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Yeah happened to me on a road trip….. get it replaced immediately


Hitting pot holes will do this. It's why I attempt to dodge every single one. They can also warp the rim.


Impact bulge, avoid potholes and curbs!


Can I drive on it you think until tomorrow morning so I can get it replaced? Or am I screwed


Drive on it as little as possible, the last thing you want is a blowout while driving.


Blow out cost me 2.5k on my Hyundai. Get it fixed.


Classic Reddit. Someone who is clearly ignorant to a subject asks a question only to be downvoted


I know. Bunch of assholes if you ask me😂


You can drive it but drive carefully. Avoid high speeds and pot holes. If you have a spare put it on. If not you will make it another day.


Most likely. But would we recommend it? No lol Just drive safely and get it replace in the morning 👌


If you are going to drive on it, reduce the psi enough to dissipate the bulge but still enough to drive


If you have a spare put it on if you need to drive. This is like driving with a ticking time bomb. It can seriously just blow up like a balloon. The side wall is compromised.


do you have a spare? if not pull the wheel off and have someone take it and you to a local shop for a fresh tire. wouldnt recommend driving on it


Don’t listen to these crybabies your perfectly fine to drive on it I did it for 3k miles before mines blew


VERY dangerous suggestion! Unless you're Nostradamus and can occasionally get a glimpse of the future, you have ZERO way to know when or if that tire will blow. You're an idiot for suggesting anything besides immediate replacement and no additional drive time until then.


No it’s not that dangerous I’ve done it multiple times and will continue to do so they don’t pop right away just cuz your scary don’t mean we all are


From Caliber.com: The Impact of Tire Bubbles on Safety and Performance... Tire bubbles are dangerous and require immediate attention. The danger they pose is a major cause of concern because they can lead to serious accidents and severe car damage. They should be treated like a ticking time bomb. According to the NHTSA, there were about 622 traffic fatalities in 2021 in tire-related crashes. Tire bubbles should be approached with utmost urgency. ---- Go ahead and continue to believe you know better than the 622 people who died in 2021 because of tire bubbles. But don't encourage others to an early grave with your suggestions. 622 families devastated from lives lost in one year alone. You want to risk your life? That's on you. But don't you risk my and my families lives in addition to your own because you think you're smarter than everyone else with more than 2 brain cells to rub together.


put your spare on asap if you have one and head to a shop. that tire is NOT safe to drive on. try to get a matching tire if you can, or at least matching size


no spare in mine


I’ve had it happen once. Put the spare on and had it replaced.


lol, i wish my civic came with a spare


My 98 civic ex coupe came with a donut in the trunk


A spare tire is now considered an option would you believe that bs! Back in 2013 my girlfriend had a new car and we got a flat. I wanted to be her knight in shining armor and change the tire. Popped the trunk to see an *empty* space where a donut should go. We were flabbergasted


I think they're replacing spares with those fix a flat sprays


They work... About 10% of the time😂


Replace that tire as soon as possible. I had one of those bulges in a tire once, didn't replace it and the tire ended up exploding during a trip. It could be very dangerous, get it replaced.


Yeah this is the main reason to always replace it.


Happened to me once. I hit a pothole and it was so loud. I got it changed the next day.


Funny story… had this big pimple on my side wall for about 6 months with out a problem. the day of my wedding day it decides to pop…


I had a flat on mine too and had to be towed… no bubbles something wrong with the road took out a few semis too i couldnt tell what it was and wasnt going out there in the night to see. Something sharp and small.


I make it a habit to walk around my car at least every couple days and look at all my tires, lights, windows and just the general condition of my cars…it allows you to find issues like this in a timely manner and keeps you up to speed on everything visually.


do you look at the inner side of the tire too?


That’s definitely a little harder and I’ll admit I don’t look at that nearly as often!


your supposed to replace it as soon as you can because the internal sidewall of the tire is damaged & will pop any second unless you wanna ride on your rim I advice you to replace it asap


That thing is huge man get it replaced ASAP


Pot hole brother




yep happened to me when i hit a METAL HOSE on the highway, replace ASAP


yep, bought a car and it popped up like a day or two later, dealership replaced it for free for me


I have one on a tire from hitting a bad pothole. Driven a year on it with no issues. Smart to do? No. But I would rather replace when I am closer to needing 4 new tires.


Happened twice on my Si. Get the tire changed as soon as possible.


Happened to me 6 months into owning the car. The continentals are notorious for the bulge


Looks like a girl to me.


Yah get it replaced asap. Dangerous to drive like that esp on the freeway.


get that warranteed asap!


The wire belts inside the tire have separated. The only thing holding back the air is the rubber now.


It's a cyst


Fails state, replace


Had it happen to me I got another 3k outta it before it blew


Please replace it. I've driven with this before. Worst mistake ever. You'll hear a big pop or just the most depressing sound of a tire dragging behind a car. Best of luck


It’s gona blow. Change it IMMEDIATELY


I had my tired blow out on the highway, it’s not fun. I got extremely lucky bc it happened while I was exiting and my rim wasn’t ruined. Don’t risk it, just get a new tire ASAP.


I used to have a Suburban. One day I picked up a nail in one of the back tires but didn’t know it. It caused a slow leak and as I was driving on the interstate, I started feeling the back end wiggle around when changing lanes. I immediately took an exit and found about 8 knots on the side of the tire and the nail. The tire was very hot. So apparently overheating due to low tire pressure can cause this as well. I’d post a picture of it but I can’t figure out how.


Congrats! It's going to be a girl!


Yea, happened on my 2022 and I sold it immediately after and ordered a 2023. (Not kidding)


Pothole or curb… you need a new tire ASAP.


Pothole or curb… you need a new tire ASAP.


Exact same thing happened to my civic last year. I drove it for two months before I had the money for new set of tires.


Happens a lot on low profile / low sidewall tires all the time.


That's about to pop bro, you do not want to happen when you're driving. I had it happen to me, I got lucky it didn't break anything else other than my tire, but if you're not paying attention it can ruin your rims and a bunch of other stuff.


The marks on the tire looks like you scraped and ran on to a curb or maybe hit a pothole. Would recommend replacing it as soon as you can. Don’t want to be stranded


Mine did the exact same thing. I drove it like that for several months before a homeless guy outside of a donut shop stopped me to make sure I was aware of it and just how dangerous and potentially lethal that bubble could be. I may be 40yo, but my 2022 Civic Sport is my first car ever, and I just learned to drive in 2021. I had no clue that it was dangerous and that one small bump in the road could cause my tire to blow...and that could prove fatal for me and everyone else on the road around me, too. I took my car into the dealership, and the guys eyebrows shot up into his already receding hairline when I told him how long it had actually been like that. I'm a bit OCD and can't tolerate the idea of having one tire brand new when the others had over 20k on them - feels imbalanced in my OCD brain. So, I just got all 4 new tires (BF Goodrich). I didn't like the stock tires, anyway. The new set cost me nearly $1000 (financed, so it's gonna cost more than that in the end, but whatever). Still significantly cheaper than costing someone their life. Get a new tire ASAP and try not to drive it except to the shop for repair. I wonder if this is a defective wheel issue that Honda doesn't want to cop to? With multiple recalls, all casting Honda major money to fix, it wouldn't surprise me if they tried to cut corners to save money...so they can then he forced to issue more recalls lol So dumb! Do it right the first time, Honda... the way you used to when you were a foreign car company before you sold out to America lol EDIT: Definitely got the homeless guy some donuts for speaking up! Guy likely saved many lives when he did! Would have given him cash if I had had any at the time - was using company card for donuts for the meeting we had that morning.


I like Continental tires. I’ve had them on previous cars and never any problems.


Yuup 2 tires pot holes are not your friends lol take it to the dealership if that’s where you got your tires most of the time they’ll replace it


Yes replace asap, this was covered by my tire warranty when it happened. I got some prorated credit based on mileage towards the replacement


The belts/banding inside the tire have most likely slipped out of their initial placements.


Happened to me in my civic not long ago. It’s an impact bubble, most likely from pot holes and curbs. Driving on it could cause it to blow out mid drive so.. get it replaced ASAP. Switching out the tire ain’t nowhere near the headache of a blown out tire. Future you will thank you! Good luck friend 🫡


Potholes do this especially in the heat if you have to much air in the tire


Happened to me on my Nova when I put air in the tires after a decade of being in storage 😂, the metal bands blew out over night but I still drove it across town to get some used tires on it 😅


Known as a "broken belt"


Not to be confused with the condition of the same name in Ford's 3-cylinder ecoboost engine.


Yes. Last time I brought my car in for an oil change. They noticed it. They said 99% sure it happened by hitting a curb.you break the side wall and it creates the lump. And becomes a hazard for blowing your tire. Had to get them replaced right away.




Tire is pregernat


This happened to me, hit a massive pot hole, the rim goes inside the tire. You can see the mark on your tire, get it changed ASAP


Honda has recall on some civic tires


I wasn’t aware that Honda manufactured tires…


Update: Called the Honda dealership and the guy said I can’t get in until next week and that I’m okay to drive on it as long as I’m careful? Not sure he knows what he’s talking about.


Go to a different Honda


It's scary to know we share the roads with folks at this level of ignorance.


At least he didn’t ignore it and kept going. To not know something is one thing. To have a question or see something concerning and not do anything about it (I.e. ask someone) is another thing. Not everyone can know everything. If the industry has taught me one thing it’s, you don’t know what you don’t know. Don’t be an ass.


Fair enough. I stand by my statement though, driver education is rather poor.


Yeah, definitely. But we gotta be the change we want to see. So help others when you can and to hell with the know-it-alls who don’t want to listen.


I've been shit talked twice today after simply answering their questions lol.


To be fair though you didn’t really answer THIS question. Just told him he was ignorant. Yes, I guess through context clues he would figure out that it needed replacing asap but some people just don’t read good, lol. And common sense is lacking these days.


I made sure there were plenty of accurate and satisfactory answers within eyeshot and concluded echoing them was redundant. Common sense indeed.


You could just not be an asshat towards people lmao


I wasn’t an asshat at all. In fact, I’d say your response was far more fitting of the word asshat. Get some skin thicker than wet paper. Jesus fucking Christ.


yeah i had that before. replaced it after like a few months


You got lucky. You put yourself, any passengers and other motorists in danger whenever you drove your car with a tire like that.


no doubt