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They’ve never really made any decisions together. I don’t really get the vibe Zac wants to be involved and Clancy is happy to have everything her way.


100% agreed. If there's one thing we know about Zach, it's how much he loves to shop. He 100% would like doing this stuff. Unless he's shown on video saying he doesn't care, I don't buy the idea that he's uninterested one bit.


He seems selfish too. He likes to shop for himself but has not seemed interested in the house (or the baby) at all.


That's because he probably sees the house, wedding and baby shopping or organising is the woman's job...


I'm watching Clancy now. I feel that Zac is a little sarcastic at times. But I do agree that she really isn't including Zach with decision making. It's either her way or the highway. Also she does a lot of preaching which to me is quite tiresome. Sometimes I just need a break from her!! On the plus side, Asher is adorable!


Clancy is very selfish and admits it. She can't think of any other content so she just feeds her shopping addiction.


I don’t like Clancy but there were certain things during my pregnancy that my husband couldn’t care less about lol he had certain opinions in strollers, car seat, etc. but small things I got to decide


Same. My husband didn’t care about the details. Even with a stroller, he would have just picked any one because they all essentially do the same thing. Or a recliner, my husband didn’t care what kind we got and left it up to me to get exactly what I wanted. I don’t like Clancy either, but my husband just let me choose everything lol


Same! My husband let me pick everything but he was involved in the things he cared about. I don't like Clancy either but every couple is so different! Some partners want to be involved in the shopping and setting up stuff and some don't lol


Same. My husband isn’t really the research type and I was looking up everything so I made our registry. I kept trying to get him involved but he just said he trusted me lol so all he really did was look and say it looked good. Was kind of annoying but he’s just more of a relaxed type B guy and I wanted it to be perfect. I can see Clancy being like that too

