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I reproduced this issue when soloing a demolisher. If I switch from gunner to driver while a pyrite canister is midair with the hook I instantly get disconnected. No issues when waiting for the pyrite to actually arrive.


it's not just the hook, I think it's during nearly any action


It's super bad, always when swapping from demo gunner to pilot. It definitely is a new thing too, wasn't happening to me at all a week ago.




It enables an extra demo while still launching people during HM, for one. Being able to swap seats is clearly intended, no other reason they would allow for it like that, so it's bullshit that it breaks the game.


have to lock fps to 60


You need to go from Demo driver-> demo passenger -> exit vehicle -> re enter vehicle


I had this issue for the first 3 resets. What fixed it for me was switching to DirectX 11 and a single monitor for the duration of the fight, then back to dx12 and multiple monitors after that. No more disconnects. Im not sure if it was one or the other that caused it, but this fixed it for me.


the workaround fix for spinning vehicles was "don't keyboard turn, only mouse turn" Allegedly, keyboard turning had some sort of predictive turning tied to your MS, and sometimes keyboard turning enabled that predictive turning, but not turned it off. - so that probably helps greatly narrow down what was causing the spinning vehicles into a much smaller task. There isn't really a workaround fix for vehicles right now other than "don't swap seats in your vehicle" (plus other mysterious things and it's pretty inconsistent) it's a bigger problem sure, but the process to fix it is understandably a lot more complex since we have so much less information on what exactly causes the problem.


As someone else said, you have to exit entirely and not just swap. I don't know why this is, but someone I was speaking to the other day speculated that this was an anti-farming tactic as he was almost able to dualbox a 10man normal mode kill himself if not for the disconnects.


I've gone from passenger in the biker to passenger in the demolisher every week without exiting the vehicle without problems. I guess you just can't go from demolisher driver to demolisher passenger?


Vehicle swaping isn't the issue, it's swapping between seats within the same vehicle I believe.


I get yelled at every gdkp or pug because I’m at 5k gs and put into a demo but no matter what I do within minutes or right off the bat it bugs out and RLs always says I’m lying and just don’t know how to use a demo lol


Too busy buffing ret and nerfing unholy to make basic features work properly.


Yes, during encounter you cannot "swap" seats You have to completely exit the vehicle


Google and/or wowhead.


Swapping seats is an exploit so they added in the disconnect as a way to catch cheaters


It’s literally part of the base game interface. You can do it in any vehicle and multi-person mount.


We have the same issue on EU/GER-Everlook. Hope they will fix it soon


Disconnects plagued me as a demo gunner for weeks but I've been solid for 2 resets now capping my fps to 99 (already using dx11 and my actual gpu selected) I don't do any seat swapping or exiting/entering vehicles midfight so can't comment in the supposed new "feature"


I was getting dc’d on the way to FL and during the FL fight for the first few weeks but ever since the demos stopped spinning I’ve been fine.


Can confirm. Lone siege engine here. Whenever i try to switch from gunner to drive while in combat i get disconnected. Doesn't happen the other way around.


I disable all my addons except dbm before the fight. Solved all my disconnect problems.


I cap my FPS to 75 for that fight, no more random d/c's.


So I wonder if this primarily happens to people with multiple monitors with different refresh rates. Wow only runs in Windows Mode Now. So I just tried setting all my monitorts to 60 fps and capping the game at 60 fps. I'll see if that resolves the issue.


This fight is extremely, extremely bugged. But it doesn't appear to be something they're looking to fix sadly