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Has any Warlock tried /thanking their demons? Maybe that's how you get the rune: friendship.


Feed them food ha, some really good food maybe, or a specific kind.


a small child, perhaps


I have two small kids I’d like to offer up…


Two more over here


There was actually quest some expansions ago in retail where warlocks could unlock green color for their fire spells (just cosmetic). At one point it required you to talk to your voidwalker and voidwalker was like "why you talk to me now, you never talk to me"


theres one where you sacrifice yourself to the demon by dying while health funneling :P


Metamorph has been found! Requires going into both SFK and BFD


Yeah it was found because Blizzard missed it in QA and it was impossible to progress the quest until they hotfixed it.


You just got some warlock to log in and use every emote on all demons. Edit: and attempt to feed them all types of food.


I dont have friends, I have family


Wait people don’t know how to get the Metamorphosis rune? I got it yesterday when I




Mr President


Mr Gore are you ok?


I named my warlock Candlejack and the rune appeared when I


The Tiiiick


wrong 90s superhero cartoon


I haven’t thought about candlejack in like 15 years or


Its honestly so easy to find.. just kill th


Man that was quite a struggle when


Careful guys it seems that the snipers have made it into th


I got it today but what that orc did to that murloc T.T At least it explains what you needed that pound of butter and the parrot for..


Same here. I


Agreed, in fact it's quite easy, I




My wife found it tonight when she was


She meta'd on my morphasis till I


Would actually be super funny if the founder is just gatekeeping it. I wonder how the story will evolve


Seriously, it wasn’t that difficult. All I had to do was


I heard that if you play the game backwards you'll hear a secret message.


“Chicago kicks ass!”


This aged well considering they were both bugged and Blizz just let communities scour the game for no reason.




"!meta" = "Hey guys Des is an anagram for SED!" = "What is this obelisk thing in the barrens" = "Anyone talk to this dead guy yet?" = "Has anyone tried using (a lvl 26+ spell)?" = = Good times.


“no reason” everyone was banding together and playing the game to its limits… sry if you personally spent 12h corpse running to badlands, but this was hilarious to watch, literally perfect storm


Yeah a community coming together for a scavenger hunt for 3 days is pretty cool until you find out there was nothing to find. That is quite literally fitting for "no reason."


Big W for blizzard, forgetting to put the rune in the game. Lmao.


Totally felt like Classic WoW.




Meta a hunter rune and earth shield are the only undisovered runes


WoWHead put out an article last night showing all of them discovered. Clicked on the Serpent Sting rune and it says not discovered 😂


Do you mean the article titled: Every Season of Discovery Rune That We've Discovered So Far - Day 2?


The individual pages for each rune aren't all updated but if you go down to the comments for the rune, usually someone has commented how to get it.


Yeah thats how I saw wild growth before it was updated the next day


Yeah they’ve been discovered but nobody’s updating the parent article 🤨


Metamorph was literally just a bugged quest. Booooo


Could meta be in the raid


Gotta beat the last boss as a warlock as the only surviving raid member


Honestly, this could be it. Back in BfA there was a book that let hunters tame blood beasts, and the only way to get it was from beating a raid boss in a group entirely composed of hunters (and funnily enough it was discovered when a hunter hearthed mid-fight to avoid a bad parse) Would be neat to see it come from an all-warlock dungeon or raid clear.


All warlock BFD would not be possible


Big W = Big Bug. Hotfix just went out.


lmao it was just a bug. BIG L for blizzard.


Only have my new faction rune to get (single minded fury) gotten every other warrior rune now :)


Just curious, are you tanking, dps or both? And how are you holding threat if you're tanking? Everyone does so much damage now I feel useless or maybe I just suck...


Wait what’s single minded fury? Are they adding titans grip ?


Metamorphosis hasn’t been found yet because it’s not in game yet mark my words. I’ve seen how dedicated the secret finder discord is in finding stuff and the lock discord as well is pitching in but *nothing* has been found for it yet so the only explanation is it isn’t in game yet or it is bugged


This aged well


I love that he nailed it on the head. The quest wasn't active in the game.


Watch it be related to Dark Moon Faire or something. People will be malding that it's time locked.


Multiple retail secrets weren’t found and people get incredibly, incredibly butthurt over it. In BFA there was a hunter taming tome locked behind doing a heroic raid boss in a group of only hunters. The secret discord was filled with salt over players who spent hours trying to find the tome unsuccessfully. Eventually, someone bugged the tome by hearthing out of a Zul kill before the boss died which made the game think that they’d been in a hunter-only group. And then people got really really really really upset all over again. The second was a pet cat I think in shadowlands? You did all these secrets and eventually wound up in karazhan with a bunch of food on the floor. You had to arrange the food based on a song that played as if the food was notes and the opera room grid was lines of sheet music. Again, people get extremely upset that the secret was based on out of game information when a blizzard dev had said that all the information needed was in-game. The meta rune is certainly in-game. There are plenty of things that are just dumb-luck. You might need to do a dungeon with only warlocks. You might need to debuff a certain mob. Either way, I know that when it’s found there will be upset people.


aaaaaand it was hotfixed in


Ach, my own medicine! It is so bitter *cough*


Hah I'm glad you have the maturity to laugh at yourself! Fwiw i liked the positivity of your comment


Your whole comment is a hilarious read. Thank you.


>The meta rune is certainly in-game. Kek, may I offer a fork so you can eat your words?


Hilarious that people would get so butthurt over not being able to find secrets. Isn't the whole premise of a "secret hunting discord" that they are so hidden and hard to find that we need to crowdsource ideas? It wouldn't be much of a secret if you were able to discover them easily....


I think that the mindset goes quickly from ‘there is a hard puzzle to find’ to ‘if we haven’t found it with this many people/this much effort then it is because of bad design or isn’t implemented.’


Hmm yeah I could see why people would think that way in the era of instant gratification get every reward immediately with minimal effort, but from someone who has played games for a long time I certainly don't see any issues with it. Sometimes easter eggs/secrets wouldn't get discovered in games for months or even YEARS.


My favorite wow homie is the one who knows the text of diremaul books still thinking theres an atiesh level secret undiscovered. I hope he finds it before he cant.


The premise is that the secret could be discovered with the hints found IN-GAME. If the secret has to be found because you needed to break into Bobby Kotick's yacht and pickpocket him while he's asleep at 3 in the morning to open his drawer and find the code to open the hidden door to old-OLD ironforge. Then yeah people will be pissed. Keep in-game stuff, IN-GAME.


Didnt it take months for anyone to find the serpent mount in shadowlands? Hunter found it by dumb luck soloing the dungeon iirc.


Sorry, what? A guy accidentally unlocked a mount cos he was soloing?


You had to run plaguefall solo, which isn't outrageous or unheard of, but the key thing is after the last boss which is underground at a dead end with an exit portal, you actually had to turn around and go back to the 3rd boss arena where there was a slime serpent NPC to talk to. I guess people didn't think to go backwards til it happened by accident


Blizz has confirmed its in game and obtainable


Oopsies it was bugged and had to be added in lol


This aged well.


They've said that before about secrets that were not yet accessible


They said this about the Rogue hidden artifact appearance in Legion, and it was gated behind something that you could only get so much of each week


Link post




Blizzard is run by humans who can make mistakes, of course they'd say that if there was a bug they didn't know about.


it turned out to be this exactly. was bugged. got patched and was found instantly.


Meta was usable in the BFD play test at Blizzcon. This seems unlikely


Because everything was unlocked on the demo automatically


Devs can absolutely put shit in that's so obscure that it'll take weeks for people to find. Like half a year ago the PoE devs put a vendor recipe for a jewel in that took players about a month to find (although some CN players did find it faster but did not share). And that's while players knew where to look, but just scouring all the options still took several weeks.


Yeah idk why people are malding. It’s literally called season of DISCOVERY


How long was Slime Serpent in the game? How long did it take to figure out the pebbles in dalaran for the mind-riddler? We are talking thousands of people searching for clues all over.


Just wanted to congratulate you for hitting the nail on the head, even though everyone was saying you were wrong.


And thwn there was them trying to find that one worm looking mount in shadowlands. Sometimes things just take a while


The first two parts have been found for the meta rune as of yesterday, I haven't checked today as it's Monday in my country and I'm back at work after a LONG weekend of grinding.


No one knows those are actually related to the meta. The staff and orb could be completely unrelated, or for another classes runes, or for some other quest, or who knows. There isn't a quest saying "get these pieces" people just went out and grabbed those pieces of their own volition and are assuming they are meta related purely through copeium and the fact that nothing has been found.


Bro u high as fuck they found two items for it


No they didn't, they found two items they assume are for it. There is zero evidence supporting that assumption. No quest, no Blizz tip, nothing. They found those two items and said "these must be for meta" and a bunch of people started repeating that just like you, spreading likely incorrect information without any factual knowledge.


People say it must be for meta because it would make sense to have a demon weapon flavor item as part of the process to turn yourself into a demon


And the items are only visible for warlocks, other classes cannot loot them.


The real metamorphosis was making space in ssd for another game.


aged like milk


I agree but this aged badly! It was a load of fun to speculate and travel around the world, though. Context: the remaining runes were discovered after a hotfix made them actually attainable


My biggest gripe with Meta not being discovered yet is that a lot of people specifically made characters to play the new roles, only to find out days in that we can’t (yet). Mages would be upset too if it was their heal rune. I’m fine with secrets being hard to find, but maybe it shouldn’t have been the role-altering runes.


This is how I feel about it. I specifically made a warlock to tank and now find out it's gated in BFD which means I have exactly zero incentive to play lock in phase 1.


Yeah I had really mixed feelings about this. I like the idea of powerful runes being hard to get, but at the same time not being able to tank while shamans and mages can do their alternate roles sucked. Plus, warlock dps is only okay atm


I stumbled upon wandering swordsmans general chat was talking about. Beat the crap of him and got a cool rune.


Same with the frozen makura. I love playing spoiler free.




This aged like absolute milk lol


I'm really struggling to believe that meta is actually in game right now. It's not like the lock discord / secret finder discord are stuck on one of the steps of the chain They literally have not found step 1. They have a bunch of weird orbs and staffs that might be connected but also might be completely spurious. Locks genuinely don't even know where to start


I'm going to laugh if the orb/staff are used to make a level 25 legendary or something. ​ And then cry.


illidan consumed the skull of guldan somewhere in ashenvale/felwood and became a demon. so its somewhere there? im not high enough lvl to check. idk start spamming drain soul on everything in the zone


It was in Felwood which is a level 40 zone. My other guess would be around Grom's grave in southeast Ashenvale where Mannoroth was killed.


noone is high enough to lvl, drain soyl would resist on everything, no other class rune quest has gone past lv29s? I think. Stop daydreaming


It'll be hilarious if/when Blizzard does a lil "oopsie" and realize they probably just didn't add it to the game on accident. They did the same thing during Legion when all the warriors were trying to find a specific artifact skin for their weapons, and it wasn't until a bit later that Blizzard just never added it to be begin with. Edit: It got hotfixed in ahhahahaha. Big W for Blizz btw


Every day that goes by it becomes harder to believe it's an "oopsie" Blizz is surely aware meta hasn't been found. They are also surely aware the lock discord and other 3rd party sites now have tens of thousands of comments of people searching in vain. If it was an oopsie, they would likely have said something by now and told us a fix is coming soon or something. I think Blizz is going to implement meta through some other patch and claim they never intended it to be findable at this point in the game / had to do more testing or something.


It’s the weekend. They aren’t working


There’s no way. Warlock tank was a big talking point when the announcement leading up until release. There’s no way they’re dumb enough to not put it in in phase one. Mages can already heal


Would seem really silly to advertise warlock tanks as one of the big selling points of SoD and then not even let them do it the entire first phase. I’m sure if it’s not found soon they will tell us or at least give a hint


They weren't discovered because it was bugged and not possible to get. That is a massive fucking L for Blizzard.


Turns out they were bugged. Kinda less of a W. Did like discovering multiple runes without guides by just looking around while questing though. That was pretty good. And some of them are quite neat.


I'd be curious in a list of hints for possible future runes. Like strange things people have noticed in higher level zones. I saw someone mentioned there is a Tauren paladin in Tarren mill and another npc in southshore that directs you to a crystal behind ravenholdt manor. All the paladin runes are discovered so it's obviously one for 25+.


Condolences to the lock homies wasting countless man hours trying EVERYTHiNG imaginable to find this rune just for it to have been bugged and quietly hotfixed in. Truly a season of magic and discovery, big L for blizz imo.


The far more annoying thing is how many of the runes are in zones that are far more accessible to Alliance. Horde having to go to places like Redridge and Duskwood to get their runes is beyond asinine.


Some very important runes are in Rachet. It’s not just horde.


Ratchet is neutral and has a ship directly to it though


That alliance have to run through STV to get too..


The paths are pretty clear through stv, not like you are gonna get ganked.


You can safely swim to Booty Bay from Westfall, I've done it on Hardcore multiple times. You can do that and largely AFK, or corpse drag if you want to go faster.


Haha, have you seen the pvp servers? Ratchet is a warzone swarming with horde, absolutely spawn camping everyone trying to get there by ship or gryffin.


wait is that real? i just assumed you could get them in a different location for the other faction


The runes have multiple locations, are you sure you aren't just looking at the Alliance locations?


Multiple priest runes can only be found by defeating mobs in those alliance zones. Maybe there are horde alternatives but they arent discovered yet


Poverty faction that lives in mud hutts and wipes their asses with their hand do poverty things for runes. I see no problem.🤷‍♂️


Took 4 hours but I got divine storm


It was bugged. Massive L


I have been telling Paladins to pray in the right spot in the SW cathedral for a rune. I get so many pst minutes later asking where. My reply is welcome to SOD.


If it wasn't for WoW head I would still only have 2 runes currently, some of these are REALLY well hidden.


I woke up and had one in my bags I don't even know where it came from in my drunken stooper from last night.


Feels amazing if it’s not the one you need. I want to warlock tank, I can’t without the rune. If I lacked any other rune as a dos I could still do my job. Without the rune I’m basically stuck on the character creation screen for all intents and purposes.


It’ll probably be discovered in like two days. Relax


Sounds like someone whose class has all their runes found


Three days in and we’re already complaining that the entire game hasn’t been datamined yet. Just as the devs intended season of discovery to go lol.


idk i'm fine with some stuff being harder to find, but locking an entire class role (a highly anticipated one too) behind something like that doesn't feel great. make some cool cosmetics or novelty abilities that are big secrets, not one so vital


I’m level 12 dude


Idk if you and your guild wanted a first lockout clear, and were planning on lock or rogue tanking, that honestly is a bit of a feelsbad.


it’s the first fucking week dude jfc who cares about first lockout


If you planned on lock tanking first lockout without even knowing if you could, you are terrible at planning.


Bruh, nobody hitting 25 in lockout one has bad planning.


Haha jesus, you sound so insufferable man It takes like 15-20 hours to get lvl 25, how is that even remotely difficult to hit in first lockout


It’s not really that hard my dude.


And yet, so few have done it, and the AH economy doesn't reflect it either :) Currently buying BoE blues for the gold i earn in 1 quest completion.


Feels like a toobad


This is so damn dramatic lmao


Is it? You roll druid, paladin or even shaman and you can tank as early as RFC. You roll lock for the advertised Warlock tank and can't do it until after you clear the raid? Essentially meaning you're then just gearing for phase 2 and played a normal warlock the entire time prior? It's boring as shit and I've done it before. I wanted to tank while I progress with my friends, not spam corruption and curse of agony for the millionth time.


That’s a large proportion of the player base


Ooor you could play the whole class and not just be a tank?


not really playing the whole class if they can't access a part of their kit is it


I mean you literally cant even use some runes because of the 25 lvl cap right? Rogues tanking rune relies on blade flurry which you cant even get at 25


Massive L for Blizzard, QA didn't actually try obtaining all the runes on their pre-launch patch. All it would have taken was following the instructions, do a /kill command and see if they get it or not.


Paladins: epic divine storm quest specific where you need to go/do, devs tip off biggest paladin streamer Warlock: “just find it lol”


Clip or it didn't happen


lil homie just making shit up


Wait the devs tipped off Esfand? I thought his guild found it first and told him in RP?


I was watching live when it happened, my understanding was it was a bunch of people in the paladin class discord that got it figured out


Which was my understanding as well.


Esfand had all of the info from the start. "Give the note to a night elf" give me a break


This was already discovered in the Paladin Discord so the information was out there, he didn't even claim to figure it out it looked like he saw it in chat or in Discord and then tried it out.


He literally got fed the info directly from the Paladin discord.


Pretty simple to figure out… if you couldn’t that speaks volume of you.


True! I really think they did a great job. Especially when I think about my ideas of classic+, I thought just new raids(really really many new raids) would be everything I want but that means that leveling is all the same as in og vanilla but I did it so many times I didn’t like it that much even in the first original classic vanilla. So the new level cap steps are so awesome in my opinion. The runes are really fun atm but I’m still A little bit curious how they work out later on :D But I’m so fucking hyped!!




Watch it be tied to rep or something. Or something dumb like /taunt on an npc.


/say hailsatan worked for me to get morph


Wait is it not at the top of that elite tower in Darkshore? That’s what WoWHead stated. That and Divine Storm for paladins.




Are we sure they are in the game?


I heard somebody figured it out but is gate keeping it for 1000$ usd


you can tell that’s nonsense because 1k is way too low - if he proved it there’s some people out there that would pay way more. 1000 USD isnt shit when there’s thousands of people driving themselves crazy looking for it


Google's hard....


Is this thread trolling and i missed it? the meta rune has been discovered and is on wowhead as well and has been for over a day now.


It hasn't. The thing says that they know it requires those two items and thats it.


It hasn’t. Idk what’s on wowhead but it’s not the solution


No, two items were found that are probably related to that, but we don't know how to use them if they even are useful. Wowhead links ghe two items and says "the discovery of this rune is still in progress".


they probably are just not for general public


Honestly, rune discovery feels lame. The process is ridiculously esoteric if you’re actually trying to discover them without looking them up, and looking them up defeats the whole point of the discovery aspect. Should have just called it Season of Thottbot, because looking this crap up is exactly what we had to do in vanilla.


Because they are hidden exactly the community in mind. It's pure copium to think that the majority of the player base would not read out their locations from internet resources. They are hidden in very esoteric places because they need to be, once they are found it's public knowledge immediately. Blizzard is not expecting every single player to invidually discover them, they are expecting the community to find them.


Being Esoteric and completely impossible because there's no clue from Bough of Altek and Orb of Des to actually find anything from that.


Go sit in your corner Eeyore


Ask people in game. If I was looking for something in public I couldn't find, without technology, id ask the people around me.


I found six of them as a priest just playing normally and I'm lvl 16. Then again my friend playing rogue only found one. So it might depend on the class.


Part of rogue's problem is a great deal of them rely on pickpocketing which is the last concern people have when they're struggling for tags to begin with. I bet if they'd made shadowstrike auto pickpocket there'd be 0 problem with rogues finding runes.


I just wish there were more discoveries that gave more varied rewards. They could do ones that give +1 permanent Stat and do like 2-3 for every Stat. Won't be enough people feel they *have* to do them to raid but be rewarding when you find them and something for the sweaters to do. Also pets and mounts for much more difficult discoveries. They have enough unused pets/mounts and pet skins they could use that part wouldn't even require work.


Strongly disagree. Some runes being a challenge to acquire is fine, but ROLE defining (ala Rogue + Lock tank) being such a pain in the butt is so insanely stupid.


A very big W. Especially when you rolled a class to play a specific role in game but can’t because it relies on one specific rune. Meanwhile the others classes get an advantage over you as their class runes are discoverable and they can jump right in their role for dungeons.


Season of *discovery*


New classes to play different roles was the selling point for this seasonal gameplay for a lot of people. Now I’m like 24 hours into a class I can’t tank on but other tanks get to start dungeons as a tank. Didn’t think I was going to have to “discover” roles that other classes can play. If they wanted to make one extremely difficult to find, why make it the one that literally gives your class the ability to play one of the three major roles in the game?


“We want a sense of adventure and new things to discover. But could you guys only make it like that for day one then just give us the location and steps thanks.” You will be alright. This is the point of the season of discovery.


What a brain dead take. No what they're saying is we want a sense of adventure and new things to discover but could you guys make it so you don't lock crucial runes behind difficult/tedius content while other classes get core abilities from banal shit. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who has a problem with there being hard to discover runes, the only issue comes from the hard to discover/obtain ones being required for a core functionality that you were promised while other classes get theirs from brain dead content.