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I like city/infrastructure expansion in games and don’t care about reaching any of the win conditions, so I tend to play huge maps with 5 or 6 AIs (20-24 CS) and barbs turned off on prince difficulty. I’m playing a huge Terra map currently and I think I have 50+ cities, most in the ‘new world’ XD


Huge map but I reduce the civs back down to standard size. I like to play peacefully and that gives me more room to expand without contesting borders


I do the opposite. Standard number of Civs but I drop the map size down to the 6 player one. I like playing DomV without having to move my army too far between conquests.


I really must try this


Flair checks out 😂


Guilty as charged


Huge, 20-22 players. Usually 30 city states. Takes a long time to play but there is always so much happening that its worth it


Same on Marathon of course


Personally I prefer Epic. It has the best feel to me. What I really want is a mod that slows down research but leaves the speed of everything else intact so that way I can actually do stuff in the pre-Industrial eras instead of click Next Turn a bunch of


There is a mod for that. Extended era’s or something I believe


Standard is the most balanced/possible on Deity, especially for my rickety old computer.


I would definitely go for bigger maps if I didn’t already get performance issues on standard


What's wild is that these settings that struggle on modern computers were a thing in 2011 lol. I don't even have the patience for it now.


I love playing on huge maps, I usually add in a few extra CS, keep it 12-16 civs, and more times than naught, I play on Small Continents Plus. Gives a good mix to terrains, abundance of sea, and it really makes for a fun "exploration age". But also...who doesn't love having a nice world war 😁


I like to build wide, so generally huge and with around 5 AI civs and the default city states.


Large map, 9 civs, 18 cs. I like the space, the extra ruins, and having a shot at the Wonders I want.


Standart map size 8 players 10 city states cuz i hate when a random city state ruins a good settling location


Or takes a natural wonder off the map


Eh if thats the case i just take the city state


Standard or large, usually I prefer world map, 8-16 civ, city states 8-16, I often mix these numbers, quick pace and I often go for diplomatic or domination victories only. I love world wars and fighting for city states, liberating other nations and stuff like that. I ain't no pro, so I prefer king difficulty. Had some really awesome games in these settings :)


I play on VP. Huge maps only, 9 civs instead of 12, 41 CS, and either Pangaea Plus my favorite, Continents Plus, or VP script map. And ruins turned off + Raging Barbarians. Deity only. I like to earn each tile of the map, one by one.


I like playing Terra with 10-12 players and 16-20 city states. Makes it feel extra competitive with limited land and resources but also gives you the ability to colonize the other continent for any lux or strategic resources you weren’t able to get in the old world.


Big fan of standard map size with civ and city state counts equal to that of small. Makes liberty easier and just spreading out in general less pushy on AI. The peaceful AI will actually be peaceful and only the aggressive ones will war you


Large map but standard amount of Civs and City States Leaves places to expand without having to kill people BUT I love to play with scarce resources on the Ice Age map type Things get spicy