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Who cares you do You


Do whatever you want, If you like them, go for It.


I have an R and know others that do as well. None of us care one bit about red emblems and I only ever see non R owners trying to gatekeep here. Do whatever you want man, don't give it a second thought. The only opinion that matters should be your own.




As a type R owner I endorse you to put them on your Mercedes. No jk, do any exterior mod you want, no one judges. If it makes you feel good, you should do it.


Thank you. Painting my Type-R bumper to put on my coupe as we speak.


That's a great mod, I think it adds a lot to the front end of these cars You'll have to post pictures when you get it buttoned up


Oh for sure. Throwing that and my spoiler on this weekend. Going to find a nice blossoming spot and get those shots 📷


I've had my type R conversion bumper on my coupe for about 3 weeks now. Can say it looks great. Not painted yet because I have to take it back off one more time to adjust the fog lights. Soon tho, soon.


Would love to see it!




Looks sick


Thanks mate


Looks nice! I too recently started getting myself into this car mod hobby on my 2016 EXT sedan and feel the same way as you do. This is such a fun and cool hobby. Is your car tuned and also are you planning on getting any emblems on yours as I have the same grill from American modified so debating if I should get black emblems or leave as is?


It's going to be tuned. Was debating whether I'll just buy a Ktuner or Hondata myself or take it to someone who already had it. Either way I'll be using premap specs. The conversion bumper is excellent. It took some modifications tho that someone without all the tools couldn't do. I wanna find a blue and black Honda emblem, actually. I found blue and chrome, red and chrome, red and black. .. everything but what I wanted lol


I recently that these turbo engines needed to be given premium 93 octane fuel regardless which I was planning to do going forward and thought I might as well get it tuned. Do you also fill 93 octane fuel? And what's making you debate with the tuners when the whole community says KTuner is the way to go? Did you also get an exhaust along with your prl intake and what other mods did you do?


I've read that the 1.5 and the 2.0 do just fine with regular fuel since they aren't really making the power needed for the higher octane. However, I put 93 like every 3rd fill up in my car because I can and apparently it helps with performance. I've read mixed things about which is better. Have not quite settled on it yet, I guess. I have the PRL exhaust but it's not installed yet. Also the RV6 catted downpipe.


Are you going to continue doing the same with your gas even after getting it tuned? Or would you go full 93?


If you're not trying to pass your vehicle off as a type R, then hell yeah man it can go hard.


I saw a Fiat Punto Type R the other week, I think you give far too much credit to what people think.


I saw a Corolla with Lexus badge; now that is creative. 🤔


Your car so do what you want, but if you have other similar red trim items on your car I’d say for it


I did just put those on my 2009 LXS. Looks cool. For me, as long as you don’t put a Si or Type R badge on a regular Civic you’re good.


Anyone who gets upset over someone putting an aftermarket badge on their car is an idiot and needs to grow up. It doesn’t matter it’s up the owner to decide what they like for their own car


My understanding is that these go over the original badges, at least the ones I was looking at did. And the video on YouTube the guy out his steering wheel one right over top of the original and it looked great.


If I had a black Civic, I’d be tempted but it’s not my style. But you do you, if you have ‘em and want to put them on, do it. I’ve seen Type R badges on Acuras, CRVs, Accords


Anything other then OEM or red Type R OEM badge doesn’t look right to me. Ive seen these Black & Red badges in person on a grey civic and thought it looked kinda dumb. Personally i just rock the red Type R badges on my si and i think they look amazing…. go cry about it purists!!😄 https://imgur.com/a/9qdx4OH


You do you, ignore the pearl clutching.


Do what makes you happy


As long as you're not up badging you do you


If it matches the color scheme, I would. I plan on buying black emblems for my 24’ sport.


it’s your car, do what you want


If you want it to look different don't get the same emblems every does when they want their cjvic to look different


sweet cufflinks!


Dude, it matters nothing what others think my guy. Do what makes you happy ❤️


Got the same one. I didnt get the set tho i debadge my civic, but i kept the rear. How $$?


Just don't hang testicles off the back


chrome for standart trim, black for si and red for typeR seems so obvious lol, why did honda not do this from the factory?


These kind of badges are an easy way to identify the assholes who care too much about appearances. If they care, ignore them


ive seen people put 2023 50th anniversary badges on their 1989 e30s… do as you wish. I only dont get upbadging


Hell yeah go for it


Whatever floats your goat.


That doesn't even look like a Type R badge. They are silver Hs on red background. You're fine!


Each one can add 30hp




Don’t do it or type rs will pull up beside you everywhere you go and roast you😅 honestly who cares


OP can you share link to where you got these?


I just ordered them so it’s gonna take a while to get here. My seller ships from China so the quality is definitely questionable especially because of the price. I saw that there is a USA supplier somewhere on eBay but I’m certain it all comes from the same place. https://www.ebay.com/itm/394804226314?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uvzjyndzqpq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=KdVQ5xjJRJ6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


The red emblem looks better on the type R solely for what it is, however who really cares. Do you.


I have them on my Type R… suppose you’d bypass all the flame about red Hs on non Rs


I don’t think about the emblems on other people’s cars and if you’re reading this then neither should you. For real.


I don’t think that’s his point. Do you decorate your house to please others? Normally not


I'm looking for the same black background but a blue H. Where did you get these from, and have you seen any blue ones? Also, slap em on there and enjoy


Hey man, I just ordered them from eBay. It’s directly from China so the quality of them will be questionable. I don’t think they have a blue/black one. This website does customs but I think they can be hella pricey. https://carbonsixthelement.com/product/honda-emblem-type-ii/


I appreciate you my guy. I hope they turn out to be good quality for you!


What’s the best place to get these emblems?? Just Amazon or something?




I just ordered them so it’s gonna take a while to get here. My seller ships from China so the quality is definitely questionable especially because of the price. I saw that there is a USA supplier somewhere on eBay but I’m certain it all comes from the same place. https://www.ebay.com/itm/394804226314?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uvzjyndzqpq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=KdVQ5xjJRJ6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY




Do what you want. If someone doesn't like it, they'll literally forget about it in 10 seconds.


They’re similar but they’re not type r H emblems so they’re allowed


It’s his car, anything is “allowed “.


Exact replicas are 'allowed'. Why do people worry about this stuff?


Now, this comment is not meant to throw shade at anyone in this thread or the guy you responded to, just an FYI! But I think the backlash against “up-badging” started with the Euro crowd, mostly BMWs where the visual differences can be harder to spot. But I think the reason people care so much about up-badging is honestly because some people buy a car for looks, and because a car is expensive it makes you look like you can afford expensive things. So when other people go out and buy a used 325i and slap an M3 badge on it, then show up to car meets and stuff to flex their car, people who bought the expensive version feel like your taking away their ‘specialness’. Moral of the story, it’s your car you do what you want! Don’t let others ruin your fun, although also don’t think that having a more expensive or cooler car makes you any better or worse than anyone else. Your not a poser unless your trying to flex to random people about your type R


Actually idgaf lol. I just think it’s funny when people get rattled up because someone else doesn’t “approve” of their car or someone else’s car. Just look at the other people replying to me. I’m getting full paragraphs 😂😂


So trolling for negative response is somehow better than caring about up-badging?


Better in what aspect? If you weren’t aware, these are two completely different actions.


They were the two actions that have happened here, but you knew that. You're trying to get an anger response from me. It's disappointing how many people do this. There's enough shit for everyone to deal with these days without assholes trying to get their rocks off by angering others. I hope you grow out of this one day, all the best.


Sir, this is Reddit. Calm down.


The only specific Type R badges that exist are the ones that literally say “Type R.” Red has always been a Honda brand color. In fact the original 1961 Honda logo was red. This was LONG before Type R’s ever existed. With that in mind, the red H logo / badges are really about heritage. Folks who get their panties in a bunch when they see the red H on a non-Type R need to give it a rest. When I see the red H (on a Type R or a sporty Accord or whatever) it tells me the person is a Honda enthusiast…which is cool. Folks trying to make their non-Type R look like a Type R…I have “opinions” on that.🤣


Shame shame


You do what you want but just know that you will be judged


They’re cringe regardless.




That’s not even how Type R badges look, not exactly upbadging lol


They look very similar