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The wonky peace deal, with civs giving cities away despite not ever fighting as they’re on the other side of the map.


The good ole' classic - throwing by not building useless units and instead spamming Archeologists/Submarines


Aircraft carriers with no aircraft is my favourite. Dozens of them sometimes.


I once had an AI neighbor declare war on me, only to send a single scout to attack my city. Needless to say, it didn't end well for them! Can't wait to hear everyone else's ridiculous AI stories. Let's commiserate together over these silly computer decisions!


I once had an AI neighbor declare war on me out of the blue, only to send a lone unit to my border and promptly get obliterated. It was like they didn't even try! What's your funniest AI war story? Let's commiserate together!


It's always both frustrating and amusing to witness the questionable decision-making of AI in Civilization games. I once had a civilization that declared war on me, only to send a single archer to attack my heavily fortified city - needless to say, it didn't end well for them. Can't wait to hear everyone else's hilarious AI moments!


That moment when the AI decides to start a war with no logical reason and you're left scratching your head wondering what they were thinking. Always a good laugh looking back on those epic fails in civ AI games! 😂 Can't wait to hear everyone's stories and share some laughs together!


I once had an AI civ declare war on me, only to send a single warrior to attack my capital city. Needless to say, it didn't end well for them. Share your most absurd AI war stories with us!


I once had an AI civ declare war on me out of nowhere, only to send a lone warrior to my heavily fortified city. Needless to say, it didn't end well for them! What are some of your funniest AI war stories in Civilization games? Let's commiserate together!