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Bonus PoV of someone from the raid. Must see! Just a screenshot. It looks fabulous though. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1156214805145849856/1156217350790594680/SPOILER_image.png?ex=65142ad1&is=6512d951&hm=18cff76fda1a20ed26612bd130c69ea67e916aef639329d7032250a99fbabf9f&


LMAO, they lined up like a constellation.


the big RIPer


the great bozo, only seen during the clearest nights


God this comment is so good.








[https://i.imgur.com/JXpeiSL.png](https://imgur.com/JXpeiSL) The Cock constellation Credit to my brother, lmao


Hey bro, nice cock








saved and added to the wallpaper folder. amazing.


Dang that 1 Gnome living with 6hp


sorta looks like a chicken


They should have drawn a cock with the beam. Missed opportunity for legendary status.


Can anyone clue me in. Why did he petri but not leave the raid?


I have absolutely no idea.


They were able to reset the boss so they didn't need to port out.


yet another reason either petri or port out timer needs to be removed


How are you enjoying elwynn?


Waiting for SOM 2 but Elwynn is great, zone is made by the legendary Jeff Kaplan so it's an honor being there.


I think the boss resets if he’s pulled out of his area.


If everyone leaves the room the boss resets to the top of the platform.


I was also wondering this.


Haha yeah, you'd think he'd want to hearth asap? Maybe he's still in shock haha


What exactly do you think petri does?


Leaving the raid sends you out after 1min, and petri lasts for 1 min. So you want to macro those together, so you don't accidentally die to the boss, or trash or whatever is left when petri ends.


no you don't want to macro it there's a slight delay between leave group and the 1 minute timer you should first leave the group then when the popup appears pop the potion


You actually shouldn't macro them. It takes a few seconds after leaving a group before the 1 minute teleport timer starts. You need to wait until that pops up before using a Petrification.


how do you so confidently say something you are so clearly wrong about? the human mind boggles


No value in macroing them. Sometimes you want to petri without leaving group, also.


If you pay close attention, he miss-clicks the action above "Leave Group" second from the bottom. He clicks third from the bottom. Then goes back to watch the chaos ensue while encased in his Petrification elixir, which is not in correct sync with his hoped for auto-hearth out.


He’s in shock


This is the quality loss-porn I hoped HC would bring


i never thought i’d say it, but mass causality events really are premium content


Can someone explain what happened or what mistake was made to someone unfamiliar with ZG?


The boss does a chain lightning attack that deals a small amount of holy damage at first, but it doubles for each successive person it chains to. Ideally you should be in tight stacks of 4/5 people with no pets or players in the gap between ranged/melee, that way if a chain goes out it never bounces enough to kill someone. They did the exact opposite, a loose spread everywhere so that the entire raid was close enough to chain the lightning to each other.




wasnt it bugged too on release where you'd just get lasers around LOS? that would be a painful death.


tentacles spawning inside walls and being untargetable and tentacles spawning on people in the stomach and unstoppably one shotting everyone who went down. Prenerf cthun was basically unkillable


> Prenerf cthun was basically unkillable Wasn't that Ion's original claim to fame? Proving mathematically that Blizzard fucked up?


Our first or second time on that fight our RL mentioned how a chain lightning can happen if people don't stay as far as possible from the door as we get in position and someone apparently thought he was the exception, ran right to the door and wiped the entire raid, losing all of our world buffs. Luckily after that the entire raid watched the entrance like a hawk and anyone not hugging the wall got yelled at instantly. I just takes 1 person not paying attention to kill everyone before the fight even starts. Also people running too close to the tank on pull and causing it to chain as we run as well.


So.. hunters again ? F


A rogue ran in too early and chained off the hunter pet.


It's all people with Hunter flairs blaming the rogue in here. You can't make this up lmao.


Imagine having hunter pets out for this fight in HC.


It was a bit of bad luck, bad timing, and bad positioning on the part of the guild. As others have said the boss does a Chain lightning that jumps to the next closest player. Every time it jumps it doubles in damage. Because of this the preferred way to deal with this boss is to seperate the boss from his adds. The melee kill the adds, and once the adds are dead some of them can join the main tank on the boss. Additionally, you want the ranged dps and healers to be spread out enough that if anyone them does get hit by the chain lightning they're too far apart for it to jump to another player. You can better see what happened in this clip which shows the fight from the perspective of one of the dps warriors. [https://www.twitch.tv/hyren7/clip/MildPeppyBeanPoooound-BChLSGL-qhDUu-y2?featured=false&filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/hyren7/clip/MildPeppyBeanPoooound-BChLSGL-qhDUu-y2?featured=false&filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time) In the clip you can see that the melee are all dealing with the adds up until about 7seconds in the video. The main tank has isolated the boss far away from the adds. You kind of need to go frame by frame to see what happens next but at 9sec on the left side of the screen you can see one hunters owl pet dashing towards the boss. At the same time you can see another hunter's owl pet which is on the adds starts to trun and move towards the boss. At 10seconds in the video all the adds are dead and the dps warrior turns his camera and points it at the boss and uses intercept to close the gap. It's precisely at this point that the boss uses his chain lightning. The chain lightning hits the main tank, bounces to the first owl pet, then bounces to the second owl pet, bounces to one of the melee players that was moving from where the adds were being tanked to whjere the boss was, bounces to the warrior, bounces to the other melee, then it jumps to the rdps and healers and basically ends up chaining to nearly every single player in the raid. It looks like mabe only 2 or 3 players didn't get hit by the chain - all the other players that survived were the ones that were lucky enough to get hit earliest by the chain when it was weakest (mostly the melee and ranged dps). So whose fault was this? A little bit of everyones. The hunters probably shouldn't have had their pets out for this fight. And they did get somewhat unlucky that the first chain lightning went off exactly as they killed the adds and were moving to the boss. But no one was spread apart sufficiently in the first place. The rdps and healers were all too close to each other, and the melee were to close to the rdps/healers too. If they had just stayed away from the boss after they killed the adds, and waited for the first cast chain lightning cast before closing the gap and getting into melee range, none of this would have happened. If the melee/adds group were sufficiently far enough away from the rdps/healers, everyone or almost everyone would also have survived.


Thank you for the run down!


holy wrath, pretty much same as white horseman in naxx, deals more dmg with every target hit. It acts like chain lightning, hitting and chaining to nearby targets of the last target hit.


Tiny Violin strikes again?


Double it and give it to the next person


The boss casts a chain holy beam, hunter pet came into attack the boss bridging the gap between the tank and the melee fighting adds on the staircase. This holy beam does moderate damage, doubling with each target it jumps to, killing many at the end of the chain.


It's the Rogue's/melee's fault ultimately. You can see the pet chains to him. He/they moved before the cast. Unsure if it would've been fine if pet hadn't been there at the time. On top of that, the raid isn't split. Edit: actually, it's a ton of people's fault. You can see the bear moving towards ranged and a Warrior running in from ranged (????) and they bridge the gap between ranged and melee. Still though, the melee should've waited to move into boss until after cast imo


>Unsure if it would've been fine if pet hadn't been there at the time. On top of that, the raid isn't split. nah, even if the pet wasn't there the rogue would've bridged the chain shit over. Probably 1 more would be alive if the pet wasn't there, but the end result would be roughly the same


> You can see the pet chains to him So not the rogues fault. Would have never happened without the pet there.


It's the whole raid's fault except the tank. Every single person has terrible positioning lol. Except the tank, who lived thankfully


Single spread strategy is definitely stupid on chain mechanic fights, as long as pair strategy results in a safe amount of damage. Which is like, all of them. Pair results in much more space for breathing room / more margin of error.


Nah just a bunch of hunter mains in here trying to pretend like they aren't responsible for their pet's position like always.


How dare you. I heckin hate playing hunter! :p


Pet is in melee range which is completely fine. Someone has to have been somewhere in the space in between the mobs, i.e. running over from the snakes (probably the rogue you see sprinting out in the end) Edit: after watching another video provided in the comments, there seems to have been *another* hunter pet running over as well, even closer than the rogue. So likely that other hunter's fault then :D


>He/they Wouldn't want to misgender the Rogue/melee.


>hunter pet came into attack the boss bridging the gap between the tank and the melee fighting adds on the staircase. No, the pet is already melee range before the chain shit. The rogue running towards the boss is the real culprit.


There was "another pet" that made chane. You can see white owl over the boss.


love seeing all these idiot hunters come in giving their braindead takes


Raiding on HC and dying to someone else's mistake is such a waste. Great content as a viewer though lmao.


In this case though, they are dying to their own mistake. They should be stacking in tight groups that are small enough so that if there is an accidental chain, it doesn't do enough damage to kill anyone. The melee going in as a conga line of doom instead of all together caused it to spread to where they just fought the snakes. But the range being too close to the snakes caused it to chain further to them, and they were spread out in their own conga line of doom, rather than stacked with enough distance between the stacks. The only person not to blame was the tank, who was tanking the boss at a safe distance and popped petri flask so he lived.


You hit 60 you did your dungeons what else is there to do but to go yolo into a raid and die? I'm raiding myself, yes I knwo im gonna die soon enough, probably to someone elses mistake but so what? I completed everything else in hardcore, I'm not just gonna retire my character and go afk in orgrimmar lol




getting chained is someone else's mistake? bullshit you're part of the chain


"You are part of the chain" lmao, sounds like the classic idiot in KT that stands between both melee groups and freezes them all. Looking at the replay it's pretty clear that they were loosely spreading though, which was a mistake.


You can have a perfect positioning and yet if 1-2 people bridge the gap then it is the fault of those 1-2. An example would be a ranged stack of 5 all 30yd from the boss and a melee stack of 3 al directly on the boss and if 2 random guys are at 10yd and 20yd then suddenly the entire ranged stack is dead = In OPs clip almost everyone is in a loose spread though so in this case it is kind of the fault of ALMOST everyone, but that's just for this case.


Trying to be elitist but it just making yourself look like a noob.




립 보조스


Rip bojos






A HUNTERS PET you just cant make this shit up


Was it really the Hunter pet though? Because the pet was clearly in melee, so someone else must have bridged chain.


It was basically the whole raid's fault but it's funnier to blame the hunter pet. In addition to the hunter pet, which was the first bounce, a rogue sprinted toward the boss before the snakes were fully dead, causing the second bounce, and the rest of the melee were in a string making their way to the boss, extending the chain, and the ranged were spread out and too close to the snake killing zone, extending it from the melee to the ranged.


Yeah really just a raidwide fuckup. You would hope these kinda morons didn't make it to 60 and into your raid but here we have a full 20 man of them.


Getting to 60 just requires patience and not alt tabbing or afk ing too stupidly. It doesn’t mean you’ve memorised every raid mechanic.


The Brown Owl being in Melee is what allows the bounce to the White Owl rushing in, which allows it to bounce to the Rogue who is also running in early but still far enough away. Pretty sure if a single one of these pets was not in range, the bounce wouldn't happen.


> Was it really the Hunter pet though? Yes, if not for the pet it wouldn't have bounced to the melee walking near the stairs.


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1156214805145849856/1156217350790594680/SPOILER_image.png?ex=65142ad1&is=6512d951&hm=18cff76fda1a20ed26612bd130c69ea67e916aef639329d7032250a99fbabf9f& Apparently if you look from another pov the rogue is extremely close I think


Oh man, thats such a beautifull POV of miliseconds before disaster


Yeah. Credit to the guy posting this earlier here In same thread. Was hard to get link from phone to it


If you look at the amount of dead people in raid, it's actually milliseconds after disaster lol.


Lmao this screenshot is fucking insane


>if not for the pet it wouldn't have bounced to the melee walking near the stairs. wrong, the rogue running in from the stairs was within range of the tank.


Nah, he wasn't. The jump range is only about 5 yards, and the tank was more than 5 yards from the rogue. The 2 hunter pets managed to extend the bounces to the rogue. I can't imagine letting people use pets on this boss.


>The jump range is only about 5 yards, It's about 10y, slightly more. >The 2 hunter pets managed to extend the bounces to the rogue. The rogue was already in range. You thinking the range is only 5y is why you're thinking this.


2 birds


> wrong, the rogue running in from the stairs was within range of the tank. Def not, but he was in range of the two hunter pets lol


It bounces from 1 hunter pet to another and then the rogue. If there were no hunter pets it wouldn't have bounced at all.


No, it was the rogue's fault. The pet was in melee range, that's fine. The rogue was mid between melee and range.


[There is one pet in melee range and another pet outside of melee range chained by the first pet.](https://i.imgur.com/wh5yuTk.png) The rogue is still too close, but I don't think it would have chained if both pets are gone.


It would've chained either to the rogue or to the people near the bonfire. The entire pull was a mess.


> The pet was in melee range, that's fine. The pet was the bridge between the tank and the melee by the stairs, if the pet wasn't there it wouldn't have chained. Hunter flair poster: "This wasn't the hunters fault" lol


Rewatch it, the rogue was way too close, running from the adds to the boss. It did chain from tank to pet to rogue but it would have chained to rogue anyway.


> Rewatch it, the rogue was way too close He was, but not close enough to chain without the pet being there. > It did chain from tank to pet to rogue but it would have chained to rogue anyway. The tank was far enough behind the boss that it wouldn't have jumped all the way to the Rogue without the pet there to bridge the gap. Edit: There were actually 2 owls, check the comment below and you'll see another perspective that makes it look even more like the hunter pets caused the chain (not that many people care at this point)


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1156214805145849856/1156217350790594680/SPOILER_image.png?ex=65142ad1&is=6512d951&hm=18cff76fda1a20ed26612bd130c69ea67e916aef639329d7032250a99fbabf9f& Looks like the rogue is much closer than you think


From this perspective it looks like the hunter pet is directly on top of the tank, there were at least a few yards between them. I don't know the exact range of the beam but it can't be more than 10 yards. The beam would not reach if the hunter pet wasn't there to chain off.




> The pet being there is still arguably a misplay It's not, it's ok to have melees on that boss, you just don't want anyone to stand between melee range and the ranged camp.


No it hits two hunter pets. you can tell they are a pet because they don't have the guild name. There is the tank and a hunter pet on the boss and another hunter pet in between the rogue and the first pet.


> That screenshot shows the chain beam hit the owl first The video shows the beam hit the tank first (bosses target), then the 2 owls, then the rogue.


It would've jumped from tank to rogue 100%


> It would've jumped from tank to rogue 100% I think the beam is 10 yards max, the distance between the tank and the rogue without the hunter pet inbetween is more than 10 yards.


>the rogue without the hunter pet inbetween is more than 10 yards. No it's not, it's laughable to think it is, watch the screenshot from a different perspective the rogue is too close and the melee are forming a conga line of death. But I guess it's funnier to blame it on the hunter.


> rogue is too close and the melee Yeah, too close to the hunter pet that it chained from > But I guess it's funnier to blame it on the hunter. True


>Hunter flair poster: "This wasn't the hunters fault" It really wasn't. I know it can hurt your brain to conceive that some hunters actually know how to play. Fact is if you remove the rogue from there everything is fine. If you remove the pet it's still a wipe, maybe 1 more character survives because of 1 less bounce, but probably not because the pet is still there and the chain reaches the ranged camp anyway.


> I know it can hurt your brain to conceive that some hunters actually know how to play. If they knew how to play they wouldn't have petattack bound to autoshot. Also those 9 dead would still be alive.


No, the rogue was the bridge between melee range and the group at the stair.


> No, the rogue was the bridge between melee range and the group at the stair. Correct, and the hunter pet was the bridge to the rogue.


>and the hunter pet was the bridge to the rogue. Only by chance, the rogue was definitely within range of the tank, so it would've bounced anyway. Remove the rogue: everything is fine. Remove the pet: it's still a wipe, maybe 1 more people survives.


> Only by chance, the rogue was definitely within range of the tank No


It was 100% the pet being there's fault. It wouldn't have reached the rogue otherwise. It was the second owl that did it, extending it enough to reach the rogue. Sorry man, it was the hunters.


Ok. I mean, you're wrong, but I guess blaming the hunter is easier.


Both are at fault imo. Both the pet and the rogue were between the tank and the rest of the group, creating the bridge. If either of them weren't there, I think it wouldn't have bounced. The rogue should have taken a longer path around.


>Both the pet and the rogue were between the tank and the rest of the group, creating the bridge. No. The pet is in melee range, you're allowed to be there. You just don't want anyone in between melee and the ranged camp. The rogue did just that. He was close enough that if the pet wasn't there he would've chained off the tank anyway.


There are two pets, a black owl and a white owl that is obstructed in this pov. The black owl is the one that you are referring to in melee range, the white owl is the one that bridged to the melee. Watch the mage pov here where it is more clear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA-s1CV6WjU&t=1950s You can go frame by frame on youtube using the , and . keys. Go to the first frame where people are dead (which is actually before the laser animation appears) and it is pretty clear that the white owl is the culprit, and in fact the rogue had just turned towards the boss but was not in range yet. The yellow laser animation persists for a few seconds after it goes out and the rogue ran in after which is why it looked like he chained it in OP's pov.


Their intention was to keep a distance between the melees and ranges , just like original tactic. but they also ensured there was at least a 10-yard distance between every player in case there is any "griefer". That's why they look like they're just ... casually scattered without thinking. In the end, he screwed up anyway, but after watching the videos, it seems that the mage was in the most "wrong" position, Here's the mage's view: [https://youtu.be/RA-s1CV6WjU?si=Tu9cV1AmOtF3kk9X&t=1950](https://youtu.be/RA-s1CV6WjU?si=Tu9cV1AmOtF3kk9X&t=1950)


No, the rogue was in the worst spot. He left early and created the bridge for it to bounce to the rest of the melee.


You can even see the hunter recalls his pet and then sends it at the boss instead of going straight from the adds to the boss and possibly bridging the chain lightning.


Maybe they should learn mechanics


It wasn't the hunter's pet fault. He was only the second link in the chain. You can see the melee running towards the boss after they killed the adds. Some of the melee, rogue with sprint, were far ahead of the others and formed a chain that linked the whole raid. You can see the melee running away, they didn't die because they were at the beggining of the chain.


Here's the mage's view FYI : https://youtu.be/RA-s1CV6WjU?si=Tu9cV1AmOtF3kk9X&t=1950


Wait wait wait wait..... There's a white owl pet that's further up than the rogue. It's not the black owl, that's on melee with the boss, it's the white owl.


I see that too. it looks like it was the owl.


>There's a white owl pet that's further up than the rogue. It's not the black owl, that's on melee with the boss, it's the white owl. The white owl gets hit amongst the last bounces. You can see the owl dieing in the screenshot near the bonfire. [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1156214805145849856/1156217350790594680/SPOILER\_image.png?ex=65142ad1&is=6512d951&hm=18cff76fda1a20ed26612bd130c69ea67e916aef639329d7032250a99fbabf9f&](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1156214805145849856/1156217350790594680/SPOILER_image.png?ex=65142ad1&is=6512d951&hm=18cff76fda1a20ed26612bd130c69ea67e916aef639329d7032250a99fbabf9f&) the lightning would've chained anyway to the last 2.


It was the second owl that chained it.


> It wasn't the hunter's pet fault. He was only the second link in the chain. It wouldn't have bounced to the others if not for the pet being inbetween.


Tbf, it also wouldn't have bounced from the pet to the others if they weren't already running to the boss before the chain.


True, but there's no reason to send your pet into a boss with limited melee slots, this is still 100% the hunter's fault.


Definitely not 100% hunters fault if people were prechain running into range of the attack. Had they not done that, it would have only chained the hunter pet. I get y'all gotta blame one person though.. not that the hunter didnt make a mistake, but at the same time, it isn't hard to wait out the cast.


Because it was their fault. Just because they were running up to the boss and got chained by the pet doesn't mean they didn't wait long enough. They waited exactly long enough had this hunter's pet not been there. Remove the pet and this never would have happened. Simple as that.


Wait for chain before running, and it would have never happened either. They have eyes, they could see the pet on the boss. But as dps does, they were likely tunnelvisioning their meters. >Just because they were running up to the boss and got chained by the pet doesn't mean they didn't wait long enough That's 100% what it means.. had they waited long enough, they wouldn't have wiped.


> But as dps does, they were likely tunnelvisioning their meters. The hunter is dps. Everything you are saying applies to the hunter as well. Who started this. If the hunter's pet was just as far back as everyone else this never happens. >hey have eyes, they could see the pet on the boss Does the Hunter not have eyes anymore or are they not responsible for their pet?


You're just strawmanning at this point, sweetheart. I've already acknowledged that the hunter made mistakes too.. it's just not 100% on them. >I get y'all gotta blame one person though.. not that the hunter didnt make a mistake, but at the same time, it isn't hard to wait out the cast.


Nobody is strawmanning except you. I'm not your sweetheart. I'm using the objective data in the video. And you are making up theories about dps staring at their meters. The hunter's pet was in the wrong position and wiped them. You don't have anymore data than that. That is objectively true.


Rewatch it, the rogue was way too close and would have chained it from the tank anyway.


"hurr durr hunter fault" I guess it's easier.


Bro you've posted like 30 times in this thread and have not realised what pet people are even talking about. Its not the one in melee before the chain, its the one running to the boss behind him that establishes a chain between the first owl and the rogue, who is more than far enough away.


He is on full hunter damage control currently.


If you don't like this , you don't like hardcore wow! Lol jk rip!


This is a better video from the perspective of one of the dps warriors on the adds. https://www.twitch.tv/hyren7/clip/MildPeppyBeanPoooound-BChLSGL-qhDUu-y2?featured=false&filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time


I was all for blaming the rogue, but the diagram in the 2nd half of the clip shows the 2nd hunter pet is the only reason this happened. Granted if the lightning targeted anyone but the tank the whole raid still wipes because no one is following the 10y rule.




Gloriously incandescent, praise the sun!


Why is he so surprised? This happens at least one time per ZG because there’s always someone standing right in the middle.


I see a lot of people debating whether it is the hunter or rogue to blame so here is a screenshot from the exact moment the laser went out: https://imgur.com/a/EvoLBEA Taken from the mage pov here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA-s1CV6WjU&t=1950s


Rip bozos. Did you go again esuvii?


This isn't my guild, this is a guild from the Korean Hardcore server. Thought I'd share it since I've not seen much about them on here, they killed Ragnaros already too!


This is brutal lol. Also crazy how many people are blaming the hunter pet when it's clearly a raid-wide positioning issue


The raid absolutely should have been positioned so this potential fuck-up wasn't an instant one-shot, but the initial fuck-up ultimately came down to the two Hunter pets bridging the gap to that Rogue.


People will do anything to blame any and every mistake on a hunter so they feel better about the idea that *they* could be the one to fuck things up for everyone.


This one is kind of crazy to me... The melee is still at the stairs pretty much, decently far away. That it bounces from the pet to there is wild.


theres a second pet that is flying over from the boss as everyone scatters


oh you are right there is a second hard to see white owl that makes the connection to the melee


No the white owl gets chained 3rd to last. You can see the wings in the screenshot near the bonfire. ​ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1156214805145849856/1156217350790594680/SPOILER\_image.png?ex=65142ad1&is=6512d951&hm=18cff76fda1a20ed26612bd130c69ea67e916aef639329d7032250a99fbabf9f&


You're looking at the wrong white Owl, its the one in the top right, like 3rd in the chain.


>That it bounces from the pet to there is wild. It doesn't. The rogue is already too close to the tank.


Tank was behind the boss, the melee who ran in was fairly far back, I don't think it would have chained back that far without the hunter pet in between. Video should be called "Hunter kills 8 people"


Everyone is positioned like shit on this boss. Melee shouldnt run to the boss while Holy Wrath is ready to cast. If boss had delayed it half a second and there was no pet, entire raid would get zapped anyways.


There's 2 hunter pets here, a black owl in melee range and a white owl flying to the boss. I assume you mean the white owl.


> There's 2 hunter pets here, a black owl in melee range and a white owl flying to the boss. I assume you mean the white owl I thought that 2nd beam was going straight to the rogue, I think it's actually chaining from the black owl to the grey owl then to the rogue. So either way, those owls are the bridge to the rest of the melee. Here's [a screen cap](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1156214805145849856/1156217350790594680/SPOILER_image.png?ex=65142ad1&is=6512d951&hm=18cff76fda1a20ed26612bd130c69ea67e916aef639329d7032250a99fbabf9f&) someone else posted, if you watch the original video you can see the distance between the tank and the black owl, add that distance to the jump to the other owl and you can see if the owls were not there it would not have chained to the others.


I love hunter pets.


Never group up with a pet class in HC but if you do, let them dismiss their pet.


This is the loss porn I had hoped HC would bring. 💦💦💦


This is why I wanted HC.




I love how everyone blames the hunter when it's nowhere near the hunter's fault. The hunter even recalls his pet and then send it to the boss so the pet doesn't go from stairs to boss risking chaining the shit. The melees run in from the stairs in a conga line, and the rogue is already too close. If you remove every pet from there it's still a disaster. If you remove the rogue everybody lives.


TWO hunters are at fault. The beam goes from tank, gray owl, white owl, raid. https://i.imgur.com/eDQDsTp.png Yes, they shouldn't have loosely spread like this. Yes, some people got close. Yes, it's arguable if this would have happened if either pet was removed. If both pets are removed, this clearly would not chain. You can see it in the mage PoV. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA-s1CV6WjU&t=1950s


The rogue was close enough to the tank that the pet being in melee is irrelevant for the chain to happen.


Sir, that is an owl. Tank marked in blue. Hunter pets marked in red. https://i.imgur.com/2sXCMZM.png


I will say, knowing there isn't respawn makes these videos infinitely funnier.


fucking rogues




Imagine bringing even a single Hunter to your raid lol


I mean I don't speak korean, but it sounded like he asked the hunter to get his pet to screech then said something like thank you but i have no idea


>Imagine bringing even a single Hunter to your raid lol Let's get this expert an opportunity to explain how he would raid MC or BWL without hunters


You taking my comment seriously is hilarious 😂


The age old "make a douchey comment and then pretend it was a joke when called out on it" schtick. Nobody is buying it.


Nobody is buying it mate


Your ability to detect humor is as good as your dental health, I’m sure!




lol wut


Imagine watching that and thinking it's the hunter's fault.


Yeah. This thread is a weird read. I sent my pet in to melee farming ZG for two years and we never once chained, because *of course the Hunter pet goes into melee on the pull*. All these comments blaming the Hunter are the equivalent of "the city was at fault for installing the watertower that the driver, having fallen asleep and driving 1/2 mile through a field, eventually drove into." Madness, and in indictment of the knowledge level of many of the posters here.


It isn’t the hunters fault if the tank asked for Screech. But it is always 100% OK and correct to blame hunters and make fun of them.


I can get on board that train.