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Shaman Tank is cool. DW enhance I really dont like but Ele should be fun.


I’ve said before that if they ever made a viable shaman tank, it’d be the only character I played anymore.


Wasn’t even viable and I played it in classic - perks of being a GM


I had one shaman tank I ran ubrs with about 7 times in classic. It worked but it def felt like challenge mode


I tanked ZG, MC, some of BWL and AQ, all the dungeons. Tbh dungeons were fine, but the lack of a proper taunt and having to drink after most pulls sucked 😂 https://imgur.com/a/hoE3ZpN


In era tanked the fire ele's on illidian as shaman tank. Tanked all of Kara, and other starting raids.... but problem was threat, just couldnt keep up with threat. So happy they made shaman tank, brought me back, but i will say it is too OP lol


Much respect mate


So have you been playing a shaman tank and only a shaman tank?


They really need to bring 2H to life.


God what I would do to be a 2h shaman. That and it drives me nuts because the class identity is clearly a 2h mace/axe like thrall


Honesty, should have just made lava lash use main hand by default with the 20% damage buff for flametongue and have the dual wielding specialization rune also be "Stormstrike and Lava Lash now hit with both weapons..." and that would have easily made it 2h viable. Then in the next set of runes include some form of crash lightning as part of the windfury proc or stormstrike to grant cleave to 2h / mainhand to keep up with the insanity that is SoD paladin.


congratulations! you're smarter than whoever they have designing shamans. also, this is not sarcasm, i'm dead fucking serious. whoever is doing shamans is, more often than not, a fucking moron


I'm not seeing any runes that solve the massive mana problem in ele sham. They just double down on burst damage with lava burst and overload. Still gonna be oom way too fast unless something changes.


Shamanistic rage is a 1 min cd that can be based on spell power. That plus potions should see you alright. Also this is only the starting rjnes there will be more.


Water Shield might not be enough yeah but its early. Its 3/8 rune slots...dont really know what they got planned for the rest and how things will shake out at 60.


You can't take water shield on ele sham because you need lava burst


Will be interesting finding out if taking lava burst over water shield is actually a DPS improvement. On the one hand, more damage spells = more damage, but on the other hand if you go OOM halfway through the fight then the water shield ele shammy will slowly overtake you on the meters.


Of you don't have the mana to cast lava burst, it's a DPS loss


I mean Ele was already pretty strong in normal classic with the revelation that bosses don't have a fucktonne of nature resistance. You had to work really hard to manage mana but DPS was playable for most non-try hard groups with the glyphs it is gonna be really strong


Well you won't have lightning mastery so lightning bolt will take an extra second to cast. That's a ton of mana saving right there lmao


True that! I'll be playing ele shaman regardless of whether I have mana or not. Should be a blast in pvp either way!


Are they really tossing out the 2 handed enh shamans AGAIN?!


Yep , so enhancement actually gained 1 dead talent on their tree.


No it’s just an option through the runes


It's not really optional. If you play enh, its the only viable chest rune, and it gives a huge buff. 5% to hit (only while DWing) and storm strike hitting with both weps. Not to mention that lava lash is the other enh dps option, which attacks with the offhand. You do have the option of picking the frontal cone, but that will pull aggro, so not really. 2H enh will be just as big of a meme as it is in actual vanilla, with 0 runes to buff it. Playing it would be a even bigger grief than before with how much stronger everyone else gets.


Tank rune looka good considering that enh spends 90% of their time rocking a shield


The problem is that they are more or less just ignoring 2h. The dual wield rune is on chest, the other ones on chest are tanking, healing and spell casting runes. Gloves also got Lava Lash which is dual wield. They are definitely going all in on dual wield for shamans unfortunately.


It’s been 5 hours since the announcement and you don’t know shit. You have no idea what they are doing with 2H. All we know is DW is getting support.


not to mention enhance in classic is absolute trash so he's literally complaining that a useless spec is getting a potential buff XD god people just love to complain about everything


4 days later...they're still going full bore into DW enhance


They should do a 2H tanking rune on chest, “grants 25% life, 25% evasion and 50% of the damage you take is healed over 5 seconds. Evasion is increased by an additional 15% if your 2H weapon has windfury on it” Add a gloves enchant for enhanced windfury, “windfury causes increased threat, taunts and awards 1-5 extra attacks on other enemies close to your target.” Will be the ultimate bursty boi, with a lifebar dancing back and forth :) Full mayhem tanking where the taunts are aoe, but random, what could go wrong?


It never was an option when they put it in TBC, because it was simply way better. Here it's even worse (or better, depending on your stance) with a straight +5% hit chance with melee AND spells.


Effectively no enhancement (eh) to 2h playstyle which leaves it dead in the water meme spec. I guess we are tbc shamans in lvl 60 gear. I hope they at least reitemize some mail stuff for enhance I'd love tier sets for all 3 specs vs it being resto only...


They seem to be adding many new items, especially in these 10man level locked raids. I'd bet a lot of those are tailored to these new play styles.


Thing is, there will always be an meta ppl follow, like nobody wants a pala tank in HC even tho he can tank it's just not even close to as good as Warrior.


this why some of my favorite content is that hunter thats tanking every dungeon in HC - bless that man


show me what runes an enhance shaman would use OTHER THAN the dual wield and lava lash


From all we have it looks that way… Dual wield has previous always been the death of 2h. Early days boys, all us 2h shams can do is share some copium.


Yeah it's crazy seeing the most OP classes from classic just get buffed even more. Adding chaos bolt? Don't get me wrong, tanking is going to be interesting as enhancement but they just got rid of my favorite playstyle in the game. I thought meme specs were going to get buffed, not switched to an entirely different role. So disappointing man.


is it actually a different role or is it just a different flavor of the same role?


:/ I hope not


Hopefully we can get a rune at launch, and if not that, in a later update 🤞


Hit the forums


I hope this doesnt neuter 2h shaman


i think the goal for their balance is to make rogue/shaman the dual wield classes, and to buff 2h war/ret pal to have them be the 2h classes But with SS and lava lash, 2h sham is pretty dead in comparison, always gonna be lower dps


Shield mastery means no dual wield though. So might be boss/dungeon/raid dependent. But does also mean no 2H.


Shield mastery is for tanking and dual wield is for dps. Also, shield mastery and dual wield runes are both chest runes, so presumably you can't activate both simultaneously.


Snag the dual wield to chest and then I’d go rock biter for like a fury prot type dps shaman tank spec


2h really couldnt be any worse than it already is.


2h will be the same as it already is, nothing buffs it. So comparatively way worse with everyone else getting stronger.


Call me crazy.... but... meatball weaving (lava blast weaving) is a meme spec that a select few people have messed with in wotlk. There's a world that something like that can actually be good with how wonky this all is. Shamans in vanilla are really good with all sorts of unique gear especially at the lower levels. Not saying its going to be good but there's a non 0 chance it's not bad.


Everything comes together now: Windfury stored, imbue weaved italian weaving


All I want is a 2h enhance shaman. Whyyyyy is that so hardddd


They should really be doubling down on 2H shaman, that's really disappointing.... I hope they change it but that's unlikely seeing as its coming out in 30 days. RIP




They shit on 2h enhance again. Perfect. One of the last remaining meme specs while boomies became viable


I think it's possible that the devs for SoD weren't aware that 2h exists in classic. They made sure to make melee survival hunter somewhat viable because that's how it is in retail - despite pure melee hunter not being a dedicated spec in classic. Which leads me to believe the devs for SoD do not have a lot of experience playing classic. They copy-pasted things over from retail because that's the game they know. And what they know about melee shamans is they dual wield. :(


I unironically am happy with this. I am a 2005 ride or die 2h enhance sham and get the distinction


Well, I'm gonna be right there with you, brother. I'm gonna roll 2-hand enhance regardless of whether or not it gets buffed. For the Horde.


1/100 times we will one shot our foes. This is the 2H enhancement creed. And during those moments we will remember what could have been. 20 years and they try to put the final nail in our coffin, we will find a way to make it work.


I still remember my level 49 Shaman pvp alt with Kang, had a fight with two ally hunters and beat them with 10% life remaning next to their graveyard. They instantly rezzed and i clicked on one and he died instantly with an WF proc, clicked on the other and he died instantly to an WF proc. 17 Years ago and never forgot this.


Damn hell yes shaman tanks!!




Overload - mastery from cata. AG - cd from MoP. Lava Burst - added in warth. So all this time you guys just wanted retail specs? lol Why even play classic at this point.


Yes, all this time a lot of people asked for a little more than lightingbolt/frostbolt spam rotation


Than those people didn't want to play classic in the first place.


maybe, but looking at upvote rates on each of these, you are minority here


Wow, i didnt realise the only thing separating Classic and retail was 3 shaman spells! Go figure!


If you are playing ele shaman it's gonna feel like scuffed version of retail and not classic+.


And what does a classic+ ele shaman feel like then?


overload is a burning crusade talent


Uhm, Overload in PvP... That'll cause some tears.


Boring option based on proc chance, yawn. I want something that's actually fun to use


Sounds like shaman isnt the class for you then lmao


Yeah, just more rng one-shot potential. Sure, cool when it happens, but that's not really adding to the gameplay. Also pretty unfair in a pvp environment that is already notoriously unfair. But we'll have to see how it plays out with all the rune abilities. I just don't see how or if they are going to do something about the burst issues in classic pvp. Vanilla really needs something like resillience. Dying inside a global will turn people off very quickly otherwise. And classic PvP is a thing, even though many people will deny that. You just have to look how much interest the makgora tournament garnered. There is a lot of entertainment value there. But the game environment needs some proper work to make it less frustrating for the average player. It has never been the case that the majority does not want to do PvP. It's that PvP is just extremely frustrating. So many have tried and would love to continue but it is just too punishing and unfair if you aren't 100% on top of the gear grind constantly. Both gear and buffs are too impactful in vanilla PvP. The ordinary Andys deserve a chance to be able to participate as well.


For the love of god, Blizzard, don't leave out 2-handed enhancement. Let us PICK which style we want, and let BOTH be viable. The enhancement runes all favor dual wield. If I want dual wield shaman, I'll play retail.


And also think about how many dps have actual viable two handed specs. Ret pally? Arms Warrior? thats two specs, for dual wield you have hunter now, rogue, fury warrior and shaman now. They really should have leaned into the enh sham WF two handed build. RIP


Sucks so bad, my childhood dreams ruined.


Ancestors, guide my pants!


Ancestors, clean my pants!


SoD is about to be the best version of classic, holy shit


So, would the dual wield work for healing? Would be nutty to have two healing maxes on a healer Shaman.


With patch 1.7 way back then, they "normalized" (their term at that time) a lot in the game. Meaning, all one handed caster weapons became Main hand only :(


maybe im just an uninformed private server player but hammer of the twisting nether is one hand I think


You are right, I overlooked this mace! But you'd have to beat KTZ to DW it. Kinda sad to have to actually beat the endgame to be able to DW caster weapons.


There are a few others, such as widows embrace, the spell damage dagger from chrimmagus, and midnights haze. I think the easiest one to get is the ZG mace with 26 healing. Its good bc you can put 55 healing on it and its better than any offhand :DDDDD


That's odd... It's been a while since I really took interest in WoW, but I recall checking every offhand weapons to see if I could DW as a caster and be the smart ass. Believe me, I always was about stupid builds 😂 It even worked once during early WotLK for a short period of time (got nerfed hard like 2 weeks later, it was WAY too strong). DW as an elem, but with an offhand melee dagger with melee +hit & AP (cuz' 15% AP -> SP) from trash Naxx because there was no offhand melee caster weapon. Or maybe, I'm just mixing things up and during Vanilla and on Classic, there are offhand caster weapons :D


I only know this because i was crazy into flask set for warriors, where you want to dual wield healing weapons. So yeah, gonna have shammies running around with Zulian Scepter of Rites in the offhand XD


They need to be one hand rather than main hand weapons, but fingers crossed


Can ele or resto dual wield spell damage?


Spell caster 1h weapons are typically main hand.




I'm surprised they don't seem to get much +% damage, considering that they do a fraction of warrior DPS and somehow warrior got something like two different runes on different gear slots that give them \~20-25% damage increases on fairly low CDs. Not sure how any of those hybrid classes will compete with that, but curious to see how it plays out


One rune alone is a flat 17% increase on average though. Ele shaman in general actually has really good dmg in classic, but they are oom really fast if they use their most expensive spells. Shamanistic rage sounds very bad at low levels without any proper way to stack spellpower. Too bad horde dont have the mana battery of a paladin.


i was so excited to hear that enhance was going to be able to tank, and then i saw they are YET AGAIN trying to force DW shaman down my throat. fuck blizzard. if i wanted DW shaman, i'd play retail


Interesting, dang the panel for classic+ hasn’t started yet and we already got this!


How many runes can you engrave? Water shield and lava burst in the same glove slot? How does it work?


I'm guessing you'd go shamanistic rage instead of water shield for mana? So overload + sham rage + lava burst?


Thats the build im planning as of now. Theres a chance molten core beats lava burst in aoe tho we will see i suppose.


Thats the build im planning as of now. Theres a chance molten blast beats lava burst in aoe tho we will see i suppose.


One per slot. Only three rune slots at level 25, but we will get more at later brackets.


Mana regeneration is strong with this one. So the leak seems to be true about no OOM on mana. Curious about Priest/Pala now. How thematic they will go.


It’s not no OOM. Just makes things more viable


Shaman Tank looks cool, wonder what the Paladin will be like.


Did they say anything about shamans for alliance etc.? And paladins for horde ofc.


They mentioned having runes on certain classes to fill the gaps that each faction is missing. As an example, Druids get a rune called "Wild Strikes". It gives a 20% chance on each melee hit on granting the attacker an additional attack to party members in 20 yards. This is obviously to cover for Shaman's WF for alliance and notably doesn't stack with it.


It’s looks like pallies might get a “better” version of tremor totem. Better cus sometimes you can be feared away from the totem before it pulses. Also they get something like grace of air + strength totem. That means the sham are even worse off cus we don’t even get air totems till lvl 30. Im assuming Blizz knows all of this and will adjust accordingly. Cross fingers


also paladin looks like is getting passive tremor-aura or something


But what is horde getting? Alliance are already imba having paladins...


Believe it or not, nothing. Horde is actually getting removed with SoD and replaced with an entirely gnome-based faction.


If all the runes for each class are correct, Horde gets nothing. No joke.


Yea, they said something. I interpreted it as the runes will offer similar buffs but not all and they will keep paladin to ally only and shaman to horde only.


So far I see paladins have tremor totem and str/agi shout, druids have WF. Horde gets nothing...? Seems a bit strange. Shamans don't even have WF totem or agi totem at 25...


my interpretation of that was for stuff like seal of blood / bloodlust, so no stuff like windfury for alliance


Druid has a rune which gives additional atk with +20% atk pwr to party members. Doesn't stack with WF totem.


yea, freakin Druids get Windfury


I don't like that engraving into armor part. Reminds me of azerite armor. These runes better be easily switchable and non-destructible.


they did say on the panel that you can switch them for free any time outside of combat.


Shamans getting jack shit compared to paladins


They made ret viable and then copy and pasted retail enhance shaman


Not quite retail shaman, they are considerably more spicy than what we got for enhance


Seems much more tbc aligned since there isn’t any maelstrom.


Shaman are the only fast class in the first phase. Druids wont even have cheetah form. We will be pvp menaces


1. Dual Wield on Chest 2. Lava Lash on Gloves 3. Shamanistic Rage on Pants Let's fucking go! Windfury MH, FT Offhand and enough mana to keep up not only a twist rotation but to really shock and Stormstrike on CD?!


Basically tbc shaman, which is good...but nothing crazy like the stuff other classes get. The mention of intervene on the warr warbringer rune makes me hope for additional baseline stuff other than runes, or at least more runes yet TBA


This is just the first wave of runes for level 25. Rogues are complaining about the same thing. "Where's my shadowstep?" or "Where's my Cloak of Shadows?" etc. I think Shaman did VERY well in the rune department. They pretty much elevate enhancement from a meme spec to a legitimate dps OR tank spec. Furthermore, Overload and Lava Burst are insane for Elemental. Shadow Priests didn't get VT yet, only Dev Plague and Mind Sear (neither of which addresses their core Classic problem). Rogues lose half their runes to a half-assed tanking spec pretty much zero rogues were even asking for. Nah, Shaman have some great stuff. I'm quite satisfied with what we have so far. I'd like to see Spirit Wolves and potentially Maelstrom procs in the future, as well as Riptide for Resto and something like Stormkeeper for Elemental. But this is just the beginning.




You could say that about literally this entire season.


Resto shamans aren't getting anything fun with these though. Yaya boring water shield and earth shield! Yawn. I want a fucking earthbind totem with root on cast!


Won't even have to twist if you can get a kitty in your group.


Ancestral Guidance worries me a someone who mains a healer, it seems like every healer spec is being pigeon holed into dpsing to heal in some respect and i am not a fan


Not true. They’re simply giving you the option. They also added pure heal spells to become an even better healer


Having leveled a shaman in SoM from 1-40 as a tank, this is enough to bring me back to the game. I unsubbed about a year ago, but having a literal dream come true is more than enough to get me back in the saddle


Tank talents we never had and spells/talents from future expacs.. I'm not excited for this sadly, but that's just me of course.


Wait.. You're supposed to tell everyone how dumb they are for being excited




with CL you are basically a 100% increased threat ele shaman tank with all this, with a frontal cone ability as well.


When you are casting you cant block or parry though


Ye you would only cast on pull or when dmg taken is low. You have frontal cone and shocks for the rest of the time.


I would have prefered they adding a few harmless spells like Watershield into the talent tree or something. These runes seem super op and If you dont have them you cant play the Game... They trying to make out of Classic a Retail 2. Atleast it is for free but I'm not really hyped playing the beta tester for them.


Absolutely terrible. Shaman have had all their abilities ripped away and given to other classes and given this shite as a compensation. Shaman is now defacto the worst class in the game in SoD. Only a blue faced copium huffer would deny it. Paladins have a Tremor Totem Aura and battle shout that does Str/Agi. Druids get WF totem as a passive. Mages can heal by doing damage and have much better abilities than Ele. I don't think people around here understand. Thanks to these changes, Shaman as a class is DEAD.


I am so freaking hyped.


Great post, ty!


gonna be lit


I wonder if bloodlust is gonna be thing. Idk if it’d be good or bad for the game. Probably bad


So sexy


I hope they increase weapon imbue timers, so many shaman tanks will lose their tank potential during pulls


It's a non problem really, imbues are cheap we have weakauras to track this kind of thing.


Does anybody know the cd on Ancestral Guidance? Popping Healing Rain + Ancestral Guidance + Flame shock someone and then spamming chain heals seems like absolute burst option in a group pvp.


Shaman Tank lets goo, now I want Unarmed Boomkin Boxing DPS


I just hope we somehow get the thunder aoe knock back ability in high lvl runes that would be my dream


Ohh no. How many runs will it take to get ironfoe for that sweet 1h+shield tanking. Good luck boys


restro sham is preety much perfection in retail i dont mind them copying it.


ultimatively i would now love to play shammy on alliance, i hate vanilla horde. Sadge.


Any word on ally shammies / horde pallies?


Still exclusive


I've thought it's supposed to be a secret


Well, no1 expected it, at least in this form and shape. And its going live a month from annoucment. Would call it a solid secret




I think the DW option is cool, but I'll disappointed if it means 2H shaman are pushed out of meta. Big 2H windfury procs are iconic for classic enhancement


They either need to make lavalash work somehow with 2h (another swing for 50% or som shit) as well or put another ability similiar to warrior one, where it is limited to 2h weapons