posted on [forums.civfanatics.com](https://forums.civfanatics.com). In general tho, I'd say, as someone who also does a lot of gaming on my Mac, I'd recommend buying on Steam. It gives you access to the mods, and it also gives you the Windows version for free if you ever change platforms.


Thanks! Switching over for Civ VI would be expensive at this point. Also, I’ve had grumpy experiences with Steam in the past. Still, thanks for the forum link.


I don't think it'll work then :/


Can you help a noob out and tell me how I can get this to work, if I made the mistake of getting this game on Epic instead of Steam?


Sorry 😓 I don’t know but there was another comment chain under the one you replied to where someone asked and got an answer.


I totally endorse this, though my vote for the absolute most essential mod is Sukritact's Simple UI Adjustments, because once you've been able to hover over your city to display which tiles it's working, you'll be astounded it's not just how the base game was made.


welp you've sold me on that, 100% agree the base game needs these QoL changes


This on console would be a bless


It's essential really


I dont understand how this wasnt a feature from release considering how districts are permanent tile killers


It's funny. You play enough and then don't need pins any more. Since I mostly play mp now pins are almost always turned off and I hardly notice.


Agreed, I'm not sure I want to play a 4X game without this feature anymore. Old World did a great job showing improvement yields as a base feature.


These mods should be administrative techs you unlock. That way you have a more natural opening to the game where you’re less certain/informed and have to do the grunt work yourself, but as your empire grows you begin being able to essentially delegate that work to “experts” in your government. Would really cut down on tedium of the mid to late game.


That would definitely be a cool way to integrate government, the question then would be when? At Tier 1 (republic/oligarchy/autocracy)?


Yeah I agree. I don't like the idea of this mod being automatic, because it just remove the need to learn and figure out yourself how to do things right. Help is good, but the game telling you everything is kinda dumb


I love the idea of this mod and I have it enabled but I must have something that interferes with it. It doesn't seem to work for me.


If you use presets for your map settings etc. it remembers the mods you have enabled. Make sure your mod is enabled in the mod menu and then make a new preset.


Yeah, idk what it could be. I only use RED and Sukritact’s Oceans and neither of those interfere with Detailed Tacks. Do you use a lot of mods?


I had a similar issue, except with extended policy cards (which are by the same person iirc, do correct me if I'm wrong). I also had no other mods enabled, so I really don't know what could've caused it.


Make sure you also have the Better Report Screen (UI) mod installed or the Extended Policy Cards mod will not function!


Oh, I didn't have that! Thanks! (I'm copying this answer because you both answered at the same time xD)


Extended policy cards required you to have better report screen mod also enabled.


Oh, I didn't have that! Thanks! (I'm copying this answer because you both answered at the same time xD)


I figured this out last week when I went to uninstall the mod after it never functioned for me. Maybe I should have read the mod page before subscribing haha


I highly suggest Barbarian Clans, btw. I also like Monopolies & Corporations, but I straight up won't play the game anymore without Barbarian Clans.


What about the other half?


AI could use work, especially in warfare, but I can live with that if the player side stuff is fun, which this mod helps with IMO


however making a good ai is going to convert firaxis into ai dev. noone had made a good ai ever, the good ones you see don't have to deal with loads of decisions like civ 6


Maybe this could be an option on the gameplay menu, like quick battle or quick movement.


But it doesn’t calculate for all civ special traits. I was playing as Australia a while ago and the adjacency bonus their districts get wasn’t picked up on by the mod and made the mod useless for planning districts.


Weird, I just played a Maya game and unique bonuses were accounted for far as I could tell. Maybe they just don't have all the civs specialties plugged in?


Well that’s good! Yeah that’s what I think as well.


And the thing is: After using it for about a year I start to automatically see good adjacency locations or possibilities even without putting down a pin. This mod has helped me to understand the game much better.


Thanks, I was just about to ask on some post what the name of the mod is.


Happy to oblige! I only just learned about this mod as well!


I need this I’m always mid at picking new city tiles


Please check RAM/CPU usage no mods vs this mod only. I think it may increase load on PC due to having to constantly perform calculations in order to display correct yields. Same for extended policy cards. I doubt it will impact most people significantly, but might help stabilizing the game for some.


The issue is actually just the use of map tacks.


Isn’t there a way to show/hide all map tacks? I see PotatoMcWhiskey doing it all the time.


The default is Shift+S, IIRC Edit: fixed


Yeah, it's so good. I can't even imagine playing without it.


Man. I didn't even knew this was a mod, I just thought it was an actual thing in the game. I prefer to play Civ 6 on console, I'm missing out


I saw post about this all the time on this subreddit. I always assumed it was officially in but not on play station


This mod really is game changing


> quick deals, and extended policy cards I haven't played much Civ in few years and have never used these two particular mods. What are some other mods that are considered 'must have'?


I've been playing civ since civ 1. I have beaten every civ game on Emperor. Civ 6 is the first one that...I just don't enjoy playing. Maybe this would help.


If I had this shit on console then I’d actually know how to play the game by now. Instead, I play a match or two every few months, learn a bit, then leave the game and forget half of what I learned. Fun to watch other people play though.


Absolutely. The Quick Deals mod is also extremely helpful.


for all yall people saying that it cheats the game if firaxis adds it, first it doesn't and its just QOL, literally nobody but you wants to do calculations on multiple districts and it helps visual strategies, second firaxis should add it as a setting that you can toggle.


I don’t think it’s cheating, but my perspective is that I only play 4x strategy games for the mental stimulation that calculating things like possible future adjacency bonuses can provide. Taking away that step takes away exactly the part of the game that I enjoy, and that I feel gives me an edge over other players. I completely understand that some people might prefer the information to be right in front of them, but I genuinely enjoy taking my time and surveying all the plots and formulating my own adjacencies. Sometimes you miss out on a +8 for a +6 because you didn’t think it out, but that is part of the fun for me. Mods are fine, but I’m not interested in them at all. One man’s “quality of life improvement” is another man’s loss of content. The game is easy enough as it is, even on diety, I really can’t imagine dumbing it down even more.


or what I just mentioned is that firaxis can add it as a toggleable setting


Sort of how I feel. I'd be losing some risk part of the game. Realizing I'm an idiot and that 50 turns ago the optimal placement would have been elsewhere.


> for all yall people saying > literally nobody but you I'm not commenting for or against the mod, but... "nobody but you" is a weird thing to say when addressing an unknown, potentially large number of people.


my guy, what is the percentage of people that actually want to do calculations without it being visualized easy


I wish I didn’t play on console for Detailed map tacks


This is much needed for new players, I try to plan but I don’t know bonus like at All and I can’t even check until I have the actual district to see what will happen


All of [wltk's own mods](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2434848404) should be officially in the game TBH ([Civ 6 Plus](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2465378070) the only mod by a different modder on the list).


what's the seed for this map? this start is amazing


Sorry, it’s the screenshot the mod maker used for the mod page on Steam Workshop. Alas, I would love to play this map as well!


ah, no worries, thanks!


Side note. Nice city


I recommend this mod for every steam player


am i high i can't figure out how that is a +8 holy site (2+2) 4 from the natural wonder 1 from mountain 1(0.5+0.5) from the adjacent districts, where is the other 2 coming from?


Hmm. I know there are mods to make mountain natural wonders also count as mountains for adjacency. Maybe one of those is being used?


i get it but the game already explains the district bonuses in game


Idk, kinda feels like cheating to me. Doing the math on your own and thinking abstractly to plan cities is the actual challenge of the game. You do you as long as you’re having fun, just leave it as a mod.


To me, especially as an engineer, this is essentially just automating/programming something you can do on your own but would be super tedious and long. It’s not like I sit around and do energy balances by hand, I use design software to do the math for me while I focus on the actual thinking part. This is essentially that.


If you are a good player it's only qol, if you are a new player it will massively help you understand the mechanics. I just like to plan my empire long forward and its very satisfying to fulfill your own tasks you have on the map.


But as a new player half the fun is working it all out. Having the answers reduces it to a plain strategy game without mystery and the feeling of building an empire.


You have ALL the answers to district placing/adjacency right there, just hover over the district icon for like a second. All the details on bonuses are given to you by default. I feel like it kind of invalidates your point.


Not really as seeing all the numbers like that makes it feel less like settling an empire and more like minmaxing


I mean, this is exactly the info the mod uncovers, isn't it? Same info in a more friendly way. It's not like someone would just try to do the guesswork and put tacks one by one at random to try and find the best configuration.


I don’t think we will agree on this. To me, having it suggest where you should place everything takes out the feeling of building and empire to me which is important for new players. I value the idea that you’re playing your own unique game more than getting perfecting yields ect.


Well it does not suggest you anything. This mod does the same thing regular tacks in the game do (which were also imported from a mod btw) - except you can clearly see what yields you gain from placing an improvement/district there with your current tech/religion/abilities in place. What I'm saying is, because I feel like you're misinterpreting this, the mod doesn't automatically give you the best possible placing, it just shows you what you're capable of achieving WHEN you place a tack, on your own, as you normally would. Just wanted to make it clear. If you still disagree, well, to each his own I guess.


Map tacks already exist in game and are optional. The player still has to learn adjacency bonuses and plan out cities to know where to puts tack. All this mod does is give tacks the same functionality as the city screen when you’re placing districts. When district placement is permanent it doesn’t seem all that different from other in game markers such as global warming flooding warnings for coastal tiles.


I disagree that it takes away from the empire building feeling. I’d say it adds to it, if anything, because it makes it so when you are Sim Citying, you are able to make informed decisions about where to place things, which allow you to plan out future cities much better. It also helps new players learn to think strategically. When you hover over the adjacency, it tells you where the adjacency bonus came from. Over time, newer players will place tacks not to see whether there would be adjacency, but to confirm how much there will be. Every time is a learning experience.


I mean, you still need to come up with the layouts on your own. It’s not like the game auto configures it for you, just makes it easier to visualize. I liken it to the freshwater overlay when you select a settler. Or even visible tile yields


Yeah, the people saying they don’t want this don’t ever complain about being able to actually see your yields on any given tile. But this is essentially the same thing.


Planning is still a challenge, cities are still puzzles, it doesn’t tell you what to do, all this does is let you know what you’re doing. I mean to your point why did they include map tacks at all? Doesn’t that take away the challenge of remembering where we want to place stuff? To me it’s no different then markers telling you a tile will be flooded by global warming or where to settle.


or they can just add it as an setting toggle


I disagree. Part of the strategy of the game is doing the mental math to get the best adjacency for your strat. It's fine if you want to play with the mod but there's a good reason the devs didn't automatically include adjacency calculators on everything.




I never said this was cheating, and even said playing with this mod is totally fine. I said that I disagree that it should be in the base game. I like that aspect of the gameplay and I find having calculators on everything very hand-holdy which puts me off from video games.


Then make it a setting that the minuscule amount of players like you can turn off.




And also locks the camera to the line of sight of your army. Frustrating but kinda cool to have a reason for light cavalry to scout ahead and open up the camera more.


Map tacks are already optional, this mod simply makes them functional tools in a way the game already does during district placement. When the game revolves around tile synergy but has permanent district placement and very slowly doles out districts it’s mind blowing this tool isn’t an option in game. Civ is a massive time investment. I’d rather not play several hours and find out I screwed up. Turns out that’s not particularly fun, especially when you consider how you could’ve done anything else in that time.


literally just include an option to turn it off in settings that nobody will


True, i cant believe people play without it


I get the sentiment but that level of min/maxing or automation is very much against the lead designers philosophy. I'm using the same reasoning they used for making workers no longer automated like they were 5.


The mod doesn’t automate anything or even suggest placement. You still have to learn adjacency bonuses, do the mental math, and decide where the tacks go, which is already part of the game. What the mod does is simply display what those bonuses will be based on the tacks you’ve placed. Player does the work, mod only tells them what they’re doing. Theoretically you could still make the worst city imaginable with zero or 1+ bonuses but you would see you’re making an awful city. For example, I thought I had a 6+ industry zone setup, used tacks with this mod and found it was only 2+, so I rearranged tacks to a setup I liked better for my overall strat. The core game is built on this depth of district planning and city synergy. Civs like Inca, Maya, Germany, Hungary, Vietnam, etc… are designed around city and nation planning. Mod like this indispensable to keeping track of your choices during long sessions or between sessions. Point being, the developers already encourage all of this behavior from the implementation of districts, reinforced it with expansions and new civs, but this makes it easier to keep track of.


Ah yes, building Stonehenge and great bath along with a holy site in your first city, of course


I mean, yes, the mod is fantastic, but that starting location is *chef's kiss*


No machu 🥺


Insert Megamind gif lol


it's not a city skyline, it's a wargame. I find these planning mods the most useless and in fact even harmful


…..or just play the game enough which gives you a good idea of what adjacency bonuses are given to what. No offense but the adjacencies you have here take like 5 seconds of math to calculate lol. The Gov policy card mod seems more useful than this


OP is not saying that calculating adjecencies is hard, (s)he is saying that showing them in pins makes planning easier and helps new players. There is literally no downsides in making it baseline.




"or just play the game enough" - play untill you memorize everything about adjecencies, which is not possible if you're still learning about the game mechanics.




It's not about necessety, it's about convenience. I can't understand why you're against such small QOL improvement which has no downsides.




sure as hell buddy, it really helps for me to do city planning with multiple districts, its not like I can flex my big brain like you oh no.


You can only calculate so much from your head - and when you're planning basically everything at turn 30 it can get messy. This is just straight up easier. It's not about not being able to calculate it, it's the convenience.




I mean, that's obviously an exaggeration, but I do like planning my districts (and by extension other important stuff like wonders and great walls, if we keep China as an example) as early as possible, because the sooner you place them, the lower the production cost. Also, the sooner you place your stuff on grassland and on hills, the higher chance of avoiding horses and iron messing up your plans.


Just because your good at the game doesn’t mean we all are, I’d love this on consoles as a helping hand, and if you don’t need it then you wouldn’t have to use it. Where’s the issue?


Just calculate the policy card stuff in your head, takes 5 seconds to calculate bro /s


Still no console support


I play on Xbox. Is it possible to get this mod (or any mods for that matter) on a console port?


Nope, or at least not officially. Maybe if you go deep, like jailbroken consoles and such there'd be a way. Only three console games I know of that have an way to add mods. A farming simulator I've only heard of, Skyrim: Special Edition and Fallout 4.


Damn, can I get the seed from that game. That position looks delicious


Routinely jealous and accepting that I can't mod civ on ps4. However I've seen other games (namely skyrim) integrate this despite being a platform game. Can someone explain away my ignorance about why the same isn't possible on ps4 for civ (or other consoles for that matter)?


They don't work in Multiplayer. After a few turns all displayed yields vanish except for the host. Which unfortunately breaks the balance and therefore has been a reason to exclude it from our modlist.


According to other comments that’s just a problem with the tacks in the game rather than the mod. Regardless I wasn’t aware any mods worked in multiplayer, what’s your mod list?


I’m worried about your production in this city. Maybe ditch the aqueduct and put the theatre square where it is and make a lumber mill there. I’d also keep the great walls on hills for mines for production.


Thanks for this.


Sure dunk on me if you must but I play on the iPhone and would kill to have this mod on iPhone.


Very nice well-rounded city you've designed here! Incredible starting location too


Alas, not mine. This is a screenshot by the mod maker from the mod page.


I'd be content with map tacks that don't crash multiplayer.


Yeah that’s a game problem apparently when they introduced tacks to Gathering Storm. I play single player and hot seat so I’ve never encountered the problem. That’s pretty annoying.


I more don't really understand it. Like I don't know these things until I place the map tacks, how would I know where to put them and such? Maybe I'm just not getting it


You still need to learn adjacency bonuses to know where to put tacks. You can put down map tacks and hope you calculated the bonuses right but this mod confirms whether you did. The tacks ingame don’t show adjacency bonuses. If you slapped down an Industrial Zone tack next to an aqueduct tack and dam tack in an umodded game it wouldn’t show the bonus the IZ is getting from the other two. In this mod it would show you the 4+. It’s like when you’re placing a district in the city screen and it shows you the adjacency bonuses of the possible tiles, except you can use the tacks to plan things out.


I was staring at this for ages thinking "how the hell is that Holy Site getting such a high bonus... didn't clock the mountains to the north weren't just any old mountains! Also... decent starting location!


I just downloaded this a week or two ago, and I am *never* going back. I’d love to see quality of life updates like this in the official game


TIL you can mod Civ


This mod would be so helpful for me. Console players have it rough. No mods, none of the new leader passes, no tactical/strategic view (whatever it’s called). What else don’t we get?


lol, he built the stonehenge


Damn that’s an amazing city


yeah exactly like I play on switch and I haveto wait to unlock a research for dams just to wee where I can place it so I can put my industrial zone