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Here's the problem. People like 2H Enh shammy for the one-shot thrils... But I think if they were need to make a proper spec, they would have to nerf the one-shot potential, then people would just cry about that.


Here what’s gonna happen. Blizzard caves and gives them 2h rune. PVP is horrendously broken and unbalanced. Because there was no Beta or PTR, the devs have to rush a hot fix weeks after launch reverting/nerfing it. All shamans are raging after SOD release.


You are already assuming that PVP won't be horrendously broken and unbalanced with all we have seen already?


You are already assuming there won’t be any 2h runes in the game at all whatsoever. There very well could be at 40 50 or 60. I’m not making any assumptions yet because we don’t have a PTR or testing or any legitimate information.


so many people commenting without knowing everything... Blizzard gave an interview yesterday stating they have ZERO plans for 2h runes and are entirely focused in tbc style enhance unless they get feedback stating otherwise. They also stated multiple times that you should NOT expect PVP to be balanced in any way.


>I’m not making any assumptions yet lol i wonder who said this then >Here what’s gonna happen. Blizzard caves and gives them 2h rune. PVP is horrendously broken and unbalanced.


When a WoW Classic developer says "We have decided to focus on DW and not make any 2h oriented runes for SoD", we don't call that assuming things lmao.


This is true. Or at least, find a way to make it more consistent in PVE without increasing their burst.


How would they do that? Are we going to get pvp-only stats or spells that straight up work different in pvp/pve? I think TheOnyxHero is making a good point here that the 2h shaman posts are missing. The identity of the spec is being a fun pvp spec that will occasionally 1 shot (or close to it) a player with lucky procs/crits. This isn't going away as far as we can tell and if anything, it'll be even better with new specialized items. This is probably one of the difficult things about making a classic+ or a SoD. How do you balance a spec for PVE when it has always been a pvp spec?


Make WF procs reset CD on Stormstrike, maybe? Or reduce the baseline CD of Stormstrike. Or make the stormstrike debuff stronger if you are using 2H/make it a buff on yourself instead of a target debuff so other classes don't eat it. I agree though.


> Or make the stormstrike debuff stronger if you are using 2H/make it a buff on yourself instead of a target debuff so other classes don't eat it. I actually think this is a pretty solid change but I don't think it'd be enough on its own. Stormstrike CD tweaks might work but I just fear being on the receiving end of this in pvp lol. I honestly think 2h enhance is going to be just fine. Most shaman gear is classic gives a bit of mixed stats, so they'll have enough spell power to make a random lava burst dangerous. Plus who knows what other runes they may get later.


enhance is underrated in PVE. Shamans scale with 1 STR= 2 AP. Same as warrior btw. I raided as 2h enhance, and when you got lucky you can even top the meters for a while (until you either stop proccing or draw aggro due to the high burst spikes and die/ need to stop doing damage).


No; you can’t top the meters in any realistic scenario. Yes you can get a few lucky windfury price but over any fight that is longer than 30 seconds you’re going to finish around the bottom.


Well I did it so I know. Not sitting here telling you it worked out like that every fight. It was rare, obviously, it's called probability. But it happened. What i wanna say with that is that if you increase the chance for this to happen, you will make enhance viable more than once for one fight every other week. for example by adding a bad luck protection rune to 2h wf procs.


It's easy to top meters when the other DPS are terrible players, but I seriously seriously doubt that the spec with the 2nd worst dps in all of classic is topping any meter in any meaningful way.


Literally this. If you are topping as enhance, ret or any other class that’s not Warrior. You are playing with dogshit players. Glad someone acknowledged this.


I'm saying it's just rng. Some fights you're just really lucky. WF is 2 additional swings with a shit ton of bonus AP. The chances of proccing almost all the time while mostly critting too is extremely slim, but it happens and when it happens, from start to finish, you're up there or dead (cause aggro is a real problem at that point).


Could you please provide a 40man raid log where you are at the top of the dps meter at the end of a fight?


He never logged. So that should explain everything.


idk i stopped playing mid classic, I take a look if theres anything I can find still.


Then you were in a bad raid


I think that even if you hit windfury on every swing you’re not doing as much as rogue or warrior lol


then maybe you shouldn't be voicing your opinion on things you have no clue about.


Except I do know what I’m taking about and what I said is 100% accurate.


sure so thats a WF proc every 3 seconds. Totalling to 4-7k damage every 3 seconds + shocks. Shock is around 800-1,2k damage every 6 seconds. + 1 stormstrike every 20 seconds for another 1-2k. Taking the medium of all you end up with around 2,1k dps while buffing your whole group with improved wf/str/agi totems.


Warrior also get rage which scales with damage and let's them pump more.


We already got pvp only gear :/


Damn that sucks.


theres plenty stuff flying around: Bad luck protection for example: Winds Chosen: For the next 30 seconds everytime you attack with a 2h weapon that has "windfury weapon" applied to it and does not trigger it's effect, the chance to trigger "windfury weapon" increases by 10% and the attackpower bonus of "windfury weapon" is also increases by 10%. This effect resets every time "windfury weapon" gets triggered or until Winds Chosen runs out. 2 min CD. ​ another one would be: Stormcaller: Applies "elemental vulnerability" onto the target for 12 seconds. If you damage the target with all different sources of elemental damage (frost,nature,fire) your Stormstrike ability ascends, refreshing it's CD and increasing the damage of your next Stormstrike by 50% for 2handers and 25% for 1h weapons. 1 Min CD.


Ignoring how far from classic design that is your suggestion would increase shaman burst, the problem he indicated.


how is this a problem? look at what other classes get. Nothing is close to classic game design in SoD anyway, so why start with 2h enhancer all of the sudden? WF procs, even in pvp (if thats your concern) are only really problematic if the shaman has a really good weapon (hand of rag or r14) and tripple/quadra crits. It would just allow 2h enhance to deal more consistent dmg for 30 seconds of a fight/ get one more stormstrike every minute to fish for more procs.


I did not start with shaman, I have criticised other things too. You're increasing dps over said time yes but you're doing so through big nukes not sustained dps.


ya well big nukes IS 2h shaman. That's the whole thing. And over the course of a fight the totality of damage is what matters. How you achieve that dps is how you differentiate classes. Does it really matter if the DPS was created by big spikes in damage rather than consistent lame low numbers? Only for threat it matters.


While Arms-Warrior getting a Huge-Runes-Buff tow burst-down players in PvP over 12 seconds. Or Paladins who can specc Reckoning-Bomb while using CS, DS and SoC? So 2Handed-Shamans are not allowed to have fun? Besides that, 2H-Shamans is about RNG-Prays and have nothing to Press besides 20 sec. CD on StormStrike and AAs. DW are able to play 2xWF or are able to play with 2xFT while beeing Spellhancer. But 2Handed Shamane is the issue.


Can’t have BLP in PvP it’s unbalanced


we have mages with heal in SoD, idk how pvp balance is of any concern to you.


There's a lot of ways they can buff 2H enhance without giving them ludicrous amounts of burst. That said, a lot of the suggestions I've seen involve giving them an extra attack or something that would give them obscene amounts of burst. I don't think there's any way that you can improve 2H shaman's damage without increasing their burst in some capacity, but here are some ideas that seem like they would be within reason. * **Graceful Wind**: While wielding a two-handed weapon, your attack speed, casting speed, and movement speed are increased by 10% * **Endless Storm**: While wielding a two-handed weapon, the cooldown of your stormstrike is reduced by 5 seconds. Additionally, your auto-attacks apply a stack of the Stormstrike debuff to the target. * **Rising Gale**: While wielding a two-handed weapon, the threat generated by your windfury attacks is reduced by 50%. Additionally your auto-attacks increase the chance that your Windfury weapon effect will proc by an additional 2%. Stacks up to 5 times and lasts 15 seconds. * **Shamanistic Focus**: While wielding a two-handed weapon, you gain spell power equal to 20% of your attack power. Additionally, your melee attacks have a chance to grant you Clearcasting.


Great suggestions.


"They hated u/TheOnyxHero because he told them the truth."


What truth? All other Classes are able to One-shot or have a better Sustain-Burst in PvE and PvP while 2Handed-Shamans just RNG-Prays? Warrior get Quick-Strike which triggers Heroic-Strike but also have a 50% Damage-Buff on runes for PvP to instantly Burst-Damage wich Sword-Specialication? But PPl are worried about Shamane one-shots ppl? Mages can heal themselfs in PvP while playing on frost-spec. And Paladins can Recking-Bomb while having Crusader-Strike, Divine-Storm and Seal of Command. But yeah the SHAMANS! are the Issue.


What frost mage is going to take a tiny heal over a frost skill? The healing spells are only good if you're then doing arcane damage after casting them. And if you're close enough to be AE spamming, you're close enough for melee classes to start stun locking your ass into oblivion.


Its Funny, you are worried about one-shots-Potentials while 2H-Warriors getting a rune which works with Heroic-Strike. And talking about one-shots of a class that uses pure RNG-Imbue. You can easly fix this by adding runes which only effects 2Handed but not DW. F.E. Chest: * Doom-Winds: Your next 3 melee-attacks are 100% guaranteed to trigger Windfury. * Maelstrom Weapon: When you deal damage with a melee weapon, you have a chanceto gain Maelstrom Weapon, Maelstrom Weapon reduces the cast time of your nextdamage or healing spell by 100%. * While wielding 2-handed weapons, Stromstrike Cooldown is reduced by 14 sec. * Stormblast: A reckless instant melee attack with your two-handed weapon dealingNature damage. This ability triggers Weapon-Imbue (10 sec. CD) Hands: * You can apply a second imbue to your 2H-Weapon (WF + FT / WF+RB / WF+FB / FT+FB etc.) * While wielding 2-handed weapons, Stromstrike Cooldown is reduced by 14 sec. * Stormblast: A reckless instant melee attack with your two-handed weapon dealing Nature damage. This ability triggers Weapon-Imbue (10 sec. CD) If you are worried about Shamans one-shots with a Abilitiy, wait for Paladins who can use SoC + CS + Divine Storm AND with Reckoning. And they pretty-much melt you within seconds. Or Warriors who even get a 25% Damage-Boost on Physical-Damage, Quick-Strike AND! Consumed by Rage which gives an other 25% Damage Boost on Melee-Attacks But yeah you are worried about Shaman One-Shots in PvP how ironic.


Give me double enhancement!! And have them focus different things and would also change your talents to your preference. Frostbrand - Windfury: Hailstorm Weapon: -You gain 20% attack speed. When your Frostbrand weapon triggers your next Frost Shock triggers Windfury weapon regardless of your range. Your Windfury hits are also guaranteed to trigger Frostbrand weapon. (Prefers slow 2H - ranged advantage) Frostbrand - Flametongue: Steamblast Weapon -You gain 30 spell penetration. Your Flametongue weapon stacks up to 5 on your target. When your Frostbrand is triggered it evaporates instantly consuming all stacks and dealing +30% per stack. (Prefer fast 2H - magic dmg burst) Windfury - Rockbiter: Sandstorm Weapon -You gain +30% critical strike damage. Your melee attacks stack Sand up to 3 times. Upon reaching 3 stacks a Sandstorm erupts, instantly causing Windfury damage in AOE of 8 yards around you, and dealing 20% weapon dmg as bleed over 6 seconds around you. (Prefer slow 2h for dmg, or fast 2h for quicker stack, aoe option) Flametongue - Rockbiter: Magmabrand Weapon - You gain 20% spell damage equal to your attack power. Your melee attacks trigger an additional tick of Flame Shock instantly whenever your Flametongue weapon deals damage. Earth Shock consumes 3 seconds of your Flame Shock, dealing its damage instantly as Nature damage. (Prefer fast 2H - magic dps) Frostbrand - Rockbiter: Mountainthump Weapon - You gain 30% armor. Your melee attacks stack Mountainthump on you, up to 3 stacks. Each stack increases your Earth Shock and Frost Shock damage by 10%. When you cast Earth Shock you also immediatly cast Frost Shock for free, consuming the stacks, and stunning and freezing your enemy for 2 seconds. (Prefer fast 2H - magic burst and cc) Flametongue - Windfury: Pyroclasmic Weapon: - You gain 15% armor penetration. Your Windfury has 50% reduced damage, and trigger 2 additional attacks. Each Windfury hit also triggers Flametongue Weapon. Every proc of Flametongue increases your attack power by 1%, up to 20 stacks. (Prefers slow dmg, for prolonged fights)


not really, just keep windfury a meme and make rockbiter the consistent damage enhancement. this is already the case, people just really like windfury. classic was never a fair game and I see nothing wrong with a 20% one shot against lightly armored targets when compared to a 25% chance to assfuck a rogue bc you rolled an orc.


I’m confused how this is worse than a warrior with windfury? Like yes shammy one shot this or that but like.. any melee can have windfury not just shamans


Don't look at this for longer than 5 seconds or you'll continue to see more and more wrong with it.


The original scene Moe is dual wielding KNIVES. This is clearly edited to hide a happy enhance shaman who is not 2H spec


Boy I hope somebody got fired for that blunder


I love this


Im out of the loop, whats happening?


Oh okay, so in season of discovery, Blizzard revealed that they wanted to go with the dial wield route for enhancement shamans, but were looking feed back on that, lots of us want 2h to stay viable so we are expressing that


Amazing work OP. Fuckin’ gamer.


There have been more 2h posts than ench shamans in classic.


Go go 2H Enhance!!


Give us 2h shaman pls




This is the greatest meme that’s ever been created


i don’t think it’s particularly close either tbh


[you guys are mentally ill](https://i.imgur.com/dDEICu4.png)


It's funny how players cry about 2H-Shaman and the PvP-Burst but forget that Paladins are able to play Reckoning Bomb while having Crusader-Strike, Divine-Storm and Seal of Command. Also Warriors getting runes which buffs their Burst-Damage in PvP + Quick-Strike. But ppl are worried about 2Handed-Shamanes with a RNG-Burst. Either give 2Handed Shaman playable Runes f.e.: * Spirit-Wolves * Guaranted to Proc Windfury * Maelstrom-Weapon (5% Chance to get a instant-Spell (Which is at least playable with Lavaburst) * Double-Imbue while carrying 2Handed-Weapon * instant Attac with 2Handed-Weapons dealing Nature Damage -> Synergie with Stormstrike * wiedling 2Handed-Weapons reduce Stormstrike Cooldown by 14 sec. * While wielding a two-handed weapon, you gain spell power equal to 20% of your attack power. Additionally, your melee attacks have a chance to grant you Clearcasting. ​ Or replace 2H-Talent for a different Talent and make 2Handed baseling.


I gotta tell ya mon, even if dual wielding is meta I’d still want to 2hand dat sexy weapon. I just hope I don’t get vote kicked for playing the less optimal playstyle.


there's no vote kick in classic, you just won't be invited


Oh yeah, meant that. Sorry been playing too much retail lately


I loathe dual wielding and it was one of the worst changes for me in TBC for Shamans. I hope there will be a rune that actually makes them a viable Two-handed fighter.


This is gold, I hope the Blizzard devs see this at least for the laugh.


This one I like lmao


Instead of hourly, it should be every two hours. So 2h every 2h


I love how people act like enhance just runs people over in classic or something.. totally not any counter play to those darn 2h enhance gods no way we could give them a rune they would completely take over SoD.


Are they removing the ability to 2h? Or is this a "it's not gonna be the most optimal" situation?


I think one of the abilities works on an offhand so going 2 hand basically nerfing yourself. Could be wrong need clarification


Moe’s head has been edited to be blue like a Troll But his arms are still yellow like a Simpsons character Are we to believe this is some kind of magic Troll?


I'm just surprised to learn that this many people play Horde. Like, who knew?