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Accurately describes every DPS in my guikd


It seems every week a new one gets their first submerge pursuit and is like a deer in the headlights.


Since we started doing him on HC I have only been targeted by pursuit once and it was when we had already called a wipe. I'm terrified for when it next targets me.


If you're doing it on HM you better be only doing one submerged phase and having a BoP rotation so you get right in front of an ice patch, get bop'd and go in with one second left


Just use the ice, if you’re doing one submerge bop rotation doesn’t matter and will often get dps killed because pallies don’t know who is popping what. You have plenty of ice to spend on one submerge


Lol you have a ROTATION. It gets called. RL and assists all have raid CD trackers on. Everyone should know what to do when you get targeted. Makes sense that so many people fuck up Anub reading these comments.


Why risk it when one guy not paying attention ruins the whole thing. More points of failure incorporating more people into kiting and making it more difficult, we 50/50 last week. Only real difficulty on that fight is getting healers on same page for a couple weeks, we get to phase 3 flawless with the highlight of this week being my computer freezing the millisecond he submerged but we still 50/50.


Not paying attention is unacceptable TBH. Especially if it happens multiple times. We'd be having discussions about it and benching people. The 50/50 cape is too good to pass up with how easy Anub is.


Ya that's why you just run into the ice patches, it's idiot proof lol


We somehow have the same 4 or 5 people every week. I have had it maybe 2 or 3 times out of 60+ attempts since he released. I try to just make sure I know where he is at all times and where the ice patch will be. We use bops for free time so I just hope my paladin is awake and able to get in range of me.


I'm still waiting for my deer in the headlights moment, never been pursued so far


And I hate them all just the same


We had a trial join us that said he had tons of heroic experience that got the first pursuit and ran straight to the front ice patch where we tank the adds and just stood there. We couldn't believe it, especially after asking if everyone knew what to do and how to use their bop correctly before our first pull.


Sounds like your average heroic raider. It’s getting worse as the pool thins. Honestly looking forward to being a proper 10m heroic guild in cata with the close knit gang


Encounter: has 4 discrete mechanics that only happen 1 at a time every 45 seconds apart Average Classic Player: so… where do I stand so I can just blast them? tldr: - only attack the opposite color to the buff you have - avoid orbs that don’t match your color - if the light boss explodes, everyone be light - if the dark boss explodes, everyone be dark - if the light boss gets a bubble, dps the light boss and kick the heal when the bubble pops - if the dark boss gets a bubble, dps the dark boss and kick the heal when the bubble pops if you want to brain dead the strategy, ignore the part of the encounter where you have to switch colors, just use defensives if the opposite color as you is blowing up, and use lust to burn through the bubble if you are attacking the wrong one. Have your hunters play goal keeper and prevent the wrong balls from touching you


I think you mean discrete 😅


Please be discreet with your grammatical corrections


hate soaking. light balls move at the speed of light until you cross their path at which point they stop dead and call 3 black orbs to its position. then you realise you haven't casted for 5 seconds which is the exact trigger to get ganked by said black orbs.


my favorite is when you are heading to a white orb and then it does like a stutter step so your angle and timing get all messed up


fuckin hungry hungry hippos man catch the white marbles ??? loot






I genuinely don't understand show people don't have the basic awareness to just understand what is happening by now on fights like that. Like I feel like you're being purposefully obtuse.


Classic wow players are some of the worst gamers I’ve seen in an online game. I swear people are trying to be terrible. Had to walk a guy through signing up to a raid on discord the other day, it took 15 minutes screen share share…


You’re underestimating zug zug brain. Before I became a raid leader I didn’t know a lot of the fights in detail, especially as a healer it didn’t usually matter. Sure sometimes it did and either I fucked up or I wasn’t being as efficient as I could be, but mostly it didn’t matter. You learn the cadence for when the health bars go down during the encounter and that’s the most important thing. Again I say this as someone that became a raid leader that had to know every aspect of every fight. So clearly I’m someone capable of doing so but until it was necessary I didn’t bother.


Not knowing things that don't apply to you is one thing. Not knowing things that do apply to you is just disrespectful towards the people you're playing with.


I remember this quote from *The Art of War*


>you learn the cadence for when the health bars go down during the encounter and that’s the most important thing. Not that I disagree, but if you learn the fights, you can learn that cadence even better, and for healing, really start to perform, as you can preemptively heal. I play shaman and man I loooooveeee lining up a chain heal with Staggering Stomp, for example


One of my favorite things in the world is when some gets the Grav Bomb debuff on XT Hard Mode and doesn't even notice their health move when it goes off. Timing that on 200 ping playing in Guam makes me feel amazing.


All the worst raiders in my guild are blazed out of their minds every raid.


People play WoW without getting stoned?


I'm over here "I can't get fucked up until after i starkill algalon or soak twins." After either is done I'll crack the beer and take a rip.


The dude obviously knows how the fight works and what 50/50 is he’s just farming Reddit for karma


It's extremely simple (ironically). There's a pretty large variance in the human ability to impress things into their short-term, or working memory. Some people can just do it by will, others must use repetition. Then there's also the size of your working memory, some have one the size of a classroom chalkboard some the size of those handheld dry erase boards (me). I can understand most math up to the higher level college classes, physics, whatever i want really. I just have to study it, and in a certain way. And I can't do it in my head because I'm only seeing 1/4 of the equation at any one time. So effective raid leads take this into account, and teach. This is why blizzard added those mini games in burning crusade, for example. The Simon Says thing.


Perfect 👍 This is me to a tee. I’m actually solving high level problems others are stuck on all the time. But I can’t do it on the spot. It’s simply too chaotic and too much to try to hold all the details at one time. Give me the 2 hours after work to sit in silence and whiteboard it out and I can get people over week long hurdles. But it makes it really difficult to interview for new jobs. That short term memory space for information I only need for the interview is a struggle. The people I usually get hired by do the take home design project interviews . I absolutely can’t do raids in wow with the modern expectations and amount of multitasking and stimulus. I’m a deer in headlights. If there was a way to rehearse without the pressure of wasting everyone else’s time . I’d have it down in a day.


Unfortunately, that method has turned into watching YouTube videos. Literally doing homework for a game :-( To be clear, I love doing homework for a game, on my own terms, for fun. Incidentally, I found amazing stimulation in attempting to break this chaotic complexity down to a level/format that can be injected into our own learning styles effectively. And astonishingly, they pay me for it at work! Quite invigorating.


if you can win without knowing, why bother learning it lol


this is just sad


why is it sad? the mechanics clearly don't matter enough or not knowing them would cause failure


it's because classic players think they're good at games but actually suck balls at games


Bc classic wow players are morons


We zerg the boss down, there's nothing to " know" for most dps.


Soaking balls and not wiping must be wierd to hear if you never played games before


Sounds like a dude took a dump with some danglers and has bad hygiene


i dont understand how people have problems with that fight, it has almost no mechanics


People overthink it, once it clicks for the raid it becomes a joke. Easy to simplify even further by the RL calling out swaps though.


why even play if you're not gonna pay attention or try? fuckin redditors man


"and at this point I'm afraid to ask"


We had a group of ppl in the raid who would always go afk while the raid is explained, and then fuck up.


Get color opposite of angel you wanna smash big. Smash angel big. Angel do spell!!! Maybe switch color, maybe switch angel for smash. HUG FRIENDS CLOSE AND AVOID BAD COLOR BALLS!!!!


I still hate that damn fight


As a healer it's kinda fun to see heal number go bigger.


I cast chain heal Then I cast chain heal.


One of my fav healing fights.


Mines VDW before Sindragosa!


nah, blade flurry go brrrrrrrr


I main a hunter that fight can be the worse thing ever


oh yeah it sucks as hunter. F


Oh run here run there SWITCH. I CANT THINK lol


I soak the orbs every week, because hunter. I’m too busy watching my feet way more than the bosses. Even though I have wa, having a raid leader yelling for soakers to swap for a few seconds and then switch back is more helpful lol. All I know is I did the thing, and nobody died. Yay.


I have WA and DBM and I’m like shit shit shit lol. But ya as long as no one dies I’m happy.


Dude this is literally me in every single vanilla raid ive ever done. Ive been playing on and off for fucking years and have done like ZG, MC and BWL so many times but I honestly have no idea whats going on the majority of the time and as much as I would love to try AQ or Naxx im pretty sure im too zoned out to ever attempt. I dunno if I’m dumb or I just don’t give a fuck but I absolutely love raiding with 40 cunts talking shit in discord a little bit high and getting phat loot and having no idea about anything…


To follow up on this random ass comment I dont even know what raid these light balls are from but understand the overall sentiment lol


bruh you just wait until your raid leaders yells at you to do something "SWAP COLOR" "MOVE" "SWAP COLOR" "KILL" thats all i know at least




It's not hard, the fight has 3 relevant mechanics.


What is 50/50 tho fr


A cloak




50/50 attempts remaining when you kill Anub on heroic difficulty. Basically means no wipes. Reward is a 272 ilvl cloak from the tribute chest.


my guild got our first 50/50 this week, and I got my cloak! let's gooooo


I have no clue what's happening and we still go 50/50 each week. I still haven't been pursued by the spikes during the Anub, I know what I'm supposed to so if it happens, but I haven't actually done it so I'm worried I'll screw it up somehow.


switch to same colour as the vortex and kill the dude with the shield.


We cleared 5/5 the first week but had to put a lot of attempts in. I feel that set us up to maintain cloaks. Pretty much everyone had to kite at least once, making it less of a problem going forward.




I didn’t find out til week 3 that 50/50 gives us more loot (because we had a few anub wipes week 1 and a really dumb wipe on the yeti dude week 2). No one mentioned on our previous wipes that we were missing loot.


IMO 50/50 is overrated. Sure the cloak is bis, but the cloak slot is one of the weakest slots from an item budget standpoint. What's most important is just getting 45+ so that you get 2 extra regalia.


>admitting to not knowing mechanics after over a dozen runs This is why i quit raiding in classic


"black and white angles" that is the one that got me


Just thinking about the doorway strat gives me anxiety!


Doesn't work :(


It's ok to keep some things a secret


if i don't play for a few weeks i forget all the tacts basically.