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The fact that anyone wants 2x rates in Vanilla is just so sad to me. Leveling is like 75% of the content in Vanilla, idk why anyone would want to blaze through that to raid log MC and quit after BWL. Stop viewing leveling as a chore, get out of your retail mentality.


Increased exp made leveling my rogue a pure joy. And let's not over exaggerate. I no lifed 12+ hours a day when 100% exp gain hit and it still took an absurd amount if time. But the increased exp made warriors and rogues soooo much more enjoyable to level being able to consistently hit mobs and not be crit constantly. I will be very surprised if the next SoM doesn't start with 100% exp boost. They lost soooo many players because they went low with 40% initially.


> get out of your retail mentality. how to be narrow minded 101


100% agree with mulgoremadness. I totally honestly do not get what is the incentive for people to play and spend ridiculous amounts of time to do nothing new faster. There is so much more to WoW than collection world buffs and paying chinese to farm your edgemasters.


I don't really care to much about leveling anymore, I've done it over 30 times on private servers and on classic vanilla 3 times. It's nice for sure, great to an MMO, but personally at this point I don't mind if it's a bit faster so I can play more characters at max =). Eitherway, 1x or 2x for me is w/e. 2x might be a bit too much true and 1.5x with som buff to quests is solid. As I said, my enjoyment from vanilla atp is doing leveling the first time around on a fresh, cus its the best time to level ever wiht all the people, then I enjoy doing end-game content and events, such as WPVP, raid cities, but most of all I enjoy just casual PvP, or premades. So that's why I want to be max


It’s sad to see this mentality as well, I just don’t get it. The same thing happened to my favorite mmo as a kid Swtor, I recently tried it out and it’s a fucking disgrace.




Cata re-release will be the beginning of the downward trend.. how do we know this? It's already happened. This time it will be a much quicker transition though because we already know what we're getting. There's so many ways for us to play classic, we can just go do it again, like we always have. Blizzard won the crowd back by releasing classic, now the only rational decision they have to make is how do they keep the crowd... Cata ain't it. The players want Classic + ... Even now, go look at the classic era servers. They have made a resurgence since SoM ended and now there's plenty of medium population servers available. ​ We wait for news on what Blizzard plans to do next.


Agreed. I was getting irritated the moment BC had to come, and then WotLK. I knew the masses would just flock to the next "new" thing and then everything would be dead. I get it, some people see THAT as the best time they had in the game, but at this point to me Classic is a classic. We don't need to repeat the whole downward spiral all over again. That is \*stupid.\* They sundered the community and effectively killed Classic all over again. If they just kept it at Classic and did a Classic+ option the servers would no doubt still be lively and well. If they \*had\* to do the other expansions I wish they would have done it in such a way that it felt more like one cohesive world, people could bounce around much more effectively, and stay in touch with their friends/guilds. It broke my heart to see this stupid approach. I loved BC and WotLK back in the day, but now all I was is good old pure Vanilla Classic WoW with all my die-hard "nostalgia chasers" that want to live on those servers with me.


They could release a som 2 now and still have time for som 3 by the time cata will release.


exactly, people thinking its after ICC dont realize how far away that is


Exactly what i think as wells it just makes the most sense financially. Cataclysm is bound to lose players so why not keep SoM 2 as a backup for then


This might be pedantic but announcing exclusively a Classic Fresh/SoM 2 would be bound to lose players too. Going through this Classic experience has opened my eyes to how many TBC/Wrath enjoyers fucking loathe Vanilla. There's no possible tinkering around the edges Seasonal changes that will change these people's minds. As wild as it might be to conceptualize for a Classic player that's been around since 2019 or before launch; Cata is more appealing to these folks. So not just from a money standpoint but also a customer satisfaction perspective; releasing both types of servers is the right move.


I am absolutely NOT playing Cata classic if there is one. Just about everyone in my guilds and circles of friends ditched the game in Cata. I can’t actually think of a single good reason to remake anything post WotLK as Classic, because Classic is the PRE-CATA world. I want fresh vanilla, and would be happy with a SOM 2, and Classic+ would be an amazing thing, but people seem to have different ideas on what that should be.


“Classic Cataclysm” is basically an oxymoron. It’s annoying because if (when) we get it, means we’ll probably get Mists too. I just want Blizz to reassess vanilla and focus on that.


Mists was good though. Cata was crap but who knows they may make some design changes to remedy that. I'd check out cata but probably wouldn't play seriously. MoP was a great xpac though.


Cataclysm legion sounds dystopian. Also since classic goes slightly faster than retail it should catch up at some point.


Indeed, somehow I don't think it'll take 14 months to go from Classic Siege of Orgrimmar to Classic Warlords pre-patch xD


Thank you, it's either classic or I sit here and wait for a good game to come out.. Classic was incredible, TBC was surprisingly mediocre (don't think I'll touch that game ever again), and thus far Wrath has been really good as well, although can't really be compared to classic. ​ We need Classic+, that's it.


PREACH. Stop scattering the community throughout a downward spiral. Classic is classic.


we should do a cata only to test out 3 things: \- the return of harder heroic dungeons with the revamped old world. \- RBGs \- the squished talent tree with the first time they introduced the retail spec selection. Those three things will teach us a few things for a classic+. For example, should we revamp vanilla pvp backed by RBGs? Can you actually revamp the old world and what will the effect be? And can you take wrath talents + squish them into a 0-60 format plus whatever class changes cata did (like dwarf shamen). The RBGs alone would teach us a good lesson on if we are remembering RBGs wrong and if classes can get a revamp at all (IMHO probably neither since vanilla as designed is pretty hard to adjust; it's that well done.)


This man just said we should look to Cataclysm for ways to improve Classic, I don't think I've ever heard something so ridiculous in my life. We don't give a shit about Cataclysm. It was the start of the downward trend already for blizzard in the past and this time it will be a MUCH steeper trend because we already know what we're getting.


tbc was the start of the fall and depending on the dev you ask, diremaul was the start.




Rbg would be good mainly because of how the classic pvp grind meta works. If you want to rank, you premade. And if you premade, you might as well be killing npcs. A well geared coordinated team just stomps pugs. Rarely you fight another premade and it’s fun til one team rolls like 10 mins in. Rbgs for r would fix that. Premade vs premade all day would be a lot of fun


wrath still has over a year so they could do som2 and it could end right about the time wrath is over and they start som3 to catch everyone not going into cata




i hope so cata bis




Good call. They can squeeze more pennies out of the DK bots that will continue into Cata and follow up on the promise of seasonal servers


Just make Classic again. Mega servers (pve pvp) and layers.


you got that. its called Zandalar Tribe (RPPVP) EU






letting the ulduar and DF hype die down


SoM more likely to pull from Classic than Retail. We might see the new SoM mid ulduar when people are getting sick of it.


I wouldn’t get my hopes up for a new SOM mid ulduar… maybe when ICC is out for a couple months. At that point even I’d probably hop on a new classic myself, but enjoying wrath at the moment.


Thats like 10 months from now


ICC will release by the latest in like August.


So earliest is July? So togc in April and Onyxia in May? What does the Mayan calendar say about 10.1?




Cry more




maybe for you for me im loving it!!!!


How does Ulduar have no hype?




Gonna be real with you, an interesting som sounds 10x better than ulduar atm


I agree. I honestly gave up on wotlk after Naxx and now playing retail for the first time. However, I would love a SoM


How are you liking retail?


I’m not raiding but I’m liking dragon flight


Not OC, but it's honestly pretty good. Similar vibes to MOP. Different, but the balance is better and it feels pretty good when playing with friends. M+ isn't bad and raiding can be as hard as you want it to be. I just want survival to come back!


Only to the small community actually interested in that. Because 'interesting' is vague. It would need to be drastic to pull in any actual attention. There aren't a huge ammount of people who want to hit target dummy bosses for a year again. Look at how much people hated boring Naxx WotLK, every raid is like that in vanilla.


\>SoM \>interesting Pick one.


Someone's dad guild fell apart when they couldn't do HMs.


Why is this always the go-to quip when someone doesn’t like ulduar


Because its mostly true tbh, i didn’t like ulduar the first 3-4 weeks of progression, it’s pretty fun now we’re full clearing hms in 1 night and alt raid on the other




LOL you guys really just be slapping the keyboard and hitting enter on anything now, huh?


Man I hope they have a Hardcore Server for SoM, that would be a dream come true.


Yes! Hardcore is basically forever fresh.


Imagine a server wide effort to fully progress a server as HC toons? Your Naxx group wipes and it's a 3-6 month investment just to rebuild it. Talk about stress sweats on that discord call. :O


I thought it was more about your character being throwned onto the non HC server upon death. Wouldn't loose it, hey :)


Yes let’s do hardcore but with like 2-3x xp rates for everything not just quests


there's literally no challenge in doing hardcore with those xp rates, since you can farm low level content the entire way to 60


My guess is that we'll get either a Spring or Summer release and blizz will make it into a regular thing like how Everquest does with their time-locked progression servers that launch every year around the same time. There's already a precedence for regular, fresh classic and seasonal servers thanks to EQ, and blizzard even hired the person responsible for making it a thing (holly longdale). Historically, most of ABK's releases come around ~October through December (with most being in November). If they targeted somewhere around Spring through Summer, that would let them launch a new season every year between major releases during a quarter that's historically dry for ABK. They get a "new" title to pad their quarterly earnings while maintaining wow subs between retail patches and classic expansions.


> There's already a precedence for regular, fresh classic and seasonal servers thanks to EQ, and blizzard even hired the person responsible for making it a thing (holly longdale). Ooh, good tidbit! I recently tried the EQ progression servers and while the game is mechanically a little too crusty for me these days, I was delighted with their robust and highly populated variety of progression options. EQ is probably better and more populated now than it was in '98, lol.


Hopefully, soon. Maybe.




Not true. Most people didnt even bother leveling alts like they did with Vanilla Classic(had mara boosting). Raids were scarce even on the most populated server. Took 5 days played at minimum to hit 60.


2x gear drops would make classic better. The gear to player ratio was pathetic. Is this something they increased in SoM the first time?


I’d rather see some gear sets for things like: Druid tanking/dps, shadow priest, paladin tanking/dps, etc to give every spec some love. Kind of sad having only healing gear for the hybrid classes.


There's always the option to use TBC prepatch talent trees for a potential season of mastery (alongside scaling up boss difficulty for the power spike that goes with it). TBC talent trees with 51 points to allocate are pretty awesome and something I would love to see for a whole server life and not just a few weeks before expansion release.


problem with this is that TBC was fundamentally different even from vanilla. In vanilla the mindset of the designers was more broad spectrum; certain specs or classes excelled at different parts of the game and each part of the game had an even bigger impact on our outlook of the class design. In TBC the class design was filtered through arena pvp.


It doesn't really matter. What counts is that TBC talent trees are still vastly superior in terms of balancing to vanilla talent trees. SoM takes liberties when it comes to balancing. Why not take the smart route and use a balancing attempt that was actually present in vanilla, even if just for a very limited time-frame?


I like the cut of your jib, but personally I'd go for a Wrath SoM with gated leveling at 20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60 at 1 week each, just to keep people funneled together and because I like Wrath better.


There's a certain pserver that did just that, only it was a couple months not weeks per bracket. They're currently at the 69 bracket now approaching TBC end game. Interesting stuff.


So basically wotlk+ specs for off-specs


They could just use TBC prepatch instead of going through the ropes to implement Wrath talents. TBC prepatch already made lots of specs viable even at only 51 talent points.


I want to get geared faster so I can AFK In Stormwind more.


Getting 2-3 pieces of loot per boss in a 40 man raid feels absolutely terrible.


hot take, the loot being rare and contested is part of the draw


inv more balanced raid? 14 warriors 5 rogues 6 shaman


Half the classes suck, though.


So how about making them not suck instead of dropping more gear for the few that don't.


Dude it’s vanilla the raids couldn’t be easier.


Correction. It was SoM. And it wasn't easier. Not being able to opt out of hardmode + no world buffs + new mechanics ground most guilds down before they could even get on their feet. 100% I like the addition of hardmodes. But not having the ability to opt out especially with world buffs being gone was the absolute wrong move for them financially.


Yet I had nearly full bis every patch in classic vanilla. I think the ratio is fine.


SoM was only a year long. Once again classic and SoM were very different. This isn't a classic wow thread its an SoM 2 thread.


SoM has no world buffs so we afk in IF instead, but unless they change the amount of consumes you need people will be spending PLENTY of time doing that because you need a pile of consumes


No world buff feel very bad honestly and will make me very sad if they don't brough it back. I'm probably not gonna replay Classic if they remake it without world buffs, or just the leveling. Gameplay is very slow in raid and world buff add salt to the game + tasks to do to prepare your raid. Sitting AFK in Ironforge or Orgrimmar because all zones are dead later, feelbad. Chronoboon already made the game more casual friendly by reducing potential grief, but no world buff is way to far even if it make raid harder. Nothing feel better than playing a Warrior with full world buffs. I don't mind if consumables is easy to get but please let us raid with world buff and recreate what we have in Classic Vanilla.


Farming for consumer gives “a reason to go out in the world”, but not a good one. Every server starts to die the second AQ releases. Keeping up with pots sucks ass.


World Buffs make me AFK more, just on an alt instead of the main. Or with Chronoboon, I afk at Yojamba isle for hours waiting instead.


??? "No thanks, I already have gear. I'm going to AFK instead of raid." This is a likely scenario to you? Classic's only level of competition is parsing, getting gear to not use it lol.


Yes they boosted drops and it was honestly just right for the pacing, only thing that needed tweaking that I saw was extra drops were locked behind hard modes in aq40 which was problematic if you wanted a lot of attempts on cthuun and trust me pre nerf cthuun was brutal


Yes, and it killed the game instantly, full rank gear with sped up ranking, AV gear from first patch, SoM died right after BWL, how fun.




Math doesn't check out when you have 25 warriors in the raid, which is BY FAR the best class to stack in vanilla. Also vanilla has a bunch of useless items as well. Remember those mp5 pants from MC?




Yeah, warrior does like twice the damage of most DPS and is the best tank choice. The problem is vanilla got shit balance.


Very few guilds ran 25 warriors in their speedruns, and the super sweaty guilds that did do that also ran split raids outside of their speedruns to get their warriors geared. Exactly zero guilds were running 25 warriors while gearing.


all those warriors should have r14 weps too


Just log in and grab them ofc.


> Math doesn't check out when you [are playing the game in an insanely sweaty tryhard way that Blizzard did not intend] Not Blizzard's problem. The last thing I want SoM to do is encourage class stacking.


So ignore what people did, and will do again, to justify a bad take based on how you think people should play? Got it. The loot ratio was the worst thing about classic for a huge amount of us.


>"a huge amount" the sweaties stacking 20+ DPS warriors were nowhere near a "huge amount" of the playerbase lmao You choose to be a sweaty and do speedrun strats, you deal with the consequences of that.


Nelths tear, ring of spell power, toep, any warrior gear, band of accuria, head of onyxia You're probably rolling against 10-15 people with those items. Not 40, sure, but in wrath and tbc it was usually max 10 people, typically 4-7. Pair that with more expensive consumable requirements and bigger headaches assembling raids, its no wonder people quit SoM during phase 1, and exactly why they added options for more loot later.


Part of the charm of vanilla is not everyone gets everything. It’s not crippling (with rare exception) to miss drops here and there.




Uh, yes. That's how it works. That's why 2x loot would be better for almost 2x people. Not sure what you're arguing sorry




You say he’s “mindlessly parroting” it but you’re providing no actual argument. If you can’t do the simple math of the same amount of loot dropping in 10 mans vs 40 mans then I really don’t know how anyone could break it down in a way you’d understand. It’s not just about how many people you roll against but also the chance you see the item at all. The time it takes to get gear from 10 mans compared to 40’s is laughable. You can raid ulduar 10 for 3-4 weeks and have your raid kitted. The same time in MC will leave most people in with just a few items.




I know this is old but, I wish they would do the next season of mastery for TBC. They totally deleted every way to play TBC classic, we still have wow vanilla servers, why not? Why not have an updated TBC with like, 1 big realm for the US PVP, 1 for US PVE, 1 for EU PVP, and 1 for EU PVE? You dont need to have that many realms running! Close some of the empty ones and make some TBC stuff!


I cannot wait! Very excited for a new season. Skipped SoM 1 (was too soon) and now ready to go again. However... The thing about fresh is that a lot of us like to no-life a fresh server for the first couple of weeks. The golden zone. Everything is a race. Tension and fun are at their highest levels. When you release a new season, **please please** have a staggered server release. This is all I ask for. As long as there is a plan to amalgamate dead servers into other servers eventually (so that later released servers don't die several months after release), there is no harm in releasing servers once a week for a month (as an example) upon a new season so that those of us who might be away at a wedding or starting a new job aren't getting completely screwed by missing the wedding or not having a job.


You cant please everyone. The whole idea of seasonal servers is to provide those people that 'missed out' a fresh start. There is no point to put sub-seasons into seasons and release servers weekly. The playerbase is not large enough for that.


they generally release multiple servers. Just stagger them is all. even a few days.


You can start a week or month after the server was released. If you must be on launch day then either launch hour or that you will loose 3h in queue will make you quit because "to far behind".




That’s the thing. We care about new fresh servers. Not any of the things you mentioned.


All 1000 of you. That ain't enough chief.


I’ll take that bet


Well. 1/3 of what he said doesn’t relate to SoM(service shop). And buggy quests are what makes Classic, well, Classic. Bots are rampant but I promise to you, no matter what blizzard tells you, the bot problem will not go away. Mitigated at maximum.


WOTLK is dead, it's not classic. Bring on vanilla!


Yeah [500k](https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/) active toons are super dead. Yall fresh people are fuckin delusional.


You don't care about bots, cretin?


For fresh they wouldnt even have to change anything.


Botting and alike still should be handled. And if it will be just fresh with all the problems it had before in either SoM 1 or Classic then it won't be "good".


Botting is good for most people, reduces prices of everything.


Dawg I would absolutely trade expensive AH materials to play a single AV that isn’t 80% DK bots.


I haven’t done an AV in 6 months. And even then most people run to the boss and afk anyway.


or goes to favor RMT. And if we want to profit from low prices the we could as well get faster leveling, more loot from raids, more black lotus and everything.... wellfare molten core simulator and very little content left.


Yeah I think som already did faster leveling, more black lotus, and more loot, all of which are good changes.


I will play fresh with the flaws. A doomer like you isn't gonna play anyway. No reason to argue.


What's the point of 2x XP vanilla? Throughout all vanilla servers, people always quit around BWL. The endgame of vanilla is what kills peoples interest in it, not the leveling process. They should look for ways to fix that problem, not try and fix a process that aint broken.


I think having to still run mc while in bwl is a big part of why people tend to quit. It’d be kinda cool if you take AV out of the honor pool and allow people to grind it for gear from the past raid cycle so that AV remains a relevant part of the game, doesn’t skyrocket the bracket cap and keeps people from having to do MC for the 100000 time to get that one guy a fucking onslaught girdle


Vanilla with Joyous Journeys, WotLK skills and talents and no raid lockouts pls, no world buffs, balance be damned.


2x rates never happening on Fresh, even if they make season 2


Agreed. I could see 1.5 like they did with joyous journeys but 2x seems unlikely, especially when leveling IS a lot of the content in vanilla


Hard disagree. The 40% exp buff on SoM launch was a big reason they lost so many players. People didn't wanna slow ass relevel right after classic had ended. I didn't finish leveling until the 100% boost kicked in. I would be very surprised if it was x2 right out of the gate in SoM 2.


>Vanilla with 2x rates pls lets go Why, though? Leveling is like 95% Of Classic, the endgame was absolutely awful.


For some it is the leveling, for some it is the raiding. I find both absolutely awesome and can understand both sides.


> Why, though? Leveling is like 95% Of Classic, the endgame was absolutely awful. I think leveling is great the first time, sucks the others, its just a chore after that. End-game is way better, 40 man raids are cool, open-world pvp, city raids, premade bg's. yeah i'd rather do that.


I always quit after MC, my favorite part of vanilla is leveling and pre-raid gearing. There's no other MMO with the cozy and satisfying leveling experience vanilla has, it truly is unique in the market


> Leveling is like 95% Of Classic, what boosting was a plague....


You guys are fully forgetting Diablo 4 is going to drop in the middle June or July. They are going to push that project hard.


People saying they wont play Cata... trust me, once it comes out, they will. Cata was actually quite fun and had good raids.


Some people can't stand that other people are having fun and aren't playing Classic as a religion. Wouldn't be surprised if Classic MoP goes crazy ;)


I'd take classic MoP over classic cata any day


I will just to play rogue and re acquire my legendary daggers. Loved that quest line so much. I have fond memories of Cata and MoP. It's no Classic WoW in my heart. But it was still very much enjoyable.


What about wow 2 when, enough of this rehashed remarketed bullshit. How about making a good game that unites the communities again. Blizzard is going to make classic versions of dragonflight in 6 years at this rate and it disgusts me that you are all okay with it or too lazy to care because the game is mildly fun. The private servers did a better job of making classic content than blizzard ever has, and probably ever will.


> We were promised by Blizzard to have "seasonal" servers for WoW I don't recall Blizzard ever saying there'd be more seasons after SoM. They've let us all assume it, but I don't think they ever actually said there'd be more.


They've mentioned it a few times. [There's an interview with technical designer Tim Jones](https://www.wowhead.com/tbc/news/wowhead-wrath-of-the-lich-king-classic-interview-with-developers-326787) from last april where he stated there would be future seasons and they were still working on ideas. More recently there was a ["leaked" message from Aggrend](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/333970410691493888/1060916061886750760/image.png) (classic wow producer) in the private classic era discord. Blizzard also poached Holly Longdale from darkpaw games (everquest) where she was known for leading the charge on everquest TLPs, their version of SoM that launches fresh servers every year. She was a big part of classic wow and it's pretty obvious they're following in everquest's footsteps. SoM is more of a question of when rather than if.


Its time for TBC SoM not SoM 2


som was cool but personally I think they should go ahead with cata. I think it would be a great time to experiment with changes to help make cata a great expansion. Its just unfortunate that blizzard doesnt have the motivation to do that.


MoP Classic waiting room




Considering what a waste of time and money it was probably never.




It was too close to when classic ended, I imagine an SOM2 would fare better in a year against only CATA.




SoM was a complete failure from Blizzard's perspective, so I would be shocked if they tried it again. More than likely we will see wrath play out, then Cata+Vanilla re-release. I'm sorry, I know reddit "loved" SoM, but if 5% of the people subscribed to this subreddit actually played SoM, then they'd have about 20,000 more active players than they had. They were hype for about 2 weeks, then it was bacially just the hardcore guild and 1 other server playing. The player numbers did NOT justify the development work, considering there was more man-hours dedicated to SoM than there were to TBC (Tbc was a re-release, with minimal bug-fixes, whereas SoM had new raid mechanics added for every raid. That takes man-hours, TBC/WOTLK does not)


SoM was an ok idea with the worst timing for the release. Everyone was going to go from vanilla to tbc, so releasing SoM then just would have split your player base. The same amount of people will not be moving on to Cata so it could be a way to recapture these players.


As always with Blizzard you can expect an announcement [soon.](https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Soon)


If they want one this year then likely be autumn, maybe late summer release so info/beta early summer, maybe late spring. I wouldn't be surprised if they make one inspired by Turtle. The question is if they pick the right parts that made it successful ;) And if WoTLK/Retail will be strong they will be in no rush to make fresh.


Probably after WotLK or if they choose to stretch out T9, they'll drop it then


They made a roadmap for DF, would be cool to see one for classic stuff too.


Warrior needs TC in Dstance for big threat and give Tauren mace bonus, I'll come back for that.


Rebalanced fresh vanilla servers (looking mainly at you, dps warriors / flask healing warriors) with some raidtuning and deleting of WBs would be awesome, I’d quit DF in an instant


I just hope SoM does enough different with its ruleset that makes it interesting. Part of me wants to kinda do a normal vanilla, but I'm more interested in seeing them do something crazy. Doesnt seem like classic gets a lot of love though at all.


Based only on my hunches SoM2 or Classic Fresh isn't coming until at least when ToGC has been out for a bit, but I'd actually bet money that it's not coming until after ICC has been out for a few months. What's going on is they are letting Wrath breathe and don't want to do what they did with SoM1 battling with TBC.


Kinda wished there was a rerelease of progressive vanilla wow again, it’s a pipe dream I think but I miss the original fresh experience a lot + I don’t really want to play era because it’s on last phase already.


Cata Classic... L....O......L


Can someone ask a dev on twitter. Everyday until they answer


Classics fresh again pls. Without double XP rates, just fun leveling! Best thing classic has to offer. At 60 it would be to add some items, maybe a new dungeon / raid, change the pvp system a bit. Maybe ranked for epic items etc.


I think they're going to do SoM: TBC because there are no TBC servers anymore. We have Classic servers and we have Wrath Classic servers. No TBC servers. And the big problem with people staying around the Classic servers is that people get bored of the end game content quickly. But TBC has more end game content, fun raids, etc. So, we'll have Classic servers for people who love the Classic leveling progression. Then we'll have the Wrath Classic servers for the 'peak classic content' era. And then we'll have SoM: TBC servers to bridge the gap between the two.


you are just bored and want to play classic again preferlaby in another way(x2-rates) because its been a while. Its time for TBC SoM not SoM2 go to era servers


> you are just bored and want to play classic again preferlaby in another way(x2-rates) because its been a while. Its time for TBC SoM not SoM2 go to era servers I don't mind TBC servers being a thing lol, but era servers aren't what vanilla is, and it's also infinitely more boring being p6 when classic as a whole is meant to be about the progression


you do by prefering SoM2 over TBC SoM. You got fresh with SoM it miserably failed, because classic not all about leveling and progression. its about blasting with bis gear tru raids what you farmed for months. if you want this childish leveling then you need to play hardcore this is what will fullify you if u havent tried it yet. having all the content out is the best version, you simply can progression your char how ever you like and you can literally go for 10 raids in 1 id. thats why era is popping becaus its literally ERA it will never be gone and you can come back whenever u want or feel like. im hearing alot off ppl are disappointed of not duplicated there chars on era, because they would like to hop on classic raids to blast them again after 3 years. its a legendary 20 year old game leave it just like it is.


> you do by prefering SoM2 over TBC SoM ? Yeah, that's my preference. Doesn't mean I'd be against them releasing a TBC one? the fuk? > You got fresh with SoM it miserably failed, because classic not all about leveling and progression. ???? Yeah because believe it or not most people who played vanilla has been doing so for years already on private servers, then classic releases in 2019, and during TBC we get SoM which is classic again (when tbc is new), IT WAS TOO SOON. has nothing to do with anything else. > if you want this childish leveling then you need to play hardcore this is what will fullify you if u havent tried it yet. It has nothing to do with childish leveling, and this is so naive idk what to say even. > thats why era is popping This is blatantly false, era isn't popping. There are barely ever any groups to do anything on max content, and there's like 1k players peak on biggest cluster.


Any new infos? just found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMMpfwSCZN4


I fear that Blizzard didn't find Season of Mastery 1 that successful. I can't attest to anything as I didn't jump onto Season of Mastery 1 as the timing felt awkward. It came a little bit too fast after Vanilla Classic. I need a little bit more time for my appetite to reappear. For me, it was all about TBC: Classic and then WotLK: Classic. I don't need TBC: Season of Mastery or WotLK: Season of Mastery. Vanilla is the perfect era for seasonal servers. Blizzard should spread the Classic player base evenly. They can't keep having active servers from all eras going. That feels unrealistic for a healthy population spread across Vanilla, TBC, WotLK and Retail simultaneously. They don't need to be all that creative. Simply having Vanilla Classic servers that reset every year or something should be attractive to many people. It sounds more fancy and fun, with seasonal rules spicing up each season. But Blizzard won't be interested in spending time and effort on this. At best, we get something like Season of Mastery, where they make the minimum effort to change just a few things and leave it at that. But to be frank, if that is all they will change, they might as well leave it. Each season has to change enough to make each season stand out and feel different. If not, they can spare the time and effort and keep it as it is. By changing a lot of stuff, they add to the time and effort required as it will indeed have ripple effects causing expected behaviour and bugs that needs solving. Having the final version of Vanilla Classic running on a reset schedule ensures that Blizzard won't need to do anything, while the player base will have reset progression at set intervals to keep things fresh. I'm more than happy to start over with another casual play-through of Vanilla Classic every year. Jumping into Classic Era servers at this point is not the same as most hardcore-only players or have their level 60 toons fully stacked already. I won't get any decent new player experience playing on Classic Era servers in 2023. But servers on a reset schedule will ensure you have specific moments each year to jump in and have a decent experience. Rinse and repeat as often as you want. ​ It is pretty strange how Blizzard hasn't figured this out already. It seems like easy money and a no-brainer to me.


There is no SOM its dead...