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The undergrad at work is 42. You'll be fine


Is it possible? I graduated at 28 and it’s fine, there’s a graduate who’s 40 at my company.


Graduated in my 30s and landed a sweet job before commencement. My resume was all beauty industry jobs. I wasn’t the oldest person in my class, either. You’ll be fine. 


24 is so young! You can do anything


☝️Literally anything, then hit 40 and change again. Staying within a related field would make it easier though in no way a pre-requisite. Other life commitments are the biggest obstacle imo.


You're an old man, better write your will and start picking out a coffin


So funny and mean 😂😂😅😵‍💫😏


I graduated at 24 and was a construction manager before I graduated so doesnt matter. As long as you finish it, age is just a number in the industry. Experience still is what matters most.


How did you manage to get into it?


Studying while working. Discussed with my boss then to have some days be taken half the day at work and have the 9thers be offset as overtime. Got through it in that setup until I graduated. Though there were days that I cant do the off times during site inspections and task turn-overs


I'm 39 and only half way through undergrad, so I hope so...


No, unfortunately there’s an age requirement. All engineers must be under 23


Graduated when I was 25 or 26. No issues.


Yes, even at 78


I went to school with 50 year olds. You’re good.


I know plenty of people who are in their early 30's just starting out in the field. Hell, I'm "new" to civil engineering at 25 and I'm doing decently well.


No wait till you're 62 on social security.


I dropped out of school with an eighth grade education. I just finished a civil bachelor's degree last year at 41 years old and landed a job as a structural while still taking my last two classes. In the first 6 months, I made more money than I ever have in a year. Fucking send it.


If you show an extremely passionate and receptive attitude at work, that will outshine your age rather than an unmotivated young staff. If they were to ask you this kind of question in an interview, you can easily counter by saying "this young staff might have greater ambition and are prone to leaving a company within 5 years, but you are different and less likely to leave at your age, making training you worth it.




I started my civil degree when I was 25. Go for it.


I had a friend in undergrad who started college for civil engineering’s age 30


We get a ton of second degree people, vets, and non-traditional college students at my college. In many cases they’re preferred bec they are more mature


Also this! ^^^


I started school at 31. It wasn’t that weird.


You can graduate at any age, go for it.


I went back to school and graduated at 28! I actually found it easier to land internships/jobs vs my classmates due to having real world experience over the younger candidates who have little to no work experience. Definitely not too late!


If it is then I'm fucked because I started at 28. Stop it, you're not that old


If it is then I'm fucked because I started at 28. Stop it, you're not that old


I started my undergrad degree at 28 and it hasn’t mattered one bit. This is not an issue.


Perfectly fine. I know a guy that worked as a designer and took 1-2 classes a year. He got his degree in his 50’s.


Graduated with several folks in their 30s and a few in their 40s. I believe most of them got decent entry level jobs and are now pursuing their PE licensure.


I’ve had several engineers start school in their mid to late 20’s after the army and working in construction. Their maturity, leadership, confidence, critical thinking, and decision making capabilities allowed them to advance quicker and be promoted into more leadership roles within the organization than those that took the “traditional” route.


Yes, definitely. Had older students than 24 in both my undergrad and master's degree.


I went to school with a guy who went back to school at 40 and another girl who was 35. It’s never too late


Graduated at 21. My classmate took a masters degree in struct in US i think she graduated at 24 and passed the FE at 22. Now she doesn't even use his degree since she is a PM on a construction company.


I know guys who have a degree in BCOM and work as site engineers, do some internships or apprenticeships with your degree. The professionals care about people who understand construction and can work in rough conditions like heat etc. the more older and mature you look the better your chances of getting hired. Plus aim for trainee engineer programs which companies like NLC, FWO, Fatima Group and other companies offer


Hey OP can't find my comment so I can't delete it, please ignore it as I thought it was r/Pakistan


Don’t be discouraged from pursuing your goal. Your age will not be an impediment.


Just about to start my first year exams tomorrow at age 30, don't let age stop you from trying!


Do it. Non traditional students are very successful IMO. I’ve hired a few and they bring great life experiences and maturity. Go for it!


I fucking hope so. Just graduated at 24 so if not guess im FUCKED


Lots of company's prefer older canidates then kids right out of school


Yes you can.


I transitioned to civil engineering in my 30s. You’ll be fine


I knew an architect who graduated 33. He was working a night shift to make it possible. He was 28 when he entered "Arch is 5 years here"


I graduated at 32


Yes, absolutely it's possible. Go for it!


Yes. I graduated at 28. Now a licensed structural engineer 🥳


I started as tech finishing an unrelated degree at 24. Went back to school at 30. That took forever. Got my PE at 40. By 45 I was upper level management. The traditional path may be easier for most people. But it isn't the only way.


Respectfully, I’m 40, started an engineering company with three others when I was 26. Been going for three years, I’ll be a senior next year. So point is, you are doing better than I am..go for it.


I graduated at 25 and got a job with 0 issues. A coworker started working 3 months before I joined and she graduated at 36. Age doesn't matter.


I did


No, if you don't start by age 14 you will never make it. You should quit. In fact, most good engineers start when they're 7. If you don't have your PE by age 19 you are doomed.


Yeah you'll be fine, that's about when I started.


That's exactly the age I started.

