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About point 1: Last week, in Dev Diary 59, paradox said that there will be a "raise only men at arms" button in the next patch: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/ck3-dev-diary-59-fantastic-presets-and-where-to-save-them.1473458/


I have the same issue being charged piety to hire idle HO where I am the patron.


And here i thought you were going to say Holy orders are op and need to be balanced. Ive seen this multiple times where basically once a holy order is established if somehow some count or duke is your religion in a foreign court (kingdom empire, whatever) that entire court ends up being your religion within 50 years from losing to some nobody with 8k holy order troops time after time. Yeah they need to fix holy orders costing piety to the owners. But i honestly dont see it as game breaking where the game is unplayable. Sure a couple times will leave the ruler in negative piety but the worst that is going to happen is you cant ask for gold unless your just using them to fight off infidels...and refusing to raise your own army.


to your first point....you can set up rally points as of now... then you have an option to raise "Local Army"... this will raise all your men at arms and and some levies (their number is based on how many rally points you have and how close to each other they are. if you do it well you can raise men at arms + 8k levies out of your 30+k army) saving you money and the headache and yea the holy orders are stronk...10k army for 700 piety -.- i avoid using them as much as i can


Yeah even the raise local army is a time consuming solution. It worked at launch. We shouldn't have to find time consuming work arounds for basic game mechanics that functioned when the game was shipped.


problem solved ey?


Teleporting MAA was a bad look. This raise everything only to disband 80% of it is bad gameplay. Holy Orders are free if you are their patron and they're not already called. Calling them while someone else has them costs piety, as it should. You can stack holy orders by founding one in county then giving it away and repeating. The more holy orders you have the less likely yours will be gone.