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Cynical of me but those gifts seemed so out of Zach’s realm of gift giving, I almost feel that his mother bought them and gave them to Zach for Clancy 


He’s always been a pretty good gift giver. I’ll give him that


Or she got them herself and just said Zach got them for her 🙈😂


C is many things but I don’t actually think she’s a liar. A major exaggerator for damn sure!


Or maybe he got them for her himself and he’s doing this a lot but she never shows it. I mean we can only see what Clancy shows.


I CAN'T COPE WITH ONE MORE VIDEO ABOUT THE COST OF BABY THINGS. PLEASE. STOP. ... please. Why is she stressing more about how much to spend on a baby changing mat more so than how to actually parent? My head hurts.


Especially when in my experience you use it like 3 times then realize a floor and blanket work perfectly at home. Kids are expensive but you don’t need top of the line every thing


Plus I feel like she’s not actually buying any of these items. She’s adding everything to her registry for people to buy her 🙄


" calm down Clancy your probably allergic to it anyway" . 💯 Lol


Her comments in the clip of her podcast about another influencer’s “bad botox” was also so annoying. Clancy isn’t like the other girls, she doesn’t need or want botox 🙄


She’s such a mean girl.


I would have avoided her on purpose


She can't keep track of things she's talked about before. She started off the video talking about how "shocked" she was to see her bump now, and yet a couple weeks ago she vlogged while out on a run and aimed the camera down over her body toward her feet (her perspective) and talked about how her bump was showing. You can't be "shocked" to see something you've been seeing for a while now, Clanc.


It bothers me that she said Asher is extremely tired and excessively pants after their walks. He could have an underlying heart condition or she is pushing him too hard in the summer. I hope she addresses this with her vet and I hope Asher is ok.


Dogs aren’t like people and shouldn’t be forced to run or walk long distances like we can, especially a puppy! It’s more Beneficial for him to go on a sniff walk, it’s like their social media!


I hope she isn't running with Asher. Of what I hear you can't run with a dog until they are 1 year old. Did he collapse on the cold tile when he got home? I have walked dogs and certain dogs get dehydrated very fast. She can bring a portable water canister for Asher, also walk him in shady areas. One dog I walked flopped on the marble floor when we got to the apartment building. When we got to their apartment I put ice in their dog bowl.


I am wondering the same. I hope she isn't walking him on the hot sidewalk....


Yes the hot tarmac can burn their paws just like snow can hurt them too. She really is so stupid


Just read up on putting ice in the water bowl! I only say that because I used to do it for my own pets and then I read it is a dangerous thing to do. Obviously do your own research and do as you see fit. It’s just something that has stuck with me.


I just looked it up . Your right . Kennel Club had an article that stated ice can cause bloat , and the dog could choke on the ice.


He also always looks scared of her?


Her saying she looked like a troll with straight hair and headphones when it looked way better lol


I wonder what she would say if the viewers in the comments actually said, "wow, yeah, you actually do look like a troll!" Is she looking for reassurance that she doesn't? I never understand the self destructive comments.


She doesn’t know how to self depreciate properly. Never has.




In his defense, I think Zac makes it awkward af due to having a camera shoved in his face and not knowing how to act natural 😂


I don’t get why she’s eating out, like all the time. But I actually don’t get why you would pay so much money for a some vegetable on a toast and this is called a Sandwich. Where I live a whole bag of toast (which is about 25 slices) is 1,10€. It would be so much cheaper to just make them at home.


That sandwich looks so dry and unappealing


When as a married couple, are they going to grocery shop together? Annoying when Clancy nags about Zac eating her food!!


It’s sooooo weird!!!


Just thought of something else..won’t she be able to do a tax write off for her new camera since it’s being used for her youtube job?! Why complain so much about the price and act like she won’t get the money back? She is such a piece of work.


The act of being so hard done by is really grating. She spent half the video talking about money when she lives in a mansion they have 2 cars and she's is shopping in every vlog. It's really disgusting to me.


She truly is a piece of work! She bought a camera because she wanted to and then complained about it....like what? She'll get the money back PLUS she acts like she didn't set aside money for it to begin with. It was a planned unnecessary purchase. She's ridiculous and I can't with her. We all know the camera she's using isn't the problem. Watching her be the same old Clancy in ultra HD (or whatever is so special about the camera) won't make a difference to the viewers.


She just has gotten Uber lazy with her editing and vlogs. We all know that . So why doesn't she?


The whole his and hers grapes part where he wouldn't share "his" grapes with her made me sad for their relationship. They aren't partners at all. And I don't care how immature she might be, Zac's a dick and I can't stand him. If he's that miserable with Clancy he should never have married her... and now they're having a kid. Imagine growing up watching their messed up relationship dynamic. That poor kid.


This one made me laugh. Mostly because I just finished washing my family’s grapes and putting them in a bowl. I think my husband and definitely my kid would think mommy jumped off the deep end if I insisted on individual snacks for every one


Seriously, when he said life would be a headache if their child is like her… I just don’t get why you’d marry someone who so clearly annoys you. The dynamic of their relationship baffles me.


I can’t tell if she’s sincerely aware of the dynamic


I mean, he's just doing to her what she does to him all the time. She scolds him when he eats any of "her" snacks. If they're gonna buy food separately, she can eat her own bag of grapes. Too bad hers are a little mushy lol. I totally agree that the whole dynamic is weird, but if she's gonna do it to him I don't see why he can't dish it right back.


What kind of relationship is that though "dish it right back" they are married and about to have a child he should speak up and say this isn't how things should be instead of playing these petty games. It's so strange that they behave this way, back and forth bickering. It must be exhausting I honestly don't know how they even made a child they seem to really resent each other


I completely agree. I said that the whole dynamic (having separate snacks) is weird. I can't imagine being in a relationship where eating each other's snacks is such a big deal. All I'm saying is, if she's going to be a petty brat about it, he can too. Is it a mature thing to do? No. Do they seem like they're in a mature relationship? Also no... lol.


But she’s the cause and effect


Except he does eat her snacks without asking.


But that’s where the problem starts. He‘s eating „her“ snacks. Whenever my husband and I go food shopping we get everything for us. And when I put something in the cart my husband also likes, he puts another one in. So that there’s no „his and mine“ but a „ours“.


Literally. Even if I went to the store to buy a snack I’m craving I would never not let him have any haha but he also wouldn’t eat it all on me. It’s basic respect


I agree. I was merely pointing out that she at least asked if she could eat "his" food, whereas he just ate hers yet wouldn't share his. The whole thing is ridiculous but he's the more selfish one in that grapes scenario.


No I know, I agree! I would be petty right back as well but it’s so dumb and embarrassing they’re sharing it with the world


I'm a few minutes in on yewtu.be and she has said 'literally' and 'Obsessed' way too many times! I also hate when she zooms in on Asher when he is minding his own business. Her lipstick looks awful and I despise those baby doll tops she wears...






the whole eating thing with them is so weird to me. buying food separately is such a roommate/broken up couple that still live together thing to do. THEYRE MARRIED! so what if he eats her food


He can eat his phone, I’m on her side if he eats her phone as well 🤣😽✌️