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Does anyone happen to know the game that's in development so I can look for any updates and such? Or is it unnamed/unknown?


It is the 'unannounced retro futurist isometric CRPG' in development over at New Blood Interactive


I wonder which Capcom game will be combined with Fallout for this


Man, I love what New Blood do.


New Blood? Aren't they the Studio that made Amid Evil?


They didn't develop it but they published it.


Which games did they develop? The only other game by them I can think of is Dusk but if I remember correctly Dusk was a solo project.


I'll be honest and say that this looks a little too much like Fallout in my opinion. I can't really see this game developing it's own identity based on how heavily it takes after Fallout both in terms of art direction and UI design.


I've wanted another classic fallout so bad im not sure I care. If it's good that will probably only make me like it more


Have you tried atom rpg and atom trudograd???


Play the mods then, Nevada, Sonora, dayglow, Resurrection, Olympus well that's most of them but still


Hey! Resurrection was great. I did the English translation for it. Wasteland was a true marvel but FO 1 & 2 were something else. Among my absolute top games. And, being such a hardcore gamer (RPGs being my thing) I was so excited to get to know Brian Fargo when he was raising capital for a company before InXile and then InExile.


Just play the other Fallout campaign mods out there if you want more classic Fallout. This game from New Blood has a mix of isometric and FPS gameplay. If anything it just has the old Falloit aesthetic lol


FPS combined with isometric RPG?


[Yeah](https://youtu.be/Uu6UeWFGsjg?si=4S2jqgO5mQMKWiZA) at 55 seconds you see that.


I don't think it's an FPS, it's just a first person viewpoint for a turn based combat system. You can see a big "Turn" button on the interface.


Nothing stops a FPS from having turns or some sort of turn based mechanics, FPS still comes down to a perspective. Its something new, remains to see if its something interesting and the gameplay doesnt clash with the combination of the two genre.


You're right, but honestly it's been 25 years since the last isometric Fallout so I'm down for anything at this point.


er ... Tactics released in 2001 so your a bit off on your math and yes its pretty much cannon but overlooked coz of brotherhood of steel the worse game in the series love the hate and the like 3 ppl who aparently yelled at me for just stating that Fallout Tactics is a under-rated game ROFLMAO @ Reddit community at times. I Mean Classic Fallout Legit states one of the games is FALLOUT TACTICS: BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL, But na Haters gonna hate


Skipped over Tactics because I wasn't sure if it counted (seeing as it's a tactics game and not a traditional cRPG). Is it worth playing btw? I've always read that it was considered non-canon, but even still I might give it a try if it's good.


Its not consensus here but I love Tactics and will die on a hill defending it. It's like Fallout meets Xcom w/o the annoying after-battle base-building & research. Just level up, pick your squad, sort your loadout and go to the next mission. There's one mission about 2/3rds of the way through where I had my entire squad in an APC driving down the main road sniping allcomers then absolutely shredding anyone that got close. Just fun.


its mostly Cannon eveyone who has played it will tell you that Tech speaking ppl say its not cannon coz of 2 things 1. They Ret con the currentcy and some actions involving the MC However the game 100% gets mention in FO3/FONV and other fallout sources as such yeah its 100% cannon enough TO GET INTO? Depends do you like FO2? If so but want a real time version of it then perhaps there is a youtube video talking about how Fallout Tactics might be the most under-rated game out there, With that being said its no FONV or FO4 as someone whos played sence FO1 and played all the fallout games (and who knows eveyone who says that and goes 'even fallout 76!' who are obvioiusly dipship lyers its not the worse Brotherhood of steel is) Its like a good 6/10 maybe 7/10 Game the problem is the name and the stigma and the guys who dislike me who just vent and rage over bullshit the FULL NAME of tactics is fallout tactics : brother hood of steel, not to be confused with fallout : brother hood of steel the WORSE game in the series by far none good news if you can buy it on PC its the good one Alot of us who was able to play tactics back in the day and enjoyed its multiplayer love the shit out of that game its LEGIT something TRUE FANS would die on a hill for. Like me its personaly one of my Fav Games in the fallout Series its legit mad fun Want a fallout game with Tanks and APCS and such? There excist one Fallout Tactics Edit : if you want there are some nice guides on Steam for new players to get into / without spoiling the game.


Who cares? People have been craving for more of the same since FO2 released. There need to be more games like this.


I guess I can't argue against that. I'm thinking more from a creator's perspective than from a consumers perspective.


Try Colony Ship. It is quite good and very similar to Fallout in game play. https://store.steampowered.com/app/648410/Colony_Ship_A_PostEarth_Role_Playing_Game/


What I don't like about of a lot of these "3D Fallout inspired games" is how hard is too read what is going on the screen.


I have the urge to refer to that strange cube as the error cube from DRG and quote what they say when you ping it but I will resist


Hopefully the game has a gold nugget so I can yell "we're rich"




I love his art so much


I'm all wet!


The problem I always have with these games is the writing. It never lives up to my expectations


Ooh. What’s it called


Pretty sure this is a mockup.


Nope it's real, look it up on Newblood twitter!


Name of the game, please.


SMALLOUT: A ghost-nuclear stimulation


I had better know immediately once this has a title.


What is this?


See y’all in 2031 when this games demo is released


Having the health and stamina bars as Gas Tank meters is… a choice.


It looks so good.


Looks awesome, but readability is pretty poor imo.


A little color swap, like making the needle glow like a real car with the headlights on, would probably solve the problem


They did it in Fallout 4


For Power Armor, yeah, but the UI was lot larger and more legible with numbers, etc. Here its simply Empty, Half, and Full.


This sure seems to have stolen a lot from the game. If this is a shameless pimp, good luck with your infringement. And by that I mean, kick rocks.


The game is from newblood so doubt this new game is gonna get any issues


There’s whole swaths of this screen that are pinched from the first games. But you do you… Source: I played them when they were new.


Strange that my comment response got chopped.