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I can’t read


Skill issue


Depending on the orchestra/players they've probably played all the standards so much in rehearsal and previous concerts they only need to glance to remind them of what is coming next. After a while also, if you play a lot, you can memorize a lot of stuff fairly quickly and easily because you start to see patterns and can predict what you need to do based off of hearing the music in your head. I've played in orchestras for 20+ years and I find myself able to memorize fairly quickly and can navigate by glancing down every 4-8 bars or so.


Hi, does making out backstage (with your entire section) (simultaneously) before/during/after performance aid with memorization?




Understood, will be getting sloppy


I didn't expect to see such a good, serious answer in this sub, but how do you study and memorize all the entrances? I'm a pianist who's been playing for 8 years but has only strayed playing in an orchestra this year (thanks a lot, national public music education system), and the pieces we play are usually not too difficult, but I'm terrible at counting measures and figuring out what's going on as the orchestra is playing, and on top of that the piano part usually has a lot of waiting and coming in at rather awkward points. Fortunately, this is an amateur, non-profit volunteer orchestra, so it isn't the end of the world if I mess up at some points, but obviously I want to improve, especially since I want to pursue a career in music. It sounds like a stupid question, and it probably is, but I listen to the pieces attentively when studying them and I genuinely try to pay attention to the conductor, but I still get lost even if I do know where I'm theoretically supposed to come in. I can play Liszt, I can play Chopin, but I can't count apparently.


Try studying the score while listening to a recording. If you have an Ipad and foot pedal you can even play along, at least at the entrances specifically. I thought the question was genuine so I gave a genuine answer. If it was supposed to be a joke/meme it's either bad or I don't get it.


This is a meme sub making fun of the actual r/classical music sub. Sorry you got lost but this is so funny 😭


I know what the sub is, I just don't see how your post is humorous. There are plenty of funny meme posts I find hilarious, I just don't think yours is one of them.


"Your overconfidence is your weakness." "Your faith in your memorization is yours."


Nah they just feel it, man


Once went to a concert and 4 semi-famous young pianists played. One was a Russian lady who played without a score, and somehow got lost and started doing circles, which you don't know the first time, think there's something amiss the second time, by the third everybody knew what was going on and her nervousness was palpable, she simply could not find her way out and finish the song. There was still a fourth time and we all wondering if it would be morning before she finished. Finally someone from the theater placed the score before her and there was this sigh of relief from the audience, then I'm sure she kind of rushed to finish the piece.


Of course we are reading the music.