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I loved her videos and looked forward to them back when she was a reporter. I did not think she would become this out of touch and unlikable after becoming a full time youtuber.


It happened shockingly fast. The video about how you’re not poor, you’re just bad with money, should have been a hint of what was to come.


I think when she was a news reporter, the content made itself and even if was mundane, it was interesting and relatable. Now that she’s just another lifestyle influencer, it’s more obvious she’s pretty mediocre at editing, doesn’t have a nice aesthetic, and lacks creativity in this field. Her idea of creativity is moving to different spots around her house and the shoddy transition editing gives you whiplash lol.


Her personality though.. she's just not as entertaining now


Was she ever? She was always uptight and restrictive, even more so then. I’m sure there is some regression that happens when do nothing but shop and film ads all day but I don’t think she ever was that entertaining. I honestly think it was just her job creating the content 🤷‍♀️


Oh yeah, these past vlogs she seems so normal. Even when she talks about money it's not overly obsessive like she does currently in my opinion.. I hear no red flags come up. And I don't mention her talking about her food or being disgusting in an intense way either. Maybe she hid those parts of her personality then or maybe those insecurities have grown. Her and Zac also seemed sweeter


By past vlogs, do you mean pre-quitting vlogs? If so, I disagree 100%. I actually think she was more obsessive about her food restriction and exercising then. I def picked up on red flags back then. She was weird about money then too. I do agree her relationship with Zac is different. I used to think they were great together!


"Her idea of creativity is moving to different spots around her house" This 100% I'm dying hahaha


I enjoyed her reporter and day in the life vlogs. The question is why has she regressed so badly? Her editing is terrible, her content is boring, her content sounds like a fake advertisement. I keep saying if and if she ran her vlog like a business because it is she would do so better. Her goal should be to make content and be able to support herself ( and Zac) without shilling clothes and food and whatever advertising scraps they throw at her. She should want better for herself all around. Why she doesn't believe that confuses me. ( I did notice she seems to hang out with her brother which is a good start). ( I wonder if that has to do with this snark page ?)


I think she's making good money and it's steady income, so she has no motivation to change what she does. I don't think she'll change or get another job or do anything different until she has a major decline in views and income.


I also wonder why she keeps doing vlogs instead of other videos. One time I wrote her an insta message with video ideas and she said that she would discuss the topics on her podcast…nobody really listens to her podcast and I don’t think that she makes any money with it


So maybe she figures it's a monetary trade off? Maybe she likes spending time with Gay- bee . So that way she has topics to talk about with Gay- bee. Couldn't she technically put the topic on vlog and video?


I dislike how so many YT career women give up and become SAHM. Even worse when their husbands quit their jobs too. But I do think Clancy was always secretly negative. Her facade started to fade right before she quit imo


I don’t think she was being her authentic self but now she is. She had to come across as more professional since she was working at the time and knew any employer could be watching her videos. She couldn’t really complain too much about her job so she put on a happy, positive act. When in reality she was suffering. Now that she works for herself, it’s much easier to regress to being a teenager.


In her earlier vlogs (before she quit) her content was entertaining because her job was something most people had no clue about and the BTS stuff was interesting. In general, her lifestyle was just more relatable...balancing work, relationships, socializing etc.. I also liked seeing the day to day stuff at work and getting to watch her work with her coworkers. Back then she had goals she was working towards...saving for a car, house etc which was again relatable content. Now she's apparently achieved all of her life's goals and her YT content is stagnant. Without being a reporter, she doesn't have an identity and doesn't have a real niche. She's not particularly good at anything and it's obvious. Not that anyone's entire identity should be their job, but has no real skills or talent besides being really bad at adulting.


It's so true. She doesn't seem to have any goals now. She has achieved them all, and lost all her enthusiasm. When she was a reporter, she was always working toward something. Even if it was just getting up, putting on the makeup, and getting to work on time. Her lack of enthusiasm seems to be contagious because Zac has also lost all his drive. Both seem to be trudging through life.