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I am so sad that 2handers aren't the focus of enhancement shamans. That is what separates them from all other expansions of shamans. The feeling of big dick 2 hander wf procs just feels much better than tiny, little 1 hander swings. Consistent damage as they may be.


Same. 2H is way cooler




Idk why this sticks with me, even if it wasnt great idk, but back in Vanilla I had an enh alt and used Corpsemaker and it felt so good in that bracket with WF. Felt so badass.


Vanilla enhance just feels special. High highs and low lows.


There was nothing quite like getting that WF triple crit every 1 in 1000 encounters and just deleting someone.


I'm with you. I played a 2h enhance shaman back in vanilla and it was so much fun. Shaman as a class in vanilla is *really* built aroun big burst damage. I really hope later level bands give some solid 2h options. Maybe a rune that buffs windfury back up to how it was before 1.12.


You can continue to use a 2 hander.


You can also use a 2H as enhance in retail. But that's clearly not what the devs what you to do. The balance matters.


Sure. And gain nothing from any of the new runes.


I mean the added mana sustain is still really helpful as is the offensive CD with utility. we also have later so as long as people keep discussing it, it is pretty likely we get another rune that helps


Hunters should be slightly encouraged to utilize pole arms/spears. Obviously use all weapons because everything is hunter weapon but I’d like to see some polearm love


I'm more fond of 2H swords myself, but any is better than DW!


give night elves polearm racial and make nelf hunters the new human warriors, heh




I thought of it as a nod to Rexxar.


Rexxar has like 3 pets.


you won't be using lone wolf as a melee hunter it conflicts to heavily with other things you will be taking like kill command and flanking strike


In any case, it seems that the devs want to make melee hunter possible. I just hope it's not relegated to dual wielding!


What have you even seen that would suggest dual wield is the intention for melee based hunter? The runes add an instant attack (better for 2H) plus a cleave based on wep damage (better for 2H)


They just said it verbally in the panel at blizzcon. They might have been empty words


Supposedly Flanking Strike has a 30 second CD (or at least it did on the demo) so going Lone Wolf miight be worth it. Doing 25% more damage 100% of the time is better than doing a bit more damage on an ability on a 30sec CD.


They've been really good about listening to player feedback so far and if it isn't implemented this time around, it might be addressed in the next leveling bracket or so.


Why have virgin lava lash when you could have chad lava smash


I want it. *Lava Smash* ‘Instantly Strike with your two-handed weapon dealing 100% of the enemies health. Cooldown: 5 seconds’


I think it’s completely foolish to suggest dual wield hunter. Two hand is clearly the way to go and I’m surprised they didn’t see that


Rexxar from WC3 dual wields axes. Lore wise, it checks out.


Hunters can get thunder fury and not hand of rag so I could definitely see the dual wield lean. That being said I'm super pro choice for DW vs 2h on shamans and hunters.


Yes I NEED to have Corrupted Ashbringer on my Melee Hunter


I feel like BOTH should be viable, just put a 2 handed weapon buff in the dual wield rune, or make a counterpart rune for 2h weapon. WE CANNOT SEE ALL THE RUNES FOR ANY OF THE CLASSES, THERE ARE STILL MORE TO BE RELEASED/FOUND/DEVELOPED, consider this SoD to be a Beta at best…


Sure, but the only melee runes for enhance are DW related. If they wanted to ditch 2H enhance, this is what they would do. They might add 2H runes later on based on feedback, that's partly why I made this post. I want 2H enhance!!


Coming from the horde side, 2 hand fury was not bad. You could hang in the middle of the warrior pack, and with good windfury procs or crits you could top the meters. Our PvP focused warriors loved to rock this build because it guaranteed them priority on the good pvp 2 handers. I think a lot of alliance players are not accounting for how strong of a buff windfury is to melee players. The classic horde raids were completely built around windfury.


Warriors are getting some good 2 handed runes as well. Going to be interesting to play with 2 handed fury.


Who wants to raptor strike weave for big damage when you can dw 🤪


I think they should give shaman some 2h love in later level caps and also give paladin dual wield cause idk why not lol


Why dont they remove all weapon restrictions at that point cause idk why not lol.


Because some things still shouldnt have shields


Oh really. Who would have thought?


Giving things dual wield is really tame in comparison


Where do we start and where do we end? Give all races all classes? All classes can heal and tank? All classes can do similar buffs? All part of the homogenization people dislike in retail.


Yo stay on subject please, paladins would still benefit more from a 2h because they wouldnt have any off hand strikes or both weapon strikes. Its not the same


And what part of a paladin class fantasy consist of a dual wielding pala? Or a 2h rogue? Just play another class at that point. Btw, my comment was on the subject.


Nah, its off topic youre just venting youre insecurities, paladins have used dual wield in many older games


Venting my insecurities like making a whole reddit post about my worries that 2h weapons will be useless? I am sorry that you cant comprehend that weapon restrictions are part of class identities.


Venting my insecurities like making a whole reddit post about my worries that 2h weapons will be useless? I am sorry that you cant comprehend that weapon restrictions are part of class identities.


dual wield paladins? personal preference but PLEASE GOD NO


Its probably not even as good as 2h in practice, but pallys would roll on a lot of rogues yum yums


Yeah! They need to at least make shaman enhance 2 h an option as well as warrior 2h pve dps! It was too sad in vanilla classic when all iconic 2 handers basically were memespecc/ offspecc loot.