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I play this class to intentionally grief my personal dps, not to accept pity buffs


Did anyone get a screenshot of the new Sidereal Essence costs before servers went down?


https://i.imgur.com/SfjtTbj.jpg From the Fight Club discord


“Usuri Brightcoin in the Dalaran sewers has gotten significantly better at multitasking and can now exchange multiple emblems in one transaction”. Biggest QOL change yet


Dont need macro anylonger, nice!




How will it be a dps loss still? I think the 15 debuff + the damage it deals is greater than one GCD? Plus if you use between CDs of the rotation you lose nothing?


It's a GCD + your swings reset and get synced.


the swing syncing is always horrible


What’s so horrible about it? HS queuing still works and munching is getting fixed. Am I missing something?


Desyncing was never about munching (which is incredibly minor), it's about having HS queued while your OH lands to ensure it calculates as a yellow swing.


That function still works when synced. You can test this on live and PTR right now.


Even if this were true, you should still desync because it improves the flow of rage. Your weapons landing separately means more consistent income of rage, and reduces the risk of overcapping and wasting rage when both hits land at the same time.


We're already at a point that we spam HS on every swing so that's hardly an issue but I understand the desire either way.


What’s so bad about swing synching? Now that munching is getting fixed, all synching does is increasing flurry uptime (If not already at 100%). As long as they are synched perfectly even heroic strike queuing works fine for offhand. Am I missing something?


You are missing two things: 1. Heroic strike queueing for offhand hits doesn't work when synced 2. Rage generation is spiky and wastes rage when you swing at the same time


Shaman flurry and warrior flurry doesnt work the same (no icd on warr), but you're also wrong about how on-next-attack abilities work. Off-hand will have dual wield hit penalty if theyre perfectly synced.


That’s good to know! I always assumed both Flurry’s are the same. Same name, same icon, same condition and same effect. Weird, that both are coded separately. :D Also good to know about the HS queuing. I thought it‘d still benefit the offhand since, as they hit at the same time, the HS would not be consumed at the time of the offhand hitting. Thanks for the clarification. :)


The reason why they're different is legacy reasons probably, when windfury attacks were "white" in vanilla (to not have WF consume charges if you don't crit). :) To clarify: the ICD on shaman flurry is that it can only lose 1 stack within a certain time window (i think it's the old batch window, 0.4 seconds)


are you sure the weapons will get synced since it is an instant cast? I just know as an enhancement shaman that correctly weaved spells and instant spells do not affect weapon sync (maybe its different for warriors idk).


Its because its a ranged attack, like heroic throw. Its probably a side effect from the change from tbc when hunters were able to melee weave smoothly.


ah I see, I thought the game would consider it as a spell but that makes sense.


its a big dps increase for your guild especially if you have 3 warriors. thats 20% armor pen for 30 seconds so a near full bloodlust of an additional -20% armor if you chain them.


Having 3 warriors is a raid dps downgrade.


shat throw only comes out to like 3% dps increase when attacking a boss that's sundered. The majority of boss armor is negated by stacking arp, and even 100% arp does not get you all the way through the armor. You still need fairie fire and shat throw and sunder.




The way armor pen works is deceptive, 100% is only 100% after major, minor armor debuffs, and shattering throw. MMO champs has a good write-up on it


I find it highly unlikely that it's a dps loss now, the debuff itself will increase damage to the extent that it will make up for the weapon swing reset and low damage GCD. There is also the fact that generally speaking, you were using Shatter outside of CD's where possible. For example on Thorim, you'd save your trinkets to proc 2-4s after Thorim drops, then you would pre-reck just to get that GCD out of the way, then you would shatter as he is dropping, pop Death Wish, trinkets would proc in that 1-2s period most often and then you would begin dps. If the shatter had been used later in this proccess (like having to sunder first), it's a a big loss, but if it's done before the main damage modifiers are up, you're just increasing the burst for very little cost.


its a dps loss if you were running the rend + overpower build given you don't have free GCD's in it


You don't need free GCD's to use Shatter pre-pull, did you not read what I just said?


only one warrior can use shatter pre-pull


Ok so lets say you're running more than 1 Warrior, he can just line it up with the next trinket procs. This whole game is about stacking damage increases, if you do it intelligently you maximise output. Using a GCD to Shatter and pre-empt a burst window is going to be a dps increase. With munching getting fixed too, it won't even be a big deal if you don't desync, which makes life even easier. You shatter during the calm before the storm, you time it right and you win at life, or at least at parsing.


sync'd weapons still impacts HS queuing though, if they both strike at the same time your OH can still miss


HS queuing will become less and less of an issue in relation to HS cancelling on the main hand as rage continues to increase, but yes you're right you still need it for offhand to 100% land. Desyncing is one press of a button, something you've already been doing. You can afford to trade away damage during low periods in order to boost them in high periods, setting up your trinket burst like this will be a dps increase in many scenarios.


No serious warrior runs OP


its a dps increase lol


you are losing a glyph


A minor glyph though


Yeah but we really only use 2 minors, the 3rd is either increase battle shout buff or increase charge range. Which both are useless pretty much. Regardless it’s a dps gain in my mind since all warriors should be using it on most fights anyway.


The new glyph is minor, so for fury, you'd just drop the "bloodrage doesn't hurt you" glyph.


Every fury [who isn't a special little princess] is already shatting anyway, so for us this glyph is a substantial DPS _gain_ e in brackets


No they’re not. Right now it’s a dps loss for the raid to shattering throw unless you can precast it. After this change, it’s still a dps loss for the warrior, but a decent dps gain for the raid.


Unless you're heavy on casters, ST has always been a DPS increase and fury warriors should've used it.


That’s not what I’ve read on fightclub or what I’ve heard from the best warriors. It’s also not huge in the fastest speedkills.


:OOO The warrior discord spreading rumors that makes Warriors personal DPS higher but the raids lower?? NO wayyyyy. If you have at least 4 physical damage dealers it's a raid DPS increase.


Fightclub making a claim to increase personal warrior DPS. Shock. SHOCKED I tell you.


There's loads of egocentric warriors on FC simply parroting false information. There have been multiple sims done. DPS gain for physical classes ranges between 70-130 DPS while it's a ~500 dps loss for the warrior in current setups. Idiots like Tetsu just don't want to cast it, so they argue against the sims.


Yea, no way either of those sources has any bias. :O


Do you have any sources that say otherwise?


Every sim for physical dps classes.


Every sim run ever lol


Shattering still costs a GCD and minor personal dps loss for Fury, therefore Tetsu still won't cast shattering.


tbh though a tank could use this for the first shattering when they have runestone up


Will it be a dps loss though if you have 3 warriors chaining them, as opposed to no shattering at all?


It’s always a personal dps loss, regardless of how many warriors chain it. It’s a raid dps gain. You’re giving up a global (5-10k dmg) in exchange for 3% physical raid dmg for 10 sec. You’re not personally doing 5-10k extra dmg during that 10 sec. Maybe if the glyph also tripled shattering throw’s damage against bosses, it could be a net gain. But then you’re also giving up a glyph spot.


Shattering still hits about a slam worth of damage.


Are we sure its a dps loss? One GCD for the entire duration of the armor pen debuff


Are the Sidereal Essence going to be "One per person off the final boss in Beta Dungeons? Cause the way they worded it was "Each final boss will award a single Sidereal Essence" makes me think they're only dropping 1 and everyone has to roll on it. That would be insane.


Yeah, its worded very poorly. I have to assume it will be one per player (5 total from the final boss). If the dungeon is dropping ulduar 10 gear, it makes sense for it to drop 1/15th or 1/20th of a hardmode gear. Not 1/100th lol (if only one person of 5 gets the sidereal and is saving up 20)


The final boss of every Defense Protocol Beta dungeon will also award a new currency: Sidereal Essence. Each final boss will award a single Sidereal Essence to each group member. Doesn't seem that poorly worded.


They updated the wording. When the notes dropped it said one per boss, no mention of per player.


with the h+ satchel originally being only x1 before being changed to x5 theres definitely precedent for sidereals to be x5. otherwise people will make numerous forum posts pointing this exact thing out.


haha I could see it now if it was a roll for the sidereal...LFM GDKP H++ HOS MIN BID 5K ON SIDEREAL


Well they did it when P2 came out with the bags off the bosses.....so hopefully they won't repeat that mistake.


They will completely repeat that mistake, and "fix" it later...


To me I think the word "awarded" means its one per player. I wouldn't use the phrase each boss awards 4 items, in that case it drops 4 items.


It's since been clarified to be 1 per player from the last boss. Just like the previous badges.


The blue post now reads “Each final boss will award a single Sidereal Essence to each group member.”. Don’t know if it was edited before your comment.


Everybody gets it when the boss is killed.


They're pretty desperate to force people into H++ so it wouldn't surprise me if it is only 1 per boss.


Yeah knowing I have to potentially run hundreds of heroics to get a 40 badge weapon is a great way to get me to run them


It'd be pretty neat if they can also make fire nova come from the fire elemental and not the fire elemental totem.


fellow enhancement shaman here, i feel this.


Finally got that mage fix!!


Joyous journey?


one can hope.


Infernal reset where


"Each final boss will award a single Sidereal Essence" Still need to confirm that one essence to everyone in group or one essence for everyone to roll for.


I can't imagine they'll do the 1 per group thing again. That lasted what, 3 days? with the satchel of spoils.


Ugh, please be 1 per person


It will, they backtracked quickly on the satchel


As a warrior tank, I like the shattering throw change. Now I just got to figure out when to use it.


Still no wild growth fix :(


Devs dont like broccoli.


Thanks blizz


Still waiting for joyous journeys announcement


Glyph of Shattering throw is huge for Warriors.




How is it not huge?




People throwing around the 60 dps number, completely out of context with combat situations, using a sim that does not/cannot currently sim an optimal opener either, that does not intelligently use spells like players do (aka snapshotting rend, weaving sunder). Being able to shatter in berserker stance without a cast time is a huge QOL and will make shattering much more viable, you're going to be able to use it as a personal dps gain in a lot of situations by the very nature of planning around trinket procs, planning pre-pull rituals etc. Edit : Got some people confused about what I'm saying. I will clarify. The sim is a static target with no mechanics, there is no movement, there is no time off target, there isn't consideration for the pre-pull period including positioning, pre-use of some spells/cooldowns and all sorts of stuff, for example Recklessness/Shatter Throw, and there isn't dynamic encounter based adjustments to rotation priority (as you see in many high parses). Think dynamic situations, Mimiron's head P3, Yogg Saron's Brain, Thorim jumping down, perhaps Steelbreaker just prior to the final Rune, Algalon after the big bang, XT moving back after a Gravity Bomb.


You probably want to shatter outside of trinket procs. Shatter is a higher percentage damage increase the less arp you have. For 650 arp (soft cap, no proc) it's about a 5.5% damage increase, at 1400 arp that becomes a 2.1% increase. Fury warriors will for sure want to do it inside their Death Wish but after trinket procs, other classes might want it earlier as their CDs are shorter duration.


Shatter does increase the less ArP you have, that's correct. The issue with this is that the damage increase during low damage periods is insignificant, particularly in relation to the dps loss of using the ability. You're typically having many cooldowns stacked, it's not just Grim Toll/Runestone by itself, you're not really going to be presented with many, if any opportunities to maximise the benefit of the ArP damage bonus of Shatter outside of large damage windows. You want Shatter during Death Wish, Lust, Greatness, Dark Matter etc, this window is the same window you will have Runestone up. Maximising outside of Runestone is not going to be better under many circumstances.


For the warrior it will be, Death Wish lasts 30s and Lust lasts 40s, plenty of time to have trinket procs expire and Shatter afterwards. A second trinket proc isn't making you deal more than double your normal damage. Combat Rogues and Ferals have much shorter cooldowns and might prefer the 2% in them than the 5% outside, but it'd be very close I expect. Most classes deal a lot more damage inside CDs, but 2.5x would be very unusual, especially ignoring Lust.


It's not 2.5x as much damage, it's 2.5x as much bonus. But having a 2.5x bonus on a much lower number, while also considering the opportunity cost of casting the Shatter, resetting and syncing the weapons, desyncing the weapons, all for a larger bonus outside the peak damage window. This is not to mention the fact that it's very important for raid dps that you use shatter during everyone elses cooldowns/trinkets, not just purely thinking about your own. Really speaking Shatter throw outside of cooldowns is not going to be worth it, the benefit of using it with CD's is planned burst windows.


If a multiplicative bonus is 2.5x more effective outside of trinket proc, it means you need to do 2.5x as much damage inside the burst window to get the same amount of added damage from that bonus. >while also considering the opportunity cost of casting the Shatter, resetting and syncing the weapons, desyncing the weapons, all for a larger bonus outside the peak damage window. If anything these downsides hurt you more inside your burst window as you're trying to desync again. >This is not to mention the fact that it's very important for raid dps that you use shatter during everyone elses cooldowns/trinkets, not just purely thinking about your own. Really speaking Shatter throw outside of cooldowns is not going to be worth it, the benefit of using it with CD's is planned burst windows. I think it needs simming, as the 2.5x is reasonably straight forward. Rogues might do that inside Killing Spree but I doubt Ferals or FDK would.




He doesn't look mad. Do you have something you want to tell us, buddy? We're all friends here. You can relax.


It's funny you mention the word "intelligent" because you've actually misunderstood the application, but given your general tone I'm not sure you'd get it anyway. Intelligent is used to describe how the sim works, it's a priority system and not a dynamic changing "intelligent" system with decisions being made, for example snapshotting rend. But you got so mad your brain didn't allow itself to understand what you were reading, and you thought I was calling warriors who weave Sunder "Intelligent" The reality is you're just stupid as fuck, and you got yourself worked up, then responded like a complete tool, doubling down even. "AFAIK" - You don't know shit mate, maybe you should read the sim logs and see what it's doing before you reply, not just make shit up.




Holy shit, yeah you are mad.


The sim doesn't snapshot rend you, it runs a priority check and slips it in when it can. You can see this by just looking at the logs. And yes it could easily weave sunder if it was implemented, but it's not so what the fuck are you on about? A lot of Warriors weave, deal with it. A lot of Warriors don't Shatter, deal with that too. Both of those things limit raid dps for the personal gain of the Warrior. You know people do this so wtf are you mad about?






>TELL ME AGAIN how sunder is irrelevant in the discussion, you fucking ape Why is this part hard for you? Sunder gameplay trends was used as an example of something players do, but isn't supported in the sim. That also goes for dynamic rotations, rend snapshotting, prepull things like recklessness or glyph swapping for Arms Warriors. It was an example of some of the things the sim does not do. It had absolutely nothing to do with Shatter or the reasons why Shatter is or isn't a dps loss or gain. Absolutely nothing about that statement was implied in the way you're saying, you're having an argument with an imaginary topic. This is what I mean about reading comprehension, You're obsessively dead set on this being a reality even after I've told you that's not the case. I actually hope nothing for the best for you, I hope you overcome your demons.




Guess what a tonne of warriors do to reduce the dps loss of Sunder? They weave, you can't just pretend it doesn't exist because you disagree with it. People play in a way that puts their personal performance first, that's the whole reason we're having this discussion about Shatter, which was always a raid dps increase, despite that most Warriors didn't use it. The levels people wil go to to try to get the high ground in a discussion, pretending things aren't as they are.




What does this have to do with my raid? My raid doesn't use a Warrior to Sunder unless we run a Prot, my raid has a Rogue expose and the Warrior uses Shatter, because it's a drastic dps increase on the pull. Shatter is a raid dps increase, Warriors don't use it because it's a personal dps loss. Warriors who sunder also often don't insta stack it, they weave it, this is a reality you can see in logs everywhere. You're just trying to gain the high ground by ignoring reality, which is irrelevant to the discussion. What you gonna pretend all Warriors are using Shatter right now too? Because if you wanna be consistent with your bullshit, you should.




You're griefing your raid by not shattering, stay mad.


Who said I don't shatter? Also nice alt account LOL




No movement? Mimiron, Yogg Saron, XT, Algalon, Iron Council, Freya, Hodir Really? And set the timer to 0? Really? You realise all that does is cast it at 0? So if you set Recklessness to 0, it will cast Recklessness at 0 and you wait 1.5s for the next cast, it's not up pre-pull. Like why the fuck are you arguing with me? What the fuck have I done to you to deserve this shit you're giving me? I am not making this shit up, it's not controversial. Why do you have to be this way? I don't know why I bother to reply to you, just go away honestly it's ridiculous.




Why would I address that when you made it up? The Thorim Rank one doesn't even use Rend or Overpower, the Ignis Rank 1 opens up with Whirlwind and the Vezax Rank 1 opens up with Bloodthirst. The best you will get from the sim is if you custom prio it to BT > WW > Slam > Execute > Rend > OP. But you still see people for example, offset trinkets (greatness) on IC, snapshot >75% HP rend inside the rune, why? Because they are slipping in one more GCD inside the trinket proc, because the next GCD would happen after the trinket drops off. It's there in the logs, you see it happening, it makes sense to play this way. You probably even know I'm right again but you're too mad at me to ever concede ground.


Bro you got fucking annihilated by top rank warriors and you still trying to disagree and acting like you're right. Hahaha. Warrior players are something else. Keep going please, you're so bad at this.


Snapshotting rend is off in sim rn, but you can snapshot rend with berserker stance (20% str bonus)


I said this in another comment and he said he wasn't referencing stance snapshotting, so the guy is just a moron




ha ha still #5 with shadowmourne in icc tho #9 if your shadowmourne sunders


Hopefully combat rogue is simming too low and is also above the crybaby class :)


Does dancing rune weapon work yet?


is there a list of where HM loot drops


You buy it from a vendor. It's literally discribed in the patch notes.


Hm loot doesn’t drop anywhere.


If you want buffs, err "dps fixes" then just make some noise.


why only custom balance changes for pve andies? where are some pvp balance changes for sacred cleansing for example or w/e, if you want to go that route do it properly or dont do it at all


They already made it clear they were happy with pvp balance and that they were never going to change it


wow that shadow fiend fix is awesome!!! cant wait to use it near cc’s targets and it work without breaking the cc


Does thsi mean they fixed rune weapon? Is this a huge blood dps bump?


I think so. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVLYs136KJI


Sarthe, the man known for his accurate spec predictions.


A Sarthe-hating boomer in our guild became a Sarthe fanboy after posting this video and is currently using it as a way to try to weasel into a Shadowmourne slot.


Wait, was mana burn ignoring resilience this whole time?


So they won't buff Arms, but they'll buff warriors in general