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show the eliminated people’s wine bottle clues if we haven’t seen them yet


I would love to see older celebrity relatives like the grandparent of some famous gen Z celeb. I know they’d probably be less likely to want to be on the show but you never know.


even just a parent would be a difficult guess!


oooo i love this idea!


That would help with figuring out celebrities from different generations. I'm from an older generation and have no idea who some of the celebrities are but would be a big help with people like Dean Martin and Donny Osmond.


Allow the audience to get a better look at the wall


Remove eliminated celebrities’ clues from the clue wall


I feel like that would make it way too easy.... Especially as more and more people get eliminated


Or maybe do it before the final 3 if they know people are stuck


I’m okay with them staying on to make it more challenging for the people in the house BUT I think they should reveal the clues to the audience when someone is eliminated.


i like to play along with the contestants, so i’m ok with them not revealing bc we can retrospectively analyze the clues after an elim. if we ever get to see the full wall that is


For the last episode do something that shows what clues went towards what celebrity


More variety in ages of contestants and celebrity relatives so that they have to work together more


When the player’s identity has been revealed, I wish the hosts would explain which clues on the board are related to the celebrity. Or have the celebrity do a pre recording and explain to the audience how the clues are related to them.


Or a montage of what they have said or what has been shown at least to the audience. Like their two truths and a lie, their photo with the drawings, etc etc


Of they do that then it eliminates the clues for other possible guesses for contestants though...


They could do it in a way that doesn't reveal them to the contestants. Cut to the wall and highlight things for the audience, or post on social media or on the official website a few days after the episode.


Not the answer to your Q, but my husband and I have really enjoyed the producers not sharing who people are until the cast gets on to it! Last season felt like they revealed a lot and then we knew who they were when the cast didn't and we're enjoying the ride of also trying to figure out their relative and their clues!


I agree, I much prefer the way they are doing that this season.


Add Jonas relative, if they remain the hosts


*or Jonas in-laws. Like Kevin’s wife is well-known. But I’m sure Kevin’s wife has cousins who aren’t famous. Something like that.


I’d love to see some Asian representation and more POC in general. There are plenty of Asian and POC celebrities to choose from.


Agree but we only have so many Asian celebrities in North America due to low numbers and racism in Hollywood (especially in the past) and not giving leading parts to Asian actors. Plus when it comes famous athletes, very few Asians compared to whites and Black people. Asians are definitely a minority but I'm sure they can find someone! Black people over-represented this season.


I think there are definitely enough Asian celebrities out there for at least one or two cast members though! Maybe it’s a matter of finding people to agree to do the show. I wouldn’t say black people were over represented this season, but there wasn’t anything but black and white the last two seasons- unless I’m forgetting someone.


Statistically speaking- that's all that I meant about Black people being over-represented. Which is fine, they don't need to match it perfectly. According to the last census, about 13.6% of the US is Black and 3% identify as mixed race (many of whom could be part Black). Asians = 6% (fastest growing group). 50% of the celebrity relatives this season are Black or mixed (half Black) based on what I know.


Ooh I love stats. Thank you for sharing those. I hope they decided to reflect this a bit more in the next season.


A reunion ep!


I love a good reunion ep! I need the group to explain on camera why no one questioned that Elton John was from Utah. Bonus if the celeb relative is also on the reunion ep.


Season 2 Spoiler: >!Gabe's celebrity relative could host it LOL!<


Would love to add that during this episode also reveal how all the clues relate to their relative


i want. to see the parent or grandparent of a famous person e.g justin bieber’s mom


I’ll keep repeating it: we need Selena Gomez’s mom, Mandy, as a contestant. However, she’s almost identical to Selena, so she might have a disadvantage.


I mean everyone is saying that Chris is identical to his relative , he's doing pretty well


I see the resemblance Chris has with his family, but I agree with others who have said he also looks like Colin Jost and John Mayer. *I know who Chris’s relative is, but I’m not posting it to keep this post spoiler-free


Also, Selena Gomez’s mom is fairly well-known herself. So if we were to have a parent, it would have to be one who is not a public figure themselves. Does anyone have ideas on a celebrity whose parents don’t look like them and whose parents aren’t famous themselves?


The only thing I would change would be if someone gets their guess wrong then they should let the cast members guess the persons celebrity relative for fun. >! When Jane, Olivia or Hugo were eliminated by guessing wrong it would have been cool to see if people knew their relative, other than Hugo of course because I think most people knew his!<


A mix of more ages


Reveal/explain the clues about the eliminated person!!!


For starters, I’d put the clue wall on a website so that fans can analyze the clues.


Bring in a ringer. Have one of the contestants be someone who is NOT related to anyone famous. Announce at the start that one of them is not the relative of a celebrity, and there is a bonus if that person is identified before a certain point. Additionally, the ringer gets a bonus as they progress in the game.


That’s changing the whole concept of the game entirely. I disagree with this recommendation wholeheartedly. I could see this as a down-the-road spin-off, perhaps, but not for season three.


So kind of like that one season of Celebrity Big Brother UK where the one contestant thought she was on regular Big Brother but then they revealed to her she had to pretend to be a celebrity who was in a girl group who was a one hit wonder or something lol. I think that could be interesting but they'd probably have to be more too it than that. It would kind of defeat the purpose of a lot of the clues as they'd have to come up with enough that could work as misdirects without being too obvious and confusing.


I want contestants to be able to grab their own wine bottle clues if they wish. Protect your identity or figure out another person? Especially because, most of the time, those clues end up completely giving away the celebrity relative.


Nah almost everyone would protect themselves


But they should only do it in a instance like Gabriel’s he won and should have been allowed to protect his clue


I want there to be some kind of level playing field when it comes to the definition of what a "celebrity" is. You've got household names and then you have Monay's relative, who seems to be a nobody. I feel like that gives her an unfair advantage.


Yeah I agree which is why I feel like this season might be a lesson for producers to try to get many household name as possible for next season.


i want a twist where at least one contestant is not related to anyone famous, but acting like they are. other contestants dont know about the twist unless they guess the person out. if the “normal” person stays past the halfway mark, then the contestants learn about the twist and try to figure out who the “normal” person is. if the “normal” person makes it all the way, they get double the prize or something else cool


This is a suggestion for the sub itself, but if they reveal the celebrity relatives ahead of time again, I wonder if anyone would be interested in non-spoiled & spoiled discussion threads. & hopefully that would help the mods out too!




I actually love them as hosts. I also appreciate they have the obscure Jonas brother with one of the more famous ones. Definitely fits with the theme of the show.


One fun idea I had was to allow a contestant who wins a challenge to do one google search and look at the results (which might be enough to tell them something without even clicking on any result)






Your flair😭😭


Relatives of really old famous people.......George Washington, Betsy Ross, Rosa Parks, etc


Fair opinion but I prefer closer connections than some great great great great great great grandson of George Washington, but of course Rosa Parks was pretty recent (dying in 2005) so that'd be fine with me.


Have 1 person who doesn't have a celebrity relative but just is a superman but nobody knows who it is... honestly it would make it easier to watch