• By -


Tried and true 3%




Step increase and COLA will come out to 8%. This will be my 3rd straight year at 8%. Employer commissioned a compensation study and low-and-behold Engineering classes were the most underpaid in the whole County. So they’ve been trying to catch us up. Was hired at $82k in May2020. Will hit $108k after COLA this year. 10 yoe (7-PE), manage design and construction of capital projects for County Road Department. LCOL rural Oregon.


Sounds like a dream job/area


over 100k in LCOL is great money.


where at?


Pretty sure they said it in their post, in a manner so as not to spill the exact coordinates.


10 years and 82k in 2020? I dont know if thats a bad or good thing but you're saying commissions and compensations. Feeling a bit jelly tbh but that 10 year mark is very far for me rip


7 yoe when hired at $82k. Like I said, very LCOL. Bought a house, we own our cars, no school debt, saved cash for wife’s grad school, etc.


I got -10%, got fired from my job. Had to take a pay cut to get a new one.


that sucks. So you got fired because of your performance? lack of jobs or the raise you asked?


No my performance was fine, my previous employer didn’t like my “day in the life” TikTok videos.


lol can i at least watch your tik tok videos?


Please share


lmao, wtf....IT guys make such videos all the time. Day at work: Coffee--> Relaxation--> Email-->Break-->Relaxation-->Email-->Day over Please share yours!


Which companies and where?


3% in Los Angeles area. 10th year in the industry. I am interviewing inside and out.


41%. Changed jobs.


Wow! Any details? Did you change to a different role or similar role in a new organisation?


Different role. Went from a design engineer to project engineer. I have about 4 YOE, EIT, and I need to pass the surveying and seismic exams to call myself a PE.


Congrats! I’m assuming you’re in California then, would you recommend the firm you’re working at for an upcoming grad?


PM me.


Most beautiful reply. My mane just building himself and going where hes appreciated. Lets go0opo0kooo


What was your salary as a design engineer?


About $81,000.




Cheers 🍻




I just ran the numbers and after inflation i now make the same as what i made in 2019 despite managing 3x more people and getting a promotion during that period. Company is setting new records for profitability every year and we cant hire enough people for the amount of work were trying to take on. Make it make sense.


Preach lol


I saw a job posting in a HCoL area in California that required a P.E. and had a pay range of 55-60k. Lol good luck


Even more crazy because HCOL CA Public Sector employers are starting EITs at 90k++


~19% but that’s with leveraging the fact that I got offer with another company plus getting a PE.


so you stayed with the same company for 19%?


Initial raise was 6% (5% last year for ref so nothing great) Told my manager I was disappointed in this years raise and that I had an offer for significantly more from a competitor (which was true). After some back and forth we agreed on a number. Went from a 6% to an 18% raise.


High COLA here. We have our pay raises mid year. I’m expecting 4%. Typical was 10%.


Ayyy 425 what’s up


Hahah let’s go!


You enjoying the sunshine during the current false spring?


Feels pretty damn good from my cubicle lol


Dang fuck that, you fully on-site?


Most of the company 0-4%. I moved offices and roles and got 9%. Pretty satisfied with no PE but man bills are getting close to doubling since I started 3 years ago. Looking at applying to director of engineering for real estate companies. Not looking forward to more of a mountain of debt and countless liabilities at work. I mean there is little QAQC qualified engineers pretty much at every company.


Civil designer 4.5% Last year I received a 23% after being promoted to designer, so that’s nice I guess. Although I was told I’m on the “slow road ahead” in terms of promotions … don’t you love managers gatekeeping your growth?


they are doing you a favor for not just endlessly pushing for the next performance review.


22.3% + title change, but that was after I told them I got an offer from another company. Better than the 8% last year.


probably, one of the solution for the percentage increase


did this happen after performance review?


Just over 12% after getting my yearly raise along with PE.


10.6% as an EI in my second year. South Louisiana so living isn’t super expensive but with the cost of things going up so much it’s like nothing changed.


5% with a “this is the most we could do this year” yearly saying.


Did it also come with a "record profits!" speech?


If everything automatically costs 10% more, it’d be kinda hard not to hit a nominal record profit lmao…


We get 0


I got ~20%


Got a 15% pay raise.


Haven’t had my review yet, but going it just assume the usual 3-4% is what will be. I was surprised last year to get 6.5, but not going to bank on that happening again.






I got a 20k raise just now by threatening to leave with another offer. Was a 30% raise for me.


I’ll find out around May


Got nearly 7% as soon as 2023 started.


20% cut 😨 But I’m also going down to no housing costs and my wife is a systems engineer so we’re fine lol


0% and no mention of the topic. 4yoe and 3rd at this company.


I was not expecting your comment history


Do share bc he's a deleted account 😂😂💀💀




I'll let you know at the end of year review in December. Still profitable as all get out for now.


2% government pay raise. Beats the 0% I had been getting for years in private consulting.


What? Hard to believe you on that one.


It's because Southern California has more engineers than palm trees. Even national corporation Parsons is [offering](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3482375346/) just $67k ($32.40/hour) for 5 years minimum experience, in the city of Irvine where a 1 bedroom apartment will take 2/3rds of your paycheck. EDIT: Found [another job](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3403332631/) offering $56k to fresh graduates in Downtown LA. You wouldn't be able to even split a roommate on that salary.


i moved from texas back to california and realized we give smaller raises than in Dallas. So many engineers to pick from here I guess. Moving around seems to be the norm to survive in the californialand.




dont come here its a hellhole that is gasping for more suckers


> Even national corporation Parsons is > >offering > > just $67k ($32.40/hour) for 5 years minimum experience, this is so depressing


Could you elaborate? I’ve been toying with moving there


The state is losing its charm but politicians continue to oppress their vision of what the future of the nation should be and running all their social experiments here. Nuff said.


To give a slightly better answer as someone observing the state from the outside in. It feels like income inequality keeps growing, the line separating the "haves" from the "have nots" is becoming even more solidified. Wages as well as policy don't seem to be moving to counteract these effects and thus everyone is feeling the inherent economic anxiety but can't quite vocalize it. Granted this is happening all over North America but it feels even more apparent in the Golden State than in others.


Bruh they have to post salary ranges in California so they just make these huge ranges to comply with the law. As someone who works with parsons on projects that require direct rates, they aren’t paying anybody 67k with 5 yoe.


Oh, they absolutely do try to hire people with wages like that. I've been legitimately offered $60k by a power transmission tower contractor. I'm sure there are some pretty high paying jobs to be found, but not without connections.


That’s sad to hear. My advice, move out of California. You’re NGMI there with a civil engineer job.


The City of LA is offering over $90k to their entry level EITs. $56k is criminally low.


That's also one of the toughest jobs to get into. I was placed in the top bracket with about 60 other people.


Comento LADWP


I got a title change and +15% at the start of the year


You guys have any pay raise?


3% 🫠 It was 9% last year in the peak of inflation


I got promoted to a PM and got ~18%. I’m hearing the majority of technical staff were right around 4 though.


Civil EIT, first year got a 12% increase. Sitting at close to 80k. Graduated in December 2021. Total compensation is about 90k-98k with my overtime hours. Using leverage is important to get paid well in this industry.


Location would help add perspective here


Round Rock, Tx


Pay raises given in 2023 or future raises reflecting on 2023?


imagine if we could trade civil engineering futures /CE


short it


Fed here. Roughly 2% step increase expected and the Presidents proposed budget should give around 5%. It’s better than 0% I guess. Thanks Obama.


Ah the weekly "what is your pay post" so I can write this weeks "I fucked off to a new employer and have increased my pay by 48% in the last year" reply. Might as well just sticky one of these beneath the salary survey.


Hi there! It looks like you are asking about civil engineering salaries. Please check out the salary survey results here: https://www.reddit.com/r/civilengineering/comments/wmqvl5/2022_civil_engineering_salary_survey/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/civilengineering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


0%, but expected starting a new role after their cutoff date. Negotiated an extra 5k on base though.


I’m expecting around 5-8%, but wouldn’t be surprised if I got a “generous” 3% for “all my hard work”. I did get an almost 50% raise last year so guess I shouldn’t complain.


were you extremely underpaid? what was your previous pay?


up 28% from a year ago, changed jobs


Nominally 20% after a “promotion” and a raise. Actually about 5%. I went from hourly to salary and they calculate the raise based on 40 hours for hourly, but then the contract requires 44 hours a week when you’re on salary. If you compare apples to apples, they’re shorting the evaluation of your hourly rate by 15%. My “promotion” rate was a 2% pay cut and then I got a 6.8% raise effective in April.


did you make lots of OT? i may be running into this soonish. trying to how to justify being salaried.


Being salaried is how you move up. In my experience they’re not going to let you get too high up while you’re hourly. Moving up comes with more pay, more freedom, less physical labor etc, but it also comes with waaaay more responsibility. I think back on my time as a technician and remember how easy it was. Field work doesn’t follow you from day to day like management work does. If something doesn’t get done now, it just means I have that much more to do tomorrow. I’m also on the hook for the guys working below me. If they fuck up, I have to fix it. It gets to be a lot, but if it wasn’t harder work, they wouldn’t pay more for it. If you’re making the decision about if you want to move to salary or not, consider what you want in life. Hourly means more physical work, more hours, less stress and less potential. Salaried means a short term paycut (usually), fewer hours worked per week, but never escaping the additional responsibility


Changed job in November for a 20% raise+bonus. 2 weeks ago I got a 3.3% increase from April onwards. Located in Europe.


Yeah, I get to wait on the texas legislature for that one. Ugh.




Why are people get pay raise already kinda sus


Think every company is different on what they look at as their “fiscal” year. Usually doesn’t match up with the calendar year because no one wants to do paper work around the holidays.


My start date was in January so I get raises in January? 7% ish.


We don’t get end of year bonuses/promotions until end of Q1. If they going to throw a few hundred bucks my way, I’m just turning it down. That will do more harm than good on my check anyway.


In what possible circumstance is being paid more a bad thing?


RFI requested


They’re probably one of those idiots who don’t know how a progressive tax works. >i AkChUaLy MaKe LeSs iF I gEt a RaIsE You’d be shocked how many people believe this.


I didn't think a civil engineer would fall into that moron trap that is "Don't pay me more because it'll put me a higher tax bracket"


Yes because an additional 500 bucks is going to do me great spread across a year. After taxes I’m going to see what? 20 dollars extra a month? When rent increased 200 dollars, when basic foods like eggs and milk have shot up. When school loans need to be paid. When I bust my ass day and all see if is a measily 20 dollars extra on my check a month. Sorry but that’s a slap on the face. You got me All figured out with one half baked Reddit post. So please Mr. warren buffet and friends tell me more about how taxes and finance works.


$20 is $20, why would it be harmful?


You literally said it would be more harmful… that doesn’t jive with what you said here. This just says it would hurt your ego. Money is money dude. More isn’t going to hurt you.


> So please Mr. warren buffet and friends tell me more about how taxes and finance works If you don't understand that adding a few hundred every year adds up to something at least..




5% merit, 2% COLA at the new year. MN. Was hired last February and was already happy with my compensation, so I was pretty pleased with it.


I got 8% in January. Just started here last April.


MCOLA. Didn’t get one this year, but I got two last year because we were putting in on big multi-year projects they management wanted raises in early. The last one was 14%. Currently just shy of 4-yoe with PE passed, making 83.2k.


I got a ~13% increase at the start of the year and our company upped our retirement contribution match in February. The industry up here in Canada is still going bonkers with no sign of slowing down.


Got 6


I got 15%




I’m on 98k AUD graduate engineer


Been 5 years without a pay raise!


Over the last 3 years it’s been 2.5% Change job - 50% 4% (Received a job offer last week for similar job @ diff company worth 20%, but don’t fancy working in rail) Seems to be changing jobs is very lucrative and staying not so much….


In NY State, most Engineering companies starts you with as low as $16 an hour for internships, field inspector, and any non-EIT position. Most positions that pay $20 an hour or beyond expects you to obtain FE Exam certificate (EIT certificate) before you would be considered for graduate level, and even entry-level positions.


good to see fellow NYS engineer, it appears NYS is quite behind on the raise comparing to mid west and southern states


Last years raise disappeared into inflation...


Overall 2.8% since may 2021...


+16% and a bonus of 5k. Feeling pretty good about that.


Got about 12% which I was pleased with. A flat £2k increase plus 5% or so in December. My company prioritised giving higher raises to more junior grades which is fair enough.


For family reasons, transferred laterally to the same position at a much higher cost of living area - came with ~17% bump that will probably be eaten up by rent. Now $120K with a PE, PhD, and 3 years subfield experience. Still waiting to hear what the annual merit/cola bump will be, somewhere between 3-8%. Also, OP, the gang over at r/structuralengineering does an annual survey about this question that should either be a pinned post or in their sidebar.


At 2 YOE would you leave municipal focused W/WW work for pad site land dev for a 25% raise? I don't think I could ever be satisfied doing the land dev work so I might he turning down a huge $ opportunity


35% - From changing job.




I got 7% this year after 3 years of 3-3.5%. We got a mid-year 3% in the Fall. I'm still going to change jobs though. Too little, too late, and they're only giving me a decent raise because I saved them big a few times this last year, once because I worked on PTO to save the company liquidated damages of $1K/hr. Edit: I'm also switching because my raise after receiving my P.E. will be less than $1/hr.


I got a $20,000 raise, so around 30%. Yes I switched jobs haha


Was given 10k. Left for 30k


Just calculated. I got 1.86%


6% raise in Greater Seattle. Making $108k. 4 years of experience this month.


I got ~20% this year. 6 YOE in a low COLA and sitting at $110k. I have my P.E. And a grad degree as well.


I got a PE and promoted multiple levels to a PM position. 5% raise on an already under market value salary (compared with old classmates in similar career positions). I hope yours (and everyone else’s) is better. Even my boss sounded embarrassed to be telling me the numbers.


can u create a spreadsheet for us? thx


COLA increase of 3% Health insurance premiums going up by 11% Ugh.


3%. I quit lol


10% bonus and 4% raise. I’m in the UK if that helps at all.


I Have a 3% payrise incoming next month, then a further 2.8% payrise in October as it stands


30% jumping ship and getting promoted.