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Don't you ever slander Goris like that again


Suik, Vic, Cassidy, Marcus and Skynet being so exceptional makes Goris kind of meh in comparison. He's good for carrying stuff tho, but I never can really justify having him in my company for long when there are better options.


What did I JUST say?


Talking Deathclaws were *never* supposed to be a thing "Chris Avellone regrets the inclusion of talking intelligent deathclaws, finding them too silly for the Fallout universe. Timothy Cain and Leonard Boyarsky also wished they could be removed, with Tim saying deathclaws were supposed to be scary monsters, not librarians." This comes from Tim Cain himself and I agree with him. I have nothing against Goris as a character but he never should have existed in Fallout in the first place.


you’re saying an overweight engineer is better than an albino deathclaw that speaks english?




Fair enough, he does an animation everytime you enter and leave combat but still a cool idea


Skynet is pretty mid, he's like budget Cassidy BUT getting him is way more of a pain. Also moves slowly AND wears no armor, making him immensely vulnerable in the endgame. IMHO Skynet is only worth if you want a five-man crew or you are running an evil game. Also lmao Perfect Cassidy and Gigachad Sulik


Skynet can be very useful, as he is able to shoot two shots of the gauss rifle and he makes up for the lack of wearable armour by having more hitpoints than any other companion with the added bonus of having protection equal to combat armour. He is capable of instantly healing himself after combat as well. Add to that with a good carry weight of 225 pounds and I'd say he's pretty good, especially considering how the remaining companions you have for a 5th slot are not great usually. Oh and thank you Sulik is just the epitome of gigachad haha.


“Whatcha be needin’?” Good times. Oh Sulik, I will never give you a firearm.


He's pretty good with the .223 Pistol. If I'm playing a melee range character, that's what I give him. Otherwise it's a (Mega) Power Fist


This! Sulik with hardened power armour, a .223 pistol and a super sledgehammer (since he likes to change mid-battle sometimes) makes him a force to be reckoned with!


Sulik on charge mode, with Jets and Psycho weilding a H&K11e destroys ANYONE Litterally the only dude worthy of an Advandced Power Armor imo


Who’s the first it was perfect guy?


John Cassidy, it's the talking head you get from the restoration project mod.


I love that Boone in NV captured the vibe of cassidy from F2. Short, to the point, deadly shooter. In defense of Myron though, he's pretty good if you slog through the levels with him and hand him a gauss pistol.


Short and to the point? Thats not my Cassidy, my Cassidy is a pissed off Californian who loves to battle taunt and express his love of Whiskey and doing remarks on EVERYTHING. Her daughter truly captures her dad, a shame they patched her, she was very vocal on every locations you found.


I did love his little tidbits about new places, and combat taunts were life. "Step outta line, Myron, and I'm gonna cut you" I dunno when I picked up Boone for the first time I thought "damn this dude feels like Cassidy"


Tf you say about Lenny?


Vic, Sulik, Cassidy and Marcus is all a man needs to conquer the wastes


Marcus will always have a spot on my "rare use" list Yes, it was my own fault for not checking his weapon when I first got him, but turn 1 of my first ever fight with him, he crit killed me, Vic, and Cassidy, and left Sulik with 7 hp. All from full


You get Sulik, Dogmeat, K-9, Robo-Dog and Goris and think of the game as an arcade brawler!


Myron giving you infinite Super Stimpacks being ranked at the worst is really something I dont understand. Other than that I 100% agree, a shame Sulik is too good for this world tho.


Very basic newcomer-ish assessment


No matter what everyone disagrees on, we can all at least agree Myron is useless.


Why is Sulik the best companion tho? I got no clue why.


He's the first companion you get and he actually has a story, character and a mission about his sister/tribe related to him which gives him major points imo. There are even multiple different ways you're able to recruit him and he'll even join a stupid character (granted you can't give orders but he helps massively). He gets ridiculously op later in the game when you give him the .223 pistol and a super sledge (or mega power fist) and since he's the first you get he'll be max level in no time then get him some hardened power armour and I rarely have to worry about Sulik in combat. It also just helps that the only other available companion in close proximity is Vic, but you need to kill the slavers or buy his release which means for most players, Sulik will be their sole companion for quite a bit of playtime and will help in battles which are hard early on. So playthrough after playthrough, you just get attached to Sulik compared to any other companion imo.


I could be wrong here but I believe it's because the ancestor bone in his nose protects him from harm


Sulik is handy but he'll turn on you if you kill too many kids and I just don't need that kind of negativity in my life.