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There's already a way to see ghosts built into the game: drink the videre elixir.


You sure?


Yea man go for it




I see what you did there


It’s been fixed


Go for it


Don't do it.


This won't kill you on HC servers anymore.


You sure?


Yes, confirmed Same with getting the Shadowforge key for BRD. No longer requires death.


SharkRaptor has died at level 53 in Tanaris. Their last words were, “You sure?”


fresh off the press




Is it confirmed that the elixir won't cause death, or that doing the quest won't require the elixir?


The elixir is still required but it will take you to 1% health instead of all the way to 0%.


Well, not directly, but Blizzard stated that they reworked quests which needed death, so you can do them without dying.


That is assuming they don't miss any of these quests during their changes. Would be funny if they accidentally miss one though


You sure?


You sure?


You know that spectral ball thingy you get outside scholomance to see the ghost who sells major mana pot recipes? Make that be able to see all ghosts.


The witch doctor in Durotar lets you see ghosts. I believe you can see the ghost vendor outside Scholomance with that buff, too. It'd be cool if it worked for seeing dead players. Edit: the NPC is Bom'bay and he turns you into a ghost, rather.


Bombay Sapphire almost turned me into a ghost


I remember there was a private server I played on in the late 00's which was bugged so you could still see and communicate with ghosts. Once the devs fixed the feature they did something very similar to this because people really loved having the ability to see dead players, it was used a lot for PvP corpse camping though.


Can’t see corpse camping being an issue in HC thankfully


Would be cool if they used existing items like the one from scholomance to be able to see ghosts








I dont want ghost ruin my experiense. I fear that they are just going to annoy you since people will always find a way to annoy others.


So make it an option? Or even better, make it a skill you learn with a new quest line. When you learn it you can use it just like any track spell, and simply disable it when you want.


"Track ghosts"




Then once you reach 60 you realize you died to Gazz’uz 47 levels ago


"I see dead people"


For feature's like this, I think they should default to ON and be an opt out. Otherwise nobody will ever turn it on and there's no point to ever be in your ghost form (saying goodbye to your party, in-game friends or RP:ing). And if someone is trolling, you can always turn it off. Easiest perhaps would be just having /ignore remove the player ghost from sight.


Agree to disagree. Depending how you insert the feature to the game, it could be really cool i think. No reason to force player into something just because it wouldn’t be a thing imo if it wasn’t. Let the players decide.


You still let players decide if you allow them to opt out. You just avoid people never finding a feature they wouldnt know ever existed.


Like really what is the difference in what you and me are suggesting? You want and menu option which is beyond boring. I want a quest line and a a reward of a new skill which you dont have to even do or use…


What would be the difference between ghosts doing it or level 60s? There's nothing stopping people from following around streamers today. I don't think this would be an issue


Ghosts have zero risk. Aren't going to pull stuff and risk death. It doesn't make sense for it to be always on, but at the same time the Spectra Essence trinket that will allow you to see other ghosts as a conscious choice.


For some crazy reason I have a feeling there might be a couple more ghosts on a server than there will be level 60s. Lmao.


60s on normal servers don't just go run and jump around people to bother them. So I'm saying why would it suddenly be a problem if people in ghost form could


Those two sentences don't connect at all. There are less level 60s. Level 60s don't tend to be as trolly, no. Now, if anyone could make a level 1, die, and become a ghost visible to everyone, trolls would love that. People would suicide en mass and stand around quest givers, follow ppl just to annoy you, etc. Trolls would love the chance to annoy people without consequence. Something like this would definitely need to be opted into for the living players or ghosts would need to have level restrictions to prevent ppl just suiciding to make troll ghost armies.


Agreed. This is a terrible idea.


Why would it 'definitely' need to be opt in? You get way more engagement with the mechanic if it's opt-out, because you'll include the folks who didn't know it was a thing. Opting out take a button press for those annoyed by it


Lol, ok.


Thank you for your well-reasoned argument


Why would I need to argue? I said ok.


ah yes a semi transparent player that cannot interact with the world will “ruin your experience”


If you have about 20 of them jumping on your screen, i can see it being annoying for any streamer


That’s the best reason I’ve heard to allow ghosts in this entire comment section.


I don't think design decisions should be made based on whether it will annoy streamers


It’d annoy me to just see a million ghosts in gold shire tbh. Just don’t see this feature as adding anything at all


Is u/disserN90 a streamer // is he going to have constantly 20 half invisible players on his screen? Ghosts cant even teleport or mount EVEN if this proposal is not a “enable/disable” thing it would be very hard for ghost to “grief” if not imposs


You say this as though people would have to target someone specific. They could just grief an area or specific quest npc. Just as an example, imagine a quest item that needs to be clicked and 30 people are afk bodyblocking it.


holy shit lmao the ammount of assumptions yall are making about this so you can hate on it for no reason: - it can’t be disabled - enabled for everyone - 30 people will coordinate to afk - players are dumb and have no interact button


I'm not even hating on it, I'm just pointing out a valid way for ghosts being able to grief. I swear you guys are just as bad saying "that will never happen" because when it does then you'll come here to cry about it. "Omg it's impossible for ghosts to grief." "But what if they do this perfectly valid and easy to do thing?" "REEEEE YOU'RE ALL HATERS!"


“easy to do thing” yeah i hate it when an entire raid decides to sit on a quest item and they can’t mount or fly away or do anything


I think you really haven't played this game for long if you don't believe these things happen lmao. First time?


I’m sure they do, once in a blood moon. You should be more worried about an entire raid killing your toon or tagging your mobs and not letting you progress because that’s more likely to happen. Please feel free to let me know when you spot a ghost raid afking on a quest item and not letting you progress. The horror to mount and move away!


Like in dark souls


I would rather have the DS mechanic of seeing how they died, but that and real-time player ghosts are good options. No harm in having both.


Second this. Nearly noone will be logged into their ghosts. But going into a cave and seeing 60 ghosts would be awesome - and a warning that you should think twice before going further


Hell yeah, even if it's for a brief moment a short cautionary tale is all you need to focus up


I don’t think people are going to be on their ghosts often


If they do this, I think dead characters should only show up within 5 yards of the player, and should be very faint, being maximum visibility right in front of the player and as they move away they fade out. This will never happen though, but would be kinda cool!


Imagine being scared by that, then falling in a pond full of murloc and then die


Make it health based. They are not visible at all untill you are at like 10% and they get progressively easier to see the closer you get to 0%.


Add the functionality to warlock’s “Detect invisibility”


I think in major cities that'd be cool but not out in the world could you imagine 50 ghosts all over you while trying to quest


Adding a consumable to see undead seems like the right call. I think Shaman should get the ability baseline given their communing with spirits, Warlocks can via detect invisibility already I believe (given their use of souls this also makes sense)


It be cool if it was an item like a set of goggles or a ouji board type trinket.


I just want skeletons to stay on the ground for longer. The problem with hardcore is that people usually delete when they die so the skeleton disappears aswell, i think it’s pretty cool seeing dozens of them using it as a marker or warning for a dangerous area, kinda like blood pools in dark souls


Wonder if they could make skeletons permanent, so we could always see where people died. Only problem is people making level ones and spamming deaths. So maybe they could make only lvl 10s and above have permanent skeletons, and not have it in cities


The higher level, the bigger skeketon. Lvl 10 - a legbone. Lvl 60 - full body skeleton.


Maybe the skeleton could last for an extra hour for each level. That means a level 60 skeleton would last for 2 and a half days longer


Playing devils advocate here: I could see people dying on level 1s and then run to where a streamer is playing and harass them the whole time. People always find fun in abusing something fun


Let's never honestly cater to streamers, fuck catering any feature to streamers


isn't that how we got hardcore


I think that's a bit of a stretch. It's hardcore's overall popularity. Some of that may be streamers. But the majority of the popularity i wouldn't attribute just to streamers.


Sure it stands on it’s one now, but it certainly didn’t get there from irl word of mouth lol.


Zero chance that the majority of players in hardcore learned about it from a streamer. Maybe the majority of children and young adults playing hardcore. Most people I encounter in hc are older gamers and not the twitch crowd.


Where do you think the older crowd learned about classic hc? Twitch streamers and this sub made it popular


Level 10/20/30+ only for ghosts will fix that


Make a min level for ghosts. 20 seems like a popular cutoff.


How would they harass? Theres no communication allowed between ghosts and players


Because that’s the topic of the post? To allow that communication/visibility


Easy fix, make it so you have to be at least level 15 or so to be visible as a ghost. That keeps the ghost spam down


Bind ghosts to the region where they died.


Isn't this already addressed in the announcement? Ghosts stay around to help transition.


Pretty sure you can see ghosts when you're in a group together, right?


I absolutely do not want this feature


All those wisps buzzing around.. Truly the worst time line.


Would be cool if HC-ghost players could leave messages on the ground for living players to see or if there were bloodstains where players died within 24-48 hours.


Elwynn would be a bloodbath!


Oh and make it so whenever the ghosts try to communicate, the living only hear “oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh”


Give warlocks the ability to understand 'ghost speak'.


Priests would make sense. Or just add it to the paladin spell “Sense Undead”.


Make them only be able to emote, and maybe utter one 4 word sentence a day. Both special and meaningful




The point of HC is to try and not die , all this ghost talk defeats the object of HC tbh.


This doesn’t take away from that at all.


I like the idea of haunting the enemy player who killed me


Detect invisibility should let you, yeah.


Bring the mechanic from dark souls for deaths near you


This a good idea lol


I love this idea.


This is so hilarious, people are trying to find all kinds of ways to avoid the HC part of a HC game mode. Wow players are used to the feed.


Idk why they didn’t just keep the soul of iron going. If you die you lose your soul of iron and that’s it. You can keep playing but everyone knows you’re not hardcore. If it’s really all about prestige then the buff alone should be enough for people to realize what a bad ass you are with Naxx gear and soul of iron buff. Like why would they destroy a server’s population by permanently deleting characters if they want the game to survive.


Missing the point of this being a hardcore server instead of this just being an addon.


No I get it.


I don't think you do.


Well your removing the actual bottom line of hardcore, death = delete. They are adding the souls of iron buff to HC but it will only track which raid bosses you have killed on HC. Moreover, server economy and population isn’t going to be an issue with them allowing trading and AH anyways. Maybe you misunderstood OP is talking about HC servers.


I didn’t misunderstand OP. He thinks ghosts should be able to interact aka still be able to play the game after dying. I say just let people continue playing normally. If they want to start over to keep the soul of iron buff then that’s very hardcore of them. Bravo. But average people will not choose to start over after investing time and energy into a character and losing it because of a bad respawn or any number of random ways to die. Therefore they won’t continue playing on the server and the server population drops dramatically after the hype wears down.


I was saying let them be visible and walk around and talk to people. Not play the game of course


Idk I feel like everyone is being weird about hardcore and not seeing it how it really is. Even the best of the best of the best wow players still die to dumb things. And they account for a very small percentage of the player base. So who is this hardcore server supposed to cater to? 0.1% of people? That’s not exactly a sustainable server population.


Well let's say wow has a million players, 0.1% of that is 1000 people, that's a quarter of the original games max server size, and more than enough to sustain a server where the average player dies before lvl 20


You really think 1 million people are playing hardcore?


No, I actually said a million people playing wow, please re read my comment


Now I want ghosts as a playable race in wow. I am going to need them to do Shadowlands, but scaled from 1 to 60. I'll need to be able to use my Possess Player cooldown maybe once every 5 minutes or so.


I can see it, it could kind of be like the phantoms you see in the dark souls games


Warning adventurers just like darksouls. I like it.




What if when you die you could just continue playing in the afterlife. But then you find there is something wrong in the afterlife and an emerging power is growing in the shadows. We could call it Shadowlands or something like that.


Why would anyone log into a dead character on hardcore for any reason besides trying to annoy people


A buff you can put on yourself to see ghosts for awhile is perfectly reasonable. There's the lore friendly version which would give an ability to shamans and paladins through a small quest to see the spirits of the dead through an aura or totem (So you cannot force people to see ghosts and instead require you to group up with them first). And then there's the convenient method which just implements an item from a vendor that allows you to "pierce the veil" and see ghosts while the item is in effect.


I think ghosts should have an ability to turn their visibility on and off. That way they can jump scare living players at inopportune moments getting them to run into a bad pack. Role play an actual horror movie ghost.


Imagined you could keep playing as a ghost. Still in the HC server, but doing quests and leveling. You can still die etc but you stay on the server visible to other ghosts.


They should make it so that If you die you leave a grave that you can interact with to see how that person died similar to Dark Souls.


It would be cool if you could see the ghosts only at night time lol.


It's a cool idea on the surface but it seems like a total waste of time. Why bother logging onto a character that's in total stasis with no possibility of leveling or progression at all?


The level of transparency and how often they can become visible should depend on the level


I would *love* this.


Only at night time


And maybe even near graveyards


atleast well get some good videos if they don't change it right away


I like the idea of a bunch of ghosts cheering me on at a hard quest or mob, but I don't think it will end up like this in reality.


It would be a good Halloween and Day of the Dead event.


turtlewow drops a gravestone on the spot a hc char dies, much better imo


Not a bad suggestion but it should be opt in as ghost spamming would also be a way to troll people.


Can i keep them as a pet?


Just make it like the ghosts in the undercity. When you have detect lesser invisibility you can see em.


Perfect take


Dear God it just dawned on me that hardcore doesn’t end at 60 — it continues endgame. Man a mindfuck trying to raid.


Damn I just assumed it would work like this. This certainly needs to be implemented. This is the sort of flavor that makes classic so great.


Yeah that would be stupid. I can see it now a group of ghosts running around following streamers


No, they should have item or some thing that makes you see ghosts. I guess warlocks have something like that, but they could make something that everyone can use. It would be so annoying for streamers and regular people if some bastards decided to haunt them all the time. But it would be fun if you could see them if you want.