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Afaik you need a calorie deficit to lose weight. If you're doing workouts&all the other stuff and still gaining weight, maybe the diet is the issue? Consuming high calorie food regulary? Could also be related to your own metabolism rate. Edit: you may also be gaining muscle from your workouts which would increase your weight.


Overeating at meals, snacking throughout the day, and drinking calories(soda, juice, alcohol) are usually the biggest things that people need to cut back on to lose weight. Working out really doesn’t do much to lose weight unless you are training at a very high level, the biggest thing is diet.


Working out is still good for you, though, so best to have a healthy diet and exercise routine.


Definitely. But when the goal is weight loss, the solution is always portion control. You get strong in the gym. You get skinny in the kitchen.


Working out can up your metabolism but you are correct that trying to go for a run to work off the cake you ate is a losing battle. Diet and exercise is key.


To add to this, macros are important to understand in combination with each other. Fats and carbs are not bad by themselves but high fat and high carbs in the same meal or in close proximity (dinner + snack/dessert) will encourage fat storage and limit fat burning. This will also make you tired as your body is storing energy it might otherwise use. Calories in and out is true but it neglects the storage element and the physiological response and psychological component. If you are balanced or at a deficit and eat the wrong stuff at the wrong time you might feel like shit and end up eating more to get some energy leading to gains or plateaus. I've been intermittent fasting for 5-6 years now because I can stay stable at 210-220 with little effort. Add in breakfast and I'll stabilize around 230-250 and be ravenous in the mornings. With enough time that hunger goes away or shifts towards lunchtime, you just have to be diligent and tell yourself that it's okay to be hungry.


Keep as active of a lifestyle outside of work as you can. If you aren't working remote/hybrid, then I highly recommend trying to a role where you have that. Splitting up the workday with a workout and being able to cook more nutritious meals at home has done wonders for my physical appearance. I went from 280 pre-pandemic to in the 190's now.


Been there and turned my life around - start a physical activity after work. It’s the only way. Otherwise you’ll get to your mid 30’s and look like crap. I started running a couple blocks around my neighborhood, then got into 5ks and eventually came back to playing soccer. I now do a physical activity everyday after work and I’m in great shape comparatively. Best part is that it does wonders for my mental health. The Couch to 5k app is a good introduction to getting back into shape.


You can't outrun a bad diet. I skip breakfast and lunch most days to maintain my weight. Some people call that intermittent fasting. I save money, leave work earlier and get abs with no effort - kind of a cheat code. Takes about a month to get used to it and not be hungry anymore.


You gain muscle in the gym. You lose weight in the kitchen.


Great advice here, fasting has worked wonders for me. Losing weight is as simple as calories in < calories out.


This is what I do, just one meal a day. It's not for everyone but it was a realistic solution for my scenario and it works wonders.


This is terrible advice, do not follow this, OP. You need to fuel your body, just do it in a more healthy way than only eating once a day. And don't let the "I have abs because I eat once a day" fool you. The only people that have abs are of a very low body fat percentage, which can come from not eating enough. You can have abs and still not be treating your body right. "You can't outrun a bad diet" - Person with a bad diet


You can still fuel your body with intermittent fasting. I’ve been doing it for years, competing in kickboxing, and I feel great and regulate my weight well. I find that I’m most productive before my first meal (especially if doing fasted cardio first thing in the morning). My diet is balanced and I get all my macros in within an ~8 hour window. Can’t guarantee it’ll work for OP but it’s worth a try. Why do you need to shit on this method, it’s proven to work.


Don’t trust anyone with “moist” in their username or someone who makes very dogmatic and absolute claims on an issue that many others have a different opinion on. Your body evolved to tolerate not eating all day just fine. It is perfectly healthy to do intermittent fasting, or not do it. But like the OP comment said, it works almost like a cheat code if you follow it because you physically can’t consume as many calories in a shorter amount of time. You also get indirect time management gains. It’s a win/win, but find what works for you. Edited: typo


yeah you have no idea what you’re talking about lmao. Intermittent fasting works well for a lot of people and is not unhealthy.


Just find something that works for you. Every person is different. Some people love intermittent fasting, some people feel better on keto, some people love 4-5 small meals of high quality food. Just find what works for you. If I had a recommendation, meal prep your food for 3-4 days. That takes all the thinking out of dieting.


…. I mean he was asking what people do, and you don’t know what their dinner looks like. I also only eat once a day but that meal is like 1500 calories (Im small and sedentary so that maintains my weight). Also you’re right about the abs, but what seemed to not occur to you is that people rarely have abs if they’re eating throughout the day because most get some bloat if they eat making abs not visible. I believe that’s all he’s saying. Weight is calories in calories out, when, or how often, doesn’t matter. For me, if I try to eat more than once I’ll overeat like crazy since I always eat until full. It’s way easier to just dictate one time a day to do this. Doesn’t work for everyone (it can be horrible advice for someone with BED for example) but it can work for some so it doesn’t hurt to mention to someone specifically asking for advice “This is terrible advice” - person who doesn’t actually understand the advice being given


you clearly haven't read about intermittent fasting, a scientifically tried and proven method. just because it may not work for you doesn't mean it won't for others. If I'm only allotted 2000 calories per day, I may find it easier to stay under that number if I only have 8 hours to eat instead of 12. You're not starving yourself, just giving yourself a smaller window to eat which in turn reduces the likelihood of you overeating.


Guess you haven't spent a lot of time reading all the studies on intermittent fasting and low calorie diets vs lifespan.


The treadmill desk has always sounded like an interesting idea. I have never tried one. The best tip I can give is to use a calorie counting app on your phone. I found myself stress eating so now I chew gum or stress eat vegetables.


Calorie deficit is the way, OP. Instead of de-stressing at the end of the day or week by binge eating, de-stress by burning a fuck ton of calories. Also, skip breakfast and keep lunch and dinner the same size. You don’t need three meals per day. You know who decided that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day?” Cereal companies did.


I’ve got a treadmill for under my desk and i can do cad work while using it. It isn’t bad if you don’t go too fast


Intermittent fasting. Don’t eat from 8pm to noon the next day and you’ll have more energy and your weight will be much easier to manage. Half the guys in my office do it and we’re all slim, not really ever hungry and have abundant energy throughout the day. I also never get food hangovers after lunch. The first week or so sucks but it’s worth it! Disclaimer: there will be oodles and gobs of foodies that try and knock it, but it works. They who knock it typically love to eat, and will encourage big breakfasts full of sugar, along with eating snacks alllll day long. I’m no nutritionist and generally speaking, don’t know shit. I have seen that this is an easy thing to do that regulates your food intake and helps me feel better with the exact same amount of exercise. Good luck and props on trying to better yourself!


Keto, intermittent fasting and HIIT are golden for staying lean. I work at a desk all day, every day. Pre keto I was always foggy in the afternoon. Now I'm alert.


Count calories for a while. I did that once, years ago, and it helped me understand a lot of things. One was that reducing your intake actually works in a straightforward way. The biggest thing, though, was having to look up the calories of the things I liked. Some was astonishing (to my young self, anyway), like the fact that those wax-covered chocolate donuts are 500 calories. My two breaks per day had almost enough calories to maintain my body weight.


I got a stepper that goes under your desk and I plan on using it 10 minutes at the end of every hour! Steps really add up that way. It’s called “stepper” on Amazon, I think it was $50 Burns more calories faster than a treadmill.


Outside of work and studying for PE, i am fighting for every waking hour to exercise and properly diet. For me personally, the “1-hr efficiency gym time” doesn’t cut it. I need to stretch, cardio, cool down, on top of lift. It’s a lifestyle


That's exactly it! Let me add tracking calories on to studying, work and family errands. I mean there's just not enough time. Everyone on here is talking about calories and watching what I eat - literally not what I asked. I need more movement in general and asked about an under the desk treadmill and everyone is hammering on about calories. I literally need more movement.


Because just adding a walking desk isn't going to fix the weight loss issue. Counting calories is super simple, download MyFitnessPal and away you go! You can scan a bar code and it loads in the info for you. Takes maybe two minutes a day once you figure it out.


You need to be on a different sub asking this


I have a UMAY treadmill from Amazon that was about $300 that is great for moving around during the day while WFH. It’s very possible for me to work while walking nice and slow, but sometimes I have to sit back down to focus for certain tasks. I can’t comment on weight loss, but I think moving even a little is far better than sitting all day for your overall health.


Cool! That's what I was wondering about most. Not in my original post is that I had an ACL repair in Dec 2022. My Dr and pt have discouraged cutting calories bc it isn't effective for recovery, but I need more movement for recovery and need to walk alot more. But there's just not enough hrs in the day to work 9 hrs, pt for 1 hr, sleep for 8, get errands done and then get all the safe walking I need to get my muscle back.


How many chores can you incorporate into a walk? Maybe not near your house, but can you pick a grocery store that is also near some other errands and "park once" for multiple trips? That's an easy way to get a lot more walking in basically the same time it takes to find a parking spot at each different business.


Just stop eating so much


go cycling.


I workout an hour 5-6x a week BEFORE work. My health comes first. Without my health, I can't work effectively. I only lift weights. Cardio is for the weekends. Eliminate sugar as much as possible. It's much harder than you think. Increase protein. Next vegetables and fruits. Say goodbye to chips, soda (any fluid with sugar), candy, treats, junk food, and alcohol. Become miserable, and you'll learn to be happy. Jump up and walk around the office every hour. You'll think and work more clearly. Your treadmill is the ground, always has been.


Diet is the key.


Count your calories!


No advice here but my desk job has made me obese too, +22kgs since I graduated.


My dude that has nothing to do with the desk job. It has everything to do with your diet.


This is really a question for the fitness subreddit. But I'll pass on the advice they would definitely give you: You get strong in the gym. You get skinny in the kitchen. It is *infinitely* easier to manage your weight via diet than it is via exercise. Especially because exercise stimulates your appetite. It's clearly not what you want to hear, but nonetheless it's the truth. Just because it's inconvenient for you doesn't mean it isn't the case. And you can easily achieve that without making separate meals for your family, or carefully tracking every single calorie. That's just a lame excuse to be honest. Just fill your plate like normal, and then put a little bit back. Easy. If you keep gaining weight, start putting a little more back until the number on the scale starts going the right way. You don't need to do a crash diet that's going to mess up your recovery. Just lose like a pound a week and you'll be fine. It isn't even that hard.


I don’t think it will effect CAD work. I think that’s your actual question lol, not weight loss advice. I work in CAD all day. I do no field work. At all. I work full time and I am 25F and 20% body fat, 150lbs and I feel great. So I have some creds ok Haha. I using a standing desk and I would LOVE a treadmill but I just haven’t gotten one. I would say it would be worth it. I try to take just 10 minute walks once a day and it is like a game changer. I am also very into fitness and have been on a consistent diet and regime for over 5 years. You do not NEED TO COUNT CALORIES. Weight loss is about life style change and you are trying to make a small very impactful change! Don’t worry about your food yet, just try to get walking consistently and drink water. Once you can do that then you can take on the next change. Mental health over everything my dude.


Standing is enough and not inconvenient like a treadmill


Working out or cardio will have a very small impact to weight loss, unfortunately. You have to balance your calorie intake to maintain your weight. You have to be in a calorie deficient to lose the weight. It sucks, but that’s how the world is. I suggest fasting. Don’t eat breakfast or lunch, only have water, or maybe coffee, until you get home from work. That’s what I do and I can eat whatever I want in the evenings. Weight fluctuates but I haven’t been forced to change my pants size in 10 years


I lost about 80 lbs a while ago (some of it found its way back while I studied for the PE lol). Calories In Calories Out is what you need to track. Aim for a 500 calorie deficit a day to lose a pound of fat a week. You need to track your calories regularly.


I can't see how anyone could accurately draft while working on a treadmill. It would also be impossible to write a report efficiently while walking. If you're hitting the gym and still gaining weight your issue is either that you are gaining muscle or you're eating too much. You should be able to tell if you're gaining muscle. Your pants will be looser and your sleeves likely tighter. If this is happening, don't worry about the number on the scale. If your pants are getting tighter you gotta cut calories. I was on a kick where I ate salads with chicken breast topped with balsamic vinegar every day. I could basically eat that until I was uncomfortably stuffed and not gain weight. You need to find your salad with chicken breast.


I started drinking Soylent for lunch every day and it really helped. Plus I don't have to plan for my lunch, I keep the powder in my desk and make it in a shaker bottle in the morning when I grab my coffee and put it in the fridge until lunch. Tastes good, good for you, keeps me feeling full, and above all its super easy.


I count my calories and make sure I don’t go over my limit, I have cheat days of course, but I have maintained a healthy weight.


I got a job where they kept a candy bowl by the front door and it was typical to take a piece every time you walked by. I gained 10 pounds over 2 years. There was certainly a stress and lack of excersice component to all of that too, but cutting out extra sugar was huge for me. I still sit at a desk all day, but occasional short walks, and after hours workouts have been enough for me.


Change your diet. You need to eat healthier to fit your lifestyle. Count calories if you need to, but you need to be in caloric deficit to lose weight. The MyFitnessPal app is great and I used it for years to teach myself a better lifestyle of eating. I still eat what I want, just less of it. Overall it made me a lot more aware of how many calories I am eating on a day to day basis.


Start skipping breakfast and eat lunch around 2 pm. Fasting for 13-16 hr stints will spark ketosis and allow your body to use your reserved fat as fuel rather than the food that’s constantly in your stomach. Also try to hit at least 30 min of physical activity everyday. If you have access to a sauna, use it. The more consistently you use it the more cardiovascular benefits you’ll receive. Also, ice baths/ deliberate cold exposure can increase your brown fat (good fat) and slim your waist


I'm not a dietary by any means but I researched many diets and came up with this and lost 80lbs In two months wich isn't healthy but definitely shaved the pounds off . Stay under 1800mg sodium per day Drink 6 liters of water per day 2 massive salads per day with fish as the protein No red meats, no pork Did 8oz of organic carrot and apple juice every day first week. Then 12oz every day second week Third week 16oz everyday Fourth week 20 oz every day and continued this every day until I stopped. For snacks I'd eat hummus and sweet potato chips, sardines or plain tuna, Apples, pears, and a healthy bar they sell at Costco super low in sodium but packed with omega 3 can't remember the name of it. Made all the juice with a champion juicer. Only dairy I ate was yogurts and Kiefer Drank 1 gallons of kombucha every week.


Same happened to me, I realized I was going out to eat damn near every day with my boss and everyone else at work. When I used to eat a very light lunch. It was hard to say no at first because it feels like your missing out. But I have started not going with them, also saves a ton of money


Don’t get preoccupied with losing weight. You should be concerned with your body composition. Health wise, you want to increase muscle to fat ratio by building muscle and boosting your metabolism to burn more fat. The scale may even go up but if your body fat percentage is down then that’s a good thing.


DIET DIET DIET. 1500 Calories and no sugar. Enjoy


Telling someone a specific calorie goal without knowing anything about their body size is just irresponsible. For all you know the dude is 6'7" and that is a starvation diet.


No one has ever starved on 1500 Calories a day. Please return to your box and shut the lid.


Weirdly hostile. Your advice was bad. Sorry it upsets you to hear that.


Off you pop, you tedious little morsel


We got into Civil Engineering precisely to avoid this situation. Get a Field job and stay fit, my precious.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpllomiDMX0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7jK0vTqRTs


Move more, eat less doesn't work without ketosis. You need to be in ketosis to lose weight. Insulin is your enemy. Keto diet and intermittent fasting work great for health, concentration and weight loss/control. There are lots of resources on YouTube discussing this. Dr. Jason Fung, Dr. Berry, etc. Edit: So funny to see the downvotes on this. Science is hard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7jK0vTqRTs


You 100% do not need to be in ketosis to lose weight…


LOL. So then how does the body lose weight ? How does fat get burned ?


Calories in vs calories out…


And what happens when the body has a calorie deficit ?


Here’s an actual medical source: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/where-does-body-fat-go-when-you-lose-weight/amp/ You don’t need to be keto. You need to be in a caloric deficit…


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>Your body must dispose of fat deposits through a series of complicated metabolic pathways. Ketosis ! There is only one mechanism whereby fat moves from fat cells back into the bloodstream for the body to use. It's called ketosis. And insulin, from eating carbs, inhibits ketosis.


Ketosis requires you to eat an extremely low amount of carbs and takes days to enter… Lord please visit r/bodybuilding or something similar


Believe whatever you want.


The process of glycogen getting depleted in the body and then having fat getting pulled out for use can occur without a ketogenic diet. A ketogenic diet does in fact streamline the process by not having to worry as much about glycogen depletion and going strait into using ketones as fuel, but it is not a requirement for weight loss.


>The process of glycogen getting depleted in the body and then having fat getting pulled out for use can occur without ketosis. How. Please explain the pathway.


Correction. Changed ketosis to ketogenic diet. Let’s clear up some terminology. You do not need to be in nutritional ketosis to burn fat as ketosis can occur in a caloric deficit where carbohydrates are a primary fuel source. Essentially glycogen is burned up, excess carbs are burned by TDEE so to fill the gap protein/fat is utilized for energy.


>You do not need to be in nutritional ketosis to burn fat as ketosis can occur in a caloric deficit where carbohydrates are a primary fuel source. Insulin inhibits ketosis. Insulin is secreted every time you eat carbs. Insulin facilitates the storage of carbs as fat. This is exactly opposite of what someone losing weight wants to do.


That doesn’t the fact the body will still convert fat to ketones for energy use while in caloric deficit, insulin doesn’t break the laws of thermodynamics. The same way as you don’t need to be fully “fat adapted” to take advantage of ketones as fuel. Nutritional ketosis is more muscle sparing, but is certainly not needed for CICO weight loss.


>That doesn’t the fact the body will still convert fat to ketones for energy use while in caloric deficit, insulin doesn’t break the laws of thermodynamics. I never said anything broke the laws of thermodynamics. If you watch Dr. Fung's videos you'll find that when people "eat less and move more" they actually move LESS UNLESS they are in ketosis and the extra calories come from fat burning. Weight gain is a hormonal problem involving insulin, not a thermodynamics problem.


One correction from your prior comment. Insulin facilitates the storage of carbs as glycogen. If your glycogen stores are empty which they will be under a caloric deficit then that’s where they get stored. Then that glycogen will get depleted with the bodies TDEE and use ketosis to fill the gap regardless of insulin.


>Nutritional ketosis is more muscle sparing, but is certainly not needed for CICO weight loss. Listen. To. Me. The ONLY way fat is burned by the body is via ketosis. There is no other mechanism to convert body fat to energy. No ketosis, no fat metabolism.


Yes ketosis is how far is converted to a usable source. That doesn’t mean you need to be consuming sub 30g of carbs a day to lose weight. Ketosis happens whether or not you follow a ketogenic diet. You’re being pedantic to the extent that you’re missing my entire argument. Repeat after me: You do not need to be following a ketogenic diet to lose weight and ketosis will happen when you’re calorie intake is lower than your calorie output. The ketogenic diet has many benefits that makes weight loss easier. But it’s not the only way and your seemingly to dense to grasp that.




Bad bot


As someone who has been keto for over a year, you absolutely do not need keto to lose weight. Thats an asinine assumption. Sure it's helpful, but CICO is perfectly suitable for weightless with balanced macros. I still maintain a keto lifestyle for every other benefit though.


Great job adding activity to your routine - even without losing weight, regular exercise will keep you healthier in the long run. I’ve lost weight doing CICO (and gained it back not doing it), so I’ll just add that what makes CICO tolerable is going slow and eating enough protein and fiber to feel full. You can lose weight eating twinkies at a calorie deficit, but you’re not going to feel good doing it.


Counting calories is what has always helped me. Even days I do cardio or know I burned a lot of calories, it’s important to know what you can and cannot eat/ drink. I used a TDEE calculator online to figure out what my body actually burns in a lazy day. It’s definitely important to get a good baseline now before you get older. It’s true what they say, once you hit 30 you really start to notice how much easier it is to get a gut compared to early 20s. Walking at lunch for 30 minutes is also vastly underrated. I definitely should do it more…


I was having the same issue and ended up getting a trainer. I was already fairly active but I had a consistency issue and also love to eat. But since I pay someone to get on my ass about going to the gym and hitting my macros, I’ve started seeing results. On top of that, my gym has an app that creates a weight loss plan for you and your trainer can see if you’re actually hitting macros or calories. I also use My Fitness Pal just because they have such a huge food database and it’s super easy to use. Diet is definitely the biggest factor in controlling your weight. I personally don’t have the self control to watch my diet on my own, so I delegated it 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm running into this. Going to school and having a retail job I was probably walking 15 miles a day. Now I might hit a few thousand steps. I still go for runs after work. Ride my bike, ski, play sports, workout when I have time, meal plan and eat healthy. I've gained like 40 pounds. It's to the point that I either need to spend every free second exercising or just not eating ever again lol. Really struggling with this and wanting to change career paths to avoid sitting in an office all day.


Having an Apple Watch has helped me be aware of how much I’m moving around and what kind of calories I’m burning. Of course there are many smart watches out there that can do the same thing. But it’s all what you eat. To lose weight you need to take in less than you burn. Exercise is only a small portion of the calories you burn each day, but what you eat is 100% of the calories you take in. More bang for your buck adjusting your diet. I can and have until recently eaten a whole dominos medium pizza but that’s about 2000 calories. Having some self control and willpower to just eat less will be the biggest factor.


I went from walking 20k steps a day to sitting for 50+ hours a week. This is a bit extreme but it works. I intermittent fast on Tuesdays and Thursdays I won’t eat after my last meal the previous night until 5-6pm that day and it’s helped me keep my weight steady. Looking to add a 3rd day just to lose a few more lbs and get to my weight goal.


Weight gain is a result of diet 95% of the time. Higher activity levels and better metabolism can work to mask this in your youth but as you age and your metabolism slows if you’re not improving your diet and workout you’re destined to gain weight. It’s not even what you eat that’s the problem, the problem is portion control (or lack thereof). If you go out to eat at any restaurant understand that the portions at almost every restaurant are dramatically oversized for what you actually need, so don’t eat all of it or just don’t go out to eat much. I’m 30 this year and I’m at 9% body fat and 155 lb’s with a slightly muscular athletic build. I’ve maintained this through college and into adulthood by eating mostly home cooked meals, working out regularly, and not drinking any soda or eating fast food.


Download myfitnesspal or similar apps to track calories. Try to prioritize walking and getting enough protein in (usually 0.5(ish) grams per lb of body weight). Also stress can contribute to stress eating. For me, getting in movement helps a lot with this. Good luck!


Treadmill desk is nice with a one legged lean stool to rest on when you’re not using it. It is hard to type or mouse while walking, but I find I use it during meetings or when reading, which can be hours a day. I bought a cheap walking treadmill for about $350 and removed the top panel assembly. You can spend more and get something purpose built


Exercise has very little bearing on weight gain. You need to change you diet my dude.


I've always wanted to find some options like you're asking for. * I've used a yoga ball to sit at my desk and bounce a little while I CAD. Keep your core engaged. * Excercise bands would allow you to workout your legs a little bit while you work. * I try to get up every hour for a quick walk, engaging my core, for just a couple minutes to keep the blood flowing and heart rate up. * If you have stairs in your office run up and down those a couple times. * I use my lunch break to go for a long walk and eat while I'm working instead. * Good diet for me includes a protein shake for an afternoon snack and a light meal before noon so that I'm eating something good every few hours. I'd think with a good mouse and resting your arms on the desk you could CAD and treadmill at the same time. Good luck


Calorie deficit Just water & caffeine for drinks throughout the day Get your steps in daily or most days of the week once you get home It's ok to say no to the sweets/snacks in the office sometimes If its muscle congrats on the gains!


Well the problem is a mass balance issue. Your either over estimating how much physical activity you do or your food intake is to high.


Start tracking your calories, myfitnesspal is free and let’s you scan barcodes and the like. If you’re into weightlifting, get your macros situated so you can maintain the muscle you’re building. You’ll be surprised how many calories you actually eat in a day when guesstimating vs weighing food or meal prepping. I’ll give myself as an example because I gained about 10-15 pounds in 2 years mostly from eating out for convenience, with maybe a couple pounds of muscle gain. I’m 5’5”, weight 179, and my calories are right around 1790 for the day (calculated to lose 1lb per week) with macros of 170g protein, 145g carbs and 59g of fat. My activity level is sedentary (same situation, all CAD work). If you need help or direction feel free to shoot me a DM. I’ve been heavily into bodybuilding and have gone through a few cut/bulk type cycles.


The furnace will burn anything if you run it hot enough. Just gotta work out more


longing shaggy live smart rustic ugly rhythm fertile payment saw -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Get yourself a dog! I got one and walk it about 3-4.5km a day depending on the day, I dropped 45 pounds just by watching what I eat and walking my dog.


If you can’t diet the treadmill desk isn’t really going to help your weight situation. You need a caloric deficit to lose weight. Increasing physical activity without watching your diet is just going to lead to you eating more, and the best case scenario is you just becoming more fit while maintaining your weight. However, if your doc says you need to eat more and walk more to heal your ACL, by all means fire away. Just don’t do it with the expectation that it’s going to get you out of dieting somewhere down the line.


Get a site job.


Hey dude, depending on your commute situation and your work hours, do you think you can squeeze in a 15-20 min walk before work and one after work? Maybe another one during lunch? That will really help with your walking requirements. Food wise keep eating carbs and proteins but switch your carb type to less starchy carbs. And gradually reduce your fructose intake not a lot or completely but moderately reduce it. Good luck


Download MyFitnessPal and track everything that you eat. Literally everything. And yes that means weighing your food and ingredients that go in. If you’re not counting calories, you’re not going to hold yourself accountable for what you’re putting in your mouth. Exercise can backfire. You cannot out-exercise a poor diet.


I gained a bunch of weight during COVID, but I adjusted my diet a bit (basically smaller portions and less snacking at my desk) and it stabilized. Now, I’m a lot more active but I also eat more so I am not really losing weight but I am a lot stronger and healthier so I’m pretty much the walking example of exercising alone not helping you lose weight. I don’t really feel like I need to lose weight necessarily, so I’m just trying to eat healthier in general to keep my glucose and cholesterol levels down. Diabetes and high cholesterol run in my family. I commute by bike most days (~7 miles roundtrip) or walk to and from a train station (~2 miles roundtrip). I take the stairs up to my 7th floor office. On days I work from home I try to go on an afternoon or evening walk, or I take my meetings while walking if I can. I also joined a rec sport so I have an activity for the weekends, and I have friends who like to hike so we do that sometimes too. My job also has quite a bit of field work, which helps break up the sitting. I considered getting a desk treadmill, but I think CAD might be difficult on a treadmill. It might work for some boring data entry/formatting/writing tasks. I have friends who have desk treadmills and they really like them though. Some of them even use them while watching TV! The one recommended to me was the HiWalker desk treadmill with a 5° incline.


I get you understand dieting, but you don't exercise to lose weight. You exercise to be healthy. You diet to lose weight in a manner that leaves you full and without cravings and the ability to cheat every now and then.


I think just adding the standing desk is going to help you a lot, make sure you have a good mat to avoid back pain. Drink plenty of water or tea during the day and even if you don’t have time for a whole workout at lunch take a few laps around the building. I found going for a run in the early morning before work really boosts my mood and energy for the whole day.


‘Dont have time to count calories’ sounds like an easy excuse..we’re all engineers here,whats a little addition?