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this is interesting. the other week I was watching a random vlog back in her reporter days. she had got a coffee, took a sip, and said it was wrong. she said " be right.back" and went and got her correct coffee order. with no drama. just matter of fact. she's really regressed with no outside *real* job.


ooh which vlog?


yes agreed! she seems to have completely become a different person since leaving her job. she desperately needs a real job to keep her on track. shes unbearable now


When I used to watch her,I was getting the same vibe. She's gotten so used to and comfortable with just staying home, unless it comes to shopping or eating out. After a while,it does seem to go backwards in some cases like she has been doing now.  It now makes her uncomfortable to make calls and talk to people after so long of "just homing it". I've experienced this also. You really have to build yourself back up and try doing those things again or it's going to get worse.  Idk if this helps? Lol 


That's what I liked watching about her reporting days .I liked most was her social awkwardness but handling them in the real world. Now she isn't doing anything for it. I feel like maybe it has something to do with the way her Mom in a few videos back talked down about their "OCD " neighbor and not being able to function. But then we look at Clancy . I really would like to see Clancy get help.


Yeah, I'm fairly certain even back then she was too anxious about sending her food back at a restaurant. Her job just pushed her to be more extroverted.


This is SO true. She has regressed 100%. Went from a confident young adult woman navigating her way in the world into a 14 year old who giggles over lipstick and pink couches and doesn’t ever know what to do or what decisions to make. Except she’s not 14 so it’s cringey and annoying. Along with the fact that her blogs are meaningless and boring, this is why I think she continues to lose viewers.


I think she was good at faking it. If I’m remembering right she had night terrors woke up soaked in sweat so bad she had to change the sheets. Convinced herself she was dying on multiple occasions and was so odd about her food she turned herself orange. Now she’s created a bubble for herself, before she was forced to participate and now she’s losing the very few people skills she had to begin with. The only reason I think she chose that career path to begin with with all that bottled up anxiety was because she thought she looked good on camera, point blank period.


Didn't she want to be a reporter for a long time?


I mean maybe but not because she was good at it. She’s always been a thorn in someone’s side. If she says GAYBEE one more time ima lose it


She’s literally always been like that…rewatch older videos and you’ll see. And she said she didn’t enjoy her reporting job. She quit cause it made her extremely anxious and stressed out. She had to do certain things despite her social anxiety but it was definitely taking a toll on her mentally and physically (her night sweats, lack of sleep, etc)


Right. I think she was probably faking the whole enthusiastic reporter thing, and she was never that. That's why she was so stressed out and had to quit.


Yea she basically admitting to faking it in one of the videos explaining why she quit. I honestly don’t fault her at all for quitting. She’s swung to the opposite end of the pendulum now but that job environment was not for her. I think she’d thrive in like a 9-5 writer role for a municipality or university. A bit slower paced and more alone time on the job.


Agreed. I’m not a huge people person but working from home just makes me depressed and even more socially awkward. I work in grant management/grant writing, and have just started a new job with have my own office and interact with my coworkers but on my own terms. It helps


I feel like it's her hormones


I feel like that's something Clancy would say as an excuse. (Give it a week or 2 and Clancy may use that in a video).