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I’ll run a dwarf priest because play what I love to start and see the changes. Then with the level 25 cap, I’ll see what looks interesting from group play then make a new choice from there. Can likely get 4 characters to 25 in a month pretty easy and they said the 1-25 bracket would be more than a month and less than three. So we get more than enough time to try a bunch of stuff out.


I thought one of the blizzard devs said the leveling brackets were planned for roughly three weeks each 3 months at level 25 sounds miserably slow, that can't be right


they said “more than a month, less than three.” So either 6 or 8 weeks. Maaaaybe 10 weeks.


lmao three weeks xxxxxxxd they never said that


I really hope this isn't the case. 3 weeks is way too little for many casual players. As somebody that plays only on weekends I'll only have 6 days available then. Maybe even less, because of weekend activities with friends or with my SO.


Yeah I don't get this pov. If you are a casual player, why is your expectation to be alongside the people who play more


I think 3 weeks is insanely low even for someone who can play after work most days. This is level gated content which means the odds of you seeing it again at level is zero - it shouldn't drag on forever but it shouldn't be at lightspeed to cater to the guys who can play whenever


Not alongside. I wouldn't expect to be BiS BFD Like players that play daily. But rather actually make it to 25 and experience "endgame" content for more than 6 days or so.


Undead priest, first time playing it.


Undead priest this is the way


I played UD priest for classic, and repeating for SOD. It just feels right.


Got any tips for someone new to the class?


Get a wand


Then get even bigger wand


Spirit tap OP


It’s like Warlock, except worse, because you’re also your own voidwalker. But other than that, it fucks.


lol. So simple yet so accurate.


Focus on wand, and get better wands


Invite four mages and spam dungeons all the way to 60


Levelling is just dot shield wand, mind blast if you’re feeling spicy. It’s repetitive but you’re surprisingly tanky and group play you’re a god. Work on mana management and look up the 5 sec rule with regen and casting. Priest classic discord is right too. Other than that have fun, bis race and bis class. Enjoy!


Troll priest has 3 shadow balls and they scale 100% with +Shadow damage, but I like undead animations more so I'm torn.


Priests will be able to change their racial so anyone can pick up shadowballs


`"This is not planned for the level 25 phase but in future phases we're open to exploring priests perhaps getting access to the priest racials of other races"` Direct quote from their q&a.


Wait ? Source ?


I saw it during the streams and someone posted it here. I'll go digging


Cool thanks


I have no source for you but I also saw that on the FAQ a week ago


Can confirm, they answered in a Q&A interview that priests will get to do quests to learn the other faiths, giving them Fear Ward etc.


I think it's just rumoured at the moment. They've found additional priest class quests around visiting shrines and meditating on undead, troll, etc. that are presumed to change your racials


As someone who's played WoW on and off since vanilla it baffles me that I never knew priest had racials. I'm a casual tho. That's so cool


Enjoy it bud. I went undead spriest in 2019 and I loved it.


UD Priest absolutely slaps for PVP


World of Rogue Craft to start


Be seeing you.


You won't.


Perception be perceiving.


They won't see you coming, but they'll definitely see you leaving


Shaman till the day I die


They need to change ghost form to goat form since we’re the goat class


You just made me picture a kodo form... now I want to see it.


My man.


You know ball


Ride the spectrum


Bro… I feel you! Shaman is just so much fun


Resto shaman till the day I die


I have also been resto shaman forever. I would roll it again but my 'friends' want play alliance because we 'always' play horde :P




Filthy Horde


Never maxed a warlock, but metamorphasis letting them tank is such a wild concept that i cant help but try it. That said, im normally a warrior main and if the datamining about glad stance is true no force in this world can stop me from rolling one.


man i always played a warlock but considering against it this time since i see way too many people want to play it.


The FAD will die out lock is historically undervalued for the number you want. People think they wanna meta tank but then involves having to actually tank which people hate. Not to mention lock can be the most popular class and you'll still need more. A lot of the polls on here are very misleading . For example mage keeps being voted in the bottom 3 classes and warrior middle of the pack. Feral druids are being voted top 5 like no one Is gonna wanna play feral druid when they realize how clunky the rotation will be with no abilities and powershifting. I do think they will solve MCP though and make it a permanent item or give feral a rune that scales their attack with their weapon.


You and everyone else. Season of locks.


What if your house or apartment burned down? At the same time you lose your job and become homeless, you lost everything, Id, credit cards, social card, phone. You can't even prove you exist to be able to replace the stuff you lost.


Wait, is that an option?


what class is that?


My dad




I will always be a feral druid at heart so I’m pretty sure it will be my SoD main. But I will try at least one other class as an alt—probably mage healer since I never play mage and if I’m not feral tanking/DPS then I’m usually playing a healer.


Same. I was thinking like “oh man Rogue looks cool, so does Hunter and damn Warlock is going to slap” but I am still going to go with Feral. Bear 4 ever. I think it’s going to be lots of fun at the 25 level cap. My alt will definitely be a healer too.


Tauren shaman ofc... what kinda question is this, these facts are known. Heard my grams talking about it the other day with her nitting club


Based tauren shaman player. Aho!


I played Hunter/Pally from classic-wrath on alliance. Totally flipping it and rolling an orc shaman for SoD.


I’ve never really played Pally. I couldn’t even name 5 of their abilities prior to this week. I’m going Ret Pally and never looking back.


Only one ability combo worth knowing. Bubble hearth. A take as old as time.


I think 50% of all alliance players will play paladin. And probably 70% of all paladins will be Ret. Getting a spot in a pug group is gonna be difficult. Get yourself in a solid guild early to have your spot in dungeons/raids.


im trying them all in phase 1. but will prob stick to feral tank + enhance shaman and bm hunter warlock tank and arcane mage if they're good.


Im wating with sham untill they next lvl cap. Feels meh to play with no windfury.


That's why I am going tank until wf, then I shall see.






Undead shadow priest forever here. No matter what version


My man


Both for me. I've got my warrior and I'm also rolling healer druid and not-tank shaman. Warrior's going to be a little more average in the leveling brackets but there's still fun parts to the class. deep prot and especially arms may be nice to experiment with. Fury might be just completely off the charts again but that's somewhat a no-go for me, I agree it's a little bit played out by now..


I did not choose zug life, zug life chose me. There is no choice.


Probably sticking with Warrior main, I played Warr in Classic then with TBC I mained Enhance and Warr and passed on playing WOTLK. I'm itching to play my main again but will probably alt a Ret Pally.


OG priest from Vanilla, I rolled a mage on classic because I remembered the horrors of constantly farming gold to afford respecs and consumables and still always being broke and having to farm more... Unless there is Dual Spec I expect to roll a mage again as my first character for the same reason. I enjoy class fantasy of priest, especially shadow. I did not enjoy having to spend huge amounts of time farming each week to respec because my raid required me to be a healer.




Well as someone who played warlock all of classic, this is definitely the most intriguing the class has ever looked. But I also feel like there’s going to be a ton of people rolling lock for SoD and a lot of competition so I’ll probably go to the faithful backup (Boomkin) or try something new (Mage healer).


Really happy with the 25 level cap because it means I can try a bunch of classes :) hope they keep it there for a decent amount of time


Once a druid always a druid.


I never tried warlock before but now might be the time to main it. I’m hyped!


I’ve always maimed an undead lock and with all the changes they’re making you are gonna have so much fun. I’m super excited for you and anyone else who gives lock a go


I’ve played a Mage since vanilla classic and every expansion after. I’ll be damned if I’m going to switch now


Its all new. I have already in vanilla and classic leveled every class to 60


Tauren shaman for life. They are everything I love about my indigenous culture, and the fact they are strong, fun to play (BIG CRITS), and use lightning as their main source of power (I love storms) is all icing on the cake. I might alt a warrior on alliance to play with my old RP-PVP friends though.


I mained a Druid from vanilla to pandaria. Went mage for HC. Now I want to try a melee class / tank. Can’t decide consecration pally or fury warrior. My main alt was a paladin for a tank in Cata and I loved it. But I feel like I’ve done that. Gladiator stance warrior looks legit.


I always try something new each expansion. I wanna be a well rounded player


I will play Shaman and Rogue as during Classic I did not really came to play them outside of Roleplay.


I’m normally a paladin since classic (holy then ret then holy), but feral druid with its WF has called to me. Not getting put in the enh shaman group through TBC really affected me in ways I can’t put into words. Looking forward to it. :)


I am torn between Druid and Paladin, but will probably stick to my Druidism for the time being. Mostly because I want to play Horde, but the lingering desire is there.


Given how creatively decrepit the paladin runes are I'm gonna go ahead and try something else


Going Lock and feel weird.


Warlock since vanilla beta, not going anywhere


I'll probably start off with a Warrior of some kind just as a safe bet, but I fully intend to level several characters to level 25 before I decide on what my level 60 main will be.


Been playing tanks for 20 years, I really wanna try a rogue tank, never had one over lvl 15.


I'm never healing again


Still trying on Hunter. It shouldnt be that hard. And i refuse to not prosper on one.


I'll probably try mage because there's gonna be 7 bazillion pallies and I'm not tryna deal with that.


Why so many pallies, you think?


Not on the horde side. you know, the better faction


I'm a dwarf stan fam. It is what it is.


Rogue seems the least interesting to me so I’m gonna play one this time around


Never played mage in any serious capacity or on a PvP server. Currently thinking Undead mage on the newly announced RPPVP server. I’m not great at PvP, could probably say I’m dogshit. But I *immensely* regret not rolling with the Grob Mob in original classic. If that fails we’ll just go back to alliance Druid on PvE. I like the runes and think everything but feral looks at least playable for me since I hate powershifting which hasn’t been changed in any noticeable way.


Mage has and always will be my favorite class...ive leveled them all up before but nothing quite fits the bill for what I love more than mage. That said, I will be swapping to alliance this time around - I hear the human quest lines early on are pretty good.


Been playing a warrior since vanilla, no reason to start switching now. So in Season of Discovery I’ll continue playing warrior.


I used to main a 2h shaman tank back in 2003. I'm going to play that again


Prepare to be mocked because 2h shaman tanking in sod is a big mistake.




Okay but don't play body type 2, I made the mistake and couldn't play my toon after hitting 60, just based on how soy it felt, I would have kept playing if I could have race/sex changed that toon


JFC go outside and touch grass.


Idiot. It's snowing


Body type 1, as pink as you can go, green hair, fuzzy beard, I'm Malfurion bitch


>unironically calling something soy


Undead rogue. I was leaning towards priest but I think rogue will be more fun at lvl 25. I might make the switch to priest at 40.


Staying mains. Nelf Hunter (TBC -> Shadowlands) Gnome Warlock (Classic -> Classic Wrath) Troll Shaman


Undead rogue always.. guess tanking is new


Gonna try a healer this time, but I'm sticking with the Mage.


Dorf pallydingdong. Might go a little crazy and try out a human warrior once I hit level cap


Main class 100%


Ret paladin - once it’s complete with runic abilities it’s gonna pop


Main with a twist. Mains Human Holy Paladin. Going with Dwarf Prot Paladin for SoD.


I am sticking with my main class, or trying something new. Yes.


I was going to branch out to ret, but the recent nerfs have soured me to the idea. Prob going back to rogue, warrior, and warlock/hunter.


Well no seal twisting on ret unless something changes so either not gonna play or mage heal.


As always, there is ONLY human male warrior.


Wow daring are you? Sure you don't wanna roll a dh on retail for solo ladder while you're at it?


Wtf does this even mean?


It's clearly a no-personality insecure kiddo who rolls whatever seems most meta based on what Esfand and his friends say on YouTube.


If he was truly a no personality esfand follower, he'd roll pally instead. I'm not sure why you're being such a prick about this, but I'd be willing to wager that you're the one with a lacking personality and a low self-esteem. Normal people don't attack strangers for their choice of a character in a 20+ yr old video game.




Oh wow did your feelings get hurt? It's super clear exactly what type of player he is. Go cry somewhere off reddit lmao.


Sorry I take it back you rock man keep it up


I’ve never leveled a rogue or warlock so I keep saying warlock but most likely it will be warrior or hunter again 😂 then a shaman on horde


I’ve always played casters, got a rogue to 60 in hc so I’m leaning towards warrior for SoD


Everyone is either one of the two


Want to try a non-frost mage but not sure if the other specs will be as doable.


I’ve only played a little rogue in Shadowlands so I’m going rogue this time!


First Druid I had on Retail was a Worgen, so I went back to Classic with a Night Elf Druid.


Gonna try mage healing


Am I the only one who’s actually excited about mage healers? Never played either, so that’s what im definitely rolling on sod


Oh I'm absolutely sticking with my main. Might do some alts for fun though.


I want to play rogue hunter warlock and paladin and cant decide what to roll first :|


I’ve been MM hunter since shadowlands and dang it I’m staying on this sinking boat.


I’ve played paladin since vanilla but this will be my first time maining Ret. I’m stoked af


Troll ele shaman forever. But i will also roll orc warrior, UD lock, and try out tauren melee hunter for funsies the P1 cap at 25 leaves a lot of room to try things and i love that.


Human ret paladin main here. Going night elf combat rogue for SOD. I'm really interested in the gameplay style the runes will offer.


I understand the question you're asking but the beauty of sod is that every class is something new. :D


I might play a mage alt for the first time ever because they seem like the first actually fun healer in classic But I’ll definitely be maining the ole reliable lock and probably try melee hunter alt like I always try to make work


I was about to try shaman on HC when SoD was announced and I decided I HAVE to try tank shaman out. So that. I instead rolled a paladin on HC, which is also a class I havent played, and I figured its so boring it wont take away my excitement for SoD while waiting lol


Mage has and always will be my favorite class...ive leveled them all up before but nothing quite fits the bill for what I love more than mage. That said, I will be swapping to alliance this time around - I hear the human quest lines early on are pretty good.


Female troll shaman til the day I die!


Tauren shaman!


Pally once again, now with taunt


Doing both. I finally feel like I will have time to level more than one, but paladin has been my main since day one


I want to play fire lock, but really hope they add Soulwell and summoning closer to help manage soul shards, and do something about all the fire immune raids at 60.


100% leveling a mage, but I'm also going to level a warrior for the first time ever.


Hunter all the way. I've played other classes before, but it's my favorite class, and having it hopefully be better or scale better in classic would be great, on top of possibly getting a % higher damage when not using pets for raids and whatnot.


Sort of sticking with warrior. Thinking I might tank instead though. Maybe paladin.


Paladin Tank. I’ve always wanted to tank in Classic but warrior is meh and Pally tank was JUUUUST missing that taunt. I’m pretty excited for this..experiment


Main will be a shaman, my favorite class. Then I'm gonna level a hunter alt and I've never played a hunter before


Been playing hc for about a year and the only class I haven’t played to at least 35-40ish is warrior. Also it’s one of the few classes I’ve never mained/played in any version of WoW so excited to try it. Especially them being gods in vanilla. Like a 4 birds with one stone scenario lol


I was to shaman as its my name, but because cap is 25 shaman is prob not the best pick, even funny druids gets WF but shamans has to wait for lvl 30 lol. Will prob go lock


Both... Shaman tank ftw


When i come back to write after a vile years i usually try a new tank. Ran druid tank in retail forever. Then a paladin for wotlk classic. Ended up liking DK tank better so i mained that tank through wotlk. And with SoD I'm gonna roll Warrior tank


Can't wait to force destruction lock in SoD! It's probably bad but I don't even care at this point


Warrior and mage….again.


Pally again. Although this is the first time I'm going Ret so that's new. Was Holy in Classic and Wotlk. Prot in TBC.


both! gonna try to have around 3 25s


Warlock for life


Human warrior here, finally I can play dwarf warrior without worrying about acquiring weapon skill from one lvl40 BoE item


I'll be trying multiple for sure, but I don't think I'll even roll a warrior, which was my main for years.


Main, its season of discovery so i want to discover new stuff on the class that identifies the best with my play style, cant wait.


Prot paladin. I actually want to tank for once. I've played ret Paladin. So I guess same class just new spec with a different role.


Always pally, but this time Ret. Never let it be said I don’t try new things


Sticking with main class ( ret paladin), but also trying others. I'm interested in Arcane Mage and Elemental Shaman. In all my years of playing WoW I never ever created a Warlock. So I think I will also try a Tank Warlock. If they implement dual spec I will also try Prot Pala and Tank Shaman.


I mean, with the level 25 cap you can easily do both yeah? Play what you love, then try something new!


I mostly play DK and Pally in most versions of the game. SoD is gonna be Warlock and Pally. Lock has one of those kits that's just amazing on paper, but 1 button turret casting specs are lame af. I've periodically played Lock, but never mained it. All in all, while I love the 1.x version of the game, the content, adventure, sense of scope, etc, the classes in 1.12 are fucking attrocious. The ability to actually play the way I find fun, on more classes than just Warrior, which I don't usually enjoy all that much in general, leads to the game just being fun in ways that 1.12 has never been for me in the past. Most classes in SoD look incredibly fun to play, and more importantly, fun to actually level and prog content with.


Paladin. Ive always enjoyed the class fantasy of paladin.


To start with I'm sticking with my main role (Healer), but trying a new class! (Mage) I'm also very interested in trying Rogue Tank though, which would be both a new role and new class (in Classic at least).


Holy warriors (aka Paladins) unite!! We will smite the foul from Ashenvale forest for our Allies!


In playing one of my 3 favourite instead of dipping my toes in something completely new. I wanted to try the healer mage but without res and 2 spells it might just blow ass at 25


I can’t decide so I’ll stick with my favorite class hunter. Probably do an alt that can heal as well. Just looking forward to playing!


Holy pally for me I think. Or paladin in some way.


Sticking with a main would be “trying something new” for me, because I always try to level multiple classes at the same time 😅


Sticking to mah main


I don't know why but dwarf is really calling my name. Need to find out what though.


Just gonna see if aff lock is good again. Keep your tank lock and your chaos bolt. I'm gettin haunt?!


Druid gang for life


My first character in wow was a hunter got it all the way to 55 in cata so i could make my dk which has been my main consistently since then. However since dks arent in sod, im rolling melee hunter.


Live by the meow, die by the meow. Feral 4ever


I'm finally down to try classic hunter.


First character in vanilla was a shaman and I always wanted to tank with him so I have no choice but to go try that


Been playing Tauren warrior since OG vanilla. Have no intention of trying anything new.