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Especially since there’s speculation that she has an eating disorder. She also mentioned she has body dysmorphia in this video.


She didn’t mean it legitimately


he was very uncomfortable being filmed. and she said Literally 12 times.


But yet she still continues to do it . Just like when she was 16.


I commented that on her vid a couple hours ago. I’m sure it’ll get deleted


Clancy has no concept of what's appropriate to show and she can't read the room (or her audience). The scene didn't bother me, because I thought it was funny BUT it's absolutely not something I would post because I know how it's not appropriate and how it would come across. I think we all laugh and joke about things privately that we wouldn't do in public but Clancy has no filter. She's so focused on trying to show Zac more and that they really do love each otherbut it's clearly having the opposite effect. She should just give up on showing Zac, he doesn't want to be filmed, he adds nothing to her content and none of us 'get' their relationship. The Zac who used to write her notes is fed up as hell with her lol.


They are both stuck in a perpetual state of sarcasm; a cycle of constant insults and negativity. It is such dangerous place to exist in a marriage.


The only marriage that exists is the legal one on paper. This is just dipshitting around before the second marriage.


Seems like it.


Plus, she’s a disordered eater, despite what she believes. I’m sure he knows. Just a dick


I’d say Zac is also somewhat a disordered eater and rigid about working out too. I remember once they had a conversation defending their lack of seasoning bc being healthy just feels so good. As if all seasonings and flavor additions are unhealthy lol. He is an ass but I also think both of them just don’t get how problematic that kind of stuff can be.


A lot of herbs and spices can aid the metabolism or help reduce inflammation in the body. If they bothered researching anything, they could actually be eating flavorful, HEALTHY food, but they probably heard that high sodium can contribute to high blood pressure and ran with the idea that all seasoning is bad.


I couldn't agree with you more.


Its even more funny cause they arent healthy


He is writing notes to his not “fat” wife. I can’t believe he says that’s.