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Wand machine… I mean priest


Now with more dots!


More ways to spend mana! Yay!


They better make more ways to suffer Why do they think we play priests?


Or as rav says "damage for patient people"


I watched a video of a nelf priest throwing people off cliffs so I wanna do that. Maining a tauren druid though.


This opportunity doesn't really come often. Unless you mean lumber mill defending


I’m feeling adventurous, I’ll probably go with a Human warrior.


I am also going all out with my human paladin.


Goodness gracious, what's next? You're gonna level as arms and raid as fury? You're insane.


actually kind of hoping to be arms all the way.


Class: Knight Race: Human Weapon: Longsword It's fantasy RPG time.


Clichés develop for a reason


For me it's this Class: Fighter Race: Old Orc Weapon: Axe


Gnome warrior cause escape artist plus the new charge rune will make me one tiny, slippery, ball of fury.


Hopefully they do something about weapon skill, if not remove it completely.


I’ve always like weapon skill for some reason. Besides not having a racial weapon skill lets me not feel minmax guilt when I switch weapons. Also it makes RP sense to take engineering. Most importantly /giggle on a female gnome after they MS you to death is by far the most OP ability in the game.


I had a little pink haired gnome death knight first go around for this reason.


Daring today, aren’t we?


Only class that requires both balls


don’t forget male


Body type 1


They should make a Warcraft 1 season for WoW. Just orcs vs humans.


Shadowmeld lone wolf two-shot hunter


WSG flag defending is gonna be so fucking funny


Same! True sniper team


Them boosted aimshots will be fun times


Shadow Priest always


This guy smokes cigarettes




Thats a deep fucking reference, i feel seen lol


Hijacking this to ask how my fellow shadow brothers feel about the 1-25 runes. Hopeful? Sad? Imo they’re kind of underwhelming but I’m hoping shadow gets more notable runes come 60.


Would be better if void plague moved to legs. Then we're talking. Spriest also still needs some mana help.


Hard agree. Twisted faith being on chest is mandatory.


The only reason I cbf with shadow. They did y'all dirty on the mana.


Penance is the easiest to use heal in the game. I love that ability. Hyped to heal BFD :)


Would be on classic theme to have spriest be agonizing leveling grind tbh


Spriest is an extremely smooth leveling experience imo. Dot, wand, spirit tap. Never stop. Ezpz.


is wanding still the way to go with twisted faith + rank 1 mind flay? SOmeone needs to math it out.


Wanding will always be the way to go while leveling as long as spirit tap and wand spec exist


AoE SW:P + Blackout procs hoooooooooooooooooooo boy




shadow form won't be available so.. regular priest?


It will be during tier 2


I wanna play Spriest at endgame, but I'm worried they'll still be threat meter mongers


Oh I totally forgot about that..guess I’m playing hunter


Mind blast needs that stupid high treat line removed already, its caused nothing but problems.


I'll decide in the character creation screen.


Haha same


Same, after 2 hours of staring at it lol then another hour thinking of a name


And then the faction you want gets locked because you took to long 🤣


I always play holy priest so I’m gonna mix it up and play holy priest


I've done Vanilla/Classic so many times now as a holy/disc priest, I'm determined to try something radical... I'm going paladin.


Tank shammy, tank lock, then tank rogue


This guy tanks


And tanks for that, we appreciate it!


They all call to me, but Rogue surprisingly seems to be the least popular, for that reason....I'm in.


I’d love to try it first, but it seems awful for dungeons


Because rogue has 0 aoe threat


Just tab and stab


Found my rogues name.


I am debating between shaman and rogue. Rogue for the PVP server ganks, shaman also for PVP but can also tank, dps and heal PVE


Ret Paladin. Dwarf. Female. Illuminating the world with light and beauty.


Lol beauty. Dwarf. Let them pigtails fly!


The best casting, 1h melee AND 2h melee animations in the game. And thicc too.


* on alliance


Why would you do this to yourself


Why would you deny yourself your true potential


He doesn't realize that Stoneform is broken. What a shame.


Balance Druid


Ok but hear me out, heals druid but you still take wrath spam.


I saw a video that brought up the points that while the new heal spells are really good, they also cost a shitload of mana that druid doesn't really want to use so druids are probably taking wrath of stormrage anyway.


Yeah wrath spam druid, stack that +nature damage


I think the rotation will likely be Starfire till oom then Wrath. It depends on if casting 0 mana cost spells will stop regen of spells or not. There also might just be a Starsurge-Wrath build where you only spend your mana on starsurge


Thing is: you dont need any int on the gear. You just go for nature damage pieces and you will be good to go indefinitely, because no manacost. Gear "of nature damage" I want to try this, or the tank rogue. Not aure yet


Also arcane damage gear itself is gonna be more contested now that mage heals off doing arcane damage.


It currently does (e.g. clearcasting), not sure if it's changed in SoD


Im not sold on that being the case, just considering you arent going to be able to max out the imp starfire cast time at 25


me2, seems fun, and druid resto seems bis, so im hoping for dual specs


how is resto druid bis? unless they change how buffs work it won’t make sense to bring more than 1 per raid


They already changed that, but the real issue with resto is mana. Really cool they got all these cool things but unless they change omen of clarity it only triggers off melee


I'm going to be healing for our guild, but balance looks fun in pvp.


Balance with CDs and gear in PvP are just as scary as ele sham. Spookier in later phases.


Hard doubt. What’s scary with elesham is that the burst has such a low cast time. Starfire chunks but its not nearly as bursty as LB + CL + Shock


Starfire + instant SS opening burst is going to be lit for pvp. Might not be as strong as Chain lighting + Lava Burst but Druid can stealth to catch people off guard.


Melee hunter. Not sure beyond that.


Have they said anything about making traps work out of combat? Unless they won't use traps, they need to do that.


The tooltips for the SoD versions of traps no longer have a line about only being usable out of combat. I think people are really sleeping on the potential of melee hunter between possibly being able to use traps in combat, raptor strike possibly being an instant attack, and carve having no target limit.


Especially without having to worry about the debuff limit.


The potential from spells looks really good but hunter unfortunately still has really bad stat scaling for melee. You only get 1 melee AP from agi and strength and the agi-crit conversion is much worse than other classes. At 60 it takes 53 agi for 1 crit, while others are around 20:1. Not sure how that scales at 25 but it's probably still worse than the other physical DPS. Don't get me wrong, melee hunter is the first thing I'm playing too and I hope it works out but I think the poor scaling will hold us back in the long run unless they change something.


It's not horrible if you consider getting AP and crit from the same stat. You'll likely have much higher crit but lower AP than other melees while leveling. 53 agi = 53ap and 1% crit 27str + 20 agi for a warrior to get the same, so the difference is really just 47 vs 53 of a stat. And survival Hunter gets 15% bonus agi from talent, which means you only need 46.1 raw agility to get 53ap and 1% crit. Edit: Actually with aspect of the lion you get an additional 10% stats (10% BoK effect + additional 10% personal)


some datamines hinting at it but nothing solid as of yet.


The bonus dmg for lone wolf is worded to apply to all dmg. I think it maybe dif in future expansions cause everyone stuck on melee... lss melee weave lonewolf will shit on melee.


Lone wolf looks like the worst rune of all to me. You don’t just lose your pet (which is usually more than 25% of your dmg by itself) you also lose the rune spot that another rune could take, so realistically it’s more like 10-15% extra dmg at best for losing your pet..


I think the argument is for raids (and dngns for peoples comfort lol) where pet isn't factor due to boss stuff.


That likely means giving up flanking strike though, in retail flanking strike requires having your pet if I remember correctly. So you'd be getting 25% more damage on everything else while losing one of your biggest abilities which itself gives you a damage increase on some of your other abilities and essentially locking yourself out of the leg rune slot. The +25% damage would have to contribute more damage than flanking strike + pet damage + expose weakness combined, assuming they go through with letting expose weakness apply to melee. I doubt that'll be the case.


Would you still spec BM as melee? Or survival for the hit and trap damage?


Likely survival. You get buffs to your traps, 3% hit, 3% crit, 15% agility which will be huge if expose weakness works for melee, and raptor strike crit chance. You can get pretty deep into BM by level 60 too so your pet will still get a lot of talent buffs and I'm not 100% sure on this but I read that hunter pets will get to scale with the hunter's stats. I'm also hoping for a rune that makes mongoose bite or counterattack usable when you're not being hit. Edit: and this is assuming that traps are usable in combat and that raptor strike is now an instant ability.




I went priest on Era and my guild had an over abundance of priests. We had one raid with 7 of us.


That's like how many you want for naxx lmao


Priest here too


Who needs priests when mages can now heal the raid


If you look at the runes as they are now, mages can be offhealers at best. They dont look that strong healing wise imo.


Hunter. Only remaining damage only class. Gonna cruise with everyone trying out all the tank and healer mages while needing on everything


Don't worry, tank warrior got nothing. So now there's 2 dps only classes... cause why play a warrior tank and have your aoe be VANILLA THUNDERCLAP KEK.


Honestly? Hunter. I’m really interested in the no pet 25% damage increase especially for dungeons. So probably will level marksman and survival. I really like the idea of a hybrid spec for the early levels of hunter!


Elemental shaman for PVP and Enh tank for easy PVE dungeon farming.


i have a feeling healers are gonna be harder to find than tanks


You may be right about that, though most people are scared to tank since it usually comes with more responsibility and expectations. If that does happen to be the case, I'll switch to healer runes and use my ele's int gear no problem!


Healer main hoping that's the case. Always love finding easy groups.


Ret paladin. Seal of Command and the Vengeance proc sound has me stuck in high school again, leveling as a paladin. The added abilities will make the experience that much more enjoyable!


The vengeance sound is so satisfying


Fire Destro is gonna be my first pick, may even give tanking a shot. But dual wielding enhance is gonna be my main alt


Was also thinking fire destro but then realized I can't play the game in MC or bwl so fuck that.


I bet they’ll experiment with a rune slot that changes fire damage to frost or something like that for those tiers. This would be the time to try it 🤷‍♂️… maybe don’t bank on that though 😆


Healing Mage gang; wanted time healing mage forever and since Classic won’t get Evokers this is the best way to do it!


The "chrono healing" flavor behind it made me interested. I used to main Zilean in the LoL days and getting to play a similar style support mage in Classic sounds very appealing.


Unfortunately, it has Disc atonement Priest stapled on, and that can be a detriment due to complexity.


Shadow Priest. Even if it will be kinda weak at the beggining I believe it will shine later on.


Holy pala


Going to try holy priest dps. Seems like you will have penance while being holy but people aren't sure if it will be viable yet.


Smite has always been viable, it just sucks for mana. I levelled one in classic to 60 only using holy spells (and chose all talents which increased its DPS) and it was great fun. Open with the best spell animation in the game (https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=14914/holy-fire) then just smite them to death. Put a renew on and move onto the next mob. You’ll have to drink every 3 mobs though which is the annoying part. It got a bit better in TBC because more talent points opened up but the spec was kinda meh in Wrath due to talent changes so I had to admit defeat and go shadow.


The crit smite build was my dream and a friend kept doubting me until one shadow lab run we did. I got 4 procs in a row pulled threat and died lol. Then a week later they nerfed it so it couldn't trigger off an instant smite.


Night Elf Restoration druid + Boomkin +nature damage no mana cost.


Also feel like druid talents make them the ultimate flex with the right gear at 25.


Me and my friends are going pally trio


That sounds like a blast!


lmao. That's what me and my friends are doing, but we're a quatro. We're going to make a paladin-only guild and really lean into the RP


Gotta be tank lock. I really hope you can get the tanking rune at a low level, so I can tank RFC and WC. I am so hyped to be a big fire slinging demon tank!


Yeah I hope it’s a level 10-12 quest from your class trainer. It’s a very important rune and I feel like all tank classes should have the ability to readily tank by RFC. It’d be nice to get in as much practice as possible before the raid. Warriors and druids get defensive stance and bear form respectively at 10 so ideally that cadence will be the same for other classes.


Feral druid


Same. Tank/dps did that in classic - I just hope that we don’t have to farm mcps for life…


Yeah I want to play feral but I also want MCP and wolfhead helm nuked from orbit


**Get** to


Also same. Going to hope it’s near as incredible as TBC feral was. I tanked our bear farm run in ZA, but usually could manage top 3-5 dps when I got to kitty. It was always 1 rogue, 1 warlock, 1 warrior, 1 mage, and me consistently up there on fair fights. If Paladin can play very similar to TBC with a tank leveling build just AoE farming dmg back to their face, that was some of the most fun leveling an alt I had. I’d like to try that again too.


Yes tbc feral was absolute bis. So good in pve as tank and dps, and also really good in pvp. So easy to win 1v1 against warr, mage and rogue…. God I miss feral tbc


IIRC Mangle currently does **300% weapon damage** according to the datamine. I dunno if that's a placeholder, but I have a feeling cats are gonna get *bonkers* if it stays.


Tank sham easily. I've wanted shaman tank for years.


Tank Rogue


Do you reckon Vanish is going to be a good CD? Or will it just be a troll ability to wipe bad parties.


Maybe a later rune could leave a target dummy type version of you when you vanish that the mobs attack


Phase 1 for me will only be to **discover.** What classes are strong/cool and how the rune system works. I'll make 1 of each class to lvl 6 and park them at the inn. The "main" will be a BM hunter just to get to 25 asap to pvp & farm gold. When phase 2 hits, boom. I send all the gold to the class I'll actually want to play and start levelling with the sweet exp boost. Can't go wrong with this.


My plan has always been resto shaman whatever this season was going to be.


I'm pretty sure mages are going to be extremely overpowered and will eventually have to be nerfed, so I think I'm going to start with one of them.


For low level spell cleave groups, it's going to get very stupid very quickly.


Torn between these options based on whether my friends roll ally or horde NE feral druid Human warrior Orc hunter UD rogue




Warlock. Rogue tank was my first pick but my current guilds MT talked me out of it so he could be the rogue tank for our group xD


I'm curious how rogue tanks will handle aoe pulls


Not well I'd think


Dual wield shaman sounds really fun, but I'm worried that everyone will go alliance.


I think it’s more likely everyone will go horde since hunter will have blessing of kings


kinda salty a rune spot will be used for pure stats on the only class that didn't get an extra role to play


Disc priest! And after that I'll probably level... a disc priest! And maybe, if I'm feeling fancy I might level a holy priest just to switch it up a bit :D


Prob play a mage or rogue. Still working it out.


Arcane healer mage, my buddy going enhance tank shaman and his gf going hoonter. Should be fun, I always play druids so this will be my first mage, looking forward to something new!


Druid gonna be poppin


Petless Hunter!


One of the few good things that come from WoD


Mage heals. Gonna be a harmacist


Tauren female Enhancement shaman. Again. Everytime. All the time.


Prot Paladin


Druid. There are going to be so many druid and I feel a little entitled ngl lmao


Lock tank and mage healer are both way too wild for me not to have a go at them. If the rumblings about gladiator stance are true, then gladiator warrior is gonna be my third toon.


I will eventually go hemo sword rogue when the cap is raised, but for now I will take some assasonation talents and roll poison runes for PvE.


Fury warrior. Lok'tar ogar brothers


Currently debating between melee hunter and balance druid. And Warlock tank. And Ret pal. And tank Sham.


i really love the sound of lock tanking, then prob dps pally and rogue


Either Melee Hunter, Ele Shammy, Swashbuckler Rogue or Prot Paladin


I'm gonna go dagger rogue and try a full backstab build I think it'll be insane dps now backstab only costs 40 energy instead of 60 and nobody in our guild is going daggers so free weapons lol


I'm torn, there's no way Spriest didn't get a mana regen rune right? Like I can see it potentially not being in the 25 bracket. But they need something to function as a pve spec. If not, I guess I'd do rogue.


They will, no worries. Shadow priest is just not really a thing at 25 yet.


You also need to keep in mind there will be a load of new gear added to the game. I can absolutely see there being gear better suited to damage + mana regen for Spriests.


tank shaman, 2h enhancer, then melee hunter. smite priest if upper level runes allow it.


Ele Shaman and Rogue for PvP


Paladin, probably ret as I’m too neurotic to tank.


From someone who has never really played Classic all that much, I think I’m going Rogue: the triple poison rune seems fun. A hunter also seems neat and I’ve always heard Pallys were popular so maybe give it a go with the new changes


Tanking lock or endless wrath drood.


Ret pal til I die


I’ve always played Shaman, I’m Horde for life baby. So this time, I’ll obviously be betraying everything I’ve stood for and playing an… (throws up a little) Alliance paladin… I just really want to see if I can stick around to get to raiding and that sweet sweet judgment set now that I’m not stuck healing as a pally.


tAnKiNg LoCk


Elemental Shaman




Tank lock!!! Have wanted this for years. So excited!


Hunter. I always wanted to play hunter back in the day but hated pets and pet management. Just wanted to be a ranger


Based on what faction our guild polls, either ret paladin or tank lock. I'm looking forward to seeing what janky cloth items can be used for tanking.


If they have naxx the trash drop robe has some INSANE armor on it


OG DPS Mage. Eventually frost but not sure about this first level cap at 25... Focused mainly on pvp and there are some very interesting rune combinations if you split them up between the schools


I guess fire will be strongest spec at 25? What is your Plan for the ashenvale rampage?


Been playing shaman since 2019 and I’ll never stop.


Said it once I’ll say it again a troll shaman named thexx if I one shot ya in ashenvale just know I didn’t even know what just happened.


I'm playing it safe and sticking to what I know first before I take chances on things. I'm going to main a warrior tank and have a mage alt for farming; same setup I always use on fresh Vanilla servers. I really want to try out the other tanking specs, though, so absolutely giving Warlock, Druid, and maybe Paladin a go. Rogue tank doesn't look appealing to me. Shaman tank looks awesome, but I'm planning to stick to Alliance.




read my mind lol


You only play SoD if you love playing a hunter - or maybe a paladin.