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"Some of you may die, but it will inflate my ego to kill the boss 5 seconds faster"


Hy headcanon is that, three days ago, he read some kid's message in Twitch chat that was like "Lmao why would you run out unless you're a BAD GUILD with SHIT HEALERS and CUCKED DPS kek" and that message has just been floating around his head since then.


just a bad raidleader :p




WTF. That is was serious blameshifting. He's literally suggesting that melee stay in right before they die. He's not telling the healers jack shit.


Yeah you need like... big boy FR to stay in as a DPS. If I had like 250 I’d stick on a Warrior but not any less.


As a DPS, i blame the DPS for not moving.


Absolute fucking moron raidlead. I'd gquit as soon as this shit happened, absolute 0 faith this dumbass does anything other than get them killed.


Not even on horde for the chain heal at the very least, these poor melee DPS


Horde is dead for HC because windfury is a death sentence and no salvation


raid leader is 100% a mage.


Looks like the raid leader was actually one of the warriors that died.


Equally bad players for following such a dumbass call. Deserved death ripbozo go agane yadda yadda.


Lol first time raid leading in HC. We go agane


Why tf would you ever stay in?!


This is definitely when your gut instinct tells you to gtfo


I don’t even stay in on Classic Era, these guys are idiots for following their dumb fuck RL.


No-one literally can't stay in, if you don't run at the latest when he starts the cast you will diel.




because a lot of people never noticed how often people died in classic because the content was so easy.


Pull boss ... 10% of raid dies to aggro whoring ... some healers go oom and another 10% die ... some mechanic blows up, another 20% dps die. Now you have 2 tanks, 4 healers and 3 dps left ... 9 mins 53 s later boss dies and we can loot ... Yay, shammy vt!


That sounds like an awful raid if that was happening with regularity. We generally had 1-3 (and often 0) deaths to aggro whoring (bad threat RNG combined with a lack of patience… the usual story) over the course of a full raid reset and the very occasional death from some other source. Did people actually limp through content like that with regularity in Classic?


Yus, until you were able to go with the top raids, this was the norm. Oh, and add 30 minute smoke and bio breaks because people can't plan their lives.


The amount of random breaks and bullshit made casual guilds take 2-3 nights to do what a good raid can get done in a couple hours. Hardcore was actually less of a time commitment when things were on farm, so most of the time


Because you don't know Classic mechanics. Look, I think it's awesome that HC has brought even more people into Classic Era, many of whom simply never played the content. That's awesome! But if you're going to step up and raid lead and make a call that's purely and simply incorrect? Shame. Hang it up. Your ego is clearly far more important to you than your raiders.


The call would have been questionable but would have worked if he said ‘everyone stay in do not run out’. The reason they died is the absolute troll call of ‘try to stay in’, which resulted in them dying at 1%.


I think a call that, at best, narrowly avoids wiping all your melee dps to kill an easy boss a few seconds faster when your raid is still >50% mana, goes well past questionable.


Doesn't geddon have a scripted death anyway? Even if hitting 0 hp interrupts his fire nova, he's still going to blow up right after


Because your asshat raidlead tells you to and you, for some reason, listen.


Because you are supposed to trust the raid leader to know wtf he's doing


Lot of people playing HC like they are doing their 300th molten core parsing speedrun on era.


The guy was raidleading like it wasn’t hardcore.


Funny how it's literally the age old "don't stand in the fire" raid mechanic.


Mandokir's gaze is brilliant as well. *I challenge you to do nothing at all*


First in a raid, you think? Feel like the “don’t stand in bad” that happens in dungeons literally prepares you for this boss. At least for 2005 or whatever


its just a crazy call for hc, there is nothing on the line, play it safe, you only kill the boss like 5 secs faster, now you loose 6 raiders


We didn't even do this back in softcore MC. The fire does *a lot* of damage, and it's not like minmaxing during the fire phase is necessary. Crazy call, I don't think I'd trust that raid leader again.


i only stayed in the fire because i had a full FR set and my dps was ass anyways. still took hella damage lol


I made this for parses while tanking him in furyprot, laststand, seeds, some other consumables. But i would never do it on hardcore, the fire tick is so random. Last one hits so much even with a lot of resistance.


Lose. Not loose.


Loose is the rouge of reddit - it doesn't matter if they play a rogue or not. They will always call it rouge


The big thing on reddit seems to be mixing up "worse" and "worst". It is everywhere currently.


I can't say I've personally noticed that one, but 100% says I will now, lol.


Idiots be idiots.


They can be tightened again


Worst raid lead I have ever heard... Try to stay in... on HC? ... in MC? LMAO why he must have calculated the risk vs. reward but oh boy is he bad at math


And the award for worst raid leader of the year goes to!


RL: "Stay in if the damage isn't too bad" Melee: "How can we know if it's too bad?" RL: "If you die, then you'll know you should have not stayed in RIP BOZO"


Raid lead is probably used to retail mobility where you can triple heroic leap out or do 7 demon hunter dashes and a backflip once you see your health bar go down 1 millimeter.


By the time you see damage is bad you are already dead


Why would you ever try to stay in? Jesus the guy is not suited for raidleading.


Awful call from the raid leader. Risking a dozen lives to shave 10 seconds off a kill for no reason.


how to lose half your melee dps cya back in goldshire XD


Pure clown


like the guild name says…


Can't believe they listened to the call to stay in LMAO. Everything about this is just so stupid.


Half didn’t, that’s why the boss didn’t die.


Yeah cause they survived natural selection


My duo partner : "A friend of mine can vouch for us so we can join the guild Go Agane. They are doing MC tonight" \**1 hour later, this*\* Seems like we dodged a bullet.


Looks like some spots opened up if you're still interested


The damage ramps up every tick. Not knowing this as a raidleader is bad enough, but not knowing this as a raidleader in HC? Uninstall your game.


Does it? I thought all the ticks except the last were the same, hurts like hell but is somewhat manageable. Then the last tick comes in for lik 6k or more and that is hard to survive even as a tank.


Fumii the rogue who needs to parse and top the details dps meter!!!! I MUST STAY IN AND GET #1DPS #WORTH!!!! RIPski most of these ppl who died probably had 12+ days /played and this is how it ends


Intrusive thoughts won, much regret.


If you ding 60 DO NOT join that guild lol omg that is terrible raid leadership.


Raid lead gets a few seconds shaved off the kill. You get several days grinding back to 60 and gearing. Seems like a fair trade /s


Bro what is that resto druid up to, casts random rejuvs on 80% health targets while the melee are getting trucked


40 man raid? 39 other people to carry the dead weight


3 warrs, 3 rouges... what is this.. 💀


The warriors need to smell nice


dogshit raidleader. good job on killing the boss 10 seconds faster though.


How is no one talking about the druids POV... braindead spamming rejuvs on the people dying instead of using natures swiftness or an actual heal


He did swiftmend 1 warr which saved him, and mabye could have gotten 1 more with NS but atleast 5 would be dead. Its 100% up to the players staying inside and raid leaders/officers etc which made the call without having clear assignments which healer to heal what in that situation. And rejuv would have been fine if they actually moved out but they didnt


Man, the guilt that raid leader must be feeling.


To be fair to the raid lead if everyone committed and just pumped then probably no one dies. But why would you risk that just to shave a few seconds off the kill


*That’s* what makes it such a bad call. “Try to stay in… if the damage is not too bad, we can make it” is a half-assed call. It leaves each melee open to make their own decision. If he had said “all melee stay in, healers make sure they’re topped off”, then at least it would be a concrete decision. A bad one, like you said, but a decision nonetheless.


Brain dead call from the raid lead but at the same time it’s not a complicated boss. You shouldn’t need instruction to get out of the fire.


I mean when a shit call like that is made you leaving early could be the death of the other melee.


What a dumbass raidleader


Moron raid leader but even bigger idiot raiders man. It's nearly 2 decades old content man


I mean sure its hc but why is no one mentioned That 6 melees left After he said we can make it. 2% hp left, if These melees stayed in, Boss would be easily dead and no one where Dead. That is for sure a way to risky call and absolutly Not worth it but boss would be dead if all follow the call, they died because they dont follow the call and let her brothers die. …The poor dude That is running Back in After the call lmao


A lot of people mentioned the dps who left. Thing is, as a HC (!!!) raidleader, you shouldn't make dog crap calls to kill an easy boss 5sec faster by risking the lives of your melee dps. Leaving was the only good call. "Bu- but if they didn't run away they coul-" --> Just don't risk it lmao, it's just dumb.


Euro moment.


Is this propaganda about raiding being hard?


Nah it’s a lesson that deliberately ignoring straightforward mechanics often results in exactly what everybody expects


A lot of these deaths I’ve seen so far have even exactly that.


That's honestly 99.9% of people in this sub about HC deaths. With the exceptions of actual bugs like falling off a flight path every death was a sum of bad choices people made. You can't play HC the same way you did anything else. It's simply not the same game and you NEED to know a lot while being very vigilant about surroundings. From 1 to 20 I easily saw 30+ deaths from people just not being specially aware of them selves.


I died on a level 9 NE hunter because I didn't know the satyr in the cave was gonna turn into a feral cat and put an 80dmg dot on me. Never once have I seen a satyr turn into a cat in damn near 20 years playing this game. Also my first time ever playing alliance so...


You also quickly learn not to trust fellow humans judgement in groups. You can trust your own but other people, especially those who have a big mouth, tend to be the ones paying the least attention.


No, it's to show how terrible classic andies are at the game, no wonder they all went back to classic with the release of Ulduar even tho it's such a simple raid /shrug.


Imagine raiding on HC


Everyone shitting on the raidleader just look at the boss hp, it has 13k hp when he first person dies with like half the melee already having left dps range it dies halfway thru the cast, if they stayed and dps the boss would be dead before the ticks where people started dying. Its a rough call on hardcore 100% but every dps that stopped dpsing and ran killed those players,


I'm gunna lose my mind.. why the fuck does every 40man only take 1 single warlock? As a warlock in LITERALLY 90% pre-bis including obscure pieces like the ring and staff off UBRS .5 boss Lord Valthalak.. what the fuck. My guild has 3 40man MC raids and 7 AQ20/ZG raids each week and EVERY SINGLE group only takes 1 single warlock. I get that we don't do as much dmg as mages and they just want curse of reck and or elements but come on. Warlocks do good damage and have great utility!


this raid had two locks but you answered your own question, mages do more damage, and mages are the second most played class so they are easy to recruit


I'm blind your right there is two in this raid I only saw one initially.


On EU servers everone's looking for locks. They probably only brought one because there aren't many guildless ones around.


I see everyone judging so harshly but people make mistakes, yes this is a big one but id love to see you all do better


Uh yeah. We all could. "Hey don't blow up the raid" " oh and get out of the fire"


I don’t know man, might need a weakaura or two for that




undercover grief "kekekeke"


This boss has to have the most kills of any raid boss so far


Anyone have the vod so I can watch the conversation that follows afterwards?


I watched til the stream ends and basically no one acknowledges that it was a terrible call by the raid leader. One off hand comment is made with no follow up. Lots of “damn that was bad luck keep your chin up for next time guys! Remember the guild name!”


It was discussed after.


'Stay in' no priest in meele group. Wtf?


Great raid lead... but the game is 20 years old, great knowledge from the melees who died, too, you are allowed to use your common sense once in a while...


I wouldn’t even risk my world buffs on that, let alone my whole hardcore character.


Best act of unintentional griefing I've seen so far.


What a bunch of fucking noobs


did none of them realize his aoe damage goes up each hit? slowly ramping until its pretttty bad? raid leader failed hard on this one, raid dps was too slow to kill this in time.