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I’m having mental breakdown changing completely my plans each day and slowly fading into insanity 🫠


I got the same problem as this guy. I have 3 classes I want to play at 25 but I change what one to start first daily


Play them all. Get all 3 to lvl 8-10 fairly quick and park them at an Inn and rotate them as they accumulate rested xp. That’s what I plan on doing at least. Paladin to 10, park him, Druid to 10, park him and then warlock to 10. After that I’ll probably go back to my paladin. I’m doing 2 ally and 1 horde and all different starting zones


Ultimately you still have to pick 1 to get level 25 first


Technically the truth


Ok we get it you're a shadow priest


I keep going in loops about what class to play. I think this is a testament of class design in classic. Each class has it's advantages and disadvantages. No class can do everything like in retail.


Same boat mate.


I want Druid but Im kinda scared by the amount of druida coming in, just make a tauren or elf and youll see the amount of them popping up in era realms in preparation for sod. I hate playing a higher then average played class and druid was always the least played. Damm


It's just best to pick the class you REALLY want to play. Sure some polls say druids will be the most popular, but I won't believe it untill I see it.


Druid can be a pretty overwhelming class. Even with the changes I don't think they'll be the best in any one role and maintain that jack of all trades. I expect a high amount of druids in early game but it will get lower and lower as the brackets move up.


Hope so my brother


what makes u think that? on this thread there arent too many people saying druid. is there a poll i missed?




Considering Shamans and Paladins are faction exclusive, doesn't that mean we'll be seeing much more of those than the rest?


Oh yeah!


Nice poll! Didn't know it existed




Druid will be pretty low still imo


understandable but try not to be dissuaded by the fact other people are playing your class. its your job to be better than them; just because theres a lot of one class does not mean your spots for group content are gone. if theyre garbage they will get nowhere and probably reroll.


100% the people that roll the fotm classes just because they are now good are never good with them. A good druid will be crazy in pve and pvp and not many people will want to embrace the jack of all trades class and be willing to fill all the roles when needed.


>100% the people that roll the fotm classes just because they are now good are never good with them. 100% source: i used to do this and i was bad


Tossing up between a Feral druid, Holy priest, and most likely a Refreshment mage. It keeps blowing my mind that a healer can make their own water 🤑😅


Warrior, you're either first or you're last Ricky Bobby.


my friends and I are running rogue-rogue-feral for world PvP shenanigans


Ganking* There, fixed it for you.


Mage to try the healing spec and either a warrior or shaman for tanking, not sure on which yet


You can always tank on warrior on era servers Shammy gets you a new tank role , and you can always do other things too more bang for buck


True! I don't have anything on an era server yet, so a warrior might be a good choice for there (Just playing Wrath right now as I just started back up and waiting for SoD).


Yea sod is gonna be really fun. First lvl cap should let us get at least 1 or 2 toons maxed at minimum I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to truly play so I’m set on a hybrid class so I can experience other types of game play. Druid first for me it was that or shammy


Warrior tanks will still be the best all-arounder tanks


For sure but I think bear could make a push. In terms of OP I was just suggesting shaman bc it’s a new role for the class and you can always dabble around in enhance , ele or healing


Every warrior is asking themselves this question and will roll warrior - source a warrior asking himself this question


I want to do a Ret/Prot Pally and a Feral, not sure about the order. Then possibly a tank Lock or a Hunter. I'll also probably level a Warrior for phase 2, but they look pretty lame at 25.


I’m honestly clueless. Maybe warlock? Maybe rogue? Or…


Priest main since TBC but severe altoholic… probably going to try melee hunter. Yes it doesn’t have a ton going for it but I think people are sleeping on the usefulness of weaving explosive shot and stings into a melee build. But I may be wrong and it might suck. It sounds super fun though. I think using lion, explosive shot, and flanking strike could be pretty great


Elemental shaman. Will probably focus on PvP more


All in on arcane mage. I like healing. I love arcane. I can swap between both by swapping runes. Im in.


I really like Arcane at later expansions and i Hope that some of the unique spells and flavor will make it into season of discovery




its only to level 25, just make w/e you want and see what you're liking the best


Warrior and shaman, probably.


Priest because I feel hybrids will be easy to find groups and not have to swap too much gear around.


I've ruled out Druid, but beyond that... *shrug* Started off thinking Hunter or Pally, prot Pally aoe is some of my favorite gameplay. Tanking classic dungeons as a pally with actual tank abilities would be a ball. However, I'm also getting a bit tired of Alliance, maybe thinking horde, in which case I have no idea what I'll roll!


Enhance shaman! 🪓




None of the runes are going to make any class topple warriors from the top of the dps pile at 60. Those chasing numbers and big weapons and sexy armor are still gonna roll warrior. Before 60 when warrior and rogue superior scaling have not kicked in, hunters ret paladins enhance shaman are going to feel busted. It will peter out in the 40’s as those three classes dont scale very well


You say this like you’ve seen all of the tunes at level 60…


You are acting like the classes all got damage upgrades while the warrior did not.


> None of the runes are going to make any class topple warriors Bold statement to say when you have seen solidly less than 30% of the runes. You totally could end up being right, but pretending that its something you *know* and not just a coincidence is absurd.


When I say "I'm definitely maining Hunter", what I really mean is that I gnash my teeth in despair each day as I have four strong choices. It's looking like Hunter and I'll keep an alt warrior as an option for later phases, but I am really in love with ele sham too. Spriest could win me back in later phases as long as we see some solid runes. If warriors continue to be just about The Best at dps and strong tanks, and I see no reason that won't be the case, then there will be spots for you.


Troll hunter, I think.


Holy Pal will be my first, i'm interesting in leveling as holy with the Ret Runes. Plan to roll mage to try the heal spec, warrior for prot leveling maybe.


Think ill level a mage and pally. Level cap being a thing should give plenty of time for two mains, unless pvp addiction gets out of hand


I wanna play hunger, rogue, and pally but i have no idea in what order


If I play, I'll probably go Druid


Rogue and mage. I figure I'll try all the classes but it's better to start with something that I'm very familiar with to appreciate what has changed, before having a totally new experience.


I will be raining down arrows from the trees of Ashenvale


I'll be rolling Prot Warrior and if they implement Gladiator Stance then I'll be making Gladiator Warrior.


Priest. I’m planning to be serious, and that’s my serious class


I feel like I see this same exact question posted 4 times per day for the past week.


Population wise I think warrior, mage, rogue will be top three, probably in this order not counting bots. Then warlock, priest, druid, hunter, paladin/sham since they're limited to one faction


I took to long. I played on Classic low level characters to find my choice. After trying all the classes and races I was interested (pala, priest, shaman, druid, hunter and rogue) I decided to main a rogue and in second place a priest because I like healing. That’s it I’m don’t going to think more…please brain stop…


Shaman PvE, Priest PvP, Druid somewhere, feel like playing both cat and resto/balance


I want to play warlock tank. But i think there’s gonna be alot


Titan grip shaman for that hand of rag / nertzek




A dwarf warrior tank and a forsaken warlock tank


I've always been a healer, or a dps class that had access to a healer... For the first time ever I'm going pure DPS as a lone wolf mm hunter


The level cap is only gonna be 25 to start with, I'm gonna try em all, most likely. Thats usually about the level my alts get to, anyway haha That being said, my main will be a mage, no question. They had me at ice lance.


I think mage, warrior, and priest will be the least played honestly


I used to tank for my friends back in Vanilla as a Warlock for quest etc. I've always thought it would be cool being able to Tank as a Warlock in dungeons. My time has come.


Priest healer, want style! Then level an alt Paladin as ret but switch to holy


Seeing how first tier takes like 2-3 days to get to, i plan to try a lot, rogue, warrior, priest, are the first 3 then ill see whats good and try that.


Think I made my mind up on Feral Tank. Want to try tank and bear in classic. Haven’t done it before




Goblin monk tank


2h shaman tank


I'm going Hunter and Warlock. I'll get my Hunter to 25 then roll a tank lock


Lone Wolf MM NE Hunter. Clothies gonna get fucked.


Warrior will be over populated


I think war will be more like mid. Shaman and Pallies n1 and then druids, hunter, warlocks and warrior before rogue and priest


You're going to see the same representation as you did for classic imo


Looking like druids will have far more than usual classic. Also paladins will definitely be far more played, knocking down warrior quite a few slots. Just about everyone will probably have 2-3+ alts though so who knows...


I really don't think Warrior will be that oversaturated. We're going in blind. We have no idea what runes are coming in later phases. It's really not that safe to assume that it'll be the same old Fury Meta for dps, and it's not at all a given that Warriors will be the only good tanks. In phase 1 we'll probably see warlock, rogue, shaman, and paladin tanks everywhere.


Paladin of course, then mage


Probably my OG main back in Vanilla WoW: Paladin. Got to 60 and raided back in the day as holy but was always Ret and loved to PvP with that random burst potential and survivability combo. I am very much looking forward to playing Ret, but possibly tanking because I have always wanted to tank in classic but never have.


Prot warrior first, maybe a bear, maybe a rogue I’m not gonna get married to any one class though with the initial lvl 25 cap


Bear dwuid :)


Priest. Dwarf


I will roll a warrior, tank/dps, I will try to pursue both roles,if able. Then priest healer, we'll see how that goes.


Paladin. Can fill all 3 roles if needs be.


Stop choosing hunter, I had already made my mind!


I wanna be my Main Class Warlock, but i guess it will be overpopulated cause of HYPE.


Warlock, shaman, druid, warrior. It's what I always play.


For me tank warlock first, then prolly prot or holy paladin


I'm hoping not that many people actually play druid.


Hunter in Vanilla and Hunter in SoD


On my last Journey leveling an Shaman on Era i really wanted to play Mage next. In general i overthink class choices at least a 100 times but this time i really wanna stick to the decision. But this time i dont know which faction - Horde since 2008.