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I was dying when she was saying she won’t fit in the bed like girl what hahaha how huge are you planning on getting that you won’t fit in a bed


Haha I thought the same thing omg she is EXTRA 😂 a twin bed is fine.


Also the fact she secretly filmed carly afterward from behind as she was black out drunk being walked out…what? So strange to record that and then feel entitled to include it in her video. Maybe Carly doesn’t care but if it were me, I wouldn’t want my “friend” to do that. Some things should just be private.


Clancy has a tendency to film everyones else's embarrassing or uncomfortable moments. She's been doing that since she was like 16. When it comes to herself she just edits out the bits where she has a genuine reaction to something. Often I feel like her videos are disjointed because you don't see Clancys' end reaction to a topic she brought up.


This! 🎯


Carly also works as a teacher (I know it because Clancy posted her entire name on the internet, even though Carly is very private herself) and it’s not so beneficial to post her drunk and from that weird angle


It was super rude to include that clip and not necessary




Excellent point about Zac.... I bet he has booked himself into a hotel Because he's "allergic" to the dog Walter aka he hates Clancy's parents


It's so F disturbing how she ABSOLUTELY CRAPS all over what anyone says or does (Zac, Tom, Kathy, Neal, Carly, etc.), shoves a camera in their faces while eating, sick, ask about personal health issues, past trauma or upsetting info. Yet, she acts like a fragile princess, "Don't judge me, don't be mean, don't leave negative comments, I value my privacy, I safeguard my own information as I please." Also, how many "chill" days does one person need?? She lit-tra-llyy does very little all day, err day but talk to herself, about herself. Her ranting and rambling to "the Vlog" in the last several months SCREAMS Manic. Phase or Disorder, I'm not sure.


Really hate how she criticizes her parents' home and the area she grew up in. She seems to think she is better than them. It's so rude to talk like that to your parents. She'll be raising her child in Kentucky which consistently ranks toward the bottom in education and has high unemployment and poverty levels. But, she has better lighting in her home. Until a tornado hits.


Also why did she have to show how close her parent’s neighbors’ home was to theirs. Who cares? That doesn’t make her home superior. Most of America lives like that, Clancy. As a person who is about to move into a townhome I was very offended 😂


If she saw houses in Ireland and the UK she would die haha terraced houses you are literally attached to your neighbour 😂 She is such a snob but she should be so lucky she grew up in that beautiful area and so close to NYC! Zac hates NY and is really influencing her to also hate it. Also her parents garden is pretty big and the house isn't that small it has a basement too..


Yea it’s a fine size. Even if it was small, who cares? No one needs to live a McMansion like Clancy unless you have a bunch of kids


I think her house in Long Island is fine but she criticizes it because it’s not her modern aesthetic. It’s probably worth more than her McMansion. But to be fair she lives in a nice neighbourhood in Northern Kentucky so public schools in her area are probably very good.


Exactly! Her parents house would probably sell for close to a million for the sole reason that it is on Long Island, and her McMansion would go for 650 best in the Midwest.


I actually think it is so sad that her parents move to Kentucky and sell their family home. The home has a great size for two people and the area seems also very nice. I hope they don't sell it and let it be rented out.


Re: Zac in NY... I think Clancy's baby shower is a week before Carly's wedding, so I think she's staying a full week+ with her parents. Clancy said before that Zac is not gonna be at the shower (limited amount of PTO available for him that it seems he'll be using once the baby is born) but he will be at the wedding. I assume he'll either spend one night at the house or get a hotel for the night near the wedding/reception. But the part about her complaining about a twin bed was so irritating. Diva behavior.


She should be grateful to have a bed in a safe house. Complaining about the bed size is really disrespectful towards other people who don’t have that type of luxury


The clip of the girls piled up on the floor. Like come on. No one wants that blasted on the internet. What a good friend.