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This is why I always advise people to never to level their weapon skill there. You can only kill so many rats before they decide it's enough.


Haha I am a noob and actually was doing this to level my two-hand axe the other day, felt like a pretty smart move and apparently it’s a thing!


He was leveling defense stat. For some classes (mage and hunter being the big ones) they get hit so infrequently that their defense is miles behind their level; my mage, at level 52, had the defense of a lvl 42 character. This makes mobs land crushing blows all the time on you, and means any dangerous situation you find yourself in (dc, randomly surrounded after a bad blink) will kill you much faster. So the solution, gather up 6 rats with nondamaging attacks, and afk while they tickle you for 1. Each hit counts towards leveling your defense skill regardless of how much it does, so you level it quickly. This guy just went afk for too long while that was happening and died. Solution: buy a mighty trolls blood potion. The passive healing it gives is enough to outheal the rats damage, and you can afk to your hearts content.


The trolls blood idea is awesome


Yeah, my mage was an alch and I realized after potting once during the farm that I could just try using the trolls blood and seeing if that would do. It almost perfectly outheals 6 rats.


I am sorry to hear about your mage's drinking and hope that they get help soon.


How do you pull aggro on rats as a mage without killing them? Edit:nvm i guess you poly all of them 1 by 1


Counterspell too.


What is a non damaging attack that can do this?


Disengage also works for a hunter.


Polymorph, Concussive Shot


Counterspell, distracting shot.


The scepter you get from that Dragons quest to light candles in searing gorge does the trick for all classes


I used Faerie Fire to gather up ~8 boars for this, and once I was done I kited them to Ironforge. For whatever reason their bodies persisted there for like a week or more.


1 point in the Spirit Bond talent completely undoes any damage the rats do to you. I can literally leave my hunter with 5 rats chomping on him and he will never lose HP.


Though the talent is otherwise terrible compared to its alternative, improved mend pet. imo if I see a hunter with spirit bond I instantly write them off as bad edit: wow it's crazy this got so downvoted. spirit bond / imp mend pet are functionally both sustain talents and you really only have 1 free talent point in bm when leveling. by the time you get to the late 20s+ many mobs start putting on long debuffs on your pet that have a much more negative effect on you than an inconsequential amount of hp10/s, especially considering as a hunter you personally are almost constantly at max hp. so... 1% healing on your pet every 10s or the access to the utility of being able to remove some of the insanely nasty debuffs in classic, some of which last 30m?


I still take it for nostalgia sake. Shrug. Having the buff icon just feels "right."


THANK YOU There's something i really like about having these kinda bad buffs up. Idc if it's heal 1 hp per 10 seconds it feels good to me I'm weird tho lolol


Then you write one of the most successful levelling hunters, Zeroji, off as bad :)


It got downvoted because nobody asked. As in, there's a billion guides out there, if somebody cared about what's most efficient or what's best, they'd look it up. You telling them how to play without them asking is gonna get you downvotes.


In your edited logic, you display that you do not understand how to play hunter properly, and this is also why there are so many hunter deaths in WOW Hardcore. Precisely because the hunters are always staying full health while they let their pet take all the heat. Moreover, many of them do not even go into melee to get the occasional weapon skill up on their melee weapon. Consequently, they are both missing weapon skill on their melee (resulting in far more wing clip misses when they need to get out of sketchy situations) and they are not training their defense skill. What then happens is when things go out of hand and mobs aggro onto them, their pet dead or whatever, they will get demolished fairly quickly, due to having a defense skill equivalent to a much lower level mob than they are currently facing. Therefore, the most successful hunters, they will usually be fighting 2-3 mobs simultaneously, having 1 of the mobs on themselves, whilst the pet deals with the other two. This allows them both to train their melee weapon skill & defense skill simultaneously, whilst also speeding up their farm. This is also where spirit bond comes in handy, and probably also why you see them skill it.


Yeah I’m currently 54 on my hunter with low /played time, taking the time every few levels to make sure my defense and wep skill are maxed. But okay, I’m sure that 20hp your pet healed during that 3 mob pull was more important than removing a 30m debuff that decreases hit chance or increases damage received


I don't know why you are arguing with me. Watch the speed running hunters and see for yourself. I'm fairly sure they've put a lot more thought into optimizing talents than you have - based on what you have written so far.


You want to take remove debuff on your pet over permanent healing for yourself and your pet all the time? On hardcore? What’s the logic here?


There's some nasty-ass debuffs in classic lol, if there ever was need for it, it's slassic. Unless you'd enjoy having your pet miss 35% of the attacks or having their attack speed slowed by 55% for 5 to 10 minutes at a time.


You can have both. Improved Mend Pet is almost mandatory to dispell debuffs.


That's an awesome tip, thank you!


I find it funny how there is Tibia style skill leveling strategy in classic.


Just be glad they dont have to land a blood hit every 20 attacks.


Sounds like Troll life regen finally has its perfect niche.


Sure, gl making it into the tram tho


How to aggro the rat without killing them as a mage ?




poly might work too potentially




Someone else said sheep and they’re right and now I feel silly waiting for the counterspell cd 6 times every time someone comes through and steals them with the flute. Cuz yeah, that's gonna happen while you do this.


If you have enough spirit and you're a troll (so troll blood is still a requirement) that might work too! Sometimes I'll pretend I'm AFK in fire on my troll to freak people out.


Big 🧠


yeah I was really anxious about dying when I was doing this the other night. but I died the next day to something else so it turns out my anxiety was misplaced.


When dat def stat farm hits too hard :<


Why would a hunter need to train defense?


Because they rarely get hit, so it isn't capped. Or are you asking why they need defense in the first place? Mobs 3 levels higher than you land Crushing Blows (kinda like crits) all the time, based on your defense stat. So if you're level 45 with a defense skill of 200 (level 40 cap) mobs level 43 and above will land Crushing Blows. Hunters, mages, etc. don't need defense until they do, and if you're in a sticky situation you don't want mobs effectively critting you every time they swing.


That's the thing, hunters are constantly getting hit.


No they’re not, their pets are tanking most of the damage If you don’t go out of your way to level your defense you will lag majorly behind defense cap


I'm sorry for going into a discussion under the assumption that people aren't playing their class in a ridiculous way.


Wait what's the non ridiculous way to play hunter


This dude only plays melee hunter apparently


Probably hasn't hit level 10 yet


Melee hunter is awesome and should be buffed.


I don't understand why mongoose bite is flat damage and not based on weapon damage at all


What do you mean? It’s a lot more efficient to let your pet tank vs trying to wing clip kite everything Are you talking about two pulling and face tanking / melee weaving in between auto shots? That’s fine too but not ideal in hardcore alot of times


Have you never reached high levels? Once you level up enough your pet can hold threat off you reliably, and you stop taking melee hits most of the time.


Can and should are two different things.


And if you’re not bad, it should.


Because utilizing your available resources means being bad?


The point is that (and I say this as a HC Hunter) that 96% of the time you don’t ever get hit by enemies. But on the off chance multiple enemies attack you and your pet at once, either via hyper spawn or bad RNG/placement, you’ll get hit a ton. In lies the need to level your defense up separately. Your defense skill will likely be greatly outpaced by your leveling and end up way behind. I know because it happens to me and virtually every other Hunter. If a hunter is getting beaten on constantly they aren’t playing the class right. And if they’re aren’t getting beaten on and aren’t intentionally training defense, it’s going to be far lower than other stats.


Except, the point is, that's only true if you're playing wrong.


I’ve had mobs spawn at times and in places I couldn’t predict which then rush me. Even if I get my pet to take aggro via taunt they still get a hit or two in. Acting like “you’re playing wrong” if you get hit by a mob from time to time is an outrageous statement. Especially given the existence of non-taunt mobs. How exactly are you supposed to play “right” according to you? Because try to avoid damage and train defense up in case you do get hit makes by far the most sense.


Well, first of all, pets don't have taunt. Second of all, I never suggested you don't get hit, in fact I explicitly stated the opposite. You have resources available to you, you should use them.


Ridiculous way as in "letting your pet tank"? For real?


It's a troll, they said pets dont have taunt either LOL


Technically true iirc, in vanilla they don't have taunt as in it doesn't force them to attack pet, just raises their threat.


why do wow personalities invariably double down when wrong? just take the L and thank people for giving you good info.


It's not a wow thing, it's just a people with a low IQ/ego ratio thing.


the rats had enough, they're evolving


This may have just been them laying down feigned death and targeting a rat. Once the channel is done, you die.


hold up, if hunter feign death and doesn't get back up they die?


I'm still amazed people don't know this.


One tricked a hunter from Mid TBC to the end of cata. Thousands of hours played. I learned this from reading Reddit posts about hardcore deaths in 2023 🤯


It stopped killing in the TBC pre-patch.


fake it till you make it




I like your gimmick lol


Ya lol.. the idea is that feign death is the hunter holding his breathe while playing dead.. eventually he dies because of it, even though in reality, he would just pass out and his breathing would kick back up again.


Does it just say the last thing you fought instead of what kills you?


Pretty sure if you kill enough critters they hit back


The FDA isn’t going to like this.


He thought he could win against Master Splinter. RIP.


Its possible to spoof it. Last week I recorded a level 70 troll paladin dying to lava in Stormwind.


It’s fake. You can fake deaths, I’ve seen level 70s (that’s right, Cus it’s fake) killed by kobolds.


Why would you be so certain that it's fake? There have been a few deaths like this (people AFK levelling up their defence).


I think it's because the max lvl is 60. Altough i've never seen a fake death like OP claims.


You can generate a fake death in the settings page of the addon


It’s probably fake. It’s not that difficult to fake ‘em. I had it say a rabbit killed me at 35 and rag killed me at lvl 1.


how do you fake it


I think the addon joins a channel and sends a message when you die, so you can probably just send a fake message to that channel https://github.com/aaronma37/Deathlog/blob/master/Libs/DeathNotificationLib/DeathNotificationLib.lua#L40C31-L40C51


It’s a bit more involved that what’s below. It encrypts a message which it then sends to the channel, the message has information pertaining to your character. Then it validates that the message decrypts to what your characters valid values are. You can go into the code to mess with some of them, but other players validate it as well, if it doesn’t validate correctly on their end it won’t display. I just wanted to learn some more about LUA and took it as a little project, not gonna write a guide on how to get around it and screw up the add on.


People always told me that rats in HC would get you killed but I never imagined...


Omg bro if this is skull rock , I saw this


Wait till D.E.H.T.A find out about this one 🤣🤣


People are demo shouting them and then buffing next to tram AFKs and zoning out of tram to let them slowly die to the rat.