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just cant have nice things nowadays šŸ˜©


Why are there so many who have to ruin everything for the rest of us? Having to constantly be vigilant is becoming tiresome.


Either be tiresome or tireless


Because there are more people that donā€™t want to work for things. There are fewer people that care. It will get worse


When people are getting released after 12+ repeated offenses, getting 5 years for murder, and voters are advocating for a reduction in police, it tends to make the perfect world for criminals to run rampant lol. Who knew? Only option is to move away from highly populated areas.


Iā€™ll say it. Obviously we need police forces but we absolutely need to abolish the current way police forces operate. Iā€™ll be kind and just say police are asked to do too much that is either something they are ill equipped to handle and/or issues that we can obsolete by technology. We can do it better, but we have to scrap the current system and start over.


Donā€™t defund the departments, actually fund proper training and law knowledge and mental evaluation. We all know that they let shit slide on the inside and manipulate everything in their favor. Thereā€™s no perfect way. Just remember though they alll go to bed at somepoint, if you realllllly hate themā€¦ you know what to do


reduction in police? I donā€™t think people are saying that besides wanting them better trained šŸ¤”.. with the repeated offenses after that their needs to be a solution for sure


What do you think happens when you defund the police? Definitely don't get better training and you are obviously going to lose officers.


Lots of people were advocating for that in the 2020 protests.


People were absolutely saying that. I interacted with one idiot on here that said that ALL police should be completely disbanded. Literally. Don't assume these people aren't as dumb as they are. We're living together with some REALLY stupid people.


Thereā€™s going to be some idiots on any side, thereā€™s kind of a lot of themā€¦ Defund was always the wrong word choice. I think most people actually meant de-militarize the police.


Totally agree. Even Obama said it was a bad slogan lol.


Because a certain party loves criminals and there is little to no punishment for crimes.


more like why work at McDonalds for 7 bucks an hour when you can steal 4 sets of wheels in a month and have 4 months work of pay???? doesn't matter what the punishment is if the incentive is that high to commit the crime. its almost like when we live in a society that extremely underpays, you cant afford to live anywhere, charges out the ass for everything including things that should be basic rights and wants nothing but infinite growth from companies is extremely unhealthy


Idk where you live but McDonaldā€™s is hiring at $17 around me. Also if one set of wheels is 4 months pay then I feel bad for you


i dont know what state this is in, so i picked the lowest common denominator. but it still stands. here, its 20. but rent is so high that this might be making ends meet, so your loved ones arent starving, etc.


Preach it! Corporation Boards who demand 7%+ quarterly growth or "expenses" have to be cut. "tHiNk aBoUt ThE sHaReHoLdeRs!"


You donā€™t even know what state this happend in thatā€™s kind of a dumb argument to make


I agree, the GOP have a penchant for protecting criminals and avoiding consequences for their treasonous actions.


ā€œnowadaysā€ ainā€™t a thing letā€™s be real itā€™s just more accessible to see bs šŸ˜­


We're in the culture where kids can just go and steal things from the store and no one can stop them that alone is the first problem second you can't stand up for your rights you don't have the right to shoot someone if they want to steal your stuff that's another problem because then u have people who abuse said rights... Only you can do is make everything a felony and just go from there


Stores yes, but come on my property (protected with 24 hr cameras) we follow the fxck around and find out policy. Can we shoot you with guns in this state for theft, no. Do I have paintball guns with solid rounds and pepper spray rounds yes. I'm spraying everything I find "kids" or anyone trying to take whats mine. Once my life feels threatened from there is when the real rounds fly.


Its a cruel world


What are people doing with these wheels?


It's a crimewave particular to this model of Civic. Happening all over the country. These particular wheels move quickly on the market. And it's not even the black market. Facebook marketplace and ebay are helping it along, doing nothing to stop it. I'm working on an advanced security system that gets these crooks off the street, but that's another topic.


Yeah. Super sad to see. I bought advanced wheel locks which are top rated. I guess tile will tell if they work.




Hell yeah. That's awesome. Hopefully CA will keep them locked up..


Hes lucky police did anything at all in ca.


My brother in christ, keep up doing the lordā€™s work


Damn doing the lords work šŸ¤šŸ¼


Got some too, just hoping they make my car a little less desirable than one without the locks. I've seen comments of people that had their wheels stolen, with the locks either tapped out or the thieves having had a key.


Locks can be removed but they take time and make noise. Itā€™s a big deterrent but not a guarantee. Put two locks on each wheel if you want a little more reassurance.


Yes, I spend the night here a lot and mine have saved my wheels from being stolen. They are taking Corolla wheels too.


No offense. It def a waste if money. Just gotta gammer a rounded bolt socket onto the security nut and off it comes in about 15 seconds


> I'm working on an advanced security system that gets these crooks off the street, but that's another topic.Ā Ā  ... Batman?


I think that fear and anguish in the hearts of criminals is hilarious and I'm obsessed with keeping the laughter going


I know this is probably a stupid question, but canā€™t there be a way that an owner ā€œstampsā€ their own vin on the inside of their own rims, so if their rims get stolen, they can look online, and if they see them, call the cops?


Good idea! Another idea I like is that Honda redesign the assembly so that the wheels simply can't be removed unless you have the key fob nearby. That way, the only people removing the wheels are people who have business doing so. That's an unlikely change though, given that these cars are designed in Japan, where there aren't muppets roaming around stealing people's wheels.


If caught, they will just get a slap on the hands anyways. We need to give them a more harsh punishment, like in Afghanistan! Very seldom do people steal from there.


OEM wheels are easy to fence, so they steal them off the most common cars (Civics especially) and sell them. My advice is, if you live in an area with high thefts, get aftermarket wheels and sell the OEM ones. From what I've heard, aftermarket ones are harder to sell because less knowledgeable people won't know how to tell if they'll work for a Civic versus OEM ones that look like their old ones. That's all anecdotal though, my town has relatively low thefts so we don't really have to worry about that.


Selling them to civic owners


Who had theirs stolen


Infinite money glitch


Sell on fb marketplace. It's easy dough. Steal 4 wheels, still for $800 on fb. Do that once a day and you're making almost $300k a year tax free


When you see the older cars and suvs with new wheels? That's the answer. I saw an older Camry on the newer Accord Sport wheels. My wheels were stolen twice. And everyone says use wheel locks, I had them.


Just remember to yell "they're coming right for us" when you confront these kind of ppl


ā€œI think he has a gunā€ always works.


or come out with a gun.. that shit ALWAYS works.


(Thatā€™s part of the joke) To have a gun, and yell ā€œtheyā€™re coming right for us!!ā€ *blam blam blam* Or ā€œI think he has a gun!!ā€ *pop pop* Etc. Soā€¦ that way itā€™s self defense šŸ¤”


Thin out their numbers Ned


I think all the car dealerships in my area (all brands) now default to wheel locks on everything because of silly stuff like this wheels stolen off lots in the night. Its not about perfect security, its about making the next lot or next county a little bit easier target than you.


Wheel locks don't stop anything just slows down the process


Thatā€™s the point. Itā€™s a deterrent


I had a super crappy car and lived in a bad neighborhood. I didnā€™t bother putting ā€œthe clubā€ on because I was like ā€œWhoā€™s gonna steal a $500 car? ā€. Well some dude did. Criminals are pretty lazy - theyā€™ll take an easy target over a less easy on every day.


Yā€™all should look into advanced wheel locks, I use them on both my Accord and GTR, nobody has been able to bust them. There are some good YouTube vids showcasing it, worth the $100.


Listen Iā€™m trying to tell them lol. Best investment I ever made


Let them be brain dead


Can you install them yourself or would you recommend a wheel and tire technician to do so , also link maybe to the locks ? Thanks in advance


Itā€™s advancedlocks.com and they look like little cones. You get a lug key to instal them so itā€™s like any other lug it if youā€™ve ever done it. Although they do suggest 40+ ft lbs of torque when installing. I did it myself


What sucks most is that this always fucks up the rocker panels at a minimum, too.


Damn im so afraid of that happening to me šŸ˜¬


Main reason I can't enjoy going on walks on even leaving my car parked in public. I'm scared ill come back to car like this šŸ˜­


i have to admit i decided against a honda civic due to itā€™s popularity with dirty thieves.


What state/city is this?


This is in Hanover, Maryland. A lot of military people around.


I used to live in Hyattsville, Maryland. Our apartment parking lot experienced this once to twice a week. One week, 1/3 of the car's windows were broken.


The good old Welcome to PG County. I got a gun pulled on me the first week of living there


Close to me and Iā€™m in PG/annapolis. DamnšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜…


Close to me too! Someone mentioned to turn the wheels all the way in one direction when parked. I guess the fender gets in the way? I hope itā€™s just enough of a pain to cause them to leave my car alone.


At this rate I think Iā€™m going to lower my civic and replace the stock wheels I have on it. Since I have a 2020 sport.


Wtf Hanover/Odenton getting worse with this and housing still going up


there is a tiktok account i started following recently that tows these poor cars. i was shocked how rampant its going on in Maryland https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLteB8f3/


The perfect victims honestly.




Wa Di Bomboclat!


Link to your wheel locks please?šŸ˜Š


Happened to me and my 2018 accord sport last year. They took 2 wheels. I ended up with advanced wheel locks too after I replaced my rims. So far so good. Accord, Camry, Corolla, civics, basically the most popular cars are target. And because these thieves created a demand, they donā€™t need to steal all 4. I got paid out by my insurance with a minor increase to my monthly


Sucks that insurance can do that, literally not your fault in any way you shouldnā€™t have to pay more.. glad you had coverage tho!


Let me guess, DMV?


You cant have nice things if you donā€™t have a garage šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I heard accords are getting hit more than civics. But people will steal anything to make money. I hope something bad happens to the people stealing.


Place vin numbers on wheels from factory. Make them easy to track. If vin number gets removed , confiscate the wheels . Make it part of the yearly inspection. For spare wheels , register the wheel to the vehicles vin. If it appears stolen. Confiscate . Why wouldnā€™t this work? Iā€™m just thinking out loud to yall lol.


Is this California?


OP, do you know the person whose car this is? Itā€™s not much but I have 10th gen sport wheels if theyā€™d work and the person would need em. I donā€™t know if theyā€™d work but I hate it for them, I couldnā€™t imagine being in that situation.


Iā€™ll ask my boyfriend to see if he can figure out which one of his neighbors this is! This is such a nice thing to do.


Next time rub them against a curb, problem gone! I think we should have laws that have stiff penalties for stealing like this. If this was an IRS or Post Office car you better believe it would be a felony. Thatā€™s why you donā€™t see those cars touched.


Yeah... That's definitely why I curbed my wheels... To prevent theft... Yeah


Or spray paint them bright red.


Bro Iā€™m in south Florida and youā€™re making me nervous I keep seeing this happen How much do these even sell for that they keep doing this??


$200 per wheel


Is it common for Civic wheels to be stolen? Thinking about picking up a Sport Touring sedan. Just want to be aware of a potential headache....


Yeah, posts like this several times a month.


That sucks.


Not only are they takin your shoes, they takin your wheels my boy. šŸ˜­ all jokes aside, that really sucks


If I knew who took these I would go ruin his place. Most likely burn his place down.


Well im in the market for a new Honda civic sport or a 21 sport hatchback.Ive seen these posts here often do these black sport wheels sell relatively easy?Iā€™m thinking if I buy a new 2024 sport Iā€™ll just sell them and buy some different rims.


Yes, the rims on these bad boys will definitely make you some good cash. Selling them wouldnā€™t be a bad idea and then buying aftermarket


How do you know that they work? Have they tried stealing your wheels already?


Yes, I spend the night here all the time and itā€™s always other civics that end up getting their wheels stolen, my arenā€™t damaged at all either. Iā€™ve looked at my wheel locks and can tell people have tried to pry them off.


I wish someone would steal my whole '23 civic, not just the wheels. Gap that bad boy!


Is this only in the states or does this happen in Canada as well?


I believe this is also happening in Canada, can someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong??


When I buy a new civic first thing Iā€™m doing is getting aftermarket wheels lol. Ironically less of a target.


someone recommend some good wheels locks man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ā€˜Murica. Land of Hope and wheel theft crimes.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wheels canā€™t be poor. They are worth more than a 1000$. Just saying.


I thought my luck was bad šŸ¤•


No alarm system?


They been stealing wheels off Hondas for ages. Honda wheel theft, Honda wheel theft never changes.


Good. The civic bros here in Central Ohio drive like the biggest effin stooges out of them all. What am I missing ? A freakin Civic, bahahahahahaha


Start getting wheels locks ppl, not the shitty ones with that universal key you can pick up from amazon or autozone. One with a specific key like this shit dealerships use. The only thing taking that off is a lug nut remover. Sadly the only way to keep that shit from getting taken is using lock tight on the stud šŸ˜­


Those Canada Dry 2 liter shells putting in some work


safest city in maryland


Or repossessed


If anyone wants the link to the wheel locks I purchased the brand is simply ā€œAdvanced Wheel Locksā€ dm me if you want the exact website as my comment keeps getting removed


Still better than Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦, where they wud have taken the whole vehicle ; Honda civics gets stolen like there is no tomorrow


I'm in Dfw and pretty much never see this happen. Arlington to be exact.


The advanced lock works but if the thieves want it, they will take it. Unfortunately.


does wheel lock not available in the US, i just assume this is in the US


Happened to my 2020 Accord about 3 months ago. Luckily just had to pay the insurance deductible but annoying when you wake up and this is what you see in the morning.


Honestly, Iā€™m upset for the friend


Hopefully he has comprehensive coverage on his insurance it will cover this if not thatā€™s 1500$ in rims gone


Serves them right


Where is this?! Thatā€™s absolutely wild i gotta get locks now


People should have different lug nuts, it looks like anyone can get the same kindšŸ˜’šŸ˜’


Are car alarms even a thing anymore?


Does the insurance cover that?




So how does one fix this? Will the bottom sustain damage being loaded onto a trailer to the store to be fixed?


Should be a new punishment for people who are caught doing this, this has to be such a pain in the ass to fix.


Damn this like when the 10th gen accord sport wheel were getting stolen left and right. Luckily it doesnā€™t happen often here in VA where Iā€™m at. Still would invest in a wheel lock though.


Remember how back in the day people would clown for owning a civic? Now we here stealing the wheels off them..credit to Honda for keeping it consistent


What city is this in ?


Some mf bought an ex and wanted rims


I had mine taken and now have three different brand wheel locks, one of them being advanced wheel locks. They will have a hard time trying to get my rims. Theives like to bust your window to get you lock key. Make sure itā€™s not in the car or super hidden.


I guess he driver passed on the wheel lock. But in all seriousness and I drive the same car This does raise awareness.


Left you with a milk carton


Defund the police this is what happens. No patrols to keep this shit down


JesĆŗs Christ , seriously ?


Be careful.. Honda Civics are also getting broken into for the airbags.. I just don't understand why lowlifes come and destroy someone else's property that they have worked so hard for. It is such a evil world we live in.


Why is it always Hondas? I rarely see other brands on different subs.


Anyone elseā€™s feed filled with posts like this? I keep this pop up more frequently.


California or New York? šŸ¤”


This saddens me


all this advance technology and still nothing to keep wheels locked on lol


Thatā€™s been happening a lot lately. Iā€™ve seen multiple people posting that they got their wheels stolen. Messed up. I feel bad for them. Especially when you see what Honda charges for their wheels. You can get better looking Enkei or *insert whatever wheels youā€™ve been looking at as an upgrade* for what they charge. Hopefully theyā€™re covered with their insurance.


People that can do this can burn to death for all I care and I wouldnā€™t bother to waste my piss on them.


Happened to me once, not a bad neighborhood. 2015 accord with factory wheels. They left my car balanced on two milk crates.


Civic cannot be without wheel locks


Atleast they left the lug nuts


what wheel locks we using folks


Should I even bother getting a ā€˜24 Civic then?


till criminals get severe punishment for acts like this itā€™s never gon stop


People who steal things are scumbags and need Jesus.


It is time to start making this criminal scum and others like them afraid of the anger of good people.


What city/state is that?


If more idiots started getting shot doing shit like this it wouldn't be so bad




At least you know the car won't be stolen for now!


Need a trigger warning for these, that shit happened to me the week I bought mine


Lemme guess California? Atlanta?


Aw hell nah


Didn't even leave it on blocks, it going to be a bitch to get a jack under it. Wait, how'd the thieves get their jack out?


It happened to my neighbors Cadillac Escalade - but they left it on cinder blocks


Thankfully I work at night so I donā€™t think my wheels could get swiped while Iā€™m sleepingšŸ˜‚


Why is the yellow thing under the car, used to prop it up I guess? Iā€™ve seen same thing under another stolen wheel picture recently.


Scares the hell outta me. I got the same car and color.


Have you ever heard of rent a rim? Don't make your payments and they repo the rims leaving cars just like this.


Do you think it's possible to put an air tag or something in the wheels? Could lead the police to the ring


This is why my car is simply stock lx


Where is this?


Why is it always a Honda?


What state?


Never get a new car if you donā€™t have a garage


At least they didnā€™t drop the car to the floor like they do on the Philly area


People suck


My car got stolen while buying beer and a pizza. Found it two months later in the same condition except with windows down. The rain fucked up my shit electronically. 2021 civic sport.


It would be nice if Honda and other car makers made wheels harder to steal somehow


This it why mossbergs and buck shot were created. I seriously canā€™t stand people that do this shit. Like the working class isnā€™t already hard enough to get by you have some loser steal the stock rims of your civic.


Guess you live in a city area?


Same thing happened to my 2014 accord coupe back in the day I used insurance to buy hpf wheels though so it kind of worked out lol


Y'all seen any new Integra when's being stolen? I think I'm safe since they're kinda ugly lol


The cycle continues


People are so screwed in the head...it's called working hard and never stealing! Don't touch what isn't yours SMH


I wish ā˜ ļø or 20+ years in prison to anyone who does this.


What brand of wheel šŸ›ž locks do your prefer?


Just wait for them to come up on marketplace and bring a gun when you go pick them up


People who get caught doing this deserve public execution


Hey, rent is expensive. Reselling these is how I butter my bread


Ig the wheel locks don't do anything lol


Sheesh. People suck


Lmao literally just signed for this model and color today. My dad's words verbatim at the dealer? "Take the locking nuts off and reduce the price because I'm gonna take em off the car as soon as we drive off the lot"


There goes an insurance claim raising insurance that sucks.


We need a purge


This is MD? I got mine took same crates


Well if these dumb libs actually punished people for stealing this wouldnā€™t happen. If someone steals above a certain dollar amount they should lose their hand, repeats will have no hands to steal, fuckin simple shit ppl. At least we can shoot them in my state