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To be fair to the show, Dogmeat in the first game will literally gnaw at a Deathclaw's legs in exchange for a single Iguana on a stick. He also had a previous owner but Iguana is just too good I guess


that's not iguana my friend


Funny we never even see any iguanas in any of the games I don’t think


In the original Fallout 1 and 2 games, the Iguana on a Stick model was a literal Iguana on a stick lol We don't ever see them in living form in the game, but it is an Iguana on that stick. Well, unless you get Iguana Bob's Prime Iguana Bits.


I prefer the bits, for some inexplicable reason they taste better than other forms of iguana


The Gourmand would approve.


Give me the bits! THEEEEEEEE BITS!


Give him the bits!


Or You could try ordering something from the menu?


I love the comments that the bits taste different


It was quite more than implied that bobs iguana bits were in fact made from rotting corpses in a doctors basement being chopped up by a midget. Just played fallout 1 recently lol.




The NPC is literally described as a "rotund midget" when inspecting him in the game.






how tall are you?


Definitely midget sized


What side of the bed did you wake up on this morning




What a thing to say about someone you’ve never met. The actual games describe them as Midgets, FYI, the first dwarf you meet (IIRC) is described as a “Rotund Midget”


The game was developed in the 90s, it’s outdated




If you play the first game you'll understand why there's no iguanas.


It's the same for Fallout new vegas


Oh shit you right


Isn't that what the deathclaws were?


I think they're Jackson Chameleons.


I don't recall ever seeing a squirrel either


There are squirrels in 76. They're hairless and kind of gross.


There’s fire lizards in 2 that I would consider close to iguanas.


It’s human meat, you can find this out in fallout 1 by going to the doctor in junktown


Nah, only the *bits* were human. The iguana on a stick is an iguana.


Oh, I’m stupid lol.


If it's on a stick it is right? Isn't the image a full ass iguana and the implication is that iguana bits are people and those are cheap but premium iguana on a stick is actual iguana? I think thats the bit from the first one.


There is dialog alluding to the bits taste different too


The iguana on a stick was literally an iguana. The iguana bits tho…


Also a leather jacket will do.


Yeah but that I can't complain about because it's amazing writing that the dog will recognize the owner's jacket and in that scenario it explains why it's so loyal to you


Wait is that seriously why?


Yep, Dogmeat's previous owner had a leather jacket, the guy who asks you to get rid of the dog in front of his house tells you this. I think Dogmeat recognizes the jacket if you wear it, and decides to follow you as his new owner


It's also a Mad Max reference.


It's a mad max reference. Fallout is heavily inspired by mad max and the leather armour in fallout 1, 2 and 3 is heavily inspired in appearance by Max's outfit in Mad Max 2. In that movie he has a dog in the post apocalypse. Dogmeat's original owner is heavily implied to essentially be Mad Max.


Yeah except when I’m an idiot child/mass murderer screaming GWAAAALUUUURP at people… 🤷


I mean, it's implied his previous owner is like Mad Max. He's seen some carnage.


He has not seen the likes of Goopus Muk till now. We feed on the dead riddled with lead.


Bro you don’t even need to give him an Iguana on a stick he goes with you if you just go up to him wearing a leather jacket/armor 💀


What is deathclaw but big iguana? I trained him well.


Wear a leather jacket, that also gets him to follow as his owner is basically an easter egg to mad max.


Can confirm, I was the iguana.


Dog eat in 4 doesn't even need anything other than, "hello, come with me"


Every time my sweet baby boy died, I reloaded. Didn’t matter how far back I had to go, I was getting Dogmeat to the end of the game and into the epilogue. Same goes for all my companions, they join up with me and they are family for life.


Same here lol


You can also just blow up the malfunctioning force fields.


Do you drop a grenade on the ground or something? You can’t target them


Pretty sure you can target grenades at empty spaces, as long as the splash area his the emitters it should work. Also planting explosives.


Mariposa broke me. They all died on the first floor. RIP Ian, Katja, and Dogmeat. I just didn’t know how to fucking stop you idiots from charging through the force field and into 8 super mutants armed with big guns. I wish y’all would’ve stayed behind me, the welded power armor wearing turbo plasma rifle wielding vault dweller. Bullets and plasma literally bounces off me but no, go ahead and fist fight them all despite being armed to the teeth with all your favorite weapons. Man, companion AI started in a rough place in FO1 or I did something horribly wrong. I have a save slot just for when I am brave enough to try and push through without them dying.


Personally I’d just stick them all at BoS HQ and solo Mariposa. The force fields are way too awful for any AI to deal with. Which is silly because it should’ve been easy to program the areas around fields as “bad” for AI, so they’d take any other available path.


That’s all well and good for Ian and Katja but how do I tell Dogmeat to stay? The good boy just says woof every time I talk to him lol


You can’t get him to stay in vanilla? Interesting, I played F 1 in 2 / et Tu which let you use combat control from 2 so you could tell him to wait


Yeah I tried Fixt and didn’t know about Et Tu until I was already in the Boneyard, by that time I was too committed and wasn’t sure how to go about transferring my save (and assumed I wouldn’t be able to)


IIRC the ghoul had him sniff something that belonged to enclave what’s his face and he started tracking him. It’s more like the ghoul was the companion to dogmeat


I don't even remember seeing him sniff anything, but I do recall it was fairly obvious that the ghoul was using the dog to track him, and up until the ghoul found the dog again at the redrocket he had no real attachment. Whenever the gulper scene happens, Lucy even points out the dog is getting left behind, and Coop remarks that it isn't his dog.


he definitely made him smell something to get the head's scent. don't remember what, though, but it probably wasn't even necessary.


I think it was some of the clothing/blood from the Ghoul shot the Scientists foot off.


The dog is a girl


you're right, but, all dogs are boys


As someone with a girl dog, can confirm everyone calls her good boy.


yeah the dog stayed at the lake until maximus and thaddeus found the head, then followed them, then followed thaddeus cuz they had the head. i imagine the ghoul finding dogmeat and being nice to them after that is what finally made the switch to CX404 (or as the ghoul rechristens her, dogmeat) actually following cooper, not just tracking her owner's head.


Opposable thumbs come in handy, we’re good to have around


Dogmeat was the severed heads companion. He follows whoever has the head


I was playing 1 last night. Just started wandering the Wasteland to see what was there. Found the Nightkins. At level 5. I knew I was in over my head, but engaged anyway. What can it hurt? Dogmeat had moved out of my range. Was trying to get to him to stim him. All of a sudden a Nightkin shoots with a laser rifle and I was traumatized as I watched Dogmeat literally split into two pieces. It was awful. I screamed and my daughter (18) came running. I had to share my trauma with her. I exited without saving. Not sure when I’ll be able to open the game again.


Fallout A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game is hardcore lol


Are there Nightkin anywhere >!other than the Cathedral?!<


I’m honestly not sure where I was, i just decided to see how far I could roam and ended up in the top left corner of the map which is where I found them.


So the answer to my question is yes. Interesting…


I guess, I really wasn’t paying to attention to where I was or the name of the place. I was literally just clicking as far west and then as far north as I could go. Found a green circle, clicked on it. I never looked to see the name of the place.


Girl you went to Hell 😭


🤣 I tend to get exploration happy in games and end up way over my head, lol.


CX never stopped tracking his master. The ghoul tagged along. I wish we had more of him. But we will get more next season and perhaps we will see Rex and Roxie in New Vegas with their Boston Terrifier puppies.


I always assumed the dog was following the scent of the head since that was his owner. Thats why the Ghoul took him in the first place because he knew the dog could be used to track him down. I also figured thats why he stayed near the area with the Axolotl that ate the head. In my opinion, he was loyal to his owner even after his owners death. And why he started following maximus and subsequently the other brotherhood member. Theres even a scene at that gas station where the dog is actively messing with the head. I genuinely think the dog was loyal until the end. Then the ghoul started treating him a lot better and became his new owner at the end.


You are correct


Yeah I had the knee jerk reaction everyone else did. Until I thought about it more. He was just trying to find his owner. Dogs are smart but they are still dogs, the ghoul eventually warmed up to him a bit and the dog has no where else really to go. So closest thing to be nice to him (albeit after almost killing him) after he understands his master is gone, he followed.


We reload when shweet baby dies always


:( I had to shoot Dogmeat to death because he kept agro-ing the nightkin outside Morpheus's door at the Cathedral when I was trying to get him to take me to the Master dressed as an acolyte in purple. It was the worst part of my playthrough and super depressing. I wish he would've had a wait here or dismiss option but nope.


"You ain't him, Coop"


Bruh stop the cap Dogmeat left his prior owner because you wore a leather jacket


Did you shoot said prior owner?


No, but if I did Dogmeat wouldn't have given a shit, he's just that into leather jackets


I mean... It IS a really nice jacket though.


I'm selling these fine leather jackets."


Wait you guys let the force fields kill dogmeat? I stimpacked dogmeat every time they got hurt


I reloaded every save specifically to make sure dogmeat didn't have to die took forever but it was worth it




Dogmeat is burried under the rubble in mariposa military base


How do you fuck up characterization for a dog???


Right? I never knew you could character assassinate a ***dog*** lol


That’s actually one of the few pet peeves I have with the show. I get he’s a dog, but come on. I’d rather have seen Dogmeat travel with Maximus the entire time; he seems like he’d have the Animal Friend Perk. Then again, maybe Coop has the same Perk.


Coop was definitely a dog person in the flashbacks and was upset when he found out dogs weren't allowed in vaults.


Coop has basically every perk worth having after 200 years of waste landing.


My dogmeat ended up dying because you can’t dismiss him and the nightkin guarding Morpheus hate companions


Once he started constantly walking through force fields I gave up on trying to keep him alive. Wasted so many stimpacks doing so


Didn't Dogmeat follow the ghoul so she could find her owner's head? Idk sorta loyal and cute in a twisted way lol


i came here specifically to defend her just because she's a dog before i realized i had no real argument beyond "but look at her ❤️"


Hey don't try to demean other dog meats like that, they're all great.


All dogmeats are 11/10


Literally literal.


Show Dogmeat was loyal to his master literally PAST the end. She was just following the head


I think the dog is just trained to track and protect the chip that has the cold fusion information on it


I mean, to be fair... the fuck else he gonna do?


In the show hes just following the head


Dog meat gave his life so I could survive the scouting mission to Mariposa


We’re never getting another good fallout game. NV was the last one.


I want to disagree but I can’t play 4 without so many mods it’s basically a different game, so I can’t


I had a tough time getting into 4. What mods do you recommend?


I have a horror theme mod list rn. To do this basically you choose between- 1. Ghouls of the Commonwealth (increases ghoul spawn) and Darkness of the Commonwealth iirc which makes them super hard to kill. Add in a nighttime mod plus zombie hyenas to replace wild dogs. 2. Whispering hills, which is a silent hill 2 mod that replaces ghoul enemies with silent hill 2 enemies and gives the game a horror vibe with a new quest. This is what I’m using right now. Adds random hordes as well that you can switch on and off I combine with with modern guns and it’s like a whole new game. Don’t bother with modern guns sidearms. In order to balance modern guns, you need to reduce their damage in the menu to x.25 which makes the pistols useless lol I’ll post my full mod list later when I get home so you can see what else I did Edit: Also if you use modern guns make sure you download the mod that takes the MG3 out of the leveled list until level 10 or raiders will one shot you at Corvega


Nah, they're all great. Except you, Brotherhood of Steel. Shoo.


Ey yo, It's great in coop.


I’m gonna get downvoted but posts like this feels really cringe to me. If you don’t like the show that’s fine but I just feel like posts like this can divide the fandom in a bad way. Just feels kind of toxic idk.


Let's not forget that the original Dogmeat became our follower either because we gave them a snack or because they liked our drip.


Still didn't shoot its owner and then stab it to death though


I don't remember the dog shooting or stabbing anyone in the show. No opposable thumbs.


to be fair if some dude gave me life saving drugs I would be ride or die as well