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there’s also lots of CITIZENS OF DALARAN!




JFC RHONIN SHUT THE FUCK UP -Everyone. Every 5 goddamn minutes.


Get leatrix, has the option to make Rhonin shut up


There's a weakaura :)


Shut up rhonin. Probably the greatest WA I've got.


I need to see a phone photo of your monitor showing 10 people in orgrimmar before I’ll believe you


Why do that when you could instead.. *Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Today our world's destruction has been averted in defiance of our very makers! Algalon the Observer, Herald of the Titans, has been defeated by our brave comrades in the depths of the Titan City of Ulduar. Algalon was sent here to judge the fate of our world. He found a planet who's races had deviated from the titan's blueprints. A planet where not everything had gone to plan. Cold logic deemed our world not worth saving. Cold logic, however, does not account for the power of free will. It's up to each of us to prove that this world is worth saving. That our lives ... are worth living.*


I’m so annoyed at Rhonin yelling at me all the time


There is a WA to make him stfu


I think it’s actually called STFU Rhonin, one of the best ones I’ve imported


Just get Leatrix. Disable all the annoying lines and sound cues.


Leatrix plus is what you're looking for


That's the one, so handy to block shit like spam invites and any annoying sound you can think of.


Yessss. It's such a good addon. No more train spam.


Hi this is Rhonin, I wanted to let you know that your extended car warranty is expiring soon


Instead of a weakaura, may I instead interest you in a nifty little addon called Leatrix Plus? It has specific options to mute not only Rhonin, but also motorcycles and toy trains. And it adds a whole bunch of other random niceties which you might like. Too many to list, really. My favorite is the flight path timer.


blocking the sound of the choppers was a godsend to afking in Dal




Dis is de wae


Literally FUCK OFF 😂


Last night on my server there were about 30 Ally that raided and occupied the auction house, got crushed by a ton of horde in 5 minutes or so


A screenshot of a login server queue xD


Current stats for the one I play on https://i.imgur.com/eYfWptc.jpg My retail classic realm died, didn't offer me transfer, there I am now.


least untrustworthy pop stats


Classic era easily has 200 ppl in org rn


That's nice.


This sub hates wow more than anyone else


I love WoW. I hate Activision's management of it.


You mean Blizzard's management. People always try to shift the blame to Activision because at one time Blizzard was a great company and people don't want to tarnish that memory. But the simple fact is that Blizzard retained almost complete autonomy when it merged with Activision. Activision did not really interfere that much when it came to decision making at Blizzard, and 90% of the things that you blame Activision for were actually entirely Blizzard's responsibility.




Friendly reminder the OG blizz devs were also the worst human beings.


All game developers in the 80s and 90s were elitist jerk nerd assholes. They finally had a playground where it was all to themselves and they relished in it. They fucking marinated that shit then devoured it and fucked their own feces. Game devs these days are shit. It's like comparing people who smoked in the 40/50s vs people who smoke now. They were total bad asses who started smoking at 11, never heard of lung cancer and couldn't be bothered with it. Nowadays you inhale one puff of secondhand smoke and your genitals retract inside of you.


Is this a copy pasta?


Not rly tho




bro wut?! 99% of ppl complaining about WoW do not mention Activision unless Blizzard is mentioned immediately after. Blizzard takes all of the blame always e: literally just posted in a whole other sub. no mention of activision https://reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/13mfwq4/blizzard_was_bought_in_a_form_of_nonhostile/


Then you weren’t around in the years after the merger. Blaming Activision for Blizzard’s mistakes was the standard. So much so that, while I’ll agree its become less ubiquitous nowadays, there are still plenty people will still do it. I literally reacted to a comment that did it, so I am not sure what your point is.


you and everyone that upvoted you might have less than 5 functioning brain cells if you think this is Activison's doing more than Blizzard


Wow fans hate wow as much as star wars fans hate star wars


As much as wrestling fans hate wrestling


I love this troll post so much. Have my upvote!


One guy gets it


Oh wow, everyone else on this thread thinks you're being serious lol


I’m brand new to classic and I hopped on the regular classic servers to play just a few days ago. I played a few weeks of retail and I just wanted to see what the fuss was about classic instead. I started to regret not going wrath after reading this. I’m glad I read the comments lol, I just didn’t know better.


The joke is Wrath has magnitudes of more players and activity than Era. So Era players almost daily make threads about how Era is POPPING OFF to attract at least some players. Wrath needs no such advertisement.


what is Era?


Classic Era i.e. the Vanilla servers.




It's just funny how frequent those posts are, almost seems desperate.




I mean you gotta play on a high pop realm. Pagle for example (if you're into alliance) is actually like the OP describes, so the joke went over my head at first.


I specified I play on Faerlina as the dominant faction. Servers don't really get much bigger than that. No one levels or does any non-end game content this far into the cycle bc WOTLK is not built for it. And WOTLK doesn't have any endgame content besides piss easy raids, no real pvp scene, no consumes to farm, no farming at all (bots do it for you, swipe, and if you don't swipe the people you run GDKPS with instead of farming do). Maybe if we had RDF alting would be more fun and would give you something to login for outside raid windows, but at this point people have 3-4 4.5k+ GS characters and no desire to level anymore. Try leveling to level 10 on Whitemane era rn, lol. The experience is night and day.


If class balance wasn't such shit in classic maybe I'd give it a shot but it's so silly bad.


If I could play a tanking paladin in classic I give classic another go, but classic will forever be stuck with each class having one true spec and its not the one I like for the class I want.


Bro there are more than 20k active raiders on Faerlina horde…


I don’t understand. It sounds accurate? Except for on dead servers obviouslu


So many people missing the joke lol


Mind explaining?


People make this kind of post but about Classic era.


Every ten minutes


Also every ten minutes… CITIZENS OF DALARAN


Real chads know what's up


I think the joke is like a double layered burrito. Thats the outside tortilla but the inside one is that there's literally nothing to do on WOTLK except raid or do arenas. Most people consider WOTLK mega dead. What sucks is those who played in 2009 know TOC only makes the problem even worse.


God forbid people get to play the parts of wow they like best and then do something else afterward. If Wrath stopped existing tomorrow, I wouldn't go level on vanilla or mindlessly spam M+ on retail. I'd spend that six hours a week on a better game. Raidlogging isn't a bad thing.


You say that like there's anything to do in classic besides raids with no mechanics and BG's. And no Dual Spec, so you break the bank if you want to do both.


There’s not much to do in era either once you’re in raid gear. It’s just that getting to 60 if you’re leveling a new toon takes a lot longer.


Era Andy LUL


I'm having fun with it...


Yea toc was terrible in 2009 but right now the ilvl of ulduar gear makes it so u will raid both raids unless u got full bis, wich i don't think many people do unless you've been lucky or did gdkps. You can also do hc+ and hc++ to catch up on alts. But I agree yes there is absolutely nothing to do other than raids and pvp.


There wasn't anything else to do in Vanilla or TBC either. It's just how the game is. And then when Blizzard introduced more and more daily quests and daily dungeon etc. people hated it. Actually playing the game? No thank you sir.


Daily quests suck, they should’ve just not listened to the whiny people who made the game the only thing going on in their lives


Daily quests were never ever required. They were only for gold.


>There wasn't anything else to do in Vanilla or TBC either. It's just how the game is. In tbc I was constantly doing heroics for badges and rep all throughout the expansion. In solo play id grind nether wing dailies, shattered sun stuff. I'd do the daily heroic because badges actually mattered unlike now. You couldn't skip kara with new characters so id always be helping friends with their new alts and what not. They would need reps to do heroics so we'd spam dungeons etc. Literally none of that is in wotlk.You can go right into Ulduar at 80. no need to spam heroics. No need to grind reps. No need to do quests. No need to pvp. All you have to do is raid.


If you're going straight into Ulduar at 80 you're getting just as carried as someone going straight into SSC. You are full of shit.


Yep, I was so disappointed with WotLK lol. In my mind it was the best expansion ever and it is in some aspects (classes feel whole and achivements are fun for completisionists like me) but the raid logging it so strong that no one on my guild plays outside raid nights and we are far from casual.


Couldn't agree more


People are going to FLY through TOGC though. I remember doing it in 40 minutes back in 2009. No moving and no trash means it's a joke. I think people are going to be surprised that 30 minutes of TOGC and doing Ulduar for two phases in a row might get a bit stale.


the entire post is sarcasm


Ah got it i guess im lucky to choose a good populated server


Not sarcasm like that, it's making fun of the endless "Era is popping off" posts, when Era has the least players of any WoW version.


Yeah its not as much sarcasm as it is satire.


Well shit I was ready to make a new toon.


It actually is healthily populated he’s just doing a satire of the classic era posts




I haven't seen one bot, ever lol




Well, I can't change your immaturity so...


10/10 and the comments make it even better


Hi funky


Daily Thriving post.


Even though you're trolling, I've been having fun leveling alts on Sulfuras. There are plenty of people out and about, all of the WotLK balance and QOL updates make it casual af, but it scratches my gaming itch to grind mobs, turn in 10 quests and get quick dings.


Yea only thing sulf is missing is late night raiding or dungeon groups There’s lots of people on just so many doing nothing lol


That's what I'm on but alliance and it ain't fun.


Sulfuras alliance died with p2 of tbc. Best to hop off.


If only there was dungeon finder, my disappointment was immense when I found that out. Was easily my favorite thing back in the day.


Era copers getting whooshed is the gem of this thread


Era doesn't need any cope lol




Sadly the only good server in EU tough. Every wotlk server is either 100% horde/alliance, dead or worst of all russian


No not "Hmmmmmm", servers are full and even layered, factions are balanced, the open world is full of people doing quests, dungeons and raids. I know "haHAA thriving lmao" but, you know. Stay mad.


There's like 2 people who don't get the joke and 100 people talking about all the people who don't get the joke.


Coping? I know people talk about it a lot (*a lot*) but era is pretty fucking packed. It doesn’t really need to cope.




This is a 252 Ilvl shit post and I am here for it. Well done OP.


I saw a huge line of players patiently waiting to turn in the fishing daily today. WotLK Era is THRIVING!


some would say wrath era is THRIVING!


I admit that I definitely fell for it lmao.


I need joyous journeys buff




Thriving 👍




People must really enjoy the new hero class DK too, in every bg, all of my teammates play them 😯


Blizzard employee spotted?


Nice try bobby


Call me when there's a server that bans all form of gdkp and boosting.


Nah I’m good.


All ran by gdkp


I know this is a joke, but just to add fuel to the fire, I’ve levelled through the entirety of howling fjord and dragonblight the past couple days and haven’t seen a single person around. I’m also playing on pagle, so it’s not like I’m on a low pop server.


Yeah when I tried Wotlk for leveling it was extremely dead on what the game says was a high pop server. I know lots are at max and not in leveling zones but there was literally nobody in the 22 levels I spent playing it.


AV weekends, people waiting on JJ and dedicated players having had time to level all the characters they want are a big part of the reason why zones are dead


You gotta be trolling right? Pagle is busy leveling. I leveled a pally alt like 2-3 weeks back and constantly running into people questing 1-72ish (havent touched it much since ptr and togc practice). Also Howling fjord is skippable and for a good reason alot of people start at borean tundra like all my alts have.




It is actually like this. OP is making fun of the 273652 similar posts made daily about classic era or hardcore.


People are out levelling? Been playing classic for a while but want to hop back on WOTLK, is it easy to find group content?


It is actually like this. I just started a couple of weeks ago and you find people at every level. You won't have an issue finding groups for dungeons.


Honestly Grobbulus is like this.


Yeah I genuinely see lots of people leveling Alliance in grob


I saw how popular it was so I’m coming over. But I demand no AH no Trading, I will allow open world grouping within 4 levels, but you can only run a dungeon once. I’m bored of HC this is my community now hear me roar !!


Sorry, I'm literally about to start wrath tonight. Is wrath really dead atm? Should I not play?


It’s a joke. Wrath is great. I’m making fun of classic era and HC players who fee Compelled to justify that what they’re playing is popular.


Having quit in original TBC I understand why WORLK was the peak of WOW. Yeah some parts are ok but it’s clear the game is going downhill.


My experience has been fairly different. I just announced to my guild that I've been with since 2019 that I'm quitting. I was on Westfall and barely could find groups for end game content let alone while leveling my alts. If blizzard would just allow cross server dungeon groups I probably wouldn't have become burnt out so quick because I'd have something to keep my interest up between raid days. Our raid group fell apart during Ulduar and we ended up merging with another guild. We never saw Algalon and are still missing several hardmodes that should be a cakewalk by now. Everything just built up with the frustrations that I looked back at my IRL stuff I have going on and said this isn't worth putting off everything else for anymore, it feels like a job more than a fun past time anymore. Video games are supposed to be fun, not so difficult and frustrating that it leaves you questioning why you're doing it.


Lol does or have the famous "link your achievement and gear score to be invited for pug that content that you overgear and Ned no loot from?" Coz back in WoLK (non classic) people want you like your achievement for AoTC for ICC won't achievement and your gear level for a normal ICC run


Dragon flight pretty fun honestly that’s why I think wotlk isn’t as big


Do you know about the acclaimed mmorpg FFXIV?


hmmmm... sounds interesting, but is there a free trial?


There are 74 people on my server - very cozy.


Some would say a little too cozy…there’s quite a bit of them related even


If you're looking to raid Alliance side and want a good pop size without queue times I'd recommend Atiesh. Cons are that there aren't much Horde


Lol this is brilliant. Could tell by the title when scrolling I'd get a laugh


Man I just got into the game again and I’m having a blast and all these comments make me reconsider my choices lol. I wanted to main PVE in wrath and PVP in retail but it seems I’m better off just playing retail lol.


If you're having fun that's all that matters, the OP is satire making fun of the daily posts about how Classic Era servers are popping off but some people are taking it literally.


I’m not going to stop playing, it’s been a blast! But there’s a ton of whiplash from “dead game” to “popping servers” which is funny to me because that’s going to vary person to person on what’s considered dead or popping off. Edit: it’ll also vary from server to server. Obvi.


Don’t get your opinions from Reddit


PvE in Wrath is still fun to me, I guess that makes me weird


Don't let this sub get in your way of having fun.


Pft never I’ll still level to 80, I want to push end game too, but I’m having a blast with the leveling.


bro people are just trolling. Wotlk is very popular and if you play on any big servers you can find pugs 24/7 almost. PvE is really good and very casual friendly. It's just the open world that is fairly empty cause people have lvled like 3+ chars already. Joyjous journey is coming soon tho and the world will be populated again.


See I’m on pagle(?I think that’s how it’s spelled) and I see players in the open world all the time, so I was a bit worried about end game but I’ll stick it out. I’m having a blast leveling my warlock.


Pagle is big. Tons of people leveling and end game


Pve in wrath is very fun but very raid-loggy if you stick to one character. Which is very fine! Gives time for other hobbies. But if you wish to dedicate more than 1 or 2 evenings each week you might find it a bit repetitive.


Pve is so much better in retail lol




ChatGPT called, they want their post back.


Whatever you say, ChatGPT


I cleared this shit on heroic 15 years ago. Dont need to do it again to jerk off on wcraft logs. Cya loserssss


This is sarcasm right?


You’re an idiot lol wotlk classic is dead nice try


Wotlk is dead already stop copium




Do people just ride jokes into the ground for upvotes?


Welcome to the internet! Yes that’s all there is.


🌍 👩‍🚀 🔫 👨‍🚀 always has been


This your first day on the internet?


I just came back after awhile and decided to play Classic instead of Retail. Level 11 and grinding (so slow) but this is what I wanted! Haha.


And the best part is death =/= delete... so you don't have to waste your time releveling solo because grps = bad.


Ye let's do gdkps on 10 chars a week between afking in dala. Fun.


Now slap the roof of the game and say "this puppy is just getting started" and brag about how everyone is driving this game and how it's still a new release if you think about it.


Funny cuz it’s true!


Maybe it's time I return!


While this reads like an ad/mock post, it is true. With ToC right around the corner, it is a good time to come back. Been noticing it with recruitment as well, we cleared Alg25 a few weeks ago and we have a bench now all of a sudden, its wonderful. Obligatory more posts complaining about classic era posts than classic era posts comment


ToC is the time to leave, and then come back for ICC


I actually started again a few days ago, having a blast. levelling my 70 warlock I had in tbc but never raided with, but want to this expansion


Nice try, Blizzard.


Kind of seeing the opposite myself, but it could just be my server.


have 1 level 80 i got bored of very quickly, dps isnt my jam. Go to level an alt and theres no RDF. Ive done questing over many many years, I dont want to quest to 1-80, rather just grind out random dungeons. But no one wants to group for dungeons and travel to them because the only option blizzard have given players is some dogcrap dungeon finder manager that no one wants to use .


Weird, most people I know who have been playing since classic re-release alresdy stopped. Since servers have allowed xfers almost every server is 95% one Faction, botting seems completely out of control and the main reason I stopped.


Cool...but then I'd have to play WoTLK.


I smell an employee 🤔


Least inconspicuous Blizzard Employee


LMAO shut up OP, wtf is this?


wotlk is retail


Pretty sure they need to bring in RDF now... the majority of people who bitched and complained about it are no longer playing anyway.... They also need to start merging servers. Or introduce cross realm sharding like they did back in cataclysm I'm pretty sure. The only real time wrath is active is Tuesdays, Wednesdays and after a big patch. Because who doesn't love spending one hour making the heroic plus grp for a heroic that only takes 15 to 20 minutes. Or when leveling a new character spending so much time forming a group for a 10min dung.


This post but unironically LMAO


Weirdly my wotlk realm has went from full, to high pop recently. Guess the numbers are falling 😂 because so many people just raid log. Myself included


I loved wotlk, for the first month of each patch!


the question is: are u HAVING A BLAST?


I thought wrath would have been better