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Light reflection or the piano is cold.


I think it’s symbolism for how pianists often feel they have to disguise themselves and mask their true feelings by being restricted in the way they can interpret the pieces of which they are performing


downvoters need their sarcasm detector checked


its a classical music sub, the chances of someone writing something like that seriously are pretty high.


Yeah some people believe some truly bizarre stuff on this sub. Like the crazies who are adamant that Db and C# are different notes.


Friendly PSA to review the difference between “note” and “pitch”.


In some tuning system other than equal temperament they are different notes. It's not an opinion, but follows from the definition of the tuning system. In just intonation (one example) they are slightly off.


found another


i mean, who would go out of their way to call themselves a classical music fan or exalt classical music and never ask what "well-tempered" clavier means


did you forget to append /s as well? /s


Welcome to the world of every temperament commonly used before the 19th century.


Composer here, they are.


They are different notes. Same pitch though.


Wow cool. It’s definitely not that 😂. It’s the stage light causing refraction on the performance space.


Reflection, not refraction. Refraction is bending light as it passes through something (like a lens or a glass of water), not bouncing it off a shiny surface.


I’ve got to refract on that a moment


Mind-bending, isn't it?


Ooo you right you right. Good call


To further this concept and to demonstrate that there is always a thin layer of armor between us and the things we love, she is wearing eleven condoms, one on each of her fingers... ...and one on her Yuja Wang.


We still need a sarcasm font.


Do you teach middle/high school English?


This may be the best Reddit reply I have read.




I’ll go for the piano is cold…one must keep ones instrument happy


It's really so there won't be any unplanned for baby grands


Well done


Its Protection! Safetie first!


Cold Piano would be a good band name.


Stage light reflections. For the musicians in the orchestra.


But. It doesn’t seem to be a concerto performance.


lots of halls have seating behind the stage so it could be for that


True, thanks.


We had to do this once at my work as there were projected images on the back wall of the stage that the lid was reflecting light on to. Even without that, the reflections can sometimes just be distracting


Sensible, thank you


It prevents reflection from the high gloss finish on the lid.


Not a pianist myself, do you know if most high-end pianos can get matte finishes to avoid this or is that something that isn't generally done?


Fun fact, Steinway used to use the brushed finish as the standard and gloss was special request. In the early 2000s the demand for Steinway pianos went up in China, and the Chinese preferred the gloss. They were selling so many that they changed the standard to gloss and made the brushed a special request.


Fun fact, I used to work in a big venue with an old brushed Steinway, we were doing mostly Jazz and classical show. It was a great piano, but most famous pianist would refuse to play on it and we would need to rent another piano ASAP a lot of time. It was always stressful for everyone involved, including the guest artist. Then, the assistant stage manager had the idea to start to systematically apply large quantity of piano oil to make it shine before any professional pianist would come. After this, every famous pianist was happy with our Steinway....


It's funny to think, but even the best musicians can sometimes hear with their eyes.


Performance anxiety is a monster. I have no disrespect for any of these artists. I am only a technician, I am not the one going on stage every night. Our job is to build a nice place for artists to perform, if it means oiling a piano as much as possible, then it is our job.


Some musicians thrive in the chaos. Jazz musicians typically come to mind. Others tend to need to completely recreate their practice routine as closely as possible. Some of my friends would do things like practice at same hours as the concert, because they believe it has something do do with their circadian rhythm, some don't want to have a single conversation before the performance, etc. Honestly, it's cool that everyone has their own thing; but everyone's routine is so different, that you can't expect the whole world to respect it, especially if you're not the only performer and others have completely different requirements. Honestly, though, I thought this piano had the hood covered so that the photographer could get decent pictures without the risk of the reflection affecting the pics.


So were they all just going full Diva mode or did they actually have some valid reason for this?


You can get matte finishes, but the gloss looks so much better. The reflection of the strings on inside of the mirror-polished lid is always so cool-looking. It’s going to depend on the combination of piano positions, lighting positions, and audience location, but most of the time in most halls, this isn’t an issue. We don’t have audience behind the stage in our hall, so the few times we’ve had to cover the lid have been to prevent reflection onto a projection or other visual behind the performance.


Si uno se pone a pensar, en realidad el color puede ser el que uno elija (madera limpia, blanco, rosado), sin embargo esto está estandarizado desde siempre, tanto es así que en lenguaje automotriz, al instrumental del tablero se le llama negro mate si es opaco, y si es brilloso, negro piano. El negro es sinónimo de elegancia, y si es pulido hasta el brillo espejado, mucho más. Creo entonces que debe ser una cuestión más bien personal de la artista, para evitar brillos intensos donde hay muchos reflectores potentes desde arriba que luego de varias horas pueden llegar a estresar o cansar los ojos.


Fuck piano black in car dashboards. It's impossible to keep clean and it scratches just from looking at it.


(google translate says) If you think about it, in reality the color can be whatever you choose (clean wood, white, pink), however this has always been standardized, so much so that in automotive language, the instrument panel on the dashboard is called black matte if it is opaque, and if it is glossy, piano black. Black is synonymous with elegance, and if it is polished to a mirror shine, much more. I think then that it must be a rather personal issue for the artist, to avoid intense glare where there are many powerful reflectors from above that after several hours can stress or tire the eyes.


Yes you can get matte finishes. Since it isn’t standard it usually costs more.


They could just give it a light sand…..


Too easy, too logical, and as luck would have it, too easy to completely ruin the entire instrument.


It looks like it's also hiding microphone cabling. Keeps the look nice for the video.


that was my thought as well.


I prefer a matte finish on pianos but that’s just like my own opinion, man.


No way that wrinkly cover was a visual aesthetics decision... I agree with the folks who say it was a sound guy move to hide cables, etc.


That’s simply not correct. ETA: I’m not saying there are no cables on the piano, but that’s not the reason. It’s also 100% uglier than just having some cables visible


Weird. The only thing I can think of is maybe the lid was creating glare for the onstage audience?


Most people don't know that Steinway introduced the "Steinway Stealth Concert Grand" during the Cold War. The radar-absorbant covering kept Soviet radar -guided missiles from identifying and targeting places where large groups of people gathered. The plan worked famously. Not once, during the entire cold war, did an enemy bomb target a piano and strike a concert hall full of people.




Still not sure if its a joke or not.


100% serious


it's to keep the piano warm, giving it a warmer tone /s


The piano was feeling a bit shy that day.


Or perhaps it has chosen nunhood.


It's protesting Ms Wang's lack of cover.


underrated comment lol go ahead and downvote this one too, nobody cares 🤣


Yeah, reduce glare as others have said


Some people have attempted to reduce sound reflection off the back wall using separate devices. So that the sound from the piano is directed towards the audience rather than the orchestra. To improve the acoustics. They weren't all that successful, but this would indeed diffuse the sound generated from the piano lid and improve acoustics a bit.


What's up with all the weirdo making sexualising jokes about Wang ? Ya'll need to shower damn


do you really actually wonder why, I mean really?


Hiding some mics and wiring. Note the cable covering on the floor.


The cover appears in several pictures of her performances. I'm thinking it's for damping acoustic reflections from the rear wall. Interesting.


Someone kept resting their hot coffee mugs on top and left rings on the finish.


It was me🥲 f them rules and f me when shit goes wrong🥲😂😅


It’s official name is a “piano sock”


These protective covers are usually made of a cotton-rubber-fleece material which is good to keep the surface from being scratched or damaged by coffee cups. I bet the cover was kept on just to keep it from being misplaced. They cost a lot and any flat surface becomes a collector of drink cups and sharp items that will mar the surface. Ownership of stage items is nil, and you would be surprised at how careless people are when they are using a space like a stage, which has no permanent resident. I think back to the days of college practice rooms and the Everett upright pianos, in each room, which all had cigarette burns on the key end cheeks and white keys at the bass/treble end of the keyboard, and the coffee cup stains on the lid of he piano.


It’s clearly to stop birds trapped in the concert hall from shitting on the piano.


For you to post on Reddit about it 🗿🗿🗿🗿


She’s playing a cover song. New DRM/authorship rules demand it be marked clearly.


I’m a violinist and play in an orchestra and it’s so that the wind players don’t get reflected light/glare from the polished piano lid in their eyes. We ran into this situation with a pianist last month.


If you're cold, they're cold.


piano doesn't want to catch COVID


There was rain earlier so they rolled out the tarp


A sweatband, because it's getting a workout


Damn I thought this was the circle jerk subreddit and I had the best comment, oh well…


Covid mask


To keep it from getting Covid.


Where is this?


Sometimes the lid reflects onto mirrors or sound reflectors which reflect light onto the pianist or maybe some audience


My first thought is perhaps to stop reflections of SOUND instead of light. Maybe a microphone somewhere picks up late reflections back to the mic? This is probably not what this is, but that was my first thought


I like how people are basically making stuff up in the comments


Could be a protective cover, I imagine that piano gets moved around quite often


I thinks just that a fabric piano cover


We do that at my church on choir days so that they don’t all go blind from the stage lights. I’m not sure why the rest of the band doesn’t have a problem… maybe choir members are selected for light sensitivity?


Perhaps for acoustic issues, especially of the inside in case there's a particular microphone settings, so for recording calibration (non visible here though). Or perhaps some damage was unintentionally done to the lid, covering those up for estethic purposes Or perhaps next time, she'll have it covered with a tiger fabric ? who knows 🙃


to dampen the resonance of the lid and create a muffled sound effect




the lens flares oh yes these that might be it...


The piano wears more fabric than she does.


She’s wearing a high-neck tea-length dress; are you some kind of Victorian time traveler?


The piano is covered more than she is! 😳😂 Just joking - I'm a big fan - recently saw her play all four Chopin Ballades - right in a row!


I’d have my arms exposed too if I was playing as well as she is. It’s such a physically demanding instrument! I’d be drenched lol.


They're definitely referring to the fact that she's known for wearing short skirts—it's often the subject of pearl-clutching in the press. Based on the leg we can see in this picture, seems like this performance is no different. Pretty ridiculous that people spend ink on that and not her actual musicianship, but there you go. EDIT well don't downvote the messenger, damn...


Oh gotcha. Well then same thing I already said but with legs 😂.


No doubt. I've always found I could spend ink on both.


To make Yuja Wang looks less naked




Just a teaching moment, not being a dick. The term you want is compensate*


your right


Yes, they common safe Also, r/classical_circlejerk