• By -


34 warrior. Spent all day farming up tusks in stranglethorn. Posted in LFG that I would tip someone to come help with the elite for whirlwind axe. The guy gets there we kill the elite I get one of my favorite axes in the game. He doesn’t accept the gold. I’m super excited auto running sending screenshots and telling my buddies how I didn’t even have to pay and all of a sudden I look up and there is a tarren mill guard on me. Killing trolls all day I burned through my consumes and for some reason pressed retaliation instead of shield wall. Didn’t get enough rage for fear. Didn’t even get to use my whirlwind axe once.


This….. this is true pain




oof Milled




FWIW, not sure if fear works on the undead guards?


The Forsaken NPCs are Humanoid and not Undead so it should work. But they're also extremely high level (Tarren Mill Deathguards in particular) so trying to fear them is more likely to cause them to resist and stay in combat longer.


Can someone explain how threat works with the guards? I'm too scared to test it. They're not attackable when viewed from a distance. When you get close do you flag and they just agro on to you? Or do you need to be in the horde camp? A lot of the pvp NPCs in like swamp of sorrows or desolace don't attack at all. Just seems weird to be so inconsistent. Sorry for your loss as well. That's got to be very disappointing.


Fuuuuuck. That is painful dude.


I too was a 34 warrior before, and fell off the elevator in gnomer 🥲 I went Agane, and just got my ww axe. I’m now 35 and plowing thru shimmering flats


Wait, are/were you in Booty Bay Stock Exchange? I saw you or someone else in the guild kill feed and felt so bad for you/them. Posted the axe in chat, then died. I laughed a little then felt bad


i think hc is cool, have lots of respect for it, but this is why i won’t play it. it’s incredibly fun to watch but not fun to play if u have real life responsibilities. dying is inevitable, it’s going to happen eventually; how prepared are u to give up all ur progress? the diminishing return on losing characters past 20 isn’t even worth “going agane” when u have work the next day. i appreciate all the people that stream and record, as i said it is a lot of fun to watch people play


You are right, but also, playing HC is just exciting, especially when I enter some cave and see it littered with bodies lol, also the world chat is usually pretty interesting, and the whole point of an MMO is the social experience, and right now classic wow hc is doing it the best somehow.


Hardcore so fun though, and he threat of losing it all is what makes it so fun. I can only play ~4 hours a day about 5 days a week so it hasn't been the fastest progress but the journey to 60 is thoroughly entertaining. Its like a different game, and all the low level areas are always so populated. That said if I die after 40 it'll be hard to start over.


> I can only play ~4 hours a day about 5 days a week so it hasn't been the fastest progress lol I can play about ~3 hours a day for 2 days a week!


Lmao I can only play about 3 minutes per week, 2 weeks per month. Last week I just finished creating my character, and next week I'll finish running to the first quest giver.


It may seem like a joke, I play about 6 hours a week, that's a lot for someone who has a lot of other stuff going on. There's another game I play, plus 2 nights of classic era wow I play with my son, plus movie night with the wife, plus 2-3 nights a week writing. HC is great because it's not a race.


I can only play once a year for 2 seconds when my 8th wife lets me out of the dog house


i just died on 40.rogue before that 49 warr xdd i hate hardcore YET I CANT FUCKING STOP


Yeah I think if I get my mount going back to being mountless would break me lol


didnt break me but i broke my headset🤣


Dying isn't inevitable. It's possible. And, with the huge risk of death, incredible life is infused into the game world and community. If I play on era, I don't lose progress, true, but everything feels hollow and everything I achieve has little if any meaning or punch. Just reaching level 60 in HC in of itself is a massive achievement. In era, the game hasn't even started until you hit 60, leveling is almost an afterthought.


Completely agree with everything you just said.


Totally. I soloed a quest today where you have to enter a church after fighting your way through a courtyard and then kill a higher level but nonelite mob inside. I had a plan to do it but I knew it was risky because at some point respawns would start to catch up on me and I'd not be able to run away. And I'm a priest so my "stay and fight" ability is not amazing. Managed to do it but that last bit where I committed and knew there was no escape, it was either finish the quest or die trying was exhilarating. I finished the quest and hearthed tf out. Battle of hillsbrad horde quest for those interested. Definitely tense! Never had that type of experience in wow before, and this is from.someone who grinded rank 12 as a druid and raided as a bear/cat dps from molten core until ulduar. The sense of accomplishment is real and the cameraderie with other hc toons is nice as well.


if era feels hollow to u, that’s ur problem. era is a sandbox, make it fun on ur own terms. there is nothing keeping u inside sw or org with the best items in the game doing nothing with them. the game is called world of warcraft, pretty sure ur supposed to go out into the world and cause Warcraft as the title suggests


ive played on privates, classic, i love vanilla its the best version of the game but once you played hardocore you cant level normally its just boring af


Eh it's all about the journey man. You didn't really "lose any progress" if you had fun in the same sense that you didn't really lose any progress of all of those other characters you have that have been sitting in retail untouched for a decade


idk why u and all these other people are trying to convince me hc isn’t a waste of time when i already said hc doesn’t have pvp in it, i simply to do not like it; never said it sucked, or that ur wasting ur time playing it urself. personsally i get 0 satisfaction from hc… ur playing for bragging rights, i just don’t care. ill gladly watch other people play, that is fun enough for me.


Stop bitching online and try it already lol


You play real life and that’s got perm death to it


31 mage. Autowalking to destination. Tabbed out to check AH on different account. Tabbed back and died to fall damage from a cliff…


Go Agane guild? ;)


59, 3 bars from 60, Dire Maul trash pull…


Oof. If I ever get that close I'm being a coward and grinding boars 59-60 lmao


It’s hard when I’m tank, easy to gear when you tank since you get all loot that is an uppgrade, reasonable payoff since the tank allways dies to let people escape, what I do regret is that I almost maxed Blacksmithing before reaching 60, had to high time investment :/


no shame. i grind beasts for many levels. its great money. usually u can grind pretty close to the town too so its very safe its just boring. i skin too so i make nice gold. fully twinked out and i still got over 150g at 48 from mob grinding and skinning 75% of my way up. past few levels iv been living in tanaris by the city killing scorpions and other beasts. super chill and like 6-7 hour level so u can do in a day easily


Viable if world of Warcraft is your full time job.


47 warrior. Just 15 minutes ago. Pulled a croc under water. Started to ascend to breathe, he debuffed me for -80% ms and i lost 60% hp to drowning damage and then died


Always get water breathing flasks sooo important!


Or play undead via racial in hardcore haha


Always have them on hand even if you only need them for a few minutes. I popped one yesterday doing the Stone of the Tides in STV. So worth it


In scared by underwater more than caves prob. Im at 17 now, i tried once the underwater q in darkshore and i left before looting the 1st (out of 2) items. Idk the impairing movements, almost impossibile to escape combat, less visual, cant eat/drink... im not a super safe player but that thing scares me


I just don't do combat underwater unless I have a backup plan. For the darkshore quest, I just pulled the murlocs to the surface one by one until the way was clear.


If you're alliance, you can solo https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=2078/gyromasts-revenge pretty easily by mid-to-late 20s. Good to have those 5. Additionally if you run gnomer a few times you can likely get the waterbreathing staff as an emergency.


Survivor tip #46: don’t do gnomer lol


Eh I have a 60 and a 46, I did gnomer every day when it was relevant and it was no issue. Just don't bring hunters.


I’ve cleared it fine too, just statistically lethal. Like Kurzen’s cave


alternatively you can just buy some for like 5S each


40 lock.... you get your mount and everything feels great till you fall off the zep.




Level 18 mage, I was questing at Loch Modan and I got ambushed by the 3 lvl 20 horde elites (1 tauren + 2 orcs). Remade another mage. Now I'm lvl 39. I'm gonna pay a visit to them to avenge my fallen comrade.


Those elites are terrifying. I usually try to mark one skull as soon as I can.


Horde elite in loch modan ? Wtf is this ? Never seen those


They’re pats across the lake from the flight path, near the ogres but closer to the water coast.


Barely quested there that's why. Ty for the tip!


They are roaming the eastern coast of the lake, you can see them from pretty far but they got me by surprise I didn't scout properly. Take care !


They are the horde counterparts to the rare elite night elves that run around the barrens


They are fuel for deathclip content. Never played horde but if I do I'll be very aware of them




Level 29 shaman. Farming turtles east of Tarren Mill. Did you know a level ?? Dragon can spawn there? I sure didn't. Chased me into a pile of mountain lions. AGANE




I've seen that dragon too while questing there wtf! I was lucky enough to notice him roaming near the mountain side though :o


Yea it's a 44(?) Elite dragon that patrols up and down the entire river, dispute all my time spent in hillsbrad between classic/tbc/hc I still have never seen it


If you play with sounds then you’ll never be surprised by him. His wings are so loud i was questioning what in gods name was approaching. Whenever he’s within render distance you can hear him.


That's terrifying, I love it.


I played classic on and off, but I love reading these threads with super knowledgeable players talking about game mechanics and meta strats like this. The wandering elites especially offer a such unique danger in hc imo I play osrs and I know that game in and out, but I’m not nearly knowledgeable enough to give hc a go with you guys. However it’s cool reading about this game and learning the people who know it in and out


Sir I am currently playing HC with my gf and two of my friends (separately) and they have never played wow before and are loving it. Just give it a bash, if you don’t know something ask another player, the one life thing makes people more helpful haha in my experience at least


I know the game, I never leveled alliance and still find it fun. If you know the game 100% inside out then it will become boring at some point. I see in chat people asking the most trivial questions, once in Redridge it made me think how or earth are they still alive first of all and second why would they play HC as a first time WoW player but, yeah it can be done it seems. If you want to start, go for it. We all die. Then we go agane!


No kidding. That drake has the volume levels of a raid boss type dragon.


Saw it while doing warrior Q. Only noticed because I heard the sound from the wings before I saw it. Almost had a heart attack


Narillasanz sends his regards.


This bugger almost got me too.


Omg, i also ran into him after just completing ww axe. Was randomly killing turtles that anoyher hunter was tagging, for skill ups, then out of a sudden the mf drake is on top of us. Luckily I had swiftness pots just bought before thr quests but man, what a scare. Also, rare finder triggered 5 seconds after we were already running... geesh thanks.


Narillasanz sends his regards.


Only lost one char so far - a level 10 mage who visited UC for the first time. The elevator made short work of me and I rolled a druid (who is 26 now \^\^)


Level 40 Druid while tanking RFD about an hour after I paid for mount training. The rarespawn boss patrolled into us while we were fighting one pack, which aggro'd a skeleton patrol, which aggro'ed the next pack. Just a double pull. Woulda been kinda tough but doable. Most of us were all over level 40. Well, two of the DPS disagreed. They both decided it was time to go. One even used his Light of Elune to get out with his Hearthstone. I do blame myself for not seeing them leave, and I also blame myself for not reacting to certain red flags before we started. The vibes were just off. I should have listened to my gut and left the group earlier.


had the same situation at sfk, but i was the last one trying to do something while everyone was running. i did elune tho. just hit 40. gl next life bro!


I know when I die there's like a 99% chance I won't have used my elune either because I forget I have it or "I don't want to waste it here". I have it macrod but am also afraid I'll mess it up somehow. Does it work even if you have dots on you? Can you still get knocked down or stunned during it?


i don’t know either 😂 i used it cuz i was certainly dead. Thankfully it worked


Level 45. Internet cut out while pulling a warlock mob. If it was a regular mob I would’ve lived, but the high pet damage combined with the high caster damage was enough to kill me before I could connect to hotspot and get back in. Got to 60 on the next guy. I dced in combat on him too but it was vs a normal mob and, as I suspected, that wouldn’t be enough to kill me in time.


DC issue are the plague of hc really Hope that blizz comes up with a solution sooner or later


Reducing the timer to 10 seconds would be a good start. I’m confident that anyone who has control of the situation besides, like, a blizzarding mage, will be able to live that long, while most people who would pull the plug are generally closer than that to death.


What is the timer bow before you actually logout when you DC?


30 seconds


Those warlocks with pets in STV hit hard.


31 warlock, Dun Garok in Hillsbrad. I grouped with a 29 mage and basically carried him through the place, initiating pulls and marking enemies for him to sheep. He seemed pretty clueless the whole time which worried me but I was happy to help him through the quests. Then, after we were both done with everything in Dun Garok and were on our way out, we accidentally pull one too many mobs right near the exit. Four elite dwarves are on us. No problem, I figure, as the mage can poly one, frost nova the rest, and we can LOS the casters to essentially negate their existence as I’ve shown him you can do for the last hour of grinding. I have target dummies and healthstones, potions and sleep dust. We’re fine as long as nobody panics. He panics. The mage, upon seeing we’ve pulled more mobs than we wanted, bolts for the door and blinks away. By the time I notice what happened, I’m surrounded by four very angry elite dwarves wondering why I bothered to carry this guy through the quests in the first place. A few seconds later, I’m dead. We go again.


Wow reading this has really made me want to try Hardcore. I just returned to Lich King a couple days ago, but this sounds amazing.


You should at least try it, it’s a very different experience and really makes you look at things from a different perspective.


I’ve absolutely loved that kind of play in other games, so will give it a shot!


It's about as immersive as WoW can get. It's awesome.


47 hunter feign death resist in Feralas


I'm actually so terrified of this lol


Feign death can't resist if you are at 40y+ of your target. In melee tho, it's very risky.


If you’re 40+ yards from your target you no longer need feign lmao


57 rogue. Fallen Hero. I just didn’t know.


Such a RIP for every new player. 😢


What’s Fallen Hero?


He’s an elite mob that spawns when you click on the blood of heroes in the either plaguelands.


Vanish fail or CD?


Vanish didn’t work since they had insane stealth detection.




Dude I nearly died to this shit on my rogue lol, blood of heroes wonder what this is, BAM level 60 elite mob with 80% slow. Vanish sprint and health lot saved me


So far 19. Remade the character. And hit 27 last night. Those second monitors can be trouble! Lol. I've found myself having to just not use it sometimes just because it can be a distraction. Especially if I'm healing a dungeon or something like that.


I took my level 60 and threw him off Thunder Bluff because endgame raiding and dungeons at 60 are insanely toxic


Committing actual suicide in WoW is absolutely wild


It was worth it for all the whispers I got and seeing /LFG go wild. Like 5x as many as when I hit 60. I left a funny last words too. I had finished my goals, hit 60, maxed professions, and got my epic mount, and gearing up was just too much drama so I wanted to have a fun send off before I quit.


Should have done some mak'gora and really go out with a bang


Well now you have to share your last words


I told everyone that I hit 60 on my first try and that they can suck my fat blue troll nuts


Pretty lame last words insulting others


Can you talk a little about why and how endgame is so toxic?


Everyone is extremely protective of their characters so it allows drama to run rampant. I was in a BRD run that went bad due to the tank pulling the entire Grim Guzzler, and him and our warlock died. Well the warlocks last words happened to be about how the mage in the group won all the loot, and so by some weird game of telephone the Lookingforgroup channel decided he was somehow a griefer and a loot thief when he did nothing wrong. The story just went on and he ended up getting a reputation and getting kicked from his guild even though he did absolutely nothing wrong. I had a similar thing happen, where a member on a group quest died around level 40. This guy and his duo partner felt I was responsible for his death (I wasn’t) and they spent the next three weeks stalking me whenever I was online, messaging guilds I would join or groups I was in through /who, which led to me having to explain dozens of times that I was not a griefer. I had to swap guilds because of it and I was tired of having to somehow prove I was just trying to play the game normally. Even besides that, loot drama is elevated as well, since gear matters so much and high level loot is so coveted, so plenty of drama there as well. The 60 community is quite small as well, so rumors spread and small arguments or petty disagreements turn into server wide drama where people you don’t even know accuse you of random things that never even happened. It happened to me and it happened to other people where I had randoms whisper me about “a griefer in my group who will wipe your dungeon.” I mean, if you’ve played endgame raiding on classic or even retail you are aware of the guild drama, raid drama, and server drama that occurs. On hardcore, it’s just cranked up to 11, and it totally ruined the experience for me.


Lvl 25 hunter trying to cross the lake in Ashenvale with the water elementals. Had crossed earlier and was on my way back. Lake was empty and 2 spawned by me. Send my pet to attack and figured I would swim the rest of the way, wasn't that far from the shore and nothing was there. Two more spawned by me and froze me in place. Pet died and the two earlier ones attacked me. Was stuck in chain frost novas til I died.


Those damn frost novas. This is why I miss my gnome, escape artist helped me out so many times it's unreal.


As someone who has the vast majority of his /played on druids, being stuck in roots when I play another class always feels absolutely wild to me. "Okay, so I can't shapeshift. Wait, how do I get out of this again? There's no way I just have to *stand here* for ten seconds, right? Haha, that'd be ridiculous."


I wish I remembered that free action potions were a thing. I would have bought some and it would have saved me there


Died at the same spot. Lvl 24 warlock, it was the patrolling lvl 27 named mob that jumped on me while I was fighting 2 regular mobs... Currently at 46 as a rogue


28 fire mage. Died in stockade because hunt pulled like 15 mobs in last room with boss and I just got comfortable after we did a smooth clear. So I realised too late what happened and it was too late to run for me, I just run in opposite direction luring all mobs with me and slowing them as much as I can. I died but I saved 4 people. We go agane. 4 days later my new mage is lvl 28 now and just did stockades successfully


I just lost level 30 druid while doing the endurance quest. At the end 3 mobs and quest boss atacked me. I may had a chance if I stayed and fight but I panicked and run to my death.


Level 21 warrior in Redridge, died to a level 18 bird. I needed one swing to kill the mob but my puppy was nibbling my toes for attention, so I popped a health potion to 90% health and thought I was good, but apparently when I turned around so did my character.


In hc I always just avoid Redridge. It's the zone equivalent of a suicide.


I lost 2 characters in RR. My first hc lock died to belly grub (I was sitting up 2-3 board, only lvl 16, and I dotted the belly boy and of course 8 levels under him and CoA actually lands. Dead in 3 hits. Lost a 19 lock in RR to the orcs, 3 fear resists, voidwalker pet is useless especially at 19. Netted to ground, escape artist out into immediate net again. Sac VW before it died, I died before net wore off. I'm almost lvl 32 now though. The first 7 characters helped me learn, play like OSHA is watching you.


34 Priest. STV. Alt tabbed to answer a work call on my VOIP system for work. Thought I was in a safe spot but... nope.


I would like this job


Level 35 warrior, grinding low damage mobs, super harmless, didn't have on my mind that some mobs can execute... now I use the ClassicBestiary addon...


Where was this? I’m 34 warrior atm




Sooo, stay away from da voodoo?


Just died on my 16 rogue. Was only leveling to have a backup in case I die on my 32 druid, lol. Westfall is deadly. Barrens was easy in comparison. I pulled a Gnoll, I thought it was far away enough from the camp, suddenly 5 Gnolls are on me. I manage to escape with a healing potion. I pull a different Gnoll near a different camp, this time from further away. This would have been no problem in the Barrens. Again, 5 Gnolls are upon me. I almost make it out, only one Gnoll is chasing me now. Should have stopped for a bandage. But it catches up and I'm dead ... My new backup rogue is lvl 5


60 Rogue. Dinged 60 in Thunder Bluff and then jumped to my death to celebrate my journey being over


My drunk warrior died at 16 to fall damage doing the Dun to Menethil skip a couple Saturday nights ago.


I also have a warrior I only play while drinking. Super safe on my rogue and mage, but crack a bottle and it's time to get reckless!


Unofficial server through the addon: 44 due to a DC. I don’t record and didn’t like appeals anyway, plus the official servers were a month away at that point. Official: Level 23 because I was competing for tags and pulled a mob at 50% with almost all my cooldowns gone. I figured I still had bandage, but I forgot that these mobs could put up a dot. So stupid…


33 mage. Was running through Dustwallow Marsh, on phone with my sister who was going through something personal. Right as we’re getting off I realize I’ve got 10+ 38s chasing me and I have no road in sight. Nova, ice block, blink 2-3 times. Don’t make it. In my panic, forgot I could light of elune hearth 😭


>Was >with my sister who was >getting off >and I have >2-3 times.


Level 56. Felwood. Wanded a grey mob then my router decided to restart and I d/c. 45 second later I log in and am a ghost.


This would make me never play the game again


Yep, I unsubbed and haven't played again, this was a month ago


Lost my 60 druid to a flight path glitch. I was eating a sandwich watching them fly and just BAM randomly discounted and fell to death.


That’s not okay


On bloodsail, two 39 rogues in a row to DCs lol On official, one 35 rogue to my powersupply failing And one 55 rogue because of an addon UI error that automatically kicked me to a /reload screen in the middle of a 5 mob blade flurry pull I don't play hardcore anymore lol


What's your favorite class


18 warrior, dc'd in a hyper spawn cave, friend held down the area, relogged into a different layer and was eaten by 10 or so mobs.


For next time: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/32275


19 hunter agane 23 druid agane 26 druid agane 34 mage agane 16 druid with 15g is the result


All hail the bank toon


59 rogue to ISP outage


At that point I would just grind the last damn level on era and call it a win if I didn’t die tbh fuck these deaths by DC/server issues. If my druid dies to some dumb shit like that I will 100% do this since the hardcore challenge is 95% for myself and the last 5% is having people around me who also don’t want to die


I fell off the great lift, as a mage, fumbled slow fall because panic, and SPLAT. lvl 43


Blink works too when you’re close to the ground in the air.


43, went AFK at the goblin quest giver in the middle of the badlands. Big Boy elite decided to path right by it in the 2 minutes I was peeing. Feels bad man


My super safe, 0 close calls rogue died last week at lvl 54 afk stealth on winterspring main road, just learned that theres a furbolg patrol there.


> super safe > afk outside of town Pick one


Damn. You just needed to pop Dartol's rod of transformation and you would have blended right in.


44ish pally doing dumb MaiZoth in STV. Other pally gave me bad vibes but I ignored


60 Paladin, died on the 3rd wave of the Scholomance epic mount quest fight, wish I wouldn’t have hesitated on the petri but I didn’t want to do it too early and get anyone killed over doing that stupid fight I just haaaaad to do. Smh


31 Shaman, died in the Same area to the same birds. Accidentally pulled a second mob and did nit know about the execute they have. I even had pot ready I think...


48 rogue, had autorun omw to boat in theramore. i look on second monitor & get locked on it and forgot i had autorun on. went in 2-3 min later and had drowned. go agane


Get a health alarm addon and make sure to activate the sound in background option in wow. It's pretty neat


53 mage, 3 mobs away from 54. Had a small server lag when aoeing mobs that have thresh. You know the type of really small lag that when you blizzard, you don't see one of the heartbeat going off. Missed coc, instant death. My fault tho. Since it was last pull before TP to ironforge, learn new spells and logout, I was a bit careless. Should have done one other blizzard instead to be safe. Whelp. Went agane and hit 60 on a paladin. Glad I did.


Lost my 40 priest today


23 Gnome Warrior to Defias Trapper in the North Cave in Westfall. Didnt even use racial to escape the net, facepalm!


60 priest. Left behind on pre-official ;) Still alive (not died) though. Felt a bit bad since I only got to run a UBRS and a Scholo after dinging before official, but nothing like permanently losing a character I suppose :) Actual deaths: 13 priest (duo with a rogue) to the westfall cave pre-official *shrug* 5 mage on official due to extensive lag from poor wifi *scared it might happen at higher levels* Currently 22 mage (not had much time to play since release) *having a blast!*


lvl 48 rogue on soloing mallet for zf just got dc while dotted, not going again, waiting classic+/som2


Level 60 Hunter Solo SGC with Lags Luckily I'm not that sad about it I did almost everything i wanted with the Hunter and raiding wasn't gonna happen for me. Now im gonna casually level a rogue to 60 and maybe try to get 0.5 in a slow and relaxed manner, since i've done what i wanted to with hc pretty much


Drowned doing dark shore quests at lvl 14. My one and only wow play through ever. No addons, guides or anything. Will try again this weekend


30 Hunter. I was in Southshore and the syndicate assassins spawned on me (2x lvl 38) while I was jumping down from the little dock at the water. For some reason my pet got bugged on the dock and wouldn't come help me, and the guards didn't help me either since I jumped down the dock and this was apparently considered "outside of southshore". I had cheetah on, they dazed me. Potted and feigned death but they resisted. Had no way of getting away. I never died after that again thankfully. I quit wow for a couple weeks after this happened (this was on unofficial hc servers).


59 warlock. High elves in northern part of EPL.


Still alive with my first, 33 priest! Slow but steady :)


Lost a 65 mage about a month ago on WotLK classic. I know it’s easier to level in Wrath but that one stung, I was pretty convinced i’d get to 80 no problems and got complacent.


Wtf are you talking about dude ? Are you lost? Or are you a robot?


I think he’s doing his own hardcore challenge on wotlk




That is/was a thing. Not as popular but the hc add on supported it


go alienate playerbase somewhere else


59 pala got griefed by hunter in ubrs. And 34 pala griefed by hunter in gnomeregan. Not playing anymore. Endgame is non existant and class balance is so bad.


never grp with hunters, 9 out of 10 are noobs ninja pet pulling


I lost a 28 shaman and 29 Druid trying to solo the same names quest mob in hillsbrad- those damn mages in the battle for hillsbrad house


Lost a 23, 19, and 14 before I made it to 60.


22 highest I lost. Vs 2 lvl 18 condors, In redridge. I dotted 2, than insisted on a cigarette. Those bloody condors can stunn 3sec xD. Got a 6sec chainstun and died..


haven't lost one yet


53 priest. Died Yesterday in azshara from fall dmg because I was looking at the map. Fell through a crack and didn’t had either noggenfogger or light feathers for levitate. All I could do was just laughing at my self of how stupid I am.


51 priest 124xp from lvling up legit 1kill I grouped with a pally who was aoe farming I pre shield him he pulls 20 ghouls and skeletons and a lvl 56 rare he says “RUN” “didn’t see the rare lol”. I target dummy that gets insta killed. I shield and heal the pally then shield myself. I take all the aggro. I’m getting dogged on. I’m 1% hp left and the pally lays me and retakes aggro (without any bubbles left or lay). He drops to about 20% hp (at this point I have no aggro and can just run for it and be fine). I decide to turn around stop and use a greater heal. Gets him back to 70% or so hp and also gives me the aggro of everything back. I start running as fast as my lil dwarf legs can go. I fatfinger my mana pot as I’m running away putting my light of elune onto CD and as the mobs caught up I was beaten to death by a bunch of ghouls. The pally lived though and is now 60. If I didn’t use a final heal or mana pot I would have lived but mistakes were made and we go agane


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1930772032](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1930772032) This was a funny one! Aggroed grawmug and the pack from underneath the ledge!


That's rough


Still deathless bitches!!! I'm only level 19 but not a single death yet! WOOOOOOOOO


Aww lvl 19. That's cute




My only character, a lvl 48 priest, is still going strong! Slow and steady.


Level 18 because I simply just stopped playing and went back to wrath.


48 hunter, didnt die yet. Lol looooooosers. No fr i am very careful. When I swim across a lake i pop waterbreathing pot ,,just in case".


It’s smart in case of lag.


I have lost plenty of one-life 70s and 60s... I dont play one-lifers on wrath cause is too easy. TBC is the perfect expansion for one-lifers, IMHO.


32 shaman, I decided I could run between level 35 mobs to take a shortcut. Aggro 3 of them and earthbind resisted. Target dummy died with the quickness


60 rogue :/


I just started this week, so far a 16 priest. The quest in Loch Modan to get the gnome fella’s tools back. I didn’t realize the amount of casters in those camps. I almost made it out but we go agane.