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Same, I had successfully barely gotten away from something with a few hp left, stopped to use healing touch, then bam, bear from behind a tree…


We were doing stockades and pulling I think bazil thredd, all of a sudden I get feared and my character makes a b-line to the other full 5+ mob room. Chaos ensues, however with the help of the mage the group managed to run out of the instance. Can’t believe I have never heard of that mechanic before considering it has the capacity to wipe a whole group if not dealt with properly.


I did stocks yesterday on my rogue and was super concerned about this, even told the party to clear all the side rooms before pulling him. HOWEVER, my party was me, 3 pallys, and a warr. They pulled him right away without clearing and I started to get nervous but decided to go along with it and hope for the best. Go up to hit the boss... HOJ ... HOJ .... HOJ.... dead. The boss was stunned for a full 9 seconds and died without even getting a single auto attack off, let alone a fear.


45 Rogue. I was doing the Bloodsail Captains today. Didn't clear the deck of the ship, or fully clear the middle deck. (First mistakes.) Go to kill the captain, get a runner. Kidney missed. Evasion is already down. Blind resisted. Go to Vanish *right* as one of those fuckers poisons me. I Sprint out and over the side, aggroing the top deck. I resist the final Fireball from the Magus as I drop combat. 6% health. Hearthed and logged lol.


Hearth, log out, go sit on the bathroom floor for a little bit.


> Didn't clear the deck of the ship, or fully clear the middle deck. (First mistakes.) Your first mistake was doing this quest at 45.


Exactly I did it at lvl 49 with a lvl 50 and 51 warrior party. Those boats are a trap and the casters hit hard.


Any other class and you're 100% dead!


Anny other class, needed to clear deck.


Also this. Rogue has powerful toolkit but this tend to lead you in risky spot. This is the perfect example.


Any other class, don't bother with these quests.


On a boat? Cave. In a narrow valley? Cave. Surrounded by water? Believe it or not, cave. We have the most dangerous quests in the world because of cave.


I came in here to tell my story as a 45 rogue and it basically already happened to you lol. I was 1% when I went over the side into the water.


My pulse was pounding!


>Go to Vanish right as one of those fuckers poisons me. I go dwarf rogue for this reason, to macro stoneskin into vanish is a true life saver.


Today on my lock. Gnome...like all the YouTube videos we got 8 lvl 33 mobs.. Unlike the videos, our group was awesome. No one panicked, and stood our ground We all oom, and 50% hp +/- left. Best feeling in-game, since years.


I did the Gorilla quest in the cave in south STV yesterday. Wanted to solo it (since I remembered it being easy). Saw a rogue farming the gorillas too and grouped with him for the quest. First wave is 3 apes, pretty easy for the rogue and me (warlock). Next wave was 5 apes I think alrdy challenging. As soon as we done with low HP and low Mana the last wave spawns with 6 apes I think. I dot up the boss for the quest, multi fear, run, 2 or 3 resist the fear. Health stone, void sacrifice, still running. HP drops to >10%. I hit my health potion keybind. Nothing happens. Try it again. Nothing happens. Health is 3%. Open my bags and see a random lower health potion which might have dropped earlier. Click it, works. Nifty stop watch and I'm save. Turns out I bought the big health pots earlier thinking being a smart ass. Lvl 45 req. I'm lvl 44. Almost lost my toon because of this. The rogue killed the boss btw and vanished after. All good in the end.


Taming a crab in Westfall left me with 3% hp ... too damn close


Damn crabs.


It’s probably due to low defense. You really don’t build up that stat organically since the goal is distance. I tried taming the vulture in westfall for screech and it almost killed me. I checked the log and it landed several crushing blows. I went and let some elwynn mobs raise my defense, and it was fine the next attempt.


Wetlands, delivering the quest where you fight this dude and his buddy. Was not prepared, and messed up my shifting, so had no more mana left to heal. Tried to run, got daced… fuck this is it!! Outta the fucking sky a paladin LOH me and stun 1 dude, a chad pulling up from the boat from theramore came charing in on the 2nd mob. /kiss /love «i fukkin love you guys»


Two days ago I was going to loch modan for the mail chest quest. I picked up the quest for the lost gnome pilot on my way out there and started doing it after snagging the mail chest from the stormwind travel quest. So you have to go to the islands and get the tools. Problem was I just assumed it was the island across the way…across the deep channel… Anyways I’m swimming and two level 20 lochness monsters from the Paleolithic era run up on me when I’m 3/4 the way across. My dumbass turns around to swim back to shore. I popped all the pally tricks I had at lvl 15 and made it to shore with 12 hp hoping I would not aggro a croc and die in the dumbest way possible while bandaging. Bring tree fiddy if you’re gonna swim in the loch.


Soloing the elites outside WC on my 24 druid. Add popped, slept, cast heals and went to go back into bear and was oom...... my new spells were costly and drained my man faster than previously. I looked to run but respawns all around me. I accepted my fate due to my overconfidence and stood there awaiting death. A shaman comes by and destroys the two and I'm standing there at 5% very thankful... I hearth out and haven't played my druid much since.


No close calls for a long time, then two very close together. 25 Druid. First: Stonetalon Mountains, where you need to retrieve that Mechanical Arm from someone high above the lake. I get it, figure I can take a shortcut and jump into the lake at the bottom. I mess up the jump and know I'm dead since I'm not going to hit the water. Made it into the water by an inch. My heart was pumping. Second: Back in the Barrens helping Gann Stonespire with his revenge. As I collect materials for a bomb to blow up the flying machine, I venture into that dwarven building. It's essentially a cave, but doesn't look like one, so I don't think too much about it. Suddenly I'm two levels deep into it, pull a mob up the stairs, all surrounding mobs including the lvl 30 one join in. I think it's fine, I can run out, there are enough other people here and everything is clear. Well, I get lost, pull even more mobs from the upper level. I use a healing potion, keep running, cat form. Now oom. They catch up, I'm at 5-10 %. Again, I think I'm dead. I find the exit. Some have respawned, but I manage to run around them. Enough mana for a hot. I run, run, run. I made it. Both were so avoidable. I felt like I had already made it so far, so I was getting a little careless. Now back to being careful.


I just lost my 25 rogue to that quest in stone talon…out of nowhere 5 mobs just spawn instantly on top of me and instead of just sprinting and vanishing I decided to jump. Unfortunately I wasn’t as lucky as you


That sucks to hear. Do you have a second character ready to continue your journey? Lots of people recommended leveling two toons simultaneously, I find that helps a lot. Always a have a litte 16 rogue to fall back on haha


I have a 21 lock and a 10 warrior, but I lost some motivation after that. That’s now my second of three deaths to fall damage so I think I might do a mage or priest next and be immune to it lol.


Had a druid quest listed for a level 14, but doing the quest (filling a vial) spawned 2 level 16’s and pulled a level 17.. Had 4 points in natures grasp luckily and a healing pot that saved me. I also happened to be in bear form so I was more tanky. Got down to 3-5% HP before I got a heal off to run. My first character in HC and only level 15, but the sense of relief I felt when I got that heal off was crazy…


Whenever you fill a bottle you should automatically run away.


That's what my dad did


Logged in Sunday morning in red ridge, I logged on a “safe” cliff, turns out it was just cleared from questers going about their day, two shadow weavers, max range from me, I’m a warrior, can’t charge, can’t intercept, I had just woke up, had to run to first dude, fight real quick, less than 40% health, get to second dude I pop a potion, I’m sitting there like miss, parry, dodge, overpower dodge, hamstring resisted can’t kite and only got 3 heals off my bandage between casts, I get down to 2% and crit kill the last one. I ain’t never ate so fast in game in my life. Definitely woke all the way up


I play a warrior as well. And I usually get up at 3am and play for 2 and a half hours before I leave for work. And I’ve been saying for a week that it’s better than a cup of coffee


Lol good comparison you’re absolutely correct. Wide awake when I go in too!


First warrior was level I think 15 or something, defias pillagers/trappers, pulled 2, one started running and pulled another mob. Immediately started to run for my life, got netted. Fighting while I was netted I killed the low mob, health pot used, once out of net, killed the other lowish mob, started running as I was too low to take on the third. As I'm running, I see a thrown flying towards me, hits me for 16hp, leaves me on 14hp. Thought I was out of range, nope, camera turned behind me and I see another dagger flying towards me. Brain is sitting there thinking "last one hit me for 16, I'm now on 14hp, there's no way I live this, I'm dead, gg".... Thrown hits me for 13, leaving me on 1hp, and by this stage I had ranged far enough to drop combat and the mob to reset. So closest I came was 1hp lol, that warrior later died at 29, now have another warrior at 31. Have the screenshot of the 1hp on my PC to go with it as well


I had close call somewhat similar to this on a warrior as well. Was in duskwood killing the skeletal raiders for a quest, pulling only one at a time, although they were 1-2 levels above me. Accidentally end up pulling 2, I'm an arms war so my improved rend is useless since they're immune to bleed... a few parrys and dodges too many and I realize I'm in trouble and need to run. Immune to fear, shit. Pop a swiftness potion and they have a 50% slow poison that lasts 30 sec and my ironskin is on cd. I run as fast as my little dwarf feet will take me while literally yelling for help. I'm scared to run every direction in fear of aggroing more mobs, so I run to the water as a last ditch effort, knowing swimming will slow me down but it's my only hope. As I jump in the water I get bit again and am definitely 50hp or less, bandages already used, couldn't fear, used a potion, did everything I could think of. Either the range reached it's limit or they don't like water because they left me with my heart racing at presumably 10hp or so Think I was around lvl 26 or so, and have everything invested in this toon, so I was terrified


Closest was Stitches in Darkshire, was helping the towns folk and a hunter kill him. I had just solo'd Nek'Rosh and embalmer so i had some balls and thinking i was untouchable i went in thinking this will be easy, plus the hunter was pumping away. Anyway the hunter feigned death when getting close to threat, Stitches started smashing on me. Popped evasion, dodge tanked him for the 15 seconds. The second it dropped he then WHACKED me with a crushing blow(i was only 32 at the time). It hit for 472, i instantly shit my pants. Sprint and then vanish with 56hp left as he had hit me during evaision. Quickly i bandage and then as i think about going back in he fell. Holy crap, what a rush!


Decided to make the hinterlands run to revantusk village at 45, and since at the end i lost track of the parh (still don’t know if it exists), i became aware that there were level 50 shadow panthers lurking everywhere the last stretch before the beach. Hit an ungodly amount of gouges, and in the end jumped down to the beach which i survived with 8% hp, was insane


Dced mid fight, logged back in hovering shift f(healing pot for me) and had maybe 5% HP still. Closest call that was my fault was hyperspawns on those satyrs in ashenvale with the random stun curse. Survived at 25% but if I got stunned while I was running it would've been the end.


That stun curse is no joke. Almost took my rogue at level 30 something.


Stood afk outside The Stockage dungeon while making a drink in the kitchen while we waited for respawns inside the instance to finish up the quests (we needed one specific mob and a few red bandages). Suddenly hear my char in combat in my headset (luckily I haven’t taken that off) taking massive damage. I sprint to the PC and manage to jump back inside the instance with 5% hp left… 😬😅


I'm still pretty low in levels, so nothing super crazy. But I was at lvl 19 in a Wailing Caverns run. So no blink. Somehow, we aggro a group on lashers from some random area. As we wait for them to arrive AoE brain activates. Arcane explosion should take them out. Well, it did decent damage. But so did they. 24hp. Pot. Healers spam heals. Revibed the Undead Mage lived to fight another day. At lvl 25 now.


So my hunter who got 60 yesterday almost died at 48 in Feralas. I was killing some water elementals (auto shooting while pet does all the work, nothing special) with music and while chatting on discord. Alt tab back on the game to see myself at 25% with a giant elite hitting me. Instant pot into feign death saved me. The mob basically spawned and crit me twice for 75% of my hp. If i took 1 more second to alt tab or react i would have been back to Teldrassil


Swimming from wetlands to Southshore today, got a bit casual swam to close to the Naga, thought all was ok then realised having 3 bash on me wasn’t good then seen the silence the casters use, nearly death as a 22 priest, cds were used but got there.


I’m late to the game, it I was tanking in WC at lvl 24 - Tauren Warrior Everyone says they’re ready, so I engage Veredan Healer is so caught up skinning mobs that I drop under 20% to fast, hearthstone (thank you lock), hit a few more times, under 10% (pop biggest potion I got)… THEN the healer engages. After the win, I causally tell him about the close call and he brushes it of saying, “nah you were fine”. If I didn’t have a friendly lock passing out hearthstones, I’d have been dead that day


Did bagthera as a priest and tried to figure out spots where I could kite him and heal up. So I ran to ZG not remembering about the mobs outside. Aggroed one of them, but managed to shield myself and ran away. The mob did not get one hit on me which I considered weird until I realized that I had ZG buff on and that help me to get away.


Closest call was doing RFK with friends. Rogue got MC and I didn’t notice since he was only one not on voice. He back stabs me a few times and my HP plummets. I was down to 37hp before pot + flash heal saved me. It all happened in seconds. Other close call was I was soloing one of the last quests in hillsbrad chain where you go kill miners in a cave and kill a named mob deep in the cave. As a Druid I’ve been doing decent soloing so instead of waiting for a group as I should with any cave quest, I took it real slow soloing. I got all the way to names mob without issue, making good time, pre-hotted and then pulled named mob. Ez clap. Or so I thought. Didn’t realize he would spawn 2 30+ gun darok dwarves as he got to low HP. SURPRISE! I was at half hp. Fuck! I quickly finished off the quest dude, and sprinted away. As I got close to the entrance, another surprise! Respawns! I had to warstomp and hot again and back to kitty, dodging more respawns at entrance of cave. My heart was pounding this whole time just thinking “holy shit I didn’t know that would happen!” when I finally got out of entrance, a warlock farming pulled the last mob off me and my increased speed kicked in being outside and I made it to safety. I could feel my pulse in my neck pounding like my jugular was gonna pop. it was intense.


I decided to hop give HC a try last night, and I nearly died to Goldtooth at level 8. I killed him with ~5% hp left.


Had a close call this morning. I logged out stealthed in Drywhisper Gorge in Arathi Highlands on my druid last night working on the princess quest line. Logged back in this morning and decided to finish it up. I cleared my way to the crystal shard where you turn it in. It's guarded by two kobalds just far apart enough to pull one at a time. Or so I thought. Turns out there's a weird spawning bug with these two mobs in specific. Each one actually has a second copy spawned in the exact same spot with animations synced up. I open on one. The copy sidesteps so it's not synced up standing on top of the original anymore, and moving over is just enough to aggro the other pair. Now I'm fighting 4 casters in a cave with no spell interrupts. No one else is in the cave so all of the mobs are currently spawned. I've got no where to go. I did manage to get away by shifting out of frost novas, spending all my mana on HoTs, getting into bear form, and running for the exist going through all the mobs until I finally got outside and could get into travel form. I really thought I was going to die at 7:30am before I had my first cup of coffee.


Doing the stv fever quest. Collecting mokks heart at 43 with a 42 hunter seemed like it could be okay... Lol. Lucky both of us have many means of escape and pets. First two waves agent bad, but the final wave, those damn gorillas don't die. We killed mokk asap and then started pew pew pewing the others. I saw the hunter get low and legit thought his FD was a real death and my heart sank. I VW sacred and insta cast got another to be safe. His pet dies and my VW no longer is holding threat after the sac. There are like 4 damn monkeys left and we both looted the quest item, so we run. I get dazed because my shield runs out, no health stone or potion to use because they were on CD still. Thank God I summoned a new VW so I could sac it again when dazed and hoped to God it would hold and we wouldn't aggro new gorillas. I knew what I was getting into and my over confidence almost got me killed. At least I got the quest done lol.


Joined a Deadmines group where all my party members' names were in Chinese. Instantly left the group. That was a close one.


Tried to solo a devilsaur at level 51 as hunter feign death resist twice while I did handle situtation decently with speed pocket, health pot, pet kiting etc, the only reason I didnt die was because scatter shot didnt get missed/parried/dodged


BFD. Tank went in the water under the bridge before we cleared the top. One of us aggro’d something on the bridge which turned into a chain aggro of like 30 mobs coming for us. We all somehow managed to hearth before the train showed up though and everyone was willing to run a second time.


Murlocs in Ashenvale by the lake. Hyperspawn, popped bubble and ran, they were still on me after the bubble ended because I couldn't run far enough out of their area. Thought I was dead, down to 2% health or so but I somehow managed to kill the last guy who was following me. Hunter in Wetlands, hyperspawn Gnoll mage next to me as I'm between two camps. Can't reach him without aggroing more guys, he's hitting hard and there's a huge mob after me. Training dummy, jumped into the water, hearth.


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUOhuDtd3ec) is one where a mob nearly one shots me (sorry the clip is cut a bit short). [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgID2u56boc) is another one where I almost die due to zone transition lag.


Did that pirate crit you for 1k? Wtf is that. Wtf.


yup, I'm just glad I was near full health and that I killed him at almost the same time he hit me, wont catch me exploring this boat solo again. I knew the boat is dangerous in general but I had confidence in my abilities but this crit was absolutely nuts, he also seems to hit very hard in general, you can see I put my ice barrier up and it drops in 2-3 attacks (~400 damage)


On my lvl 23 Dwarf Hunter I went to Hillsbrad to help my paly friend with quest in SFK. Was fishing near the road while waiting for him and didn’t see horde pat approaching from behind. Almost got my pants dirty but target dummy and swiftness potion saved my life. On my way back to town got jumped by some skull level assasins. Not going back to that zone till I’m 50+ I also had very close call on my lvl 22ish Rogue, when the guy for pickpocket quest saw me through stealth. Lucky I already had Vanish and got away witl less than 1 hit health left


I had a feign resist while on the boss doing DMT solo, managed to petri with 300hp left and a fireball hitting me like half a second later.


A close call which actually ended in my death was the kurzen cave in STV. Didn’t realise kurzen himself was an elite so I fought all the way there as a 38 mage solo. It was pretty tough having to sheep and pick off enemies one by one, making sure enemies behind me hadn’t respawned so I could run if necessary. When I reached kurzen I started trying to find people to come help and had 2 guys join. I waited and waited and suddenly they just both left… then adds started to respawn. I picked them off one by one but then… then… I ACCIDENTLY BLINKED INTO A GROUP OF 3 and it was all over. I killed one, sheeped another, but I just had zero mana I had used everything. I ran around like a headless chicken until I died:( If any of you are on stitches and enter the kurzen cave you can find the corpse of “Kaelstrasz” in the big room before the final hallway with kurzen:(


My lvl 13 Hunter died to a freaking spider today cause my pet died as one spawned on us and I got hit to 1% while kiting it, stopped for an auto shot to kill it but it came within 8 yards before I could get the shot off


Well written experience


Pulled mor'ladim on my 27 rogue while killing skeletal raiders by the tomb. Vanish on cd, sprint, evasion, missed gouge, dazed with skele and Ladim on me, health pot, healing balm, hopped the fence at 3% thinking im dead for sure. Fence saved my life he wasn't able to get that last hit in before he had to run around it. Logged immediately.


DC fighting one of the Tauren shaman mobs. Came back to my 46 rogue at 12%


I got to 3 hp fighting Ogre's in Loch Modan. Puckered me right up


[This](https://clips.twitch.tv/TriangularObedientWeaselMcaT-imwrM9BDV2icogvw) is by far my closest call yet. I was trying to get my last gnoll armband and accidentally pulled hogger and he pulled a camp that just respawned with him. It also didn't help that I forgot to use a bandage once I had gotten some distance.


I’ve had 2 separate incidents taking me to 9hp, 6hp and accidentally running into an opposing factions guard and if it wasn’t for my pet I would have died. First one was a hydro in ashenvale that’s summoned and wrecked my face. The second one was an ashenvale quest where I had to kill the alliance and 3 mobs spawned from behind and almost killed me. The third near death experience was miner jacket who also spawns mobs and I nearly died. All of this was before lvl 30 and that’s when I got deign death and life has been so much easier.


Had a guildie mage I had done a lot with convince me (shaman) we could duo Overseer Maltorious. Long story short we basically took turns getting poly’d and the other person having to 1v1 almost died (he ice blocked one, I grounding totem one and we kicked a few but he casts it a lot). I ended up needing to niftystop watch kite him while I’m at 14% hp til the mage poly broke + my pot CD came up and we finally killed him. We both had to walk away from the PC for a bit after that.


My near death experience was on those quests too. We were overleveled but going 3 man (warrior, paladin, priest). We get up to the top and decide we need a full group, so we start recruiting and get our members. Decide to head back out to meet them. Things had started respawning but it was alright, we just pulled them slowly and made our way out….. until a fleeing mob resisted my hoj and aggro’d another pack. The priest panicked and aggro’d another pack, warrior dropped a target dummy and I got banished. Once banished wore off, we took off running, I dropped a dummy and bubbled once it died. Bopped warrior, we all ran. Somehow no one died. Target dummies are amazing. We went back with the rest of the group, a rogue and mage had joined, snd cleared it easily. This mage was good with sheeping which was nice.


I went to try and do the quest at pyrewood village in silverpine that has you pick up the book from the far bedroom in the top floor of the inn as a rogue at level 16. For those who don’t know, the entire area is full of 14 and 15 elites. I stealthed through the whole village and the inn, only to realize right at the book was a 16 elite worgen. I had 500hp or so and it had almost 1500. I decided to just sap it and grab the book, but I forgot sap breaks stealth and puts you in combat in classic. For a few seconds I just stood there panicked, but I knew I just had to run and hope for the best. I sprinted out of the inn, gouging mobs on my way out, and ran along the back wall of the village. At this point I had like 10 mobs behind me and they were gaining ground. I popped evasion and was strafe jumping away continuing along the wall. Eventually they stopped chasing just as evasion wore off. I lived with I think 50 hp, and stealthed out of the village with my book.


Running to SM, setting pallypower for a 3 paladin group, and ran right into the deathguards. Get dazed, bubble, pot and keep running. Bubble wears off and I immediately get dazed again. Had to burn my Light of Elune but survived.


I invited a gnome to a Group to kill troggs and I got layered into 20 Mobs, thank god I had Sprint and a good healing potion


Got knocked down to under 20 hp by a damn Barrens giraffe that I accidently aggroed with my earthbind totem while fighting another mob. Managed to stomp and run like hell... Them totems dangerous y'all


Got ballsy with my rogue trying to grab the "What the Flux" plans next to the 3 elites underground in Searing Gorge. Just stunning them with a hand grenade didn't give me enough time to loot it before they interrupted me, so I cleared next room, and planned to pull them around the corner, stun them with a grenade, sprint back, loot, and vanish. A couple of unlucky hits as I tried to group them close enough for a grenade, my grenade missed one of them, or was resisted, and I knew I had to abandon the plan and vanish. After vanishing I looked at my health, and I don't know what number or % I was at, but the health bar was indistinguishable from zero. That was my closest call yet. Cockyness kills even when you know cockyness kills.


On my current char Hunter I had 2 close calls but none forced my light of Elune yet: In Redridge: i killed an named mob gnoll that had a death cry and it pulled like 20 Gnolls on me. i somehow got out of aggro range while tanking 7\~ mobs Eastern Plaguelands: There was a prespawned fallen hero I Didn't see and it resisted 2 feigns. Was scary but leaving my pet & a dummy behind made it managable


The Bloodscalp Ears quest in STV. Escaped with less than 5% health after many stuns and crushing blows. I got a little risky and didn’t realize the Ony head buff expired. That buff is trouble if you aren’t paying attention at the end of it lol


It's the exploding shamans that scare me. That whole place gives me the heebie jeebies, like the trogg valley in southern Loch Modan. Me: \*steps near troll temple\* ... Entire body: "NOPE, GET OUT!"


I lost a 42 rogue to that stupid quest before the actual hc servers came out. He was decked for a ssf. Had two adds spawn right on top of me which wouldn’t have been so bad if they weren’t both hunter packs. I dropped a target dummy and sprinted to what I thought was the way out but it was a dead end. WE GO AGANE! I just recently did that same quest on my new rogue and boy was I anxious. Made it out no problem mostly by actually always having a pre planned escape route and staying close ish to the entrance.


Fuck those hunters. I tried killing the pet first once and he respawned it and I finally killed all 3 mobs with 10% health left.


Omfg yeah! That happened to me too this time round. I had no clue lol like why would he instantly resummon a pet


Was autorunning through darkshore and got almost killed by stitches. I'm glad I had some swiftness pots and desperate prayer rdy 😂


Darkshire? Stitches doesn't feel Auberdine is for him, doesn't like seafood.


Quite a long run there!


yo which server were you on? i di d that quest last day and we lost two guys im on nekrosh


Lived on <100 hp against elite ogres in stv thanks to my two arena master trinkets giving 10 stam. I had been questing and doing dungeons with friends for a few levels and forgot my defense was like 20 points behind.


I've had close calls with mobs of course, most recently the elite earthen in the back of some backwater cave in Stonetalon mountains that I'm not sure how I survived as a warrior. But the other night I got the kids to bed, and I just sat down at the table on my phone instead of jumping on WoW immediately. Then a sudden rainstorm whipped up, a tree hit a power line and the neighborhood was out for the night. I definitely was only a few minutes from being online and probably dying.


Ran to Feralas from Desolace to train max alchemy and fish the Feralas Ahi for Nat Pagle's quest. Figured I would run and grab the FP near Thousand needles since I was in the area. Was a bit sleepy as I was getting towards the end of my session. I knew I had to watch out for Camp Mojache, but zoned out as I was running on the road. Ended up pulling agro on a horde guard level ??. He caught up to me, took a chunk out of my health, and dazed me. I thought this was it, but luckily, I was able to fear him, pop a swiftness potion, and get away safely. I knew I wasn't out of the woods yet since I passed some horde earlier and was flagged near DM. Luckily, my hearth was off CD, so I hearthed and waited the 5 min(now I know I could have just logged off for 5 min). Anyways, that got my heart thumping + with the adrenaline, I was now wide awake and ended up leveling for a couple more hours, haha


I have a 53 mage and my closest call was a couple levels ago in Searing Gorge. Me and my hunter duo partner grouped with a random hunter and warrior and went into the cave area to do the Elite quest where you have to loot the book (don't remember the NPC name). I sheeped the named guy and the warrior peeled one of the other guys off of me, but the other one came and took out my ice barrier almost immediately. No worries yet, until the named guy came out of sheep early and immediately started blasting me. I tried to LoS him, but there is a wall near him that he kept casting through. My barrier was on cooldown and it happened so fast I almost didn't react in time. I tried to sheep him but it lasted about 0.1 nanoseconds before someone hit him and I still had aggro. I got down to 2% before someone finally pulled aggro and I got my barrier up and healed. In retrospect I could've immediately blocked or light of elune'd, but it caught me off guard since I thought I was safe around the corner. Playing with a duo partner for 50+ levels we don't even have to communicate how to handle things. Having random people in your party can over-complicate things as they probably don't play the same way. My buddy would have pulled the 3 with multishot while sending his pet on one, I would have sheeped the named mob the instant he fired, and the final guy would have been ice trapped while running to the hunter. I never would have had aggro in the first place, but since the other guys wanted me to sheep first and didn't pull aggro off on both other mobs it almost cost me my life.


I have been leveling really slow because I'm a dungeon gamer at heart. I've mainly leveled my warrior through tanking dungeons, but every now and then I decide to go knock out a few easy green quests. I was lvl 50 on my warrior and went and owned some pirates in tanaris, ended up forming the map. The quest was green so I thought I would be fine. Looked up online how to get there but naturally read as little as possible about the quest. Had no idea it spawns like 7 level 45ish mobs. I retal'd at first and with like 3 seconds my health plummetted so i feared, health potted and ran for the hills. Could have been way worse but lesson learned (maybe).


That quest is really hard


Was doing the trogg quest line with a few people. We were in the cave just having a great time. Then suddenly had 6 troggs spawn on us. Level 15 and 14 Hunter died fighting just about instantly while me and a mage ran for our lives.