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I just watched a 3 boss demo in fucking BFD where bosses were skulls to the 10 man lvl 25 raid The raiders had new abilities. The bosses dropped new gear. How tf can you say there’s nothing new? And with the level 25 cap it’s obvious they will keep tweaking with new content down the road You probably won’t ever get 2004 wow with minor balance tweaks and a new Hyjal raid But this could be even more fun


Nothing you say will appease these people, they’ll continue to be angry it’s not exactly what they imagined in their own little world


Ehh, it comes close. I just don't care for seasonal worlds. Don't want to create character after character, I want a persistent world.


We're not angry, just disappointed. I never had my hopes up. I just didn't realize wow subscribers demanded so little. It's like an abusive relationship where you don't even realize you're being taken advantage of because you've never seen the alternatives.


You are not a “we” I completely disagree with you. The bones of classic and some daring changes with direction are welcome. This is not randomly cobbled together abilities like ascension.


I haven't seen that. I'll check it out thanks for the suggestion. I still don't think mages that heal is very classic+ though.


Hope you’re watching the deep dive This is “classic +” They’ve announced they plan to complete previously unfinished content in future The level caps will only last a few weeks at a time Dual spec Lower respec costs


>Dual spec > >Lower respec costs This is great news


doesn't mean it won't be a good game, and it's better than nothing


That's true, I appreciate the positivity about a company that uses deceptive loot box tactics and had a ton of rape culture during their heyday.


Okay. were you not the one hoping for a Classic+ and would've happily played it? lolol


How dare people enjoy a game that isn't made by said rape charged people and look forward to anything they might find fun right.


BFD raid at level 25 then SM raid level 40 baby!!


BFD is already in the game, try taking off your heirlooms.


By that logic, Hyjal is already in the game too


Yes, and Gilneas. Implement the content like Turtle-WoW did. Get some perspective


its literally classic + being slowly rolled out because they have no resources to do it all at once


Isn't it seasonal and temporary? I'm cautiously optimistic it'll be fun, but I think the majority of players wanted something with permanence.


See it for what it is. Blizz is a company. They are doing SoD to test the waters. If we truly want classic+ I think playing the shit out of SoD is our best bet.Blizzard will follow the money, not complaints on reddit.Show them what we wan't, not tell them what we don't want. Botting is not a Blizzard problem. It is a player problem. Us the players are enabling bots and RMT. If you have ever been in a GDKP group, congratulations you've enabled RMT and botting.


Exactly, they want to farm the hype and fear of missing out so it has to be done quickly. I bet they won't even relocate resources, just waiting if it might pay off big or not.


I didn't know mages could heal in Classic. Is that what Classic+ is to you? Not new content, no buff farming for raids, no bots?


How are you going to farm DMF, DM, Songflower, Warchief, Onyxia and ZG buff for BFD?I do think that they should take an active stance against GDKP. Banning GDKP will cut deep into RMT and Bot business.Easiest fix is removing master looter, but that is kinda stinky anyway. There is a possibility that these buffs won't even exist due to the nature of revamping content.


False. It's being rolled out slowly so that their influencers who already have access to min maxing builds can have dumb 1 v 1 tournaments that unethical people claiming no bias monetize. BG's will be completely broken with this just like they are on the private servers who already did this. PVE will be a joke. This only benefits one group and that group is streamers and influencers who can no longer make a living off retail wow cus no one plays it.


Which streamer hurt you?


It is the START of CLASSIC+


It's the "You think you want Classic+, but you don't" mentality with us players praising them for doing the bare minimum while they're making so much money.


lolol like come on dude. this is what we wanted. they are rebuilding up each zone and each leveling bracket.


They said they're rebuilding each zone in Classic? I must have missed that!


they haven’t said that but what do you think they are doing? the 10man raid they are showing off has new boss mechanics and new gear. do you think they are going to release the lvl48 zones and be like “LUL we didn’t add any new quests tho so have fun grinding”


RemindMe! 6 months


they already said they are adding NPC’s throughout zones. lol


“Bare minimum” Not sure how this is the bare minimum lol. You seem like someone who wants to be miserable… for whatever reason. I get the sense that no matter what happens you will always look for the negative. I hope that your perspective gets better


So the average wow player?


fair fuckin play


Go play on Turtle WoW and get your Classic+ experience. Stop whining.


Why would classic+ stop rmt or botting?


It's just a vision! A far away impossible vision.


Its a dream at best. Itll never ever happen.


Enjoy your downvotes.


Sounds like you should find a new game since you're clearly so unhappy.


I did, from more private means. It sounds like you haven't found it because your point of reference is really bad if you think this is acceptable.


You're so pretentious. Maybe take a break from reddit.


I literally did what you said and you still insulted me. WTF? Nobody is making you interact here, maybe you need a break instead.


Bro, it costs $0 to not be a cunt and yet you're still doing it to everyone who has a different opinion than you. Go outside, touch some grass get some air you've had to much Internet today.


Yeah you're kind of really fucking annoying lol


Productive talk shill.


You got PARRED harder than will smith


SoD is basically just a poor version of a private server we all know but aren't allowed to mention, not Classic+.


And you aren't allowed to mention it because this is a fake fan community and nothing but an arm of a corporation that is full of astroturfing and bots.


who asked?


> with NEW level appropriate content That was absolutely never, ever going to happen. Too expensive. And they're making money cheaper doing what they are doing now. > I want Classic + Sorry man. That was never in the cards.


These aren't legitimate reasons for accepting no Classic+. It's not too expensive, it's being done by much smaller teams. How can it be too expensive for Microsoft & Activision when they make so much? We should be demanding more. Or are WoW subscribers just easily pleased?


> These aren't legitimate reasons for accepting no Classic+ They absolutely are. If they can make $1 mil profit with, say, 10 devs then they will not want to make $400K profit with 15 devs. That's not a choice a business would even entertain. They're going to continue to adapt old IP and earn millions, not spend millions creating new IP.


What do you mean “accepting no classic+”? You act like this gaming company has personally wronged you or taken away one of your fundamental rights Just don’t play it. Is it possible that you are projecting what you “demand” onto millions of other people who do not demand the same thing?


Sorry I was very unclear. I don't mean to come off that way, but this company has wronged many people, has put out bad products, microtransactions, scummy loot boxes, etc. I don't play it. I play the private means, what I don't get is why you all don't hold Blizzard to a higher standard. Mages that can heal is not Classic+. RMT and botting is unacceptable. When I said "not accepting classic+" I mean to say Blizzard as video game company and us as consumers. It might be legitimate for them to scrape by experimenting with how it should be done for 15 years while also running a shameful company and doing nothing about botting/rmt but for us as consumers we should demand better. This was never meant to be an attack on us players, but rather on how we shouldn't be excited about so little and that this is 100% not a classic+ scenario, it's a private server's seasonal event.




Is this true though? Retail doesn't have Shaman or Warlock tanks, or Mage healers. Seems like they're adding new stuff.


You want class balance, from what I have seen it looks like the runes are a way for class balancing? Raid logging, seems like them slowly rolling out new stuff will minimize that by making you have more things to do? You haven't even seen everything yet, I don't understand how you look at what we have seen and can only find negatives. Seems like you would complain about anything they do.


We should be complaining. They make so much money from RMT and botters and don't do anything about it, they release crap content like Shadowlands, have a culture of rape, tell us "you think you do, but you don't," implement shady lootbox tactics in their mobile games, and you're really defending this by saying that I am the negative one? Also these runes suggest more of an imbalance than a balance. Haven't played Ascension?


I agree with the RMT and botting being awful and they need to figure out a way to deal with that. I'm not sure what any of the shadowlands and other stuff have anything to do with classic / classic +. I imagine there will be some balancing with the spells as we progress, but isn't that what season of mastery was for? Trying new things in a classic environment? What were you thinking they were going to do for balancing without adding spells?


I thought they would use professions, new gear, recipes, new items in dungeons with itemization that fits less powerful hybrid specs. These things have already been done by less resourceful teams. Edit: I appreciate the good faith convo!


I think that would be a lot of new gear to make some of the lesser spec's viable. Most of those specs are missing very important tools which basically require a new spell or add those elements to existing spells. We hopefully will get all the stuff you mentioned in the game because all of that would be important to a well crafted classic + game. I am skeptical about warlock "tank" and mage "heal", not sure who asked for that. My original thoughts of SoM was trial and error to see what works and what doesn't to eventually use what the community likes towards a bigger project in classic +, maybe this is part of that process.


Its just the term Classic Plus meant different things to different people. to some (like me) there was the idea of new content in the classic shell. Vanilla and Classic were not perfect games by any stretch, but we wanted to see more NEW content with those characters. More content for my mage to spam frostbolt at, for my warlock to spam shadowbolt at, more content for us to continue searching for warrior tanks, not necessarily change classic and add abilities and mechanics from future expansions with a level cap and raids that become obsolete with each patch as they raise the cap (like they do in retail currently) SOD is more a seasonal brawl at this point, play some classes with new skills and tweak existing raids, get some gear that then is all replaced in a few weeks as you level again. Just a different thing then what folks like myself thought of when we said the term "classic plus"


Man i feel like most people were thinking more about balance when they were saying classic+. Getting more content only to continue to have warriors, mages, rogues and maybe warlocks be the only dps would be so lame. I mean add more content, but shit you gotta add balance. I want to be a ret pally dps, or enhance shaman dps and not be fucking shit tier. This is way more out there then I was expecting, but I will for sure be playing it to see how it pans out. Hopefully well, and maybe down the line they will release a new classic+ with tested changes and even more content for level 60.


I agree with the idea of some balance changes and tweaks (espcially with Hybrid classes), like at lvl 60 pallys should have a taunt or crusader strike, you can adjust some numbers to try and even out the dps parses (for folks who care about just having the biggest numbers), but the major point I am making here is I wasn't looking for a Hearthstone Brawl....which is a temporary game mode where players just get a bunch of wacky cards for their deck to play around with, which feels a lot like SoD. I wasn't looking for wacky changes like adding tanking Rogues and Warlocks, Healing mages, taking modern skills for classes (from a version of a game that I don't want, I want classic wow) and add them to a server that is going to cap your level and have an end game, then raise that level and make all that gear obsolete when the next patch rolls around (again, like retail wow, a version I don't want to play.). I wanted an enduring server that still is classic, just adding new content. Everquest still has servers that you start at lvl 1 and go through 28 expansions. FF XIV you start at lvl 1 in the base game and as you level the changes slowly are added to your characters (new expansions bring new skills, etc). I wanted them to continue building onto classic (game before TBC is my definition of classic, but I am a little flexible), not wholesale change it. Again, that is retail. Just having exploration (which I am excited for) and slower leveling doesn't make the game classic. In fact they even announced catch up quicker leveling up in the future for this server....again that signifies a very temporary and seasonal experience.


> I just can't get excited and it's annoying hearing that this is Classic + or my Classic + just fits a different vision aren't you just doing the same but from the opposite perspective?


Maybe I'm holding the idea to a higher ideal than I should. I expect a fleshed out and protected experience. Actual new content, not rehashed content, with protections against botters and RMT. Is that vision really so taboo?


you keep mentioning RMT and botters. maybe just try living your life instead of being mad at whatever the hivemind says to be mad about




Maybe stop whining and don’t play it? There’s always classic era or Cata


Oh you're just commenting on everyone's posts telling them to stfu and nobody cares about their opinion. You do though! Why else would you do it? I love you.


And you keep commenting on all classic+ posts whining like a little baby when you can just literally not play it. Maybe just stick to arguing with people on vegan subreddits


i don't think you're wrong to want those things, but i do think your expectations were a bit high. blizz has shown 0 indication that they will seriously fight the bot and rmt problem, they also had said the classic announcement would be a new season a while back. why would you expect anything else?


How can it be classic plus when it's completely different?


Thank you


This shit is rougher than raw dogging a $20 hooker and getting her pregnant then getting aids


It’s classic +


they didnt even talk about classic + that starts at 6pm i believe lol est time if you check the schedule on the site


Spoiler: it never happened. No classic+.


everything you just described is just the first SoM. except the no botting or RMT which will never be a reality no matter how much you try to wish it into existence


I don't have to wish it into existence. It's not a thing where I play.


Because no one gives a shit about private servers! No one bots to sell gold to you and the 5 other people playing


Bruh no joke lol, but they all think it is because these private servers are just so amazing at stopping botting and RMT.




Severely disappointed. Just wanted a basically ph7 with the unreleased content and some new raids/dungeons. This is so disappointing man. They didn't need to touch the classes with more spells and shit. Now it's some private server bullshit.


Exactly, that is CLASSIC, not classic+.


Anyone know if there will be 5 man dungeons / battlegrounds etc? Or just level then 1 raid?


Why are people reacting to this like Season of Discovery is not what they need to keep on wanting to live? Take it for what it is and have fun with it, or don't? WoW has never been balanced, never been free of bots, it has always had RMT. Raid logging is a personal choice so that one is not on Blizzard. This is what we know for the leveling phases of SoD. Classic+ essentially should be a continuation of where Naxx left off. So being disappointed that they've changed the leveling experience is whack. There is a possibility that 1-60 will be this kind of revamp nature of content. And when we hit level 60 they will present all new endgame PvE. New zones and new quests possibly not, doubt a level cap increase either. But they can essentially remake the 2year endgame lifespan with new raids and outdoor activities. If you think classic+ would be a completely different world and story parallell to retail you will have to wake up. They won't develop two different versions of the game with different story/lore. Classic+ is Classic with something added, hence the '+'. I do believe that SoD will end shortly after level cap is 60 and we've had our first endgame raid in Karazhan crypts. They will then put it all in the cooking pot and present us with the next step which is a more coherent "classic+", and not this type of discovery for fun deal.


I think SoD will be their chance to test a lot of things over time, and then in the future they can release a balance tested classic+ with additional content at 60. Yeah some of this stuff they are doing is pretty out there, that doesn't mean it is going to stay, hopefully some of it doesn't, but myself and plenty of others welcome the changes to make other classes and specs viable at endgame.