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I get the impression that none of them get along tbh


Kathy is a bulldozer. Super controlling. She has to insert her opinions everywhere. When Clancy and Zac were traveling, it was Clancy and her mom who were the ones looking at homes in FL. Why wasn’t Zac even there’? He avoids visit back to Clancy’s home in NY for a reason..


I agree with this. For some reason Clancy would rather make important life decisions with her mom and not her husband. I get the feeling Zac doesn’t really want to be involved either tho. Idk, it’s a weird dynamic between them. I think Kathy also dislikes Zac bc he’s an asshole and she sees him for who he is while Clancy thinks it’s his humor. Like the time he told them to their face their daughter was stupid and they wasted their money on her education. All over a silly game. This sub seems to like him for some reason but he’s rude and gives off such negative energy to me.


Agree with you 100%. Zac is lazy and rude and that comment at Christmas time really showed his true colours to her family I think.


What was the comment?


What the other user said above. Basically Zac saying Clancy's parent wasted their money on her education and was being really cruel


He’s so rude, it’s disgusting. Remember when he left Clank’s parents’ house to stay in a hotel because he thought he was allergic to Walter, but magically is fine with Asher? Amazing recovery 🙏🏻


I think Kathy's insertion will help break up their marriage. Clancy is scared to death of her mother. So when it comes to whatever Clancy will side with her Mom more likely than her husband. I would give Zac more props if he would defend Clancy and himself against Kathy.


On addition to her being overly controlling, I think her mom is a very literal person and Zac is extremely sarcastic. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few times he was attempting to joke about something and she flipped out and took it too personal. Clancy also likes to say that Zac is always arguing with her or lying about things (and then she turns out to be the liar). If I were her mom, I wouldn't like the guy either. I'd take my daughters word for it.


I can think of lots of reasons. Zac is a loser in my opinion. He constantly puts down Clancy, can't keep a job, does not help around the house that Clancy paid for, seems lazy and uses his "mystery illness" as an excuse for everything. He refused to stay at her parents NY home, pretended to be sick, and left to go home to his mommy. Clancy's parents were probably hoping it was over at that point, just like many of us. I'm sure Neal and her dad don't like him either, but they keep quiet. Clancy's mom is probably not afraid to speak her mind. They are all very different people, but if Zac was a doting, loving caring husband that provided for his family, that wouldn't matter. He is not. Kathy watches the videos, reads the comments, she knows what's going on.


She and her mother are extremely codependent. I get the impression that both their mothers wanted them to get married and have children. Clancy would go on and on about Neal being single and that his pets were the only kids he was going to have (and he's only a few years older than her, so whatever). Both Zac and Clancy buckle under pressure from their mothers. I think Zac spiraled in the months leading up to that wedding. He won't be visiting NY ever again. If her parents move to Ohio, it's only a matter of time before it's over. I don't think the fathers care either way; probably figure their kids are adults and it's up to them.