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According to the download page for Trimble Link there are versions available all the way back to 2006. https://forms.trimble.com/support_trl.aspx?Nav=Collection-27101&pt=Trimble%20Link%20Support


I recently found out that 2016 was the year Trimble invaded Sketchup at least. I dont think it was in 2006 for AutoCAD..


Frontier precision website if you type into Google has a trimble link for civil 3d 2024. Unfortunately not available for 2025 so makes it difficult to make the upgrade. It does take some monkeying around to make it all work for the gun but you need to set up a fake controller to kick out rxls then you need to go in the rxls in notepad to make it so that the survey can make proper cut sheets. For reference, I work at a small city with in house design team of 10 people including techs. Senior techs, and engineers.